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Curriculum Vitae


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Curriculum Vitae

Philippe Polom´e Mai 2013



93 chemin des Mouilles - B.P.167 69131 - ECULLY c´edex France T´el. +33(0) 472 86 60 76

Mail polome@gate.cnrs.fr

www.gate.cnrs.fr/perso/polome Particulars

Naissance 6 juin 1967 `a Namur (Belgique) Belge, PACS, 2 enfants



1.1 Postes occup´es

Depuis sept. 2008 Professeur des Universit´es, Universit´e Lyon 2

Sept. 2007 – aoˆut 2008 Professeur Associ´e (PAST), Universit´e Lyon 2

2002–2007 Charg´e de Recherche, unit´e d’Economie Rurale (ECRU), Universit´e catholique de Louvain

2001–2004 Chercheur contractuel, Water Engineering and Management (WEM), Universiteit Twente, Pays-Bas

2001–2002 Chercheur contractuel, International Center for Integrated Studies (ICIS), Universiteit Maastricht, Pays-Bas

1997–2000 Professeur invit´e (´equivalent de professeur associ´e), d´epartement d’´economie appliqu´ee, Universidade de Vigo, Espagne

1994–1998 Doctorant en analyse ´economique, d´epartement d’analyse ´economique, Universitat Aut`onoma de Barcelona, Programme IDEA (International Doc- torate in Economic Analysis)

1.2 Responsabilit´es

Direction de diplˆome

– M2 Recherche GAEXA depuis 2008/09

– Fusion avec M2R U Jean Monnet en 2009/10

– M2 Pro RISE Risque & Environnement depuis son ouverture en 2012/13 Pr´esident de la Commission Scientifique Sp´ecialis´ee ´Economie & Sociologie de

l’INRA depuis 2012 International

– Responsable p´edagogique programme Minerve ´Economie Espagnol – Cr´eation et direction

– Double Diplˆome licence & master U Lyon 2 & U Castell´on (Espagne) – Accord d’accueil U Normale de P´ekin

– Accord d’accueil U Nationale d’´Economie de Kharkov ARC Environnement R´egion Rhˆone Alpes depuis 2011

– Animateur Axe Mod´elisation & SHS – Repr´esentant UL2 au CA

IMU Labex Intelligence des Mondes Urbains depuis sa cr´eation en 2011 – Correspondant laboratoire GATE


– Comit´e de Pr´efiguration du Labex

– Animateur Axe Urbanisations, Mondialisations, Capitalismes 2011–13 – Animateur Axe R´esilience, Risque, S´ecurit´e, Vuln´erabilit´e, Sant´e depuis


Charges de mission pour la pr´esidence de l’Universit´e Lyon 2

– Relations de recherche avec l’´Ecole Centrale de Lyon en ´economie, 2009/10 – Interactions avec projet Yin-Yang (EM Lyon – EC Lyon), 2011

– Exploration Relations Internationales : P´ekin & Cuba 2011/12 Laboratoire GATE-LSE - CNRS UMR 5824 - Universit´e Lyon 2

– Membre depuis septembre 2007

– Responsable de l’axe Espace et Environnement & membre du conseil du laboratoire : Sept. 2009 – mai 2012

Chercheur invit´e Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal : D´ec. 2000 Co-fondateur groupe de recherche Nature, forˆet et soci´et´e, 2006

1.3 Activit´es d’´evaluation

Articles Coastal Engineering, Ecological Economics, Economic and Social Re- view, Economic Letters, Economie et Statistique, Environmental and Re- source Economics, Experimental Economics, Investigaciones Econ´omicas, Jour- nal of Agricultural Economics, Journal of Agricultural Science and Tech- nology, Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organisation, Revue fran¸caise d’´Economie

Unit´es de recherche

– Pour l’AERES : 3 unit´es, en tant que pr´esident – Pour l’INRA : 2 unit´es

Rapporteur 2 th`eses & une HDR

Membre du Groupe d’Expert Interne (recrutement Fac. ´Economie, U. Lyon 2) depuis 2009

Associate Editor Open Ocean Engineering Journal : 2005 – 2010

Projets de recherche pour le minist`ere de l’´ecologie, du d´eveloppement durable et de l’´energie


2 ´ Education – Rapports diplˆomants

Habilitation `a diriger des recherches

Evaluation de la provision optimale de biens et services environnementaux´ – Soutenance publique 17 12 2008 Universit´e Lumi`ere Lyon 2

– Jury

– Alban Thomas (DR INRA, Universit´e des Sciences Sociales, Toulouse) – Pr. Gilles Rotillon (Universit´e Paris X-Nanterre)

– Pr. Jean-Yves Lesueur (GATE, Universit´e Lyon 2) – Pr. Morgane Chev´e (CARE, Universit´e du Havre) – Pr. Bertrand Villeneuve (CREST, Universit´e de Tours).

Th`ese de doctorat en analyse ´economique

Three Essays on Validating Contingent Valuation

– Soutenance publique 21 12 1998 Universitat Aut`onoma de Barcelona

– Supervis´ee par le Professeur M. Creel dans le cadre de l’International Doc- torate in Economic Analysis (IDEA) – r´eseau ENTER (financ´e par le pro- gramme europ´een Marie Curie)

– Jury :

– Pr. Jordi Brandts (CSIC, Universidade Aut`onoma de Barcelona, Espagne) – Pr. Bengt Kristr¨om (Forest University Ume˚a, Su`ede)

– Pr. Carmelo Le´on (Universidad Gran Canarias, Espagne) – Pr. Eul`alia Dalmau (Universidade Girona, Espagne)

– Pr. Giuseppe Munda (Universidade Aut`onoma de Barcelona, Espagne).

Grade de chercheur qualifi´e (Belgique) : Mai 2007



3.1 Cours de pleine responsabilit´e

Intitul´e Charge Niveau Langue P´eriode Lieu

Economie de l’environnement 30h/an M2 Fr. 11/12pr´esent E C Lyon Applied Econometrics : Panel Data 21h/an M2 Ang. 10/11pr´esent U Lyon2

Econom´etrie II´ 30h/an L3 Fr. 09/10pr´esent U Lyon2 Applied Econometrics : Programming 12h/an M2R Ang. 08/0911/12 U Lyon2 Statistique et soins de sant´e 21h/an M2 Ang. 07/0809/10 U Lyon2 Lectures in Applied Econometrics 21h/an M1 Fr. 07/08pr´esent U Lyon2 Introduction `a l’´econom´etrie 21h/an M1 Fr. 07/0811/12 U Lyon2 Math´ematiques 21h/an L3 Fr. 07/0809/10 U Lyon2 Economie publique I´ 21h/an L3 Fr. 07/0811/12 U Lyon2 Economie publique II´ 21h/an M1 Fr. 07/08pr´esent U Lyon2 Analyse des march´es agricoles 15h/an M2 Fr. 05/06 U C Louvain

Econom´etrie´ 120h/an M1 Esp. 97/9899/00 U Vigo

Econom´etrie´ 10h/an M2 Esp. 99/00 U Vigo

Introduction `a l’´economie exp´erimentale 60h/an L Esp. 99/00 U Vigo

Analyse ´economique appliqu´ee 60h/an M1 Esp. 98/9999/00 U Vigo

3.2 Encadrements et co-encadrements

Th`eses de doctorat – soutenues : 2 – en cours : 1

M´emoires – Universit´e Lyon 2 ; Universidade de Vigo ; Universit´e catholique de Louvain

– Niveau M2 : plusieurs dizaines – Niveau M1 : plusieurs dizaines

3.3 Travaux dirig´es


Niveau Langue P´eriode Lieu


L Esp. 94-97

U Aut`onoma de Barcelona Econom´etrie


M2 Ang. 93-94 Macro´economie

Macro´economie L Fr. 91-92 U Libre de Bruxelles


3.4 Conf´erences

– Environmental Valuation in Economic Analysis ; ´Ecole Normale Sup´erieure, Lyon 2012 ; Summer school in Integrated Assessment, 2004 ; U Twente, 2002 – Economic Evaluation of Health Programs ; U Maastricht, 2001

– Economy and Ecology ; U Maastricht, 2001



4.1 Publications scientifiques de r´esultats originaux

4.1.1 Articles scientifiques dans p´eriodiques `a comit´e de lecture

[1] M. Gonz´alez, X. Gonz´alez, A. Prada, and P. Polom´e. Public management in a tourism natural area. Tourism Economics, 7(3) :251–265, 2001.

[2] M. Gonz´alez, A. Prada, and P. Polom´e. On-site interviews of visitors in a publicly managed natural area : Information and benefit estimates biases.

Hacienda P´ublica Espa˜nola, 158(3) :31–52, 2001.

[3] M. Gonz´alez, A. Prada, and P. Polom´e. Specifications and sampling considera- tions in natural areas demand estimation : The illas c´ıes in galicia. Econom´ıa Agraria y de los Recursos Naturales, 1(2), 2001.

[4] G. Bergantinos, P. Polom´e, and J. M. Da Rocha. The spanish research in economics : 1995-99. Investigaciones Econ´omicas, 26(2) :373–92, 2002.

[5] P. Polom´e. Experimental evidence on deliberate misrepresentation in referen- dum contingent valuation. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 52(3) :387–401, 2003.

[6] M. A. Cunha e S´a, M. M. Ducla-Soares, L. Catela Nunes, and P. Polom´e.

Consistency in mixed demand systems : An application to contingent va- luation and travel cost data. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 86(2) :444–54, 2004.

[7] P. Polom´e, A. van der Veen, and S. Marzetti. Economic and social demand for coastal protection. Coastal Engineering, 52(10-11) :819–840, 2005.

[8] P. Polom´e, A. van der Veen, and P. Geurts. Is referendum the same as di- chotomous choice contingent valuation ? Land Economics, 82(2) :174–188, 2006.

[9] J. Buysse, B. Fernagut, O. Harmignie, B. Henry de Frahan, L. Lauwers, P. Po- lom´e, G. Van Huylenbroeck, and J. Van Meensel. Farm-based modelling of the eu sugar reform : Impact on belgian sugar beet suppliers. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 34(1), 2007.

[10] A. Baudry, B. Henry de Frahan, and P. Polom´e. Modelling the reform of the milk sector. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 40, 2011.


4.1.2 Ouvrage entier

[11] M. Gonz´alez, X. Gonz´alez, M. X. V´azquez, A. Prada, and P. Polom´e. Eco- nomic Valuation of the Natural Heritage, volume 200 pages of Fundaci´on P.

Barri´e de la Maza. Instituto de Estudios Econ´omicos de Galicia, A Coru˜na, 2001.

4.1.3 Chapitres d’ouvrages

[12] J. Buysse, B. Fernagut, O. Harmignie, B. Henry de Frahan, G. van Huylen- broeck, L. Lauwers, J. van Meensel, and P. Polom´e. Management of Natural Resources : A Handbook of Operations Research Models, Algorithms, and Im- plementations, chapter Positive Mathematical Programming for Agricultural and Environmental Policy Analysis : Review and Practice. Kluwers Interna- tional Series in Operations Research and Management Science. Kluwer Aca- demic, 2006.

[13] M. Gonz´alez, A. Prada, and P. Polom´e. Environmental Economics and So- ciety, chapter Use and Conservation Values of the Natural Heritage in Galicia, page 21. Consello da Cultura Galega, Santiago de Compostela, 2001.

[14] M. Gonz´alez, A. Prada, and P. Polom´e. Tourism and the Environment, chap- ter Public Management of a Popular Protected Nature Area : An Application to the C´ıes Islands, page 19. Dublin Institute of Technology, 2002.

[15] M. Gonz´alez, A. Prada, and P. Polom´e. Turismo y Medio Ambiente, chapter Social Return of the Natural Heritage : Value from the Visits and Value of Conservation for the C´ıes Islands, page 26. C´ıvitas, Madrid, 2001.

4.1.4 S´eminaires sur invitation

[16] P. Polom´e. External validation of the contingent valuation method. Economics Department Seminar Series, Universidade de Vigo, 1997.

[17] P. Polom´e. Combining contingent valuation and revealed preferences by si- mulated maximum likelihood. Economics Department Seminar Series, Uni- versidade de Vigo, 1999.

[18] P. Polom´e. Combining contingent valuation and revealed preferences by si- mulated maximum likelihood. Economics Department Seminar Series, Uni- versidade Nova Lisboa, 1999.

[19] M. A. Cunha e S´a, M. M. Ducla-Soares, L. Catela Nunes, and P. Polom´e. Com- bining cv and travel cost survey data : on the relationship between consistency


and rationality. Agricultural Economics Seminar Series, Universit´e catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, 2002.

[20] P. Polom´e, A. van der Veen, and P. Geurts. Is referendum the same as dicho- tomous choice contingent valuation ? Agricultural Economics Seminar Series, Universit´e catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, 2003.

[21] P. Polom´e, A. van der Veen, and P. Geurts. Is referendum the same as dicho- tomous choice contingent valuation ? CORE econometrics seminar, Universit´e catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, 2005.

[22] P. Polom´e. Farm-level acreage allocation under risk. GAEL seminar series, Universit´e Pierre Mendes France, Grenoble, 2008.

[23] P. Polom´e, A. Baudry, and B. Henry de Frahan. Farm-level acreage allocation under risk. GATE Seminar Series, Lyon, 2008.

[24] P. Polom´e. Consistency between contingent valuation and travel cost. CREU- SET seminar series, Universit´e Jean Monnet, Saint-´Etienne, 2009.

4.1.5 Communications actives dans des manifestations scientifiques `a comit´e de s´election [25] P. Polom´e. A technique of welfare inference using voluntary contribu-

tions to environmental quality. Simposio de An´alisis Econ´omico, Universitat Aut`onoma de Barcelona, 1997.

[26] P. Polom´e. On combining contingent valuation and revealed preferences data.

Encontro Galego de Novos Investigadores, Universidade de Santiago de Com- postela, 1998.

[27] P. Polom´e. On combining contingent valuation and revealed preferences data.

Simposio de An´alisis Econ´omico, Universitat Aut`onoma de Barcelona, 1998.

[28] P. Polom´e. A technique of welfare inference using voluntary contributions to environmental quality. ENTER Jamboree, Universitat Aut`onoma de Barce- lona, 1998.

[29] P. Polom´e. Voting manipulation in contingent valuation : Experimental evi- dence with induced value. World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Venice, 1998.

[30] M. Gonz´alez, P. Polom´e, and A. Prada. Functional forms, sampling considera- tions and estimation of demand for protected natural areas : The c´ıes islands case study in galicia (spain). Encuentro de Econom´ıa Aplicada, Zaragoza, 1999.


[31] P. Polom´e. On combining contingent valuation and revealed preferences data.

European Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Oslo, 1999.

[32] P. Polom´e. Combining contingent valuation and revealed preferences by si- mulated maximum likelihood. European Congress of Environmental and Re- source Economists, Crete, 2000.

[33] P. Polom´e, A. van der Veen, and P. Geurts. Is referendum the same as di- chotomous choice contingent valuation ? European Land Ocean Interaction Studies (ELOISE) Conference, Gdansk, 2003.

[34] P. Polom´e, A. van der Veen, and P. Geurts. Is referendum the same as dicho- tomous choice contingent valuation ? International Conference of the Russian Society for Ecological Economics, Kultushnaya, Siberia, 2003.

[35] P. Polom´e, O. Harmignie, and B. Henry de Frahan. Farm-level acreage allo- cation under risk. Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Longbeach, California, 2006.

[36] P. Polom´e. Aggregative properties of contingent valuation, choice experiment and majority judgement as advisory tools for public decision. SEBA-GATE annual workshop, Lyon, 2011.

[37] I. Jelovac and P. Polom´e. Preferences for demand-side vs. supply-side cost sharing. SEBA-GATE annual workshop, Bijing, 2012.

4.1.6 Communications passives & posters, manifestations scientifiques `a comit´e de s´election

[38] M. Gonz´alez, P. Polom´e, and A. Prada. Economic value of the natural heritage (natura 2000 network) : The analysis of perception as premise to contingent valuation. Congreso Forestal Espa˜nol, Granada, 2001.

[39] B. Amelung, P. Polom´e, and D. S. Rothman. Estimating non-market impacts of climate change and climate policy. OECD Workshop on the Benefits of Climate Policy, Paris, 2002.

[40] J. Buysse, B. Fernagut, O. Harmignie, B. Henry de Frahan, G. van Huylen- broeck, L. Lauwers, J. van Meensel, and P. Polom´e. Reform of the common agricultural policy : Impact analysis for belgium based on the spep methodo- logy. Belgian Association of Rural Economists, Louvain, 2003.


[41] M. A. Cunha e S´a, M. M. Ducla-Soares, L. Catela Nunes, and P. Polom´e.

Combining cv and travel cost survey data : on the relationship between consis- tency and rationality. European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 2003.

[42] J. Buysse, B. Fernagut, O. Harmignie, B. Henry de Frahan, G. van Huylen- broeck, L. Lauwers, J. van Meensel, and P. Polom´e. Modelling the impact of sugar reform on belgian agriculture. ECOMOD International Conference on Policy Modelling, Paris, 2004.

[43] J. Buysse, B. Fernagut, O. Harmignie, B. Henry de Frahan, G. van Huylen- broeck, L. Lauwers, J. van Meensel, and P. Polom´e. Farm-level multi-output cost function : Estimation using entropy estimators. 99th seminar of the Eu- ropean Association of Agricultural Economists, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2005.

[44] J. Buysse, B. Fernagut, O. Harmignie, B. Henry de Frahan, G. van Huylen- broeck, L. Lauwers, J. van Meensel, and P. Polom´e. Farm-level multi-output cost function : Estimation using entropy estimators. 89th Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists, Parma, 2005.

[45] J. Buysse, B. Fernagut, O. Harmignie, B. Henry de Frahan, G. van Huylen- broeck, L. Lauwers, J. van Meensel, and P. Polom´e. Quota in policy analysis models : Deterministic or stochastic approaches ? 89th Seminar of the Euro- pean Association of Agricultural Economists, Parma, 2005.

[46] P. Polom´e, A. Baudry, and B. Henry de Frahan. Inferring the nutrient content of cattle feed : an application of maximum entropy. Belgian Association of Rural Economists Annual Meeting, Louvain, 2006.

[47] A. Baudry, B. Henry de Frahan, R. Howitt, and P. Polom´e. Dairy farms wi- thout quotas. Economics Department Seminar Series, University of California at Davis, 2007.

[48] I. Jelovac and P. Polom´e. Preferences for demand-side vs. supply-side cost sharing. EJC, Montr´eal, 2011.

[49] I. Jelovac and P. Polom´e. Preferences for demand-side vs. supply-side cost sharing. European Health Economics Workshop, Sevilla, 2012.

4.2 Documents de travail et papiers en r´evision

[50] P. Polom´e. Combining contingent valuation and revealed preferences by si- mulated maximum likelihood. Economics Department Working Papers Series, 9903, Universidade de Vigo, Vigo, 1999.


[51] P. Polom´e. Voting manipulation in contingent valuation : Experimental evi- dence with induced value. Economics Department Working Papers Series, 9901, Universidade de Vigo, Vigo, 1999.

[52] M. Gonz´alez, A. Prada, and P. Polom´e. Functional forms, sampling consi- derations and estimation of demand for protected natural areas : The c´ıes islands case study in galicia (spain). IDEGA Working Papers Series Analise Economica, 16, 2001.

[53] P. Polom´e. A technique of welfare inference using voluntary contributions to environmental quality. Mimeo, 2001.

[54] P. Polom´e. Welfare inference with censored intended demand and on-site sampling. Mimeo, 2003.

[55] L. Catela Nunes and P. Polom´e. Estimating binary choice models with on-site samples. Mimeo, 2004.

[56] P. Polom´e, O. Harmignie, and B. Henry de Frahan. Farm-level multi-output cost function : A comparison of least squares and entropy estimators. Mimeo, 2004.

[57] P. Polom´e, O. Harmignie, and B. Henry de Frahan. Multi-equations panel data estimation of farm-level multi-output cost function. Mimeo, 2005.

[58] P. Polom´e, A. Baudry, and B. Henry de Frahan. Inferring the nutrient content of cattle feed : an application of maximum entropy. Mimeo, 2006.

[59] P. Polom´e, O. Harmignie, and B. Henry de Frahan. Farm-level acreage allo- cation under risk. Mimeo, 2007.

[60] P. Polom´e. Aggregative properties of contingent valuation, choice experiment and majority judgement as advisory tools for public decision. Mimeo, 2010.

4.3 Documents `a vocation de transfert

4.3.1 Articles dans p´eriodique sans comit´e de lecture

[61] J. Buysse, B. Fernagut, P. Gabriels, O. Harmignie, B. Henry de Frahan, Lau- wers L., P. Polom´e, G. Van Huylenbroeck, and J. Van Meensel. Mogelijke gevolgen van de suikerhervorming voor de belgische bietenplanters. Ministe- rie van de Vlaamse Gemeeschap, Centrum vorr Landbouweconomie, publicatie 1.13, 2004.


[62] B. Henry de Frahan, K. Elouhichi, O. Harmignie, P. Polom´e, G. Van Huylen- broeck, J. Buysse, L. Lauwers, and B. Fernagut. La pac : une analyse de la r´eforme r´ecente. Regards ´economiques, 19 :2–13, 2004.

[63] Christine Farcy, P. Polom´e, and Charles-Hubert Born. Gestion des biens et services environnementaux en forˆet. Revue Louvain, 188, 2011.

4.3.2 Ouvrages entiers

[64] E. L. Gim´enez, F. X. Lores ´Insua, P. Polom´e, and F. M. de Almeida. Glos- saire Macro´economique : Galicien, Espagnol, Anglais, Fran¸cais, Portugais.

Editions ´area de Normalizaci´on Ling´uistica, Universidade de Vigo, Vigo, 2005.

4.4 Projets de recherches financ´es

4.4.1 Portages

[65] P. Polom´e and B. Henry De Frahan. Adage-rw syst`eme int´egr´e d’aide `a la d´ecision publique agricole et environnementale en r´egion wallonne. Project Proposal Submitted to the Walloon Region Ministry (granted), 2004.

[66] D. Bemelmans P. Polom´e. Mod´elisation des ressources bois-´energie de la r´egion wallonne (2 partenaires). Project Proposal Submitted to the Walloon Region Ministry (granted), 2005.

[67] P. Polom´e, B. Henry De Frahan, and P. Lebrun. Adage-rw syst`eme int´egr´e d’aide `a la d´ecision publique agricole et environnementale en r´egion wallonne (reconduction – 2 partenaires). Project Proposal Submitted to the Walloon Region Ministry (granted), 2006.

[68] P. Polom´e. Evaluation ´economique des b´en´efices non marchands de la´ directive-cadre eau (2 partenaires). Project Proposal Submitted to the Wal- loon Region Ministry (not granted), 2007.

[69] P. Polom´e, S. Robin, and O. Sautel. D´eterminants des comportements proso- ciaux : gestion des d´echets m´enagers (2 partenaires). Project Proposal Sub- mitted to French Agence De l’Environnement et de la Maitrise de l’Energie (not granted), 2009.

[70] P. Polom´e and S. Robin. Vpe : Volontarismes et politiques de gestion de l’en- vironnement (2 partenaires). Project Proposal Submitted to French Agence Nationale de la Recherche Programme ECOSYSTEMES, TERRITOIRES, RESSOURCES VIVANTES ET AGRICULTURES (not granted), 2010.


[71] P. Polom´e. Project biomotion : Motivations for and effects of voluntary ac- tions and biodiversity policies on ecosystem services (8 partenaires). Project Proposal Submitted to ERA-Net BioDiversa (not granted), 2011.

[72] P. Polom´e, N. Rivi`ere, S. Robin, and E. Mignot. Rires : Rejet individuel dans le reseau : Simulation hydrodynamique, comportements individuels et politiques du grand lyon. Project Proposal Submitted to the Labex Intelligence des Mondes Urbains (granted), 2012.

4.4.2 Rapports avec pr´esentation

[73] P. Polom´e. Delos wp 1.3 : Inventory of economic models to value the envi- ronment. EU FP6 DELOS Project Second Workshop, Aalborg, 2001.

[74] P. Polom´e. Delos wp 4.1 : Final report on benefit transfer of coastal defence schemes in the delos project. EU FP6 DELOS Project 2nd Year Meeting, Santander, 2003.

[75] P. Polom´e. Delos wp 4.2 : Case studies on monetary valuation of environ- mental changes : The dutch case study. EU FP6 DELOS Project 2nd Year Meeting, Santander, 2003.

[76] P. Polom´e, A. van der Veen, and S. Marzetti. Economic and social demands for coastal defence. EU FP6 DELOS Project Final Meeting, Ostia (Rome), 2004.

[77] O. Harmignie, P. Polom´e, B. Henry De Frahan, and F. Gaspart. Analyse d’outils de gestion des risques agricoles en r´egion wallonne. Rapport pr´esent´e

`a l’Assembl´ee Pl´eni`ere du Conseil Sup´erieur Wallon de l’Agriculture, l’Agro- alimentaire et l’Alimentation, Namur, 2005.

[78] D. Bemelmans, V. Bemelmans, P. Polom´e, and Q. Ponette. Sensibilit´e du march´e du bois ´energie. Pr´esentation du rapport final, Repr´esentants de la fili`ere du bois en Wallonie, Marche en Famenne, 2006 ; Comit´e de suivi, Mi- nist`ere de la R´egion wallonne, 2006.

[79] P. Polom´e. ´Etude bibliographique des b´en´efices environnementaux non mar- chands de la directive cadre eau. Pr´esentation du rapport final au Comit´e de suivi, Minist`ere de la R´egion wallonne, Namur, 2007.

[80] P. Polom´e. Projet emotif (motivations des acteurs, m´ecanismes incita- tifs et institutions en faveur de la biodiversit´e en forˆet) – mod´elisation

´econom´etrique. Technical report, FRB Fondation pour la Recherche sur la Biodiversit´e, 2010.


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