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Tempered distributions and Fourier transform on the Heisenberg group


Academic year: 2022

Partager "Tempered distributions and Fourier transform on the Heisenberg group"


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H A J E R B A H O U R I J E A N - Y V E S C H E M I N R A P H A Ë L D A N C H I N




Abstract. — We aim at extending the Fourier transform on the Heisenberg group Hd, to tempered distributions. Our motivation is to provide the reader with a hands-on approach that allows for further investigating Fourier analysis and PDEs onHd.

As in the Euclidean setting, the strategy is to show that the Fourier transform is an isomorphism on the Schwartz space, then to define the extension by duality. To achieve it, the Fourier transform of an integrable function is viewed as a uniformly continuous mapping on the setHed=Nd×Nd×R\ {0}, that may be completed to a larger setHedfor some suitable distance. This viewpoint provides a user friendly description of the range of the Schwartz space onHdby the Fourier transform, which makes the extension to the whole set of tempered distributions straightforward.

Keywords:Fourier transform, Heisenberg group, frequency space, tempered distributions, Schwartz space.

2010Mathematics Subject Classification:43A30, 43A80.


(*) The authors are deeply indebted to the anonymous referees for their very complete reading of the manuscript. Their long list of remarks and constructive suggestions greatly contributed to improve the final version of this work.


To highlight the strength of our approach, we give examples of computations of Fourier transforms of tempered distributions that do not correspond to integrable or square integrable functions. The most striking one is a formula for the Fourier transform of functions onHd that are independent of the vertical variable, an open question, to the best of our knowledge.

Résumé. — Dans cet article, on s’intéresse à l’extension de la transformation de Fourier sur le groupe de Heisenberg Hd, aux distributions tempérées. Notre but est de donner au lecteur un cadre adapté à l’étude de l’analyse de Fourier et des EDP surHd.

Comme dansRn, il s’agit en premier lieu de montrer que la transformation de Fourier est un isomorphisme sur l’espace de Schwartz, puis d’étendre sa définition par dualité aux distributions tempérées. Pour ce faire, on définit la transformée de Fourier d’une fonction intégrable comme étant une fonction uniformément continue sur l’ensembleHed=Nd×Nd×R\ {0}, qui peut être complété en un ensemble Hed pour une distance adéquate. Ce point de vue donne une caractérisation simple de l’image de l’espace de Schwartz sur Hd par la transformation de Fourier, permettant ainsi d’étendre sa définition à l’ensemble des distributions tempérées.

Pour illustrer la puissance de notre approche, on donne quelques exemples de calculs explicites de transformées de Fourier de fonctions ou distributions tempérées qui ne correspondent pas à des fonctions intégrables ou de carrés intégrables. Le plus spectaculaire est l’obtention d’une formule explicite pour la transformée de Fourier de fonctions régulières indépendantes de la variable verticale. Pour répondre à cette question de façon simple, avoir pris le soin de le compléter au préalable l’espace des fréquencesHed s’avère fondamental.

1. Introduction

The present work aims at extending Fourier analysis on the Heisenberg group to tempered distributions. It is by now very classical that in the case of a commutative group, the Fourier transform is a function on the group of characters. In the Euclidean spaceRn the group of characters may be identified with the dual space (Rn)? of Rn through the mapξ7→eihξ,· i, wherehξ,· i designate the value of the one-formξ when applied to elements of Rn, and the Fourier transform of an integrable function f may be seen as the function on (Rn)?, defined by

(1.1) F(f)(ξ) = f(ξ)b def=



e−ihξ,xif(x) dx.

A fundamental fact of the distribution theory onRn is that the Fourier transform is a bi-continuous isomorphism on the Schwartz space S(Rn) – the set of smooth functions whose derivatives decay at infinity faster than any power. Hence, one can define the transposed Fourier transform tF on the so-called set of tempered distributionsS0(Rn), that is the topological dual of S(Rn) (see e.g. [Rud62, Sch98]

for a self-contained presentation). As the whole distribution theory onRnis based on identifying locally integrable functions with linear forms by means of the Lebesgue integral, one can look for a more direct relationship betweentF andF, by considering the following bilinear form onS(Rn)× S(Rn):

(1.2) BR(f, φ)def=



f(x)e−ihξ,xiφ(ξ) dxdξ,

where the cotangent bundleT?Rn ofRn is identified with Rn×(Rn)?. This allows to identifytF|S((Rn)?) with F|S(Rn), and it is thus natural to define the extension of


F onS0(Rn) to be tF, that is,

(1.3) ∀(T, φ)∈ S0(Rn)× S(Rn), hFT, φiS0(Rn)×S(Rn)

def= hT,FφiS0(Rn)×S(Rn). We aim at implementing that procedure on the Heisenberg group Hd. As in the Euclidean case, to achieve our goal, it is fundamental to have a handy characterization of the range of the Schwartz space onHdby the Fourier transform. The first attempt in that direction goes back to the pioneering works by D. Geller in [Gel77, Gel80] (see also [ADBR13, Far10, LT14] and the references therein). However, the description of F(S(Hd)) that is given therein relies on complicated asymptotic series, so that whether it allows to extend the Fourier transform to tempered distribution is unclear.

We here aim at presenting a rather elementary description of F(S(Hd)) that is based on the approach that we developed recently in[BCD]. Our motivation is threefold. First, our approach enables us to recover easily different classical but highly nontrivial results like the fact that the fundamental solution of the heat flow or kernels of multipliers of the forma(−∆H) witha∈ S(R), belong toS(Hd). Second, we are able to compute explicitly the Fourier transform of a number of functions which are not integrable like, for instance, that of functions that are independent of the vertical variable. Third, having a complete description of both F(S(Hd)) and F(S0(Hd)) gives us a solid basis to tackle more complicated Fourier analysis issues, with applications to Partial Differential Equations.

At this stage of the paper, we have to recall the definitions of the Heisenberg groupHd and of the Fourier transform onHd, and a few basic properties. We shall defineHd to be the set T?Rd×R equipped with the product law

w·w0 def= (Y +Y0, s+s0+ 2σ(Y, Y0)) = (y+y0, η+η0, s+s0+ 2hη, y0i −2hη0, yi) where w = (Y, s) = (y, η, s) and w0 = (Y0, s0) = (y0, η0, s0) are generic elements of Hd. In the above definition, the notation h ·,· i designates the duality bracket between (Rd)? and Rd and σ is the canonical symplectic form on R2d, seen as T?Rd. This gives Hd the structure of a non commutative group for which w−1 =−w. The reader will find more details in the books [BFKG12, FH84, FR14, Fol89, FS82, Ste93, Tay86, Tha98] and in the references therein.

In accordance with the above product formula, one can define the set of the dilations on the Heisenberg group to be the family of operators (δa)a>0 given by (1.4) δa(w) = δa(Y, s)def= (aY, a2s).

Note that dilations commute with the product law on Hd, that is δa(w ·w0) = δa(w)·δa(w0). Furthermore, as the determinant of δa (seen as an automorphism of R2d+1) is a2d+2, the homogeneous dimension of Hd is N def= 2d+ 2.

The Heisenberg group is endowed with a smooth left invariant Haar measure, which, in the coordinate system (y, η, s) is just the Lebesgue measure onR2d+1. The corresponding Lebesgue spaces Lp(Hd) are thus the sets of measurable functions f :Hd→C such that

kfkLp(Hd) def=





<∞, if 16p <∞, with the standard modification ifp=∞.


The convolution product of any two integrable functionsf and g is given by f ? g(w)def=



f(w·v−1)g(v) dv =



f(v)g(v−1·w) dv.

As in the Euclidean case, the convolution product is an associative binary operation on the set of integrable functions. Even though it is no longer commutative, the following Young inequalities hold true:

kf ? gkLr 6kfkLpkgkLq, whenever 16p, q, r6∞ and 1 r = 1

p+ 1 q −1.

TheSchwartz spaceS(Hd) corresponds to the Schwartz spaceS(R2d+1) (an equiva- lent definition involving the Heisenberg structure will be provided in Appendix A.3).

As the Heisenberg group is noncommutative, defining the Fourier transform of integrable functions onHd, by a formula similar to (1.1) is no longer relevant. One has to use a more elaborate family of irreducible representations of Hd, all of them being unitary equivalent (see e.g. [Tay86, Chapter 2]) to theSchrödinger representa- tion (Uλ)λ∈R\{0} which is the family of group homomorphismsw7→Uwλ between Hd and the unitary groupU(L2(Rd)) of L2(Rd) defined for all w= (y, η, s) in Hd andu inL2(Rd) by

Uwλu(x)def= e−iλ(s+2hη,x−yi)u(x−2y).

The standard definition of the Fourier transform then reads as follows.

Definition 1.1. — Forf inL1(Hd) and λ in R\ {0}, we define FH(f)(λ)def=




The function FH(f) which takes values in the space of bounded operators on L2(Rd) is, by definition, the Fourier transform of f.

An obvious drawback of Definition 1.1 is thatFHf is not a complex valued function on some “frequency space”, but a much more complicated object. Consequently, one can hardly expect to have a simple characterization of the range of the Schwartz space byFH, allowing for our extending the Fourier transform to tempered distributions.

To overcome that difficulty, we proposed in our recent paper[BCD] an alternative (equivalent) definition that makes the Fourier transform of any integrable function on Hd, a continuous function on another (explicit) setHbdendowed with some distanced.b

Before giving our definition, we need to introduce some notation. Let us first recall that the Lie algebra of left invariant vector fields on Hd, that is vector fields commuting with any left translationτw(w0)def= w·w0, is spanned by the vector fields (1.5) S def= s, Xj def= yj + 2ηjs and Ξj def= ηj −2yjs, 16j 6d.

The sublaplacian associated to the vector fields (Xj)16j6d and (Ξj)16j6d is defined by

(1.6) ∆H def=




(Xj2+ Ξ2j),


and may be rewritten in terms of the usual derivatives as follows:

Hf(Y, s) = ∆Yf(Y, s) + 4




jyjyjηj)∂sf(Y, s) + 4|Y|2s2f(Y, s).

The sublaplacian plays a fundamental role in the Fourier theory of the Heisenberg group. The starting point is the following relation that holds true for all functionsf in the Schwartz space (see e.g.[Hue76, Olv74]):

(1.7) FH(∆Hf)(λ) = 4FH(f)(λ)◦∆λosc with ∆λoscu(x)def=





In order to take advantage of the spectral structure of the harmonic oscillator, we introduce the corresponding eigenvectors, that is the family of Hermite func- tions (Hn)n∈Nd defined by


1 2|n|n!


CnH0 with Cndef=




Cjnj and H0(x)def= πd2e|x|

2 2 ,

where Cj def= −∂j +Mj stands for the creation operator with respect to the j-th variable and Mj is the multiplication operator defined by Mju(x)def= xju(x).

As usual, for any multi-index n in Nd, n! def= n1!... nd! and |n| def= n1 +...+nd stands for the length ofn (not to be confused with the Euclidean norm that we shall sometimes denote in the same way for elements ofRd).

Recall that (Hn)n∈Nd is an orthonormal basis of L2(Rd), and that we have (−∂j2+Mj2)Hn = (2nj + 1)Hn and thus −∆1oscHn = (2|n|+d)Hn. For λ in R\ {0}, we finally introduce the rescaled Hermite function Hn,λ(x) def=

|λ|d4Hn(|λ|12x). It is obvious that (Hn,λ)n∈Nd is still an orthonormal basis of L2(Rd) and that

(1.8) (−∂j22Mj2)Hn,λ = (2nj+ 1)|λ|Hn,λ and −∆λoscHn,λ= (2|n|+d)|λ|Hn,λ. Our alternative definition of the Fourier transform onHd then reads as follows:

Definition 1.2. — Let Hed def= N2d×R\ {0}, and denote by wb = (n, m, λ) a generic point of Hed. For f in L1(Hd), we define the map FHf (also denoted by fbH) to be

FHf :

Hed −→ C

wb 7−→ (FH(f)(λ)Hm,λ|Hn,λ)L2.

To underline the similarity between that definition and the classical one inRn, one may further compute (FH(f)(λ)Hm,λ|Hn,λ)L2. One can observe that, after a change of variable, the Fourier transform recasts in terms of the mean value of f modulated by some oscillatory functionswhich are closely related to Wigner transforms of Hermite


functions, namely

FHf(w) =b



eisλW(w, Yb )f(Y, s) dY ds (1.9)

with W(w, Yb )def=



e2iλhη,ziHn,λ(y+z)Hm,λ(−y+z) dz.


With this new point of view, Formula (1.7) recasts as follows:

FH(∆Hf)(w) =b −4|λ|(2|m|+d)fbH(w).b

Furthermore, if we endow the set Hed with the measuredwb defined by the relation



θ(w)b dwb def= X




θ(n, m, λ)|λ|ddλ,

then the classical inversion formula and Fourier–Plancherel theorem become:

Theorem 1.3. — Let f be a function in S(Hd). Then we have the inversion formula

(1.11) f(w) = 2d−1 πd+1

Z eHd

eisλW(w, Yb )fbH(w) db wb for any w inHd,

and the Fourier transform FH can be extended to a bicontinuous isomorphism be- tween the spaces L2(Hd) and L2(Hed), that satisfies

(1.12) kfbHk2L2(

eHd)= πd+1


Finally, for any couple(f, g)of integrable functions, the following convolution identity holds true:

(1.13) FH(f ? g)(n, m, λ) = (fbH·gbH)(n, m, λ)

with (fbH ·gbH)(n, m, λ)def= X


fbH(n, `, λ)gbH(`, m, λ).

For the reader’s convenience, we shall present a proof of Theorem 1.3 in the appendix.

2. Main results

As already mentioned, our final goal is to extend the Fourier transform to tempered distributions onHd. If we follow the standard approach of the Euclidean setting that is described by (1.2) and (1.3), then the main difficulty is to get a description of the rangeS(Hed) of S(Hd) by FH that allows to find out some bilinear form BH for identifying tFH with FH.

Here, we first present results pertaining to the characterization of the set S(Hed), then exhibit a large class of functions of S(Hed) that, in particular, contains the Fourier transform of the heat kernel. Third, we go to examples of tempered distri- butions on the frequency setHed and, finally, to computations of Fourier transform of tempered distributions (with a special attention to functions independent of the vertical variable).


To characterizeFH(S(Hd)), we first have to keep in mind that, as in the Euclidean setting, we expect the Fourier transform to change the regularity of functions onHd to decay of the Fourier transform. This is achieved in the following lemma that has been proved in [BCD].

Lemma 2.1. — For any integerp, there exist an integerNp and a positive constant Cp such that for all wb inHed and all f in S(Hd), we have

(2.1) (1 +|λ|(|n|+|m|+d) +|n−m|)p|fbH(n, m, λ)|6CpkfkNp,S, where k · kN,S denotes the classical family of semi-norms of S(R2d+1), namely

kfkN,S def

= sup


(1 +|Y|2+s2)N/2Y,sα f


The second property we expect to have is that the Fourier transform changes decay into regularity. As in the Euclidean case, this is closely related to how it acts on weight functions: we expectFH to transform multiplication by a (suitable) weight function into a derivative operator on Hed. So far however, we lack a notion of differentiation on Hed that could fit the scope. This is the aim of the following definition (see also Proposition A.3 in Appendix):

Definition 2.2. — For any functionθ :Hed→C we define (2.2) ∆θ(b w)b def= − 1


+ 1 2|λ|





(nj + 1)(mj + 1)θ(wb+j ) +√


and, if in addition θ is differentiable with respect toλ, (2.3) Dbλθ(w)b def= dθ

dλ(w) +b dθ(w)b

+ 1 2λ




njmjθ(wbj )−q(nj+1)(mj+1)θ(wb+j )


where wbj±def= (n±δj, m±δj, λ)andδj denotes the element ofNdwith all components equal to 0 except the j-th which has value 1.

The notation in the above definition is justified by the following lemma that will be proved in Subsection 3.2.

Lemma 2.3. — LetM2 andM0 be the multiplication operators defined onS(Hd) by

(2.4) (M2f)(Y, s)def= |Y|2f(Y, s) and M0f(Y, s)def= −isf(Y, s).

Then for all f in S(Hd), the following two relations hold true on Hed: FHM2f =−∆Fb Hf and FH(M0f) =DbλFHf.


The third aspect of regularity for functions inFH(S(Hd)) we have to underline is the link between their values for positive λ and negative λ. This link is crucial in the computation of M0FH−1 which is done in the proof of the inversion theorem in the Schwartz spaceS(Hd). That property has no equivalent in the Euclidean setting, and is described in the following lemma:

Lemma 2.4. — Let us consider on S(Hd) the operator P defined by (2.5) P(f)(Y, s)def= 1


Z s


(f(Y, s0)−f(Y,−s0)) ds0.

Then, P maps continuously S(Hd) to S(Hd) and, for any f in S(Hd) andwb in Hed, we have 2iFH(Pf) =Σb0(FHf) with

(2.6) Σb0(θ)(w)b def= θ(n, m, λ)−(−1)|n+m|θ(m, n,−λ)

λ .

Technically, the above weird relation stems from the fact that the function W fulfills:

(2.7) ∀(n, m, λ, Y)∈Hed×T?Rd, W(n, m, λ, Y) = (−1)|n+m|W(m, n,−λ, Y).

Note that, since the left-hand side of (2.6) belongs to the spaceFH(S(Hd)) that is the natural candidate for beingS(Hed), we need to prescribe in addition to the decay properties pointed out in Lemmas 2.1 and 2.3 some condition involving Σb0. This motivates the following definition.

Definition 2.5. — We defineS(Hed)to be the set of functionsθon Hedsuch that:

• for any (n, m)in N2d, the map λ 7−→θ(n, m, λ) is smooth on R\ {0},

• for any non negative integer N, the functions ∆bNθ, DbλNθ and Σb0DbNλθ decay faster than any power of db0(w)b def= |λ|(|n+m|+d) +|m−n|.

We equip S(Hed) with the family of semi-norms kθkN,N0,S(eHd)

def= sup

w∈b bHd

1 +db0(w)b N|∆bN0θ(w)|b +|DbλN0θ(w)|b +|Σb0DbλN0θ(w)|b . Clearly, the above definition of semi-norms guarantees that there exist an integerK and a positive real numberC so that the following inequality holds true:

(2.8) kθkL1(

eHd) 6CkθkK,0,S(


More importantly, we have the following isomorphism theorem.

Theorem 2.6. — The Fourier transform FH is a bicontinuous isomorphism be- tween S(Hd) and S(Hed), and the inverse map is given by

(2.9) FeHθ(w)def= 2d−1 πd+1

Z eHd

eisλW(w, Yb )θ(w) db w.b

We shall discover throughout the paper that the definition of S(Hed) encodes a number of nontrivial hidden informations that are consequences of the sub-ellipticity of ∆H. For instance, the stability ofS(Hed) by the multiplication law defined in (1.13)


is a consequence of the stability ofS(Hd) by convolution and of Theorem 2.6. Another hidden information is the behavior of functions of S(Hed) whenλ tends to 0.

Keeping the decay inequality (2.1) in mind, we endow the setHedwith the distance:

d(bw,b wb0)def= |λ(n+m)λ0(n0+m0)|1+|(n−m)−(n0m0)|+d|λλ0|, where | · |1 denotes the Manhattan norm`1 onRd.

With this choice, the Fourier transform of any function ofS(Hd) (and even of any integrable function onHd) isuniformly continuous on Hed, and can thus be extended by continuity on the completion Hbd of Hed, as explained in greater details in the following statement that has been proved in [BCD]:

Theorem 2.7. — The completion of (Hed,d)b is the metric space(Hbd,d)b where Hbddef= Hed∪Hbd0 with Hbd0

def= Rd×Zd and Rd

def= (R)d∪(R+)d

and the extended distance (still denoted byd) is given for allb wb = (n, m, λ)and wb0 = (n0, m0, λ0)in Hed, and for all ( ˙x, k)and ( ˙x0, k0) inHbd0 by

d(bw,b wb0) = |λ(n+m)λ0(n0+m0)|1+|(m−n)−(m0n0)|+d|λλ0|, db(w,b ( ˙x, k)) =db(( ˙x, k),w)b def= |λ(n+m)x|˙ 1+|m−nk|+d|λ|,

db(( ˙x, k),( ˙x0, k0)) =|x˙ −x˙0|1+|k−k0|.

The Fourier transform fbH of any integrable function on Hd may be extended continuously to the whole set Hbd. Still denoting by fbH (or FHf) that extension, the linear map FH :f 7→fbH is continuous from the space L1(Hd)to the space C0(Hbd) of continuous functions on Hbd tending to 0 at infinity.

The above theorem prompts us to consider the space S(Hbd) of functions on Hbd which are continuous extensions of elements of S(Hed), endowed with the semi-norms k · kN,N0,S(eHd). Those semi-norms will be denoted by k · kN,N0,S(bHd) in all that follows.

Note that for any function θ in S(Hbd), having wb tend to ( ˙x, k) in (2.6) yields θ( ˙x, k) = (−1)|k|θ(−x,˙ −k).

As regards convolution, we obtain, after passing to the limit in (1.13), the following noteworthy formula, valid for any two functionsf and g inL1(Hd):

(2.10) FH(f ? g)

Hbd0 = (FHf)

bHd0 Hbd0

· (FHg)


with (θ1bH


·0 θ2)( ˙x, k)def= X


θ1( ˙x, k0)θ2( ˙x, kk0).

Let us underline that the above product law (2.10) is commutative even though convolution of functions on the Heisenberg groupis not (see (1.13)).


The next question is how to extend the measure dwb to Hbd. In fact, we have for any positive real numbers R and ε,



1{|λ| |n+m|+|m−n|6R}1|λ|dwb =

Z ε




1{|λ| |n+m|+|m−n|6R}


|λ|ddλ 6CR2dε.

Therefore, it is natural to extend dwb by 0 on Hbd0. With this convention, keeping the same notation for the extended measure, we have for all continuous compactly supported function θ on Hbd,

Z bHd

θ(w) db wb def=



θ(w) db w.b

At this stage of the paper, pointing out non-trivial examples of functions inS(Hbd) is highly informative. To this end, we introduce the set Sd+ of smooth functions f on [0,∞[d×Zd×R such that for any integerp, we have




(1 +x1+...+xd+|k|)px,λα f(x1, . . . , xd, k, λ)<∞.

As may be easily checked by the reader, the spaceSd+ is stable under derivation and multiplication by polynomial functions of (x, k).

Theorem 2.8. — Let f be a function in Sd+. Let us define for wb = (n, m, λ) inHed,

Θf(w)b def= f(|λ|R(n, m), m−n, λ) with R(n, m)def= (nj +mj+ 1)16j6d. Iff is supported in[0,∞[d× {0} ×R, or iff is supported in[r0,∞[d×Zd×R for some positive real number r0, and satisfies

(2.11) f(x,−k,−λ) = (−1)|k|f(x, k, λ) for all k ∈Zd, λ >0 and x >0, then Θf belongs toS(Hbd).

A particularly striking consequence of Theorem 2.8 is that it provides a trivial proof of Hulanicki’s theorem in [Hul84] and of the fact that the fundamental solution of the heat equation inHd for the sublaplacian belongs to S(Hd) (a nontrivial result that is usually deduced from the explicit formula established by B. Gaveau in [Gav77]).

Corollary 2.9. — For any function a in S(R), there exists a function ha inS(Hd) such that

f ∈ S(Hd), a(−∆H)f =f ? ha.

In particular, the functionh such that, for all u0 in L1(Hd)and t >0, the map u:t7−→u0? ht with ht(y, η, s)def= 1

td+1h y

t, η

t,s t



tu−∆Hu= 0 in ]0,+∞[×Hd and lim

t→0+u(t) = u0 in L1(Hd), belongs toS(Hd).


Proof. — Let us focus on the second result, proving the first one being similar.

Then applying the Fourier transform with respect to the Heisenberg variable gives that umust fulfill

(2.12) ubH(t, n, m, λ) = e−4t|λ|(2|m|+d)

ub0(n, m, λ).

At the same time, we have u(t) = u0 ? ht. Hence, combining the convolution for- mula (1.13) and identity (2.12), we gather that

bhH(w) =b e−4|λ|(2|n|+d)


Then applying Theorem 2.8 to the function e−4(x1+...+xd)1{k=0} ensures that hbH belongs to S(Hbd), and the inversion theorem 2.6 eventually implies that h is in


Before explaining how to extend the Fourier transform to tempered distributions, let us specify what a tempered distribution on Hbd is.

Definition 2.10. — Tempered distributions onHbdare elements of the setS0(Hbd) of continuous linear forms on the Fréchet space S(Hbd).

Convergence of tempered distributions is defined in the standard way: we say that a sequence (Tn)n∈N of S0(Hbd) converges to a tempered distributionT if

θ ∈ S(Hbd), lim

n→∞hTn, θiS0(bHd)×S(bHd)=hT, θiS0(Hbd)×S(Hbd).

A first class of examples of tempered distributions on Hbd is given by “functions with moderate growth”:

Definition 2.11. — We denote by L1M(Hbd) the set of functions on Hbd with moderate growth, that is the set of locally integrable functions f on Hbd such that there exists an integer psatisfying



(1 +|λ|(n+m|+d) +|n−m|)−p|f(w)|db w <b ∞.

As in the Euclidean setting, functions inL1M(Hbd) may be identified with tempered distributions:

Theorem 2.12. — Let us considerι be the map defined by ι:

L1M(Hbd) −→ S0(Hbd) ψ 7−→ ι(ψ) :hθ 7→R

bHdψ(w)θ(b w) db wbi. Then ι is a one-to-one linear map.

Moreover, if pis an integer such that the map

(n, m, λ)7−→(1 +|λ|(n+m|+d) +|n−m|)−pf(n, m, λ) belongs toL1(Hbd), then we have

(2.13) |hι(f), θi|6(1 +|λ|(n+m|+d) +|n−m|)−pf


bHd). The following proposition that will be proved in Section 5 provides examples of functions in L1M(Hbd).


Proposition 2.13. — Let γ < d+ 1. Then the set L1M(Hbd) contains the func- tion fγ defined by

fγ(n, m, λ)def= (|λ|(2|m|+d))−γ δn,m, (n, m, λ)∈Hed.

Remark 2.14. — The above proposition is no longer true forγ =d+ 1. If we look at the quantity|λ|(2|n|+d) inHbd as an equivalent of|ξ|2 forRd, then it means that the homogeneous dimension of Hbd is 2d+ 2, as forHd.

Obviously, any Dirac mass onHbd is a tempered distribution. Let us also note that because

|θ(n, n, λ)|6(1 +|λ|(2|n|+d))−d−2kθkd+2,0,S(

Hbd), the linear form

(2.14) I :

( S(Hbd) −→ C θ 7−→ Pn∈Nd


Rθ(n, n, λ)|λ|ddλ is a tempered distribution onHbd.

We now want to exhibit tempered distributions onHbd which are not functions or measures. The following proposition states that the analogue on Hbd of finite part distributions on Rn, are indeed in S0(Hbd).

Proposition 2.15. — Let γ be in the interval ]d+ 1, d+ 3/2[ and denote by b0 the element (0,0) of Hbd0. Then for any function θ inS(Hbd), the function defined a.e.

on Hbd by

(n, m, λ)7−→δn,m

θ(n, n, λ) +θ(n, n,−λ)−2θ(b0)



, is integrable. Furthermore, the linear form defined by


Pf 1



, θ


def= 1 2



θ(n, n, λ) +θ(n, n,−λ)−2θ(b0)



δn,mdwb is inS0(Hbd), and its restriction to Hed is the functionfγ that has been defined above, that is, for any θ in S(Hbd)such thatθ(n, n, λ) = 0for small enough |λ|(2|n|+d), we

have *

Pf 1



, θ





fγ(w)b θ(w) db w.b

Another interesting example of tempered distribution on Hbd is the measure µ


defined in Lemma 3.1 of [BCD]. In our setting, that result recasts as follows:

Proposition 2.16. — Let the measureµ

bHd0 be defined for all functionθ inS(Hbd), by


, θi=

Z bHd0

θ( ˙x, k) dµ


( ˙x, k)def= 2−d X




θ( ˙x, k) d ˙x+



θ( ˙x, k) d ˙x


. Thenµ

Hbd0 belongs toS0(Hbd), and for any functionψ in S(R)with integral 1we have limε→0

1 εψ λ




bHd0 inS0(Hbd).


Let us finally explain how Formulae (1.2) and (1.3) may be adapted so as to extend the Fourier transform onHd to tempered distributions. We introduce:

BH :

( S(Hd)× S(Hbd) −→ C (f, θ) 7−→ R

Hd×Hbdf(Y, s)eisλW(w, Yb )θ(w) dwb dwb

and tFH :

( S(Hbd) −→ S(Hd)

θ 7−→ R

HbdeisλW(w, Yb )θ(w) db w.b

Since, for anyθ inS(Hbd) andw= (y, η, s) in Hd, we have (2.15) (tFHθ)(y, η, s) = πd+1


Theorem 2.6 ensures thattFH is a continuous isomorphism betweenS(Hbd) andS(Hd).

Now, we observe that for any f in S(Hd) and θ in S(Hbd), we have BH(f, θ) =



f(w)(tFHθ)(w) dw=



(FHf)(w)θ(b w) db w.b

This prompts us to extendFH on S0(Hd) by hFHT, θiS0(bHd)×S(bHd)

def= hT,tFHθiS0(Hd)×S(Hd) for all θ ∈ S(Hbd).

A direct consequence of this definition is the following statement:

Proposition 2.17. — The map FH defined just above is continuous and one-to- one from S0(Hd)onto S0(Hbd). Furthermore, its restriction to L1(Hd)coincides with Definition 1.2.

Just to compare with the Euclidean case, let us give some examples of simple computations of Fourier transform of tempered distributions on Hd.

Proposition 2.18. — We have

FH0) = I and FH(1) = πd+1 2d−1δ



where I is defined by (2.14) and b0is the element of Hbd0 corresponding to x˙ = 0 and k= 0.

Let us emphasize, that without completing the frequency setHed, it would not be even possible to state the second result of the above proposition. The same happens in the following statement when computing the Fourier transform of a function independent of the vertical variable.

Theorem 2.19. — We have for any integrable function g onT?Rd, FH(g⊗1) = (GHg)µ



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