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Academic year: 2022



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5(a) Logarithmic growth

I explain the proof of a version of the Dolbeault lemma ( ¯ ∂-Poincar´e lemma) with logarithmic singularities, published in the Comptes Rendus in a joint paper with D. H. Phong, and refined in a paper with Zucker. In what follows, let ∆ denote the disk of radius 1 2 around the origin in C, ∆ = ∆ \ {0} the punctured disk. The variable is denoted z = re for z 6= 0.

Lemma. Let N ∈ Z , N 6= 1, and let g ∈ C (∆ ) be a function of logarithmic growth of order N :

|g(z)| < C | log r| N

r , C ∈ R + .

Then there is a solution f ∈ C (∆ ) to the equation ∂ f ¯ = g that satisfies

|f (z)| < C | log r| N+1 , C ∈ R + .

Proof. We begin as usual by writing the formula for the fundamental solution of the ¯ ∂ equation:

f(z) = 1 2πi



w − z dwd w, z ¯ ∈ ∆ .

We first show that this integral converges to a C solution to ¯ ∂ f = g. For any w ∈ ∆ and a > 0, let B(w, a) be the disk of radius a centered on w. Let z 0 ∈ ∆ , a > 0 such that the closure of B(z 0 , 2a) is contained in ∆ . Then we can write g = g 1 + g 2 as a sum of two functions in C (∆ ), where supp(g 1 ) ⊂ B(z 0 , 2a) and g 2 | B(z


,a) ≡ 0. In particular, the singularity at 0 is contained in the support of g 2 .

Now setting w = ρe we find

| 1 2πi


g 2 (w)

w − z dwd w| ¯ < 1 2πa |


g 2 (w)dwd w| ¯

< C πa

Z 2π 0

Z 1/2 0

| log ρ| N

ρ ρdρdθ = O(

Z 1/2 0

| log ρ| N dρ) and for any N , | log ρ| N is integrable on [0, 1 2 ], so this integral converges. (There is a terrible misprint in my article with Phong! The integrability is by integration by parts: we have

Z t 0

|log ρ| N dρ = ρ · |log ρ| N | t 0 − N Z t


|log ρ| N−1 |dρ

and we have it by induction for N > 0, and for N < 0 there is nothing to prove.)

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f 2 (z) = 1 2πi


g 2 (w)

w − z dwd w ¯ ∈ C (B(z 0 , a)).

Moreover, we can differentiate under the integral sign and since the integrand is holomorphic in z, ¯ ∂ f 2 = 0 on B(z 0 , a).

Now g 1 ∈ C c (∆) so the usual arguments apply and we find that f 1 (z) = 1

2πi Z Z

g 1 (w)

w − z dwd w ¯ ∈ C (B(z 0 , 2a))

and that ¯ ∂ f 1 = g 1 on B(z 0 , 2a). Thus f = f 1 + f 2 is C in a neighborhood of z 0

and is a solution to ¯ ∂ f = g on B(z 0 , a).

Now z 0 is arbitrary, so it remains to show that f has logarithmic growth. Choose z ∈ ∆ , r = |z|. We decompose ∆ in three regions: ∆ = D 1 ∪ D 2 ∪ D 3 where

D 1 = B(0, r

2 ) \ {0}, D 2 = B(z, r

2 ) ∩ ∆, D 3 = ∆ \ (D 1 ∪ D 2 ).

We bound the integral on each of these three regions.

On D 1 we have |w−z| 12 r . Thus 1

2π | Z Z




w − z dwd w| ¯ < 4C 2πr




| log ρ| N dρdθ = C 1 1 r

Z r/2 0

| log ρ| N dρ.

Integration by parts as above shows that this is O(|log r 2 | N ) = O(|log r 2 | N ). (Again a terrible misprint!)

On D 2 we have the inequality |g(w)| < C ∗ | log r




. where C is independent of r. Thus

1 2π |





w − z dwd w| ¯ < C

|log r 2 | N r · |




dwd w ¯

|w − z|

≤ C

|log r 2 | N r · |



dud ¯

|u| (u = w − z)

= C |log r 2 | N by polar coordinates.

On D 3 , finally, we have |w − z| ≥ |w/3| = ρ/3. So 1

2π | Z Z




w − z dwd w| ¯ < 6C 2π




| log ρ| N

ρ 2 ρdρdθ

< 3C π






| log ρ| N ρ dρdθ

= 6C Z 1


| log ρ| N

ρ dρ = 6C

N + 1 | log r/2| N +1 .

This completes the proof.



Let A 0 N (∆ ) be the space of f satisfying the growth condition of degree N , A 0 si (∆ ) = ∪ N A 0 N (∆ ) A 0 rd (∆ ) = ∩ N A 0 N (∆ ), A 1 ? = A 0 ? · z ¯ z . Then the above lemma implies that ¯ ∂ : A 0 ? →A 1 ? is surjective if ? = si, ? = rd. Moreover ker ¯ ∂ ∩ A 0 si is the space of functions on ∆ that are holomorphic and have logarithmic growth at 0; but then they have removable singularities, so in fact they extend holomorphically to ∆. Similarly, ker ¯ ∂ ∩ A 0 rd is the space of holomorphic functions on ∆ that vanish at 0.

In order to globalize and generalize to higher dimensions, we can improve the result.

Corollary. Let θ = z∂/∂ z and θ ¯ = ¯ z ∂/∂ ¯ z ¯ In the above Lemma, suppose h = ¯ zg(z) has the property that all its derivatives of the form θ i θ ¯ j h are bounded by some (respectively every) power of | log ρ| Then f has the same property.

Indeed, letting I(g) = 2πi 1 R R


w−z dwd w ¯ the main point is that ∂I(g) ∂z = I ( ∂g ∂z ), and then we argue by induction. This allows us to use the standard argument (see Griffiths-Harris, p. 25) to apply this lemma to complex algebraic varieties (even analytic varieties). Let M be a smooth compact complex algebraic variety of dimension n, Z ⊂ M a divisor with (simple) normal crossings. This means that every point z ∈ Z has a neighborhood D ⊂ M such that D −→ n with z as origin and

(*) (M \ Z ) ∩ D −→ (∆ ) r × ∆ n−r

for some integer r. In other words, up to complex analytic change of coordinates, Z ∩ D looks like a union of some of the coordinate hyperplanes. We define

A 0,q si ((∆ ) r × ∆ n−r ) = A 0,q si (∆ ) r ⊗ A 0,q (∆) n−r

and let A 0,q si to be the sheaf of C (0, q) forms on M \ Z whose restriction to (M \Z )∩ D belongs to A 0,q si ((∆ ) r ×∆ n−r ) for some (equivalently any) holomorphic isomorphism (*) as above. We define A 0,q rd similarly. Note that these define sheaves on M (not just on M \ Z (a section on an open set U is in this sheaf if and only if its restriction to U \ Z is).

Theorem (Harris-Phong). Let B be a (holomorphic) vector bundle on M and let A 0,q si (B) = A 0,q si ⊗ B, A 0,q rd (B) = A 0,q rd ⊗ B. There are natural inclusions of sheaves

B ֒ → A 0,0 si (B); B(−Z ) ֒ → A 0,0 rd (B) where B(−Z) = ker[B→B ⊗ O Z ], and the complexes

0B→A 0,0 si (B)→A 0,1 si (B)→ . . . →A 0,n si (B)→0;

0B(−Z )→A 0,0 rd (B)→A 0,1 si (B)→ . . . →A 0,n si (B)→0;

are fine resolutions of B and B(−Z ) respectively.

This follows by standard arguments from the 1-dimensional local case (and the existence of partitions of unity).

The Theorem was designed to apply to certain smooth projective compactifi- cations M of non-compact Shimura varieties S(G, X) = M \ Z (this should be



S(G, X ) but I omit the subscript). The idea is that automorphic vector bundles [W ] on S(G, X ) have canonical extensions [W ] can to M with very good properties;

in particular, the growth conditions for forms in Γ(M, A 0,q si ([W ] can ) correspond,

under the isomorphism with functions on G(Q)\G(A), to the growth conditions

defining automorphic forms.


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