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Displacement disorder in a liquid crystalline phase with cubic symmetry


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1987

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Displacement disorder in a liquid crystalline phase with cubic symmetry

Y. Rançon, J. Charvolin

To cite this version:

Y. Rançon, J. Charvolin. Displacement disorder in a liquid crystalline phase with cubic symmetry.

Journal de Physique, 1987, 48 (6), pp.1067-1073. �10.1051/jphys:019870048060106700�. �jpa-00210515�


Displacement disorder in a liquid crystalline phase with cubic symmetry

Y. Rançon and J. Charvolin

Laboratoire de Physique des solides, associé au CNRS (LA 2), bâtiment 510, Université Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay, LURE, bâtiment 209, Université Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay, France

(Requ le 16 décembre 1986, accepté le 17 février 1987)



On étudie la phase cubique du système lyotrope mono n-dodécyl éther hexa-éthylèneglycol (C12EO6)/eau par diffusion des rayons X aux petits angles (rayonnement synchrotron de LURE). L’indexa-

tion de 15 réflexions de Bragg nous conduit à proposer une structure cubique centrée dont le groupe d’espace

est Ia3d. La présence de diffusions diffuses dans l’espace réciproque démontre l’existence d’importantes

fluctuations de position dans le cristal. L’organisation de ces diffusions diffuses nous montre que ces fluctuations correspondent à un désordre linéaire dû à des déplacements le long des directions 111>. Ces déplacements sont discutés dans le cadre du modèle structural proposé habituellement pour les cristaux

liquides de structure cubique Ia3d, et en relation avec les propriétés mécaniques classiques des cristaux




The cubic phase of the lyotropic system hexa-ethyleneglycol mono n-dodecyl ether (C12EO6 )/water is studied by small angle X-ray scattering, at the synchrotron radiation facility of LURE. The indexation of 15 Bragg reflections is strongly in favor of a body-centred cubic structure with space group Ia3d. The presence of diffuse scatterings in reciprocal space demonstrates the existence of large fluctuations of

position in the crystal. The organization of these diffuse scatterings indicates that these fluctuations correspond

to a linear disorder caused by displacements along 111 > directions. These displacements are discussed within the framework of the structural model usually proposed for Ia3d cubic phases. Their existence can be understood considering the usual mechanical properties of liquid crystals.

1. Introduction.

Recent structural studies of monocrystalline lamellar phases of amphiphile/water systems have shown that the classical description of these phases has to be completed, by the introduction of various types of structural fluctuations [1]. An obvious question is

that of whether this is limited to lamellar phases or applies also to phases with different symmetries.

This is the reason why we have investigated the

structure of the viscous isotropic phase, presumably

of cubic symmetry, of the lyotropic system

hexa-ethyleneglycol mono n-dodecyl ether (Cl2EO6)/water. We chose this system, although

the structure of the phase is not precisely known,

because we noticed its ability to grow quite large monocrystals, a very favourable situation for a

complete structural study including the search for lattice fluctuations through the examination of dif- fuse scatterings. We show here that this phase has

indeed a body-centred cubic structure, with space group Ia3d, and we demonstrate the existence of an

original type of fluctuations in this system, corres- ponding to displacements parallel to one crystallo- graphic axis. The static or dynamic nature of these

fluctuations cannot be specified, owing to the very nature of scattering of X-rays by matter.

The phase diagram of the system is given in [2]

and represented in figure 1. The viscous isotropic phase lies in between the lamellar and hexagonal phases, at intermediate temperatures and concen- trations. It can be identified easily by observation under a polarizing microscope. The stage of the

microscope is black because of the isotropy of the phase which does not allow the observation of a

texture. Its crystalline nature, as well as the fact that it spontaneously forms quite large monocrystals, is strongly suggested by the observation presented in figure 2. This phase, which is optically isotropic and crystalline, has most certainly a cubic symmetry.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:019870048060106700



Fig. 1.


Phase diagram of C12E06/H20, from reference

[2] ; the arrow represents the sample under study.

We studied its structure by small angle X-ray scattering at the synchrotron radiation facility of

LURE (Laboratoire pour l’Utilisation du Rayonne-

ment Electromagndtique, Orsay). Our study was

made in two steps. We first determined the space group from the analysis of the powder diagrams

obtained with samples prepared to present a texture

as polycrystalline as possible. Then we identified and characterized the diffuse scatterings by analysing the diagrams obtained with monocrystalline samples.

2. Experimental.

The non-ionic surfactant, hexa-ethyleneglycol mono n-dodecyl ether CH3- (CH2)11- (0-CH2-CH2)6-OH or C12E06, was obtained from NIKKO Chemicals Co., Ltd. A sample containing 38 % of water in weight

Fig. 2.


Photograph of lamellar monocrystals (illumi-

nated area) growing in the viscous isotropic phase (black area) under slow heating. The common orientations of all the edges of these monocrystals suggests that their growth

takes place in a large monocrystal of cubic phase.

was prepared by weighing the required amounts of

surfactant and water in a glass vial which, after sealing, was left in an oven at 40 °C during several

weeks for homogeneization. The concordance of our

phase sequence with that given in the original paper

[2], hexagonal -+ viscous isotropic -+ lamellar fluid

isotropic, as the temperature increases, was checked by observation of the textures under a polarizing microscope equipped with a heating stage, and by following in a NMR experiment the deuteron quad- rupolar splitting of the doublet of D20, which

Fig. 3.


On the left, « powder » diagram of the viscous isotropic phase. The first 8 circles are the only ones clearly

visible on this photograph. The scattering around the beam stop, at the centre of the photograph, is due to imperfect

collimation. On the right, indexation of the 15 circles ; each one is identified by h2 + k2 + l 2.


sequence was once more controlled by observing

them under the polarizing microscope.

The X-ray diagrams were obtained on the high

flux source of the synchrotron radiation of LURE with the small angle scattering spectrometer D16.

The equipment is that of a classical « monochromatic Laue camera » [3], with point beam collimation

(0.5 mm diameter). A helium caisson is placed

between sample and detector to eliminate parasitic scattering from the air. A photographic film is used

as detector to record bi-dimensional sections of the

reciprocal space. The parameters of the experiments

are : A = 1.564 A, AA/A = 2 x 10-3, the sample to

film distance D = 250 mm, and the range of scatter-

ing vectors (s


2 sin 8 / À) covered : 7 x 10-3 A-’ --- s 80 x 10- 3 A-’

with As = 3 x 10-4 A-’. The temperature of the sample, 28 °C, is regulated by a water circulation in the sample holder, and measured with a ther-

mocouple close to the capillary.

The powder diagram needed for the determination of the space group are recorded with samples as polycrystalline as possible, grown in their capillaries by rapid heating from the low temperature phase,

and maintained by a motor in constant slow rotation (3 r.p.m.) around the long axis of their capillaries.

The crystal diagram needed for the search and study

of the diffuse scatterings are recorded with mono-

crystalline samples, grown by slow cooling from the

lamellar phase, and oriented in the beam at defined angles (read on a goniometer) by rotation of the

capillaries around their long axis.

3. Bragg reflections : structure [4].

Figure 3 shows the powder diagram of a sample

heated rapidly from the low temperature phase into

the viscous isotropic phase and contained in a capillary rotating slowly around its axis normal to the beam. It exhibits a large number of spots distributed on 15 concentric circles. This is obviously

the diagram of a polycrystal made of several crystals

of rather large size, in spite of our efforts to decrease

this size. The radii of these 15 circles give access to

the moduli (s in Å - 1) of 15 vectors of the reciprocal

lattice of the crystal which are classified in table I with the estimations of the scattered intensities

(lobs) and their indexations (h, k, l ) in a cubic

lattice. This indexation has also been checked by measuring the angles between the vectors of the

reciprocal lattice on diagrams of monocrystals.

The direct lattice has a parameter a = 118 A

reflections forbidden by symmetry are indicated by abs. lobs are

the observed intensities which were visually estimated

(vvs : extremely strong, vs : very strong, s : strong,

m : medium, w : weak, vw : very weak, vvw : extremely weak ; see Fig. 3).

It can not be face-centred F, because the first

observed spacing ratios (1, B/4/3, /7/3, B/8/3, J 10/31- are different from those of a lattice F

(1, J 4/3, B/8/3, /11/3). It is most likely not a simple

lattice P, because no reflection with h + k + 1 = . 2 n + 1 is observed among the 15 reflections (in all

known P lattices, the reflections with h + k + 1


2 n + 1 appear for s values smaller than our maximal

one [5]). It is therefore body-centred I, and as no reflection violates the conditions Okl : k, 1


2 n;

hhl : 2 h + 1


4 n ; h00 : h


4 n, the space group is

Ia3d (see [6], space group No. 230, p. 707). Indeed



for every other space group of the body-centred

cubic system, there are violations of reflection conditions.

This is the space group most commonly recorded

for cubic liquid crystalline phases. Anhydrous [7] or hydrated [8] phases of amphiphilic molecules have been already studied and a model of structure was proposed by V. Luzzati. It consists of two inter- woven, but not connected, networks of rods con-

nected three by three. These rods are the axes of water channels for low degrees of hydration, and the

two networks are separated by a film of amphiphilic

molecules. For higher degrees of hydration, the rods

are the axes of cylinders of amphiphilic molecules

and the two networks are separated by a film of

water. The model of structure in the latter case is

represented in figure 4. We adopt it here because of the location of the cubic phase on the hydrated side

of the lamellar phase in the phase diagram and

because of the qualitative agreement existing be-

tween the intensities of our reflections (Table I) and

those reported for the cubic phases of KC12/H20

and C16 T AB /H20 [8].

4. Diffuse scatterings : fluctuations [9].

Figure 5 shows two diffraction patterns of a mono-

crystal obtained with a sample cooled slowly from

the lamellar phase into the cubic phase. The patterns

are recorded for two different orientations of the

capillary around its long axis normal to the beam. In both cases we observe a limited number of Bragg spots organized in a very symmetric manner. They

can be indexed considering their distances from the centres of the diagrams and the relative angles of

their polar vectors, which are the s vectors of the

reciprocal lattice. The two patterns are indeed two sections of the reciprocal space of the monocrystal

with a common axis close to axis [152], and making a

dihedral angle of 42°.

As seen in figure 5, and more generally whatever

the section of the reciprocal space considered, elongated diffuse scatterings, or straight diffuse streaks, parallel to one same direction, are apparent in the vicinity of three sets of Bragg spots :

(21 1 ) , {332} and (431 ) . They reveal the existence of lattice imperfections in the structure. As no

diffuse scattering goes through the centre of the

patterns, we can say that these imperfections corre- spond to fluctuations of position of the reticular planes of the crystal, not to fluctuations of density (see [9], p. 573).

A qualitative study of these diffuse scatterings in reciprocal space can be undertaken. If we move the

sample out of a Bragg reflection position, for

instance by rotating the capillary by a few degrees,

some Bragg spots disappear from the pattern, while ’ their neighbouring diffuse streak is still apparent.

This indicates that the diffuse scatterings do not have only a linear extension, but also a planar one. In

other words, the parallel diffuse streaks, observed

on each pattern, are indeed sections of parallel

diffuse planes in reciprocal space. The orientation of these diffuse reciprocal planes can be evaluated by geometrical construction from the orientations of the diffuse streaks in each ,pattern, i.e. in each section of the reciprocal space. Such an analysis

shows that the diffuse scatterings are indeed parallel

diffuse planes normal to (111 ) directions in recipro-

cal space.

Quantitative informations about these diffuse

planes in reciprocal space can be obtained from the

Fig. 4.


Perspective view of the model of structure proposed for a body-centred cubic phase with space group

Ia3d, from reference [7]. Two cubic cells lie along the vertical axis. The square in full line represents the limits of the horizontal face of the cell (parameter a = 118 A). The black and white rods are the axes of amphiphilic cylinders. Dotted

lines are projections of the rods on the horizontal plane. On the right, a knot built with 3 amphiphilic rods.


Fig. 5.


On the left, two patterns of a monocrystalline domain of cubic phase which correspond to two sections of the

reciprocal space. On the right, the indexation of the patterns ; the dotted lines simulate the diffuse streaks and the white spots correspond to Bragg’s spots in the vicinity of the Ewald’s sphere.

patterns : the transversal extension /- 1 of the streaks, which is the thickness of the diffuse planes,

is not larger than the resolution and therefore very small compared to a *, parameter of the reciprocal

cubic lattice (a * = a -1 ) ; the longitudinal extension L -1 of the streaks, which is the extension of the diffuse planes, is not infinite but is about a * ; finally

these {111} diffuse planes are stacked along their

normal with a periodicity, equal to 2 a */ B/3 in

reciprocal space.

Such an arrangement of parallel diffuse planes in reciprocal space, without such a plane around the

centre of the pattern, reveals the existence of a

linear disorder in real space (see [9], p. 508), caused by displacements along parallel periodic (111) rows

of the crystal.

Quantitative informations about this disorder in real space can be deduced from above : the displace-

ments along a (111) row are correlated over a

length I > a (1 $: 400 A ), and from one (111) row

to another parallel one, they are quasi-uncorrelated

since L - a ; finally the periodicity along these rows

is equal to (2 a * / J3 )-1 = a 3/2. At this stage of the study, we do not estimate the amplitude of the

fluctuations. Indeed, this would require measure-

ments of scattered intensities which can not be accurate here because we were forced to overexpose

some Bragg spots in order to observe the diffuse


We now discuss the possible nature of these

fluctuations within the framework of the structural

model proposed in figure 4.



5. Discussion.

We have analysed the observation of diffuse planes periodically stacked along (111) directions in re-

ciprocal space as showing the existence in real space of parallel displacements of periodic (111) rows

with periodicity a B/3/2. The static or dynamic

nature of these fluctuations cannot be specified, owing to the very nature of scattering of X-rays by

matter. ,

An inspection of the model of structure presented

in figure 4 shows indeed that ( 111 ) axes of the crystal play a particular role in the structure and that

the stacking of amphiphilic rods along them consti- tute the rows experiencing the displacements. As

shown in figure 6, these axes go through the knots

where the amphiphilic rods of each network are

connected three by three, and they are perpendicular

to the planes containing these knots ; along each of

these axes, the knots belong alternatively to one

network or the other and the periodicity of this stacking, half a diagonal of the cubic cell, is exactly

the one we found for the periodic ( 111 ) rows.

This leads us to see these rows as the periodical stackings of knots of three amphiphilic rods.

Figure 7 shows the organization of the rows of knots

in the cubic cell. It is quite visible that one particular

row, for instance that along the diagonal of the cell,

can slip within the entanglements formed by the

others. However, as the rows are connected together by the amphiphilic rods, there must be a restoring

force for such a displacement, associated with the deformations of the amphiphilic rods under the

shear caused by the relative displacements of two neighbouring rows. Estimates of relative strengths of

the interaction within one row and between parallel

rows can be obtained from the above correlation

lengths 1 and L. The correlation length of the displacements along one row is rather large, 1 > a,

suggesting a rather low compressibility along ( 111 )

directions, which implies a rigid stacking of the

knots. The correlations between displacements of parallel rows are quasi-inexistent, L = a, suggesting

a rather low resistance to shear in planes parallel to ( 111 ) directions, which implies some flexibility of

the amphiphilic rods.

The first point, low compressibility along (111) directions, can be compared to the solid-like behavi-

our of lamellar or hexagonal phases submitted to a

stress normal to the amphiphile/water interfaces as, here, in the cubic phase, the ( 111 ) directions are

normal to the interfaces at the knots. The second

point, low shear modulus in planes parallel to ( 111 ) directions, can be similarly compared to the liquid-like behaviour of bent lamellae or cylinders of

the above phases as, here, the shear of the rows

involves a bending of the rods in first order. We

therefore find a local mechanical behaviour quite

Fig. 6.


Perspective view of the structure shown in

figure 4 along an axis [111]. The knots are located by their

coordinates in the unit cell.

Fig. 7.


Perspective view of the cubic cell with the

( 111 ) rows of knots represented as heavy lines. « a » and

« b » are 2 knots of coordinates (3/8, 3/8, 3/8) and (5/8, 5/8, 5/8). The dotted lines, which connect them to knots of neighbouring rows, simulate the amphiphilic rods.

compatible with that found in phases with simpler



We are particularly indebted to A. M. Levelut

(Orsay) for her critical guidance in the analysis of

the diffuse scatterings. We thank A. Yeliaskhova

(Sofia) and Y. Hendrikx (Orsay) for their help in the early stages of the study. Thanks are also due to S.

Megtert (Orsay) for advice and experimental assist-

ance on spectrometer D16 at LURE. This work was

partially supported by PIRSEM of CNRS,

« GRECO microemulsions ».



Physique Lett. 45 (1984) L-813.

HENDRIKX, Y., CHARVOLIN, J., KEKICHEFF, P. and ROTH, M., in preparation.


T. and McDONALD, M. P., J. Chem. Soc.

Faraday Trans. 1 79 (1983) 975.


H. R., Phys. Rev. B 8 (1973) 571.

[4] For this paragraph in general, see LUZZATI, V., in Biological Membranes, edited by D. Chapman (Academic Press, New York) 1968.

(1983) 612.

[6] International Tables for Crystallography, Vol. A, edited by T. Hahn (D. Reidel Publishing Com- pany) 1983.

[7] LUZZATI, V. and SPEGT, P. A., Nature 215 (1967) 701.


(1968) 485.

[9] For this paragraph in general, see GUINIER, A.,

Théorie et technique de la Radiocristallographie,

Chap. XIII (Dunod, 2nd ed.) 1956.


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