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Observation of optical pumping effects in collinear atomic beam - laser beam(s) interaction


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1983

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Observation of optical pumping effects in collinear atomic beam - laser beam(s) interaction

N. Bendali, H.T. Duong, J.M. Saint Jalm, J.L. Vialie

To cite this version:

N. Bendali, H.T. Duong, J.M. Saint Jalm, J.L. Vialie. Observation of optical pumping effects in collinear atomic beam - laser beam(s) interaction. Journal de Physique, 1983, 44 (9), pp.1019-1023.

�10.1051/jphys:019830044090101900�. �jpa-00209686�


Observation of optical pumping effects in collinear atomic beam - laser beam(s) interaction

N. Bendali, H. T. Duong, J. M. Saint Jalm and J. L. Vialie

Laboratoire Aimé Cotton (*), C.N.R.S. II, Bâtiment 505, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France

(Reçu le 9 mai 1983, accepté le 26 mai 1983)

Résumé. - La sensibilite de la méthode de détection des résonances optiques par observation de la fluorescence émise par un jet rapide


excitation colineaire, est limitée par le pompage optique. Dans l’ expérience décrite ici,

nous tirons parti de


pompage optique en détectant les résonances optiques à l’aide d’un second laser colinéaire,

réalisant ainsi un gain sensible


signal de fluorescence. Les effets de la polarisation et de la puissance des faisceaux laser ont été étudiés aussi bien dans le cas de l’excitation d’atomes de Na par un seul laser que par deux lasers.



The detection of optical resonances by observation of the fluorescence light emitted from a fast atomic

beam of Na interacting with


collinear laser beam is limited in sensitivity by optical pumping processes. In the

experiment reported here, we take advantage of the optical pumping by using a second collinear laser beam, achieving then


gain in fluorescence signal. The effects of the lasers power and polarization on line shapes have been

studied in the single laser excitation case as well


in the two laser beams one.


Physics Abstracts


1. Introduction.

In recent years, a great deal of experimental effort has

been devoted to systematic studies of hyperfine

structure and isotope shifts of long isotopic sequences

including short lived nuclides far from stability, in large part because of their importance to understanding

nuclear properties [1]. Since most of the on line work

is performed at isotope separator facilities, one has to deal with ion beams. Since resonance lines of ions are

mostly inaccessible to CW single mode dye lasers, the ions have to be converted into neutral atoms. In the method of laser spectroscopy on fast atomic beam [2],

the ion beam is very efficiently converted by charge exchange collisions into atomic beam with unchanged phase space distribution. The narrowing of the velocity spread resulting from the initial ion acceleration is then conserved and consequently the residual Doppler

width may be within the natural linewidth. Therefore,

in collinear excitation, most of the atoms of the beam may be simultaneously resonant with the laser light giving to the method high resolution and high sensi- tivity capabilities. Optical resonances are detected by

observation of the fluorescence light. The highest sensitivity is obtained when the fluorescent photon

yield per atom is not limited by optical pumping

processes. Resonances have been detected with an atomic flux of 1O5/s in the case of the strong resonance line 180-1 P 1 of BaI, for isotopes having no hyperfine

structure [3]. If there is a hyperfine structure in the ground state, the atoms are removed from the absor- bing ground state level within a few, optical pumping cycles, thus limiting the fluorescence yield of the experiment to a few photons per atom. Instead of bearing with it, we proposed to take advantage of the optical pumping to detect optical resonances by

means of a second collinear laser beam acting as a

detector of the pumping process [4]. The experiment reported here is intended to check the gain in sensitivity

obtained with this method when applied to a sodium

atomic beam.

2. Experimental conditions.

Figure 1 presents a schematic diagram of the appa- ratus. The Na+ ions are produced at the oven exit by

ionization of the Na vapour on the inner surface of a

tantalum tube heated by d.c. current up to about 1200 OC [5]. After acceleration up to 5 kV and focusing by an einzel lens, the ion beam is deflected by 100 in an

electrostatic parallel-plate deflector and set collinear with the laser beam. The fast atomic beam is obtained

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:019830044090101900



Fig. 1.


Experimental set-up.

by charge transfer collisions in a cell of recycled

sodium vapour [6, 7]; the vapour pressure at the centre of the cell is around 10 - 3 torr. The geometrical

factors are the length of charge exchange cell (L1


26 cm), the length of fluorescence observation zone



6 cm), the distance between the centres of these two zones (L3


35 cm in a first set of experiments and L3


60 cm afterwards). Intensities of ion and neutral beams are monitored by Faraday cups; their shapes

are controlled by two beam scanners. Beam scanners

are also useful to finely adjust the collinearity of the

fast atomic beam with the laser beam.

The dye lasers are CW ones single mode and tunable

(Coherent Radiation 599 Model). One of these lasers is

frequency piloted by a sigmameter [8]. Frequency

sweep of the other one is done by the standard Cohe- rent Radiation scanning system. With respect to the ion beam, each laser beam can be sent either co- or counter

propagating. Although we have tested Doppler tuning by varying the atomic beam velocity by means of a post acceleration voltage applied to the charge exchange cell, we prefer to scan the laser frequency with the help

of the sigmameter. Moreover in the experiments using two different laser beams (see below) the two

laser frequencies must be independently varied and velocity tuning is therefore unadequate. For each laser

beam a half-wave plate Pl,2 and a Glan-Thomson

prism G1,2 allow us to adjust the polarization direction

and the intensity of the laser light. The two laser beams

are superposed on a dichroic mirror. Atomic fluores-

cence is detected by a cooled photomultiplier. No photon counting technique has been used since the

intensity of the atomic beam is in the range of 101 ° par- ticles/s. The background, resulting essentially from

laser stray light, is reduced by a carefully designed

blackened observation zone.

3. Fluorescence signal observed with one collinear laser beam.

The hyperfine structure (hfs) of the D


line is well known, it is reproduced in the insert of figure 2.

Figure 2 also shows a scan of the D1 line obtained

with a 100 uW linearly polarized laser beam. On the low frequency side of each peak appears a small satellite resonance, labelled (a). It corresponds to the

Fig. 2.


Fluorescence signal

as a

function of the frequency,

in the D1 line, observed with


collinear laser beam.

inelastic charge transfer via the 3p doublet [9]. The frequency difference between one peak and its satellite

(~ 70 MHz) reflects an energy loss of about 2 eV, corresponding to the 3p-3s energy difference.

The observed relative intensities of the four hyper-

fine components correspond to the theoretical ones.

The linewidth obtainable in collinear laser spectro-

scopy has been discussed in details [10]. In our case we

measured a frequency width (FWHM) of 28 MHz, comparable to the best results reported by Anton

et al. [2] for sodium fast beams. This linewidth is mainly

due to the initial kinetic-energy spread of the ions before acceleration. The energy spread corresponding

to a width of 28 MHz is 0,7 eV; it is larger than the

thermal spread calculable for a temperature of 1 200 OC of the ion source and is probably due to the heating d.c. voltage (~ 2 V) applied to the tantalum tube. One observes, indeed, that the linewidth of the

resonances increases very rapidly with the heating

current intensity. As the light power is increased, the

resonances broaden (see Fig. 3). This broadening is a

consequence of the hyperfine optical pumping pro-

cesses occurring during the atoms flight from the charge-exchange cell to the detection zone; this

pumping transfers the atoms from the resonant hyper-

fine ground level to the non resonant one. Its efficiency

is maximum at exact resonance and decreases with laser detuning; therefore, in the detection zone, the

population of the resonant ground level is minimum at exact resonance. This explains the observed line

broadening. It occurs at low laser power ( 1 mW)

for which the usual power broadening is negligible.

At further increase of the light power each fluorescence line exhibits a dip at exact resonance. For the F


1 -> F’


2 transition the dip is easily observable

and the signal falls down to zero with increasing laser

power. For the three other components, F=1


F’=1 and F = 2 -+ F’= 1, 2, the situation is more complicated

since for each of these resonances atoms in one or two Zeeman sublevels cannot be excited. In order to clearly

observe the dips, one has to perform the experiment in

zero magnetic field, thus avoiding a mixing of Zeeman


Fig. 3.


Effect of an increasing light intensity


the lineshape in the D1 line (cancelled magnetic field).

states induced by the earth magnetic field. The curves

shown on figure 3 are recorded with cancelled magnetic

field. Due to the imperfect cancellation of the field,

at very high laser power, the dips are less pronounced

for these three components than for the F = I-+> F’ = 2


Figure 7B shows a scan of a part of the D2 line (low frequency components) at low laser power (100 uW).

Due to the residual Doppler width (28 MHz) the

structure of the excited state is not completely resolved.

Moreover the presence of the satellite resonances, mentioned above, may blur the structure : in parti- cular, for copropagating beams, the satellite line

corresponding to the largest component F = 2 -+ F’= 3 falls just in between the two components F = 2-+>

F’ =1,2. This difficulty is overcome by using counter propagating beams. The resolved h.f. components are observed with the expected intensities.

As the light power is increased, only the transition

F=2-F’=3, for ’which no h. f. optical pumping

occurs, can be seen. For this transition one observes the effects of power broadening and optical saturation.

For laser power higher than 10 mW the fluorescence does not increase much more, indicating that the power

broadening (i.e. the Rabi frequency) is of the order of the Doppler width.

4. Fluorescence observed with two collinear laser beams.

Two laser beams are now aligned on the fast atomic beam. The first one, linearly polarized and at a

moderate power, is frequency scanned across the D1

line while the frequency v2 of the second laser is locked to the hyperfine transition F


2 - F’


3 of the D2

line. The fluorescence induced by this second laser

gives a measurement of the population of the F


2 hyperfine ground level. When the variable frequency v 1 is tuned to the transitions F


2 -> F’


1, 2, hyper-

fine optical pumping along the beam transfers the atoms to the non resonant ground level F


1 and

the detected fluorescence light decreases. On the other hand, when the variable frequency v, is tuned to the

transitions F






1, 2, optical pumping along

the beam increases the population of the F


2 hyper-

fine ground level and the detected fluorescence increases. Figure 4 shows a spectrum of the D 1 line

obtained by this method. As expected two positive and

two negative peaks are obtained. This method is very similar to the « in flight » saturated absorption spectro- scopy on fast ion beams developed by Beguin-Renier

et al. [11]. The frequency width of the observed reso- nances depends on the power of the two lasers. For moderate powers ( ~ 1 or 2 mW) of both laser beams,

the observed linewidth ( ~ 24 MHz) falls below the Doppler width of the beam. For a broad longitudinal

beam velocity distribution, one expects that the ulti- mate width available with this method would be twice the natural linewidth (2 y = 20 MHz in our case). One

can also notice, in figure 4, that the satellite resonances

do not appear on the spectrum recorded with this me-

thod, since they correspond to slower atoms which are

off-resonance with the fixed laser. The scan in figure 4



is obtained with high power (30 mW) for the fixed laser.

For the negative resonances the system is a three level system with a common level in the ground state (see insert of Fig. 4). Due to the high power of laser 2, the level of the ground state is split into a doublet arising from dynamic Stark effect [12,13]. This doublet

is visible on the recording for each negative peak.

It disappears when the light power of laser 2 decreases below 10 mW. This is consistent with the observations

reported above (fluorescence of the D2 line with one laser). For the positive resonances, one has a four level system without common level (see insert of Fig. 4).

Fig. 4.


Fluorescence signal

as a

function of the frequency

vl, in the D1 line, observed with two collinear laser beams.

Therefore, no doublet is observed even with 30 mW power for laser 2. Since the laser power density seen by the atoms is not the same everywhere, and also for

reasons due to Zeeman degeneracy [14], it is impossible,

with this set-up, to draw more quantitative conclusions about power effects. As an other consequence of the three level structure of the system with a common level in the ground state, the amplitudes and widths

of the negative peaks depend strongly on the relative

polarizations of the two laser beams. The effect is

Fig. 5.


Effect of the relative polarizations of the two laser

beams : @ parallel polarizations. (B) orthogonal pola-


obvious on figure 5 : one recording is obtained with

parallel polarizations, the other one with orthogonal polarizations, all parameters being unchanged. In the

same way, the frequency of the scanned laser beam can

be tuned across the D2 line. As for the D1 line, positive

and negative peaks are observed, as shown on figure 6. The two lasers are oscillating at moderate

power (- 3 mW). The two hyperfine component

Fig. 6.


Fluorescence signal

as a

function of the frequency

V,, in the D2 line, observed with two collinear laser beams :

@ orthogonal polarizations. (B) parallel polarizations.



2 -> F’


1, 2 appear as negative peaks, as expected. When the variable frequency is tuned to



2 -> F’ = 3, the atomic transition is excited

by the two lasers and the fluorescent light increases.

For this component, the signal is comparable (in

width and amplitude) to the one obtained when using only laser 1.

All three hyperfine components are now resolved.

Fig. 7.


Comparison of the fluorescence intensities, at the


resolution, in the low frequency components of the D2

line. The geometry with L3




has been used : @ the

atomic beam is excited by two collinear laser beams

(- 3 mW). B(B) the atomic beam is excited by



weak intensity (~ 100 Jl W) laser beam.


To get the same resolution with one laser beam, one

has to use at most 100 uW light intensity, therefore reducing the fluorescent light seen by the photo- multiplier. A comparison of vertical scales on figures

7A and 7B demonstrates a gain of at least 30 for the

signal, by using two laser beams. However, the

observed gain is obtained with a 30 times more intense laser light, and therefore the noise resulting from stray light is J3õ more important We intend to check the

gain in signal to noise ratio obtainable with this method in the case of very weak atomic beam.

5. Concluding remarks.

We have shown that, in the case of strong optical pumping, gain in sensitivity is achieved using two

collinear laser beams.

In this scheme, the detection zone can be further downstream from the charge exchange cell. The

needed light intensity for the pumping beam may be then consequently reduced. Furthermore, between

the two zones, one can perform magnetic resonance experiments as it will be illustrated in a following paper.


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