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HAL Id: jpa-00219070


Submitted on 1 Jan 1979

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J. Londer

To cite this version:

J. Londer. A CURRENT-VOLTAGE CHARACTERISTIC OF NON-SELF-MAINTAINED DISCHARGE. Journal de Physique Colloques, 1979, 40 (C7), pp.C7-203-C7-204.

�10.1051/jphyscol:19797100�. �jpa-00219070�


JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE CoZZoque C7, suppZ&ment au n07, Tome 40, JuiZZet 1979, page C7- 203


J.I. Londer.

AZZ-Union EZectrotecknicaZ I n s t i t u t e , Moscow U.S.S.R.

'I. The analytical expression of the non- -self- maintained current-voltage charac- teristic is obtained. The ion current flo- wing into cathode sheath from plasma is impotant factor in the considered model, This ion current was not taken into consi- deration in the classical Thomson's paper /I/, when the analogous problem was solved In paper /2/ the ion current fpom plasma was taken into consideration for construc- tion of probe theory in non-self-maintain- ed discharge, but the rate of ionization in the cathode sheath was not taken into account.

Let us consider the plane system of el- ectrodes. We'll solve equations for plas- ma and cathode sheath separately and then make join of solutions on the plasma- -sheath boundary.

2, The equations for plasma region are given by:

- - -

Here Q_ is the rate of ionization created by extgrnal source, d, is the effective recombination coefficient. Index k de- pends on the type of the recombination.

We'll consider the cases when k-2 and 1.

Take the origin ,of coordinates at the plasma-sheath boundary and introduce non-

dimensional concentration B and nondimen- sional length y:

N = LiL


x . a, '

Here is ambipolar diffusion- coeff ici-

ent, Zd is the recombination length, is unperturbed plasma concentration.F~om (1) and (2), taking into account (5), we get:




=jdm'np e c Z, (6)

z - dlv = f -fi, -N, = i,' / V $ / r - N ) @ $ i ~ = 2 ( 8 1 Eere d%=J2e&dl/d+4) is the elect6ic field

- " "

in far from boundary. Integrating (7), we can obtain the potential drop on the plasma. -

-f 2@



+3-,&~,-' e + 4 (gal [A = f).

Here L is the anode-cathode distance, xo is the cathode sheath thickness, No is the concentration on the plasma-sheath b o m d ~ y .

3. If the heat energy of electrons is far less than the cathode drop, then el- ectrons will be found in the sheath in the strong repulsive field and ni>> ne on the whole sheath except narrow region near plasma-sheath boundary. Therefore we can neglect n, in comparison with ni


in Poisson's equation for sheath. The distribution of the field and ni must be determined from joint solution of equa- tions:

with boundary cindition ji(xo)=(l+~"jb


is the secondary emission coefficient

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphyscol:19797100


under bombardment of the cathode by ions.

The solutions must be joined at the plasma-sheath boundary. So, joining deri- vative of the field, we obtain algebraic equation for ion concentration at the bo- undary (ma):

Substituting the value No, found from (13), in (6) and (7) k e obtain values of ion current jo and electric field Eo on.

the plasma-sheath boundary, These values jo and Eo will be boundary conditions for equations (10)-(12). Introducing nondi- mensional field z=Eh0, nondimensional coordinate t=l+eqx/ and nondimensional

10 -2

parameter ~ ~ = % t $ e ~ ~ d jo , we integrate

Now we can find the cathode c G p V : d i f


n =


f ; 16)&-'( . /O

~ubgtitutin~ (14) in (16) we obtain equa- tion of the current-voltage characteris- tic of the cathode sheath.

The behaviour of the expression (17) de- pends greatly upon the value 8


By means

of (6) and (7) it can be obtained that:

(18) The value of parameter S is less or about 1 in electropositive gases at the pressures up to several atmospheres.Under this condition it can be neglected loga- rith&Lc term in' expression (17). In ele- ctronegative gases, beaause of strong at- tachment of electrons, the parameter 6

can become mueh lmger than I,In this case it cann9t be neglcsoted logarithmic term in (17)- However, there are two li- mits, when (17) can be aimplkfied inde-

pendently of k. The first limit takes pla- ce if:

tmax >> mar

p; s2]


The second limit takes place if:

(tmax -I ) -<< min-[f; 8



From (17) and (14) we obtain for cathode drop Vc and electric field Ec near catho- de: if the criterion (19) is carried out then known expressions take place /I/:

If the csiterion (20) is carried. out, then we have:

4. Using (6), (15) and (16) we can ob- t ain:


&)=e%(xof 6



One can see from (23); that there are two characteristic lengths xo and of forming current in considered model.

Under xo>> %$'the discharge current is formed mainly in the cathode sheath regi- on, and under x o 4 ~ % % h e characteristic length of forming current is 5% .In the

first case tma,>> 1 and criterion (19) can be carried out; in the second case

-1 ) << I and criterion (20) can be ( tmax

carried out, If criterion (19) takes place, then transition region with length

~,r/,/can be neglected and the sheath can be joined with plasma without considera- tion jo and Eo, that was made in /I/, If criterion (20) is carried out, ionization in the cathode sheath can be neglected in comparison with ioniaation on the length -

%No/, that was made in /2/. And general expression (17) must be used for deter- mining PC in the intermediate case when the values xo and zdZ,/V,' have the same or- der of magnitude.

'Phe author thanks K.N.Ulyano~ for useful discussions.


1. J.J,Thornson, G.P.Thomson. Conduction of Electricity through 5ases.v.l,ehap.IV

2. K.l'?.Ulyanovr XI11 Intern,Conf.on Phenom-in Ioniz,Gases. p.113 Berlin1977


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