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Evaluation and Chemical Analysis of Particulate Pollution in the Ironworks Site of El-Hadjar


Academic year: 2021

Partager "Evaluation and Chemical Analysis of Particulate Pollution in the Ironworks Site of El-Hadjar"


Texte intégral


15 (1), 2016: 47-52

© PSCI Publications

Applied Science Reports


E-ISSN:2310-9440 / P-ISSN: 2311-0139 DOI: 10.15192/PSCP.ASR.2016.15.1.4752

Evaluation and Chemical Analysis of Particulate Pollution in the Ironworks Site of El-Hadjar

M.Tayeb AbedGhars, Bouhamla Khadija, Bouhouche Salah, Kahalerras Mounir

Industrial technology research center(CRTI) / Steel and Metals Applied Research Unit - URASM / CRTI-Annaba, BP196- 23000-ALGERIA

*Corresponding author email: abedghars@yahoo.fr

Paper Information A B S T R A C T

Received: 18 December, 2015 Accepted: 22 March, 2016 Published: 10 May, 2016 Citation

M.Tayeb AbedGhars, Bouhamla Khadija, Bouhouche Salah, Kahalerras Mounir. 2016. Evaluation and Chemical Analysis of Particulate Pollution in the Ironworks Site of El-Hadjar. Applied Science Reports, 15 (1), 47-52.

Retrieved from www.pscipub.com


The air that we breathe today is a mixture more or less polluted by location where we are. This mixture of pollutants generating significant and sustainable threats to human health, especially respiratory problems .The environmental concern is becoming increasingly strong, driven in particular by the current debate on sustainable development that is mirrored various international conferences [1] .Also theeffectson a global scale are warming the atmosphere and therefore the Earth, or the destruction of the ozone layer. The air quality management contributes to the mastery of a better knowledge of the pollution generated by the steel industrial activity. This investigation is the first national enterprise approach to the management of environmental problems on an industrial scale, more particularly in the steel sector. Taking into account these principles, it is appropriate to follow the pollution by suspended particles in and around the steel complex of El Hadjar.The objectives of this work are:Knowledge Of highest concentration level of dust inside and outside the workplace. Evaluation Compared to WHO limits values [2] and European Directives [3];[4]. Determination Of heavy metals in dust fallout.For the choice of measurement sites, a clipping entire surface of the steel complex was carried out by a method called mesh. This method we devoted 19 measurement sites. The sampling method used is that of BERGHEROFF. Indicators are the overall amount of dusts deposited chemical analysis elements such as Cr, Cu, Zn, Ni, Pb and Mn [4]. The quantities of dust are analytically weighed and then analyzed atomic absorption analytical chemistrySuspended particles that contaminate the air are the main carriers carry in the wind various polluting compounds (SO2, Cu, Pb, H2SO4, NH3 ...) [3]. At PMA 2, calculations show is discharged 4509 m3 per ton of fumes sinter. The results showed measurement sites S2, S3, S4, S5 and S18 are large emissions dusts. These sites except S18 represent the hot zone of complex. According Opair,the incidence of values of the measured dust on the sites is all above the limit value. For heavy metals in the dusts, there is a high concentration of zinc in all sites. Knowing that is neurotoxic and carcinogenic Pb is present in large quantities with a peak in S3. For S11 and S17 its value is close to the norm. The chromium and nickel both carcinogenic move in the same direction with alarming values.

© 2016 PSCI Publisher All rights reserved.

Key words: Air pollution, dust emission, particulate fallout, TPS, method Bergeroff, heavy metals.


Today's rapid industrialization, the growth of cities in the world, the production of energy and the deficiencies in the regulatory planning and the environment, are all factors that contributed to the disasters both on human health and environment (flora and fauna).

The air we breathe today is a mixture more or less polluted according to the places where we are. Whether near or far from the emission sources, this mixture of pollutants generating significant and lasting damage to the health of humans, particularly respiratory problems. The air pollution is currently a major concern of international organizations protecting the environment and in particular the ozone layer.

Also the effects on a global scale are warming the atmosphere and therefore the Earth, or the destruction of the ozone layer.

The air quality management contributes to the mastery of a better knowledge of the pollution generated by the steel industrial activity.


48 Figure-1. Particle size as a function of various emission sources [6].

Contamination of the ambient air to suspended particles (dust) are classified by their size (fig.1) is very important because its particles are the main carriers that convey under the effect of wind different pollutant compounds (SO2, Cu, Pb ...) and constitute the so-called acid rain (H2SO4 and NH3).

This investigation is the first approach taken at national level in the management of environmental problems on an industrial scale, particularly in the steel sector.

The mastery of the air quality would have a positive impact on the health of workers who would be affected by the air generated by the steel industry, and allowed to locate areas for interventions that are specific to the process or under form of implementation of clean technology.

Taking into account all these principles, it is appropriate to monitor atmospheric pollutants (in our case the dusty releases) set HIGHLIGHTING at the steel complex of El Hadjar,.

Experimental section Objectives

The strategic objectives of the development of gas and dust collectors are the following:

Exposure of staff within the workplace,

Knowledge of the highest level of concentration of polluting gases and dust

Definition of the current situation of the steel complex emissions and assessment against the WHO limit values for emissions to air.

Chemical analysis of airborne dust and comparison with the WHO limit values

Activity Of The Complex And Choice Of Sites To Analyze

The development impact matrices [7] which highlighted the most polluting workshops and pollution sources at the steel plant and the steel industry, are the two key parameters that have led us to opt for management of the air quality.Indeed the steel industry is designated among the most polluting in the world. The steelmaking process through the production of primary fuels coke, treatment of iron ores and their agglomeration, the production of pig iron, generates considerable amounts of gaseous and dust which is in one way or another escape into the atmosphere anddiluents in ambient air and form toxic compounds to humans (rain acids).

The major pollution areas are:

Sector coking plant

The coal coking process produces considerable amounts of dust and gas especially at the firing batteries and at the extension of the red coke.

Area preparation material and agglomeration

The simulation model [5] of the agglomeration of iron ore process shows that the quality of gas and dust released in the production of a ton of sinter totaled 4097 kg.

Electric steel industry

The steelmaking from scrap in electric arc furnace generates amounts of gas and dust considerable. The amount of dust containing heavy metals is about 19 kg for production of one ton of steel.

Oxygen steelmaking sector

The oxygen steelmaking (the complex has two conversion steelworks) releases a significant amount of red smoke during blowing mainly composed of dust and toxic gases.


49 Methodology And Sampling Plan

The finer particles (<2,5um) are the most dangerous. Capable of penetrating deep into the respiratory system, they reach the terminal airways, are deposited by sedimentation or enter the blood system. These particles can carry toxic compounds, allergens, mutagens or carcinogens, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heavy metals.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates more than two million people die every year due to inhaling fine particles present in the air inside and outside. It observed that in 2000 chronic exposure to fine particles (PM2.5) was originally about 350,000 premature deaths each year in Europe, including 42,000 in France, which corresponds to an average loss of life expectancy 8.2 months. She estimated that in 2008 the global number of premature deaths due to air pollution in the city reached 1.34 million, and that compliance with WHO guidelines would have saved 1,090,000 lives.

These results were confirmed by the European project Aphekom (Program Improved knowledge and communication on air pollution and health in Europe, coordinated by the Institute for Public Health Surveillance [6]


The method used for the measurement of particulate fallout is the standard method with the corresponding Bergerhoff collection instrument. The dust settle freely by air in the collector placed at a height of 1.5 to 2.0 m (standard size jar with a capacity of 1.5 liters, an opening diameter of 9.5 cm and a dust capture surface for collecting 62.2 cm2). (fig 2)

Figure 2. Collection device (support and jar) network impact Bergerhof [8]

Dust samples from different sites still suffer later special treatment for the determination of heavy metals (copper, chromium, zinc, lead, nickel and manganese).[8] To this end the dust is attacked by strong acids (hydrofluoric acid first and then in an autoclave bomb with high temperature and pressure nitric acid) to cause complete dissolution. Heavy metals are then determined in the laboratory by the spectrophotometric method by atomic absorption.

Indicators are the overall amount of deposited dust and the chemical analysis elements such as Cr, Cu, Zn, Pb, Mn and Ni.

When collecting dust, we noticed that the amount of particles collected during a month was insignificant, especially for chemical analysis, thus we decided to lengthen the exposure time of the box to 2 months, in accordance with the method. The results are then processed in mg per m2 per day, compared with the Swiss Ordinance on the values of air protection (814.318.142.1) page 93. For total dust fallout emission limit value is 200 mg / m2day.

In order to prepare the sample for analysis, the amount of dust collected during the time unit is weighted by analytical balance and converted to mg / m2 Day depending on the surface of the collection equipment that is 62.2 cm2.

The chemical analysis of the elements contained in the dust is made by atomic absorption analytical chemistry laboratory of URASM / CSC-Annaba. The results of chemical analyzes are compared with the limit values given in Table 1.

Table-1. Regulatory values for heavy metals ;[9];[10]

Sampling Plan

For the selection of measurement sites, a clipping entire surface of the steel complex was carried out by so-called mesh method. It would have been ideal to take measurements by meshing of the whole area whose nodes have been the measurement site. The adoption of a number of sensors limiting strategy is as follows:

The node is inside a studio.

A Site is located on a non-active surface

The high spending generated by the use of a large number of sensors

To avoid this, it was decided to reduce the number of sensors including complex mesh according to plan while ensuring a balance between the cost, the number of sensors and representativeness of the measurement.


50 The selected sites are the most important measurement network (local pollution) and are among 19 listed in Table 2 and shown in Figure 3.

Table 2.Different sites of measurement network

Code Name (place)

S1 Park slag (coprosid)

S2 GSP coking plant

S3 BF2 (near casting floor)

S4 PMA (agglomeratepreparation workshop S5 Homogenization Parks (oreiron andcoal) S6 Guardhouse (northeast entrance)


S8 Entering rolling mill (LAC and LAF) S9

Between the steel plant and oxygen in the lime kiln

S10 TSS mill

S11 Power station n° 2

S12 Power station n ° 4

S13 Power station n° 1

S14 Power station n° 3


S16 Water treatment plant

S17 CODESID workshop

S18 Sidi Amar School

S19 Village El-Hadjar (house)

Figure3. Air steel complex of El Hadjar, indicating the measurement sites.

Results Section

The determination of the amount of dust per unit weight per cubic meter of air as recommended by the World Health Organization and European directives Nea not be done by lack of equipment and high cost. We simply measure the amount deposited per month per measurement site as indicated by the ReseauBergerhoff method. We note that the most polluted or we collected significant amounts of dust sites S2 (GSP coking plant), S3 (blast furnace), S4 (chipboard's preparation workshop), the S5 (Park homogenization of iron ore) and S18 (outside the factory and at lower value S9 website (intersection of oxygen steelmaking furnace and lime). This seems obvious because these sites are high dust emissions.

Indeed the sites listed are nearby dusty workshops, such as the area of preparation of iron ores, coke ovens, blast furnaces and oxygen steel plant. These places represent the hot zone of the complex. In these latter are being manipulated any powdered filler such as iron ore, sand, limestone and granulated slag.

The high concentration of S3 is at the location of the dust collector in the casting bay below the belt conveyor loading BF.

The S18 also shows a high amount of fine despite being located outside the complex in a primary school; this is explained by the dominance of the wind during the measurement period. When the stockyard of iron ore (the S5 site), the amount of dust is as high given the large mechanical operations (crushing, grinding, screening and homogenization.

Given the methodology used for this campaign, the values are given as total dust fallout (mg / m2.day) and chemical analysis according to Swiss Ordinance (Opair) [10] quantities to dust are given in Table 3 and illustrated in Figure 4.

The values for dusts fallout measured at the sites are all above the limit value of Opair.

For heavy metals in the steel dust, we find a high concentration of zinc at all sites except the S17 or its value (186µg <400µg) and below the limit value of the Opair (fig.5).

Knowing that lead is Neurotoxic responsible for lead poisoning, brain development disorders, psychological disorders and learning difficulties in children and can be carcinogen is present in very large amount at all sites with peak at the top furnace (55,74mg / m2.day) except for sites N°11 and N°17 and its value is close to the standard (fig.6). When chromium and nickel both carcinogenic and cause respiratory sufferers move in the same direction with alarming values (fig.7; 8).


51 Especially high quantities of zinc and lead of the RF environment are explained by the high temperature prevailing in this location that is known in high traffic fournîstes alkali-zinc and lead.

We can also say that our iron ore contains significant amounts of these elements under the high temperature and simultaneous condensation effect is found in high quantities. Cooling the BF, these compounds are removed by the slag.

Table3. Dust analysis results by sampling site

Figure 4.Immission dust (TSP) at different sites Figure 5. Quantity Zinc analyzed in the TSP dust

Figure 6. Lead Quantity analyzed in the TSP dust Figure 7. Cr quantity analyzed in TSP dust

Figure 8


52 Conclusions

The air emissions inventory is the basis on which to take action againstair pollution. It is timely for us to acquire real data on air quality in order to manage and coat the resolutions necessary for its purification.

We note that the most pollutedsites where we collected significant amounts of dust are S2 (coking), S3 (BF), S4 (LDCs), the S5 (homogeneous Park) and S18 (school) and less value to the site S9 (steel plant and lime kiln). This seems obvious because these sites are high dust emissions.

Indeed the sites listed are nearby dusty workshops, such as the area of preparation of iron ore, coking plant, blast furnace and oxygen steel plant. These places represent the hot zone of the complex. In these latter are being manipulated all powdered filler such as iron ore, sand, limestone, coke and granulated slag.

The high concentration of S3 is at the location of the dust collector in the casting below the belt conveyor loading BF.

The S18 also shows a high amount of fine despite being located outside the complex in a primary school; this is explained by the dominance of the wind during the measurement period.

As for the stockyard of iron ore (the S5 site), the amount of dust is as high given the large mechanical operations (crushing, grinding, screening and homogenization.

Given the methodology used for this campaign, the values are given as total dust fall again in (mg / m2 .day) and chemical analysis according to Swiss Ordinance (Opair) [10] .

For heavy metals in the steel dust, we find a high concentration of zinc at all sites except the S17 or its value (186µg <400µg) is below the limit value of Opair (fig5).

Knowing that lead is Neurotoxic responsible for lead poisoning, brain development disorders, psychological disorders and learning difficulties in children and may be carcinogenic is present in very high quantities at all sites with a peak level the high furnace (55.74 mg / m2.day) except for sites N°11 and N°17 and its value is close to the standard (fig.6).

As for chromium and nickel both carcinogenic and cause damage to the respiratory system move in the same direction with alarming values (fig.7 and 8)

Especially high quantities of zinc and lead of the RF environment are explained by the high temperature prevailing in this location that is known in the high fournistes "the movement of alkali and lead-zinc.

We can also say that our iron ore contains significant amounts of these elements under the high temperature and simultaneous condensation effect are found in high quantities. Cooling the BF, these compounds are removed by the slag.


This study uses new estimation methodology for to estimate the amount of dust in and around a sidérrurgique complex. This methodology uses 1 liter containers that collect dust fallout in suspensions. These are weighed and analyzed. Extrapolation by calculation is made to determine the amount of dust and Bear metals per unit area


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Decree No. 98-360 of 05.06.98 on monitoring air quality and its effects on health and the environment, air quality objectives, the thresholds warning and limit values, (OJ No 110 of 13 May 1998 and corrigendum in OJ No 135 of 13 June 1998)

Directive 2004/107 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, Official Journal of European Union, Annex 1 p.10 2005.

Federal Law on environmental protection, "Ordinance on Air Pollution Control (LRV), Swiss Federal Council Art. 12,13,16 and 39, 1985, p. 93.

Laetitia SERVEAU; Inventory of emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases in France, sectoral Series and extensive analyzes, the Air Pollution Interprofessional Centre of Technical Studies; April 2013.

Measuring Network of Air Quality in Luxembourg, Ministry of Environment; Administration of the Environment, 1996, p.6.

United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (CNUED), Rio de Janeiro Declaration, planet earth summit; 3-14 June 1992 "

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