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Stochastic flows related to Walsh Brownian motion


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Partager "Stochastic flows related to Walsh Brownian motion"


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Journ a l of


ob a b il i t y

Vol. 16 (2011), Paper no. 58, pages 1563–1599.

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Stochastic flows related to Walsh Brownian motion

Hatem Hajri

Département de Mathématiques Université Paris-Sud 11, 91405 Orsay, France



We define an equation on a simple graph which is an extension of Tanaka’s equation and the skew Brownian motion equation. We then apply the theory of transition kernels developed by Le Jan and Raimond and show that all the solutions can be classified by probability measures.

Key words:Stochastic flows of kernels, Skew Brownian motion, Walsh Brownian motion.

AMS 2000 Subject Classification:Primary 60H25; Secondary: 60J60.

Submitted to EJP on January 17, 2011, final version accepted July 18, 2011.


1 Introduction and main results.

In [10], [11] Le Jan and Raimond have extended the classical theory of stochastic flows to in- clude flows of probability kernels. Using the Wiener chaos decomposition, it was shown that non Lipschitzian stochastic differential equations have a unique Wiener measurable solution given by random kernels. Later, the theory was applied in[12]to the study of Tanaka’s equation:

ϕs,t(x) =x+ Z t


sgn(ϕs,u(x))W(du), st,x ∈R, (1) where sgn(x) =1{x>0}−1{x≤0},Wt =W0,t1{t>0}Wt,01{t≤0} and(Ws,t,st)is a real white noise (see Definition 1.10[11]) on a probability space(Ω,A,P). IfK is a stochastic flow of kernels (see Definition 3 below) andW is a real white noise, then by definition,(K,W)is a solution of Tanaka’s SDE if for allst,x∈R, fCb2(R)(f isC2 onRand f,f′′are bounded)

Ks,tf(x) = f(x) + Z t


Ks,u(fsgn)(x)W(du) + 1 2

Z t s

Ks,uf′′(x)du a.s. (2) It has been proved[12]that each solution flow of (2) can be characterized by a probability measure on[0, 1]which entirely determines its law. Define

τs(x) =inf{rs:Ws,r=−|x|},s,x ∈R. Then, the uniqueFW adapted solution (Wiener flow) of (2) is given by

Ks,tW(x) =δx+sgn(x)Ws,t1{t≤τs(x)}+1 2(δW+



s(x)}, Ws,t+ :=Ws,t− inf

u[s,t]Ws,u. Among solutions of (2), there is only one flow of mappings (see Definition 4 below) which has been already studied in[18].

We now fixα∈]0, 1[and consider the following SDE having a less obvious extension to kernels:

Xts,x =x+Ws,t+ (2α−1)˜Ls,tx , ts,x ∈R, (3) where

˜Ls,tx = lim


1 2ǫ

Z t s


u |≤ǫ}du (The symmetric local time).

Equation (3) was introduced in[8]. For a fixed initial condition, it has a pathwise unique solution which is distributed as the skew Brownian motion (SBM) with parameter α (SBM(α)). It was shown in[1]that whenα6= 1

2, flows associated to (3) are coalescing and a deeper study of (3) was provided later in[3]and[4]. Now, consider the following generalization of (1):

Xs,t(x) =x+ Z t


sgn(Xs,u(x))W(du) + (2α−1)˜Ls,tx (X), st,x ∈R, (4) where

˜Ls,tx (X) = lim


1 2ǫ

Z t s




Each solution of (4) is distributed as the SBM(α). By Tanaka’s formula for symmetric local time ([15]page 234),

|Xs,t(x)|=|x|+ Z t



sgn(Xs,u(x))d Xs,u(x) +˜Ls,tx (X), wheregsgn(x) =1{x>0}−1{x<0}. By combining the last identity with (4), we have

|Xs,t(x)|=|x|+Ws,tLs,tx (X). (5) The uniqueness of solutions of the Skorokhod equation ([15]page 239) entails that

|Xs,t(x)|=|x|+Ws,t− min

sut[(|x|+Ws,u)∧0]. (6)

Clearly (5) and (6) imply thatσ(|Xs,u(x)|;sut) =σ(Ws,u;sut)which is strictly smaller thanσ(Xs,u(x);sut)and so Xs,·(x) cannot be a strong solution of (4). For these reasons, we call (4) Tanaka’s SDE related toSBM(α).

From now on, for any metric spaceE,C(E)(respectivelyCb(E)) will denote the space of all contin- uous (respectively bounded continuous)R-valued functions on E. Let

C2b(R) ={fC(R): f is twice derivable onR,f,f′′Cb(R), f|]0,+ [,f|′′]0,+[ (resp. f|]−∞,0[,f|]′′−∞,0[)have right(resp. left)limit in 0}.

Dα={fCb2(R):αf(0+) = (1−α)f(0−)}.

For fDα, we set by convention f(0) = f(0−),f′′(0) = f′′(0−). By Itô-Tanaka’s formula ([13]

page 432) or Freidlin-Sheu formula (see Lemma 2.3[5]or Theorem 3 in Section 2) and Proposition 3 below, both extensions to kernels of (3) and (4) may be defined by

Ks,tf(x) =f(x) + Z t


Ks,uf)(x)W(du) + 1 2

Z t s

Ks,uf′′(x)du, fDα, (7) whereǫ(x) =1 (respectivelyǫ(x) =sgn(x)) in the first (respectively second) case, but due to the pathwise uniqueness of (3), the unique solution of (7) whenǫ(x) =1, isKs,t(x) =δXs,x

t (this can be justified by the weak domination relation, see (24)). Our aim now is to define an extention of (7) related to Walsh Brownian motion in general. The latter process was introduced in[17]and will be recalled in the coming section. We begin by defining our graph.

Definition 1. (Graph G)

Fix N ≥1andα1,· · ·,αN>0such that XN i=1


In the sequel G will denote the graph below (Figure 1) consisting of N half lines(Di)1iN emanating from 0. Let ~ei be a vector of modulus 1 such that Di = {h~ei,h > 0} and define for all function

f :G−→Rand i∈[1,N], the mappings :

fi : R+ −→ R h 7−→ f(h~ei)


Define the following distance on G:

d(h~ei,h~ej) = (

h+h if i6= j,(h,h)∈R2+,

|hh| if i= j,(h,h)∈R2+. For xG, we will use the simplified notation|x|:=d(x, 0).

We equip G with its Borelσ-fieldB(G)and use the notation G=G\ {0}. Now, define

Cb2(G) ={fC(G):∀i∈[1,N],fi is twice derivable onR+,fi,fi′′Cb(R+)and both have finite limits at0+}.

D(α1,· · ·,αN) ={fCb2(G): XN i=1

αifi(0+) =0}.

For all xG, we define~e(x) =~ei if xDi,x 6=0(convention~e(0) =~eN). For fCb2(G), x 6=0, let f(x) be the derivative of f at x relatively to~e(x) (= fi(|x|) if xDi) and f′′(x) = (f)(x) (= fi′′(|x|)if xDi). We use the conventions f(0) = fN(0+),f′′(0) = fN′′(0+). Now, associate to each ray Di a signǫi∈ {−1, 1}and then define

ǫ(x) =

(ǫi if xDi,x 6=0 ǫN if x=0

To simplify, we suppose thatǫ1=· · ·=ǫp=1, ǫp+1=· · ·=ǫN=−1for some pN . Set G+= [


Di, G= [


Di.Then G=G+[ G.


O ~ei

(Di,αi) G+


ǫ(x) =1 ǫ(x) =1

Figure 1: GraphG.

We also putα+=1−α:=Pp


Remark 1. Our graph can be simply defined as N pieces ofR+ in which the N origins are identified.

The values of the~ei will not have any effect in the sequel.


Definition 2. (Equation (E)).

On a probability space(Ω,A,P), let W be a real white noise and K be a stochastic flow of kernels on G (a precise definition will be given in Section 2). We say that(K,W)solves(E)if for all st,fD(α1,· · ·,αN),xG,

Ks,tf(x) = f(x) + Z t


Ks,uf)(x)W(du) +1 2

Z t s

Ks,uf′′(x)du a.s.

If K=δϕ is a solution of(E), we simply say that(ϕ,W)solves(E).

Remarks 1. (1) If(K,W)solves(E), thenσ(W)⊂σ(K)(see Corollary 2) below. So, one can simply say that K solves(E).

(2) The case N =2,p= 2,ǫ1 =ǫ2 =1(Figure 2) corresponds to Tanaka’s SDE related to SBM and includes in particular the usual Tanaka’s SDE [12]. In fact, let (KR,W) be a solution of (7) with α=α1,ǫ(y) =sgn(y)and defineψ(y) =|y|(~e11y≥0+~e21y<0),y ∈R. For all xG, define Ks,tG(x) = ψ(Ks,tR(y))with y =ψ1(x). Let f ∈ D(α1,α2),xG and g be defined onR by g(z) = f(ψ(z)) (g ∈ Dα1). Since KR satisfies(7) in (g,ψ1(x)) (g is the test function and ψ1(x) is the starting point), it easily comes that KG satisfies(E)in(f,x). Similarly, if KGsolves(E), then KRsolves (7).


+ +

Figure 2: Tanaka’s SDE.

(3) As in (2), the case N=2,p=1,ǫ1=1,ǫ2=−1(Figure 3) corresponds to (3).

O +

Figure 3: SBM equation.

In this paper, we classify all solutions of(E) by means of probability measures. We now state the first


Theorem 1. Let W be a real white noise and Xs,xt be the flow associated to (3) with α=α+. Define Zs,t(x) =Xts,ǫ(x)|x|,st,xG and

Ks,tW(x) = δx+~e(x)ǫ(x)Ws,t1{t≤τs,x} +

Xp i=1


α+δ~ei|Zs,t(x)|1{Zs,t(x)>0}+ XN i=p+1




where τs,x = inf{rs : x +~e(x)ǫ(x)Ws,r = 0}. Then, KW is the unique Wiener solution of (E).

This means that KW solves(E) and if K is another Wiener solution of(E), then for all s≤ t,xG, Ks,tW(x) =Ks,t(x)a.s.

The proof of this theorem follows [10] (see also [14] for more details) with some modifications adapted to our case. We will use Freidlin-Sheu formula for Walsh Brownian motion to check that KW solves(E). Unicity will be justified by means of the Wiener chaos decomposition (Proposition 8). Besides the Wiener flow, there are also other weak solutions associated to(E) which are fully described by the following

Theorem 2. (1) Define


u= (u1,· · ·,uk)∈[0, 1]k: Xk


ui=1 , k≥1.



(a) Let m+and mbe two probability measures respectively onpandN−p satisfying : (+)



uim+(du) = αi

α+,∀1≤ip, (-)



ujm(du) =αj+p

α , ∀1≤ jNp.

Then, to(m+,m)is associated a stochastic flow of kernels Km+,m solution of(E).



α ,···,αN

α))is associated a Wiener solution KW.

To ( Xp



α+δ0,..,0,1,0,..,0, XN i=p+1


αδ0,..,0,1,0,..,0) is associated a coalescing stochastic flow of map- pingsϕ.

(b) For all stochastic flow of kernels K solution of(E)there exists a unique pair of measures(m+,m) satisfying conditions(+)and(−)such that Kl aw= Km+,m.

(2) Ifα+= 1

2,N>2, there is just one solution of(E)which is a Wiener solution.


Remarks 2. (1) If α+ = 1, solutions of (E) are characterized by a unique measure m+ satisfying condition(+)instead of a pair(m+,m)and a similar remark applies ifα=1.

(2) The caseα+= 1

2,N=2does not appear in the last theorem since it corresponds to d Xt=W(d t).

This paper follows ideas of[12]in a more general context and is organized as follows. In Section 2, we remind basic definitions of stochastic flows and Walsh Brownian motion. In Section 3, we use a

“specific”SBM(α+)flow introduced by Burdzy-Kaspi and excursion theory to construct all solutions of(E). Unicity of solutions is proved in Section 4. Section 5 is an appendix devoted to Freidlin-Sheu formula stated in[5]for a general class of diffusion processes defined by means of their generators.

Here we first establish this formula using simple arguments and then deduce the characterization of Walsh Brownian motion by means of its generator (Proposition 3).

2 Stochastic flows and Walsh Brownian motion.

LetP(G)be the space of probability measures on G and(fn)nNbe a sequence of functions dense in{fC0(G),||f||≤1}withC0(G)being the space of continuous functions onGwhich vanish at infinity. We equipP(G) with the distanced(µ,ν) = (P



fndν)2)12 for allµ andν inP(G). Thus,P(G)is a locally compact separable metric space. Let us recall that a kernelK on G is a measurable mapping fromGintoP(G). We denote byEthe space of all kernels onG and we equipEwith theσ-fieldE generated by the mappingsK7−→µK,µ∈ P(G), withµKthe probability measure defined asµK(A) =R

GK(x,A)µ(d x)for everyµ∈ P(G). Let us recall some fundamental definitions from[11].

2.1 Stochastic flows.

Let(Ω,A,P)be a probability space.

Definition 3. (Stochastic flow of kernels.) A family of(E,E)-valued random variables(Ks,t)stis called a stochastic flow of kernels on G if,s6t the mapping

Ks,t : (G×Ω,B(G)⊗ A) −→ (P(G),B(P(G))) (x,ω) 7−→ Ks,t(x,ω) is measurable and if it satisfies the following properties:

1.s<t<u,xG a.s.fC0(G),Ks,uf(x) =Ks,t(Kt,uf)(x)(flow property).

2.s6t the law of Ks,t only depends on ts.

3. For all t1<t2<· · ·<tn, the family{Kti,ti+1, 1≤in−1}is independent.

4.t≥0,xG,fC0(G), lim

yxE[(K0,tf(x)−K0,tf(y))2] =0.

5.t≥0,fC0(G), lim

x+E[(K0,tf(x))2] =0.

6.xG,fC0(G), lim

t→0+E[(K0,tf(x)−f(x))2] =0.


Definition 4. (Stochastic flow of mappings.) A familys,t)st of measurable mappings from G into G is called a stochastic flow of mappings on G if Ks,t(x):=δϕs,t(x)is a stochastic flow of kernels on G.

Remark 2. Let K be a stochastic flow of kernels on G and set Ptn=E[K0,tn],n≥1. Then,(Pn)n1 is a compatible family of Feller semigroups acting respectively on C0(Gn)(see Proposition 2.2[11]).

2.2 Walsh Brownian motion.

Recall that for all fC0(G), fiis defined onR+. From now on,we extend this definition onRby setting fi=0on]− ∞, 0[. We will introduce Walsh Brownian motionW1,· · ·,αN), by giving its transition density as defined in[2]. OnC0(G), consider

Ptf(h~ej) =2 XN


αiptfi(−h) +ptfj(h)−ptfj(−h),h>0, Ptf(0) =2 XN



where(pt)t>0is the heat kernel of the standard one dimensional Brownian motion. Then(Pt)t0 is a Feller semigroup onC0(G). A strong Markov process Z with state spaceG and semigroup Pt, and such thatZis càdlàg is by definition the Walsh Brownian motionW1,· · ·,αN)onG.

2.2.1 Construction by flipping Brownian excursions.

For alln≥0, letDn= {2kn, k∈N} andD=∪n∈NDn. For 0≤u< v, definen(u,v) = inf{n∈N: Dn]u,v[6=;}and f(u,v) =infDn(u,v)]u,v[.

LetB be a standard Brownian motion defined on(Ω,A,P)and(~γr,r ∈D) be a sequence of inde- pendent random variables with the same law

XN i=1


i which is also independent ofB. We define B+t =Bt− min

u[0,t]Bu, gt=sup{rt :Br+=0}, dt=inf{rt :B+r =0},

and finallyZt=rBt+,r= f(gt,dt)ifB+t >0, Zt=0 if B+t =0. Then we have the following Proposition 1. (Zt,t≥0)is an W1,· · ·,αN)on G started at 0.

Proof. We use these notations mins,t= min

u[s,t]Bu, ~e0,t=~e(Zt),Fs=σ(~e0,u,Bu; 0≤us).

Fix 0≤s<t and denote byEs,t={min0,s=min0,t}(={gts}a.s.). Leth:G−→Rbe a bounded measurable function. Then

E[h(Zt)|Fs] =E[h(Zt)1E

s,t|Fs] +E[h(Zt)1Ec

s,t|Fs], with


s,t|Fs] = XN



t>s,~e0,t=~ei}|Fs] = XN


αiE[hi(B+t )1{g



IfBs,r=BrBs, then the density of( min

r∈[s,t]Bs,r,Bs,t)with respect to the Lebesgue measure is given by

g(x,y) = 2 p2π(t−s)3


2(ts) )1{y>x,x<0} ([7]page 28).

Since(Bs,r,rs)is independent ofFs, we get

E[hi(B+t)1{gt>s}|Fs] = E[hi(Bs,t− min




= Z



s>x}( Z


hi(yx)g(x,y)d y)d x

= 2



hi(u)pts(Bs+,−u)du (u= yx)

and soE[h(Zt)1Ec

s,t|Fs] =2 XN


αiptshi(−B+s ). On the other hand E[h(Zt)1E

s,t|Fs] =E[h(~e0,s(Btmin0,s))1E





Obviously on{~e0,s=~ek}, we have E[h(~e0,s(Btmin0,s))1{B

t>min0,s}|Fs] = E[hk(Bs,t+B+s )1{B


= ptshk(Bs+) and


s,t(Bt>min0,s)|Fs] =E[hk(Bs,t+Bs+)1{−B+



= Z







s>x}g(x,y)d x


d y=pt−shk(−Bs+).

As a result,E[h(Zt)|Fs] =Pt−sh(Zs)wherePis the semigroup ofW1,· · ·,αN).

Proposition 2. Let M = (Mn)n0be a Markov chain on G started at0with stochastic matrix Q given by

Q(0,~ei) =αi, Q(n~ei,(n+1)~ei) =Q(n~ei,(n−1)~ei) = 1

2 ∀i∈[1,N], n≥1. (8) Then, for all0≤t1<· · ·<tp, we have

(1 2nM22nt

1,· · ·, 1 2nM22nt

p)−−−−→n law

+ (Zt

1,· · ·,Zt

p), where Z is an W1,· · ·,αN)started at0.


Proof. LetBbe a standard Brownian motion and define for alln≥1 : T0n(B) =T0n(|B|) =0 and for k≥0

Tk+1n (B) = inf{rTkn(B),|BrBTn

k|= 1

2n}, Tk+1n (|B|) = inf{rTkn(|B|),||Br| − |BTn

k||= 1


Then, clearly Tkn(B) = Tkn(|B|)and so(Tkn(|B|))k0 l aw= (Tkn(B))k0. It is known ([6]page 31) that


22nt(B) = t a.s. uniformly on compact sets. Then, the result holds also for Tn


Now, letZ be theW1,· · ·,αN)started at 0 constructed in the beginning of this section from the reflected Brownian motionB+. LetTkn=Tkn(B+)(defined analogously to Tkn(|B|)) andZkn=2nZTn

k. Then obviously(Zkn,k≥0)l aw= M for alln≥0. Since a.s. t −→Zt is continuous, it comes that a.s.

t ≥0, limn+ 1


22nt=Zt. 2.2.2 Freidlin-Sheu formula.

Theorem 3. [5]Let(Zt)t0 be a W1,· · ·,αN)on G started at z and let Xt=|Zt|. Then (i) (Xt)t≥0is a reflecting Brownian motion started at|z|.

(ii) Bt=Xt−˜Lt(X)− |z|is a standard Brownian motion where

˜Lt(X) = lim


1 2ǫ

Z t




f(Zt) = f(z) + Z t


f(Zs)d Bs+1 2

Z t 0

f′′(Zs)ds+ ( XN


αifi(0+))˜Lt(X). (9) Remarks 3. (1) By taking f(z) =|z|and applying Skorokhod lemma, we find the following analogous of (6),

|Zt|=|z|+Bt− min


From this observation, when ǫi = 1 for all i ∈ [1,N], we call (E), Tanaka’s SDE related to W1,· · ·,αN).

(2) For N ≥3, the filtration(FtZ) has the martingale representation property with respect to B[2], but there is no Brownian motion W such thatFtZ =FtW [16].

Using this theorem, we obtain the following characterization of W1,· · ·,αN) by means of its semigroup.

Proposition 3. Let

D(α1,· · ·,αN) ={fCb2(G): XN i=1

αifi(0+) =0}.

Q= (Qt)t≥0be a Feller semigroup satisfying Qtf(x) = f(x) + 1

2 Z t


Quf′′(x)du ∀fD(α1,· · ·,αN).


Then, Q is the semigroup of W1,· · ·,αN).

Proof. Denote by P the semigroup ofW1,· · ·,αN),A andD(A)being respectively its generator and its domain onC0(G). If

D1,· · ·,αN) ={fC0(G)\

D(α1,· · ·,αN),f′′C0(G)}, (10) then it is enough to prove these statements:

(i)∀t>0, Pt(C0(G))⊂D1,· · ·,αN).

(ii)D1,· · ·,αN)⊂D(A) and Af(x) =1

2f′′(x)on D1,· · ·,αN).

(iii)D1,· · ·,αN)is dense inC0(G)for||.||.

(iv) IfRandRare respectively the resolvents ofQandP, then Rλ=Rλλ >0 on D1,· · ·,αN).

The proof of (i) is based on elementary calculations using dominated convergence, (ii) comes from (9), (iii) is a consequence of (i) and the Feller property of P (approximate f by P1


f). To prove (iv), letAbe the generator ofQ and fix fD1,· · ·,αN). Then, Rλf is the unique element of D(A)such that(λI−A)(Rλf) = f. We haveRλfD1,· · ·,αN)by (i),D1,· · ·,αN)⊂D(A)by hypothesis. HenceRλfD(A)and sinceA=Aon D1,· · ·,αN), we deduce thatRλf =Rλf.

3 Construction of flows associated to ( E).

In this section, we prove(a)of Theorem 2 and show thatKW given in Theorem 1 solves(E).

3.1 Flow of Burdzy-Kaspi associated to SBM.

3.1.1 Definition.

We are looking for flows associated to the SDE (3). The flow associated toSBM(1)which solves(3) is the reflected Brownian motion above 0 given by

Ys,t(x) = (x+Ws,t)1{tτ

s,x}+ (Ws,t− inf


s,x}, where

τs,x =inf{rs:x+Ws,r=0}. (11)

and a similar expression holds for the SBM(0) which is the reflected Brownian motion below 0.

These flows satisfy all properties of the SBM(α),α ∈]0, 1[ we will mention below such that the

“strong”flow property (Proposition 4) and the strong comparison principle (12). Whenα∈]0, 1[, we follow Burdzy-Kaspi[4]. In the sequel, we will be interested inSBM+)and so we suppose in this paragraph thatα+∈ {/ 0, 1}.

With probability 1, for all rationalssandxsimultaneously, equation(3)has a unique strong solution withα=α+. Define

Ys,t(x) =infXtu,y


u<s,x<Xu,y s

, Ls,t(x) = lim


1 2ǫ

Z t s




Then, it is easy to see that a.s.

Ys,t(x)≤Ys,t(y)st,xy. (12) This implies that x7−→Ys,t(x)is increasing and càdlàg for allst a.s.

According to [4] (Proposition 1.1), t 7−→ Ys,t(x) is Hölder continuous for all s,x a.s. and with probability equal to 1:∀s,x∈R,Ys,·(x)satisfies (3). We first check thatY is a flow of mappings and we start by the following flow property:

Proposition 4.ts a.s.

Ys,u(x) =Yt,u(Ys,t(x)) ∀ut,x ∈R.

Proof. It is known, since pathwise uniqueness holds for the SDE (3), that for a fixedstu,x ∈R, we haveYs,u(x) =Yt,u(Ys,t(x)) a.s. ([9]page 161). Now, using the regularity of the flow, the result extends clearly as desired.

To conclude thatY is a stochastic flow of mappings, it remains to show the following Lemma 1.ts, x∈R, fC0(R)

y→xlimE[(f(Ys,t(x))− f(Ys,t(y)))2] =0.

Proof. We takes=0. For gC0(R2), set

Pt(2)g(x) =E[g(Y0,t(x1),Y0,t(x2))], x = (x1,x2).

Ifǫ >0, fǫ(x,y) =1{|xy|≥ǫ}, then by Theorem 10 in[13], Pt(2)fǫ(x,y)−−−→y

x 0.

For all fC0(R), we have

E[(f(Y0,t(x))−f(Y0,t(y)))2] =Pt(2)f2(x,x) +Pt(2)f2(y,y)−2Pt(2)f2(x,y).

To conclude the lemma, we need only to check that

ylimxPt(2)f(y) =Pt(2)f(x), ∀x ∈R2, fC0(R2).

Let f = f1f2with fiC0(R), x = (x1,x2),y = (y1,y2)∈R2. Then

|Pt(2)f(y)−Pt(2)f(x)| ≤M X2 k=1


where M >0 is a constant. For allα >0,∃ǫ >0,|uv|< ǫ⇒ ∀1≤k≤2 : |fk(u)−fk(v)|< α.

As a result

|Pt(2)f(y)−Pt(2)f(x)| ≤2Mα+2M X2 k=1


and we arrive at lim supyx|Pt(2)f(y)Pt(2)f(x)| ≤ 2Mα for all α > 0 which means that limyx Pt(2)f(y) =Pt(2)f(x). Now this easily extends by a density argument for all fC0(R2).

In the coming section, we present some properties related to the coalescence ofY we will require in Section 3.2 to construct solutions of(E).


3.1.2 Coalescence of the Burdzy-Kaspi flow.

In this section, we suppose 12 < α+<1. The analysis of the case 0< α+< 12 requires an application of symmetry. Define

Tx,y =inf{r≥0, Y0,r(x) =Y0,r(y)}, x,y ∈R.

By the fundamental result of[1], Tx,y <a.s. for all x,y ∈R. Due to the local time, coalescence always occurs in 0; Y0,r(x) =Y0,r(y) =0 if r =Tx,y. Recall the definition ofτs,x from (11). Then Tx,y >sup(τ0,x,τ0,y)a.s. ([1]page 203). Set

Ltx =x+ (2α+−1)L0,t(x), U(x,y) =inf{zy :Ltx =Lty =zfor some t≥0},yx. According to[3](Theorem 1.1), there existsλ >0 such that

uy >0, P(U(0,y)≤u) = (1y u)λ.

Thus for a fixed 0< γ <1, we get limy0+P(U(0,y)≤ yγ) =limy0+(1−y1−γ)λ=1.

From Theorem 1.1[3], we haveU(x,y)−x l aw= U(0,yx)for all 0< x< y and so

ylimx+P(U(x,y)−x ≤(yx)γ) =1, ∀x ≥0. (13)

Lemma 2. For all x∈R, we havelimy→xTx,y =τ0,x in probability.

Proof. In this proof we denoteY0,t(0)simply by Yt. We first establish the result for x =0. For all t>0, we have


0,y(0)) =P(L0tU(0,y))

since(2α+−1)L0,T0,y(0) =U(0,y). The right-hand side converges to 0 as y→0+by (13). On the other hand, by the strong Markov property at timeτ0,y fory <0,

Gt(y):=P(t≤T0,y) =P(t≤τ0,y) +E[1{t>τ



For allε >0, E[1{t>τ


0,y)] =E[1{t−τ


0,y)] +E[1{0<t−τ



E[Gε(Yτ0,y)] +P(0<tτ0,yε).

From previous observations, we have Yτ

0,y > 0 a.s. for all y < 0 and consequently Yτ

0,y −→ 0+

as y →0−. Since limz0+Gε(z) =0, by letting y →0− and using dominated convergence, then ε→0, we get lim sup


Gt(y) =0 as desired for x =0. Now, the lemma easily holds after remarking that

Tx,yτ0,x l aw= T0,y−x if 0≤x< y and Tx,yτ0,x l aw= T0,x−y if x < y≤0.

Fors6t,x∈R, define

gs,t(x) =sup{u∈[s,t]:Ys,u(x) =0} (sup(;) =−∞). (14) We use Lemma 2 to prove


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