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Superconductivity on networks : II. The London approach


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1983

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Superconductivity on networks : II. The London approach

S. Alexander, E. Halevi

To cite this version:

S. Alexander, E. Halevi. Superconductivity on networks : II. The London approach. Journal de

Physique, 1983, 44 (7), pp.805-817. �10.1051/jphys:01983004407080500�. �jpa-00209662�


Superconductivity on networks : II. The London approach

S. Alexander

Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California 93106, USA

and Department of Physics, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California 90024, USA and The Racah Institute of Physics (*), The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel

and E. Halevi

The Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel

(Reçu le 22 novembre 1982, accepti le 23





Nous avons calculé les énergies magnétiques et les champs critiques de réseaux de filaments carrés




tamis de Sierpinski


et les résultats sont appliqués aux amas de percolation. Les résultats sont obtenus

par un développement des équations de Ginzburg-Landau au voisinage de l’amplitude de London. Les effets de la quantification du flux et de courants critiques locaux sont inclus systématiquement. Pour la percolation, nous

faisons l’hypothèse d’une structure fractale se reproduisant à courte distance avec un recouvrement adéquat et une

distribution d’amas du type Stauffer. Nous obtenons des lois d’échelle simples pour l’énergie magnétique, pour la

longueur de cohérence supraconductrice, pour les champs critiques des amas finis et de l’amas infini. Ces résultats

sont comparés à d’autres études du même problème et nous discutons des différences entre ces modèles. Nous discutons également les résultats expérimentaux disponibles et proposons d’autres voies d’approches expérimen-




The magnetic energies and critical fields of networks of thin wires are calculated for the square net and the Sierpinski gasket and the results are applied to percolation clusters. The results are obtained by


sys- tematic expansion of the Landau Ginzburg equations around the constant amplitude London limit. The role of flux quantization and local critical currents are included in a systematic way. For percolation we assume a short

distance self similar fractal structure of the clusters with proper crossovers and inclusion of the Stauffer cluster distribution. Simple scaling forms for the magnetic energy and for the superconducting coherence length, and for

the critical field of finite clusters and of the infinite cluster are obtained. The results are compared with other studies of the same problem and the origin of the discrepancies is discussed. We also discuss existing experiments and suggest some


experimental approaches.

Classification Physics Abstracts

74.30 - 05.40

1. Introduction.

In a recent paper [1] (referred to as I below) we studied solutions of the linearized Landau Ginzburg equations

on networks of thin wires and applied the results to the determination of the upper critical field (Hc2).

This was motivated by the recent experiments of

Deutscher et al. [2] measuring this field near the

percolation threshold of granular systems and by

de Gennes’ [3, 4] suggestion that one could use such

networks of thin wires as a model to simulate the geometry. In applying the results to percolation systems we used the idea of Gefen et al. [5] that one

should have a universal self similar fractal structure

on short distance scales. As in our investigation of

diffusion [6] we then assumed that small finite clusters have a fractal structure up to their radius (rs çp)

and that the infinite cluster can be described by a generalized Skal-Shklovskii-de Gennes [7] model with

fractals replacing the one-dimensional links. We have

applied similar ideas to the density of states [8].

The purpose of the present paper is to supplement

the results of I by studying solutions of the London

equations taking proper account of flux quantization

and critical current effects. As an approach to super-

conductivity this has considerable conceptual advan- tages. It also allows us to calculate the magnetic

energy and the supercurrent distribution. Our approach is therefore a generalization of that sug-

gested by de Gennes [3] for the susceptibility and

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01983004407080500


applied by Stephen [9] to the Sierpinski gasket. In applying the results to percolation we use the same

model as in I and in references [6, 8].

As in I the emphasis of our discussion is on the

geometrical properties of the networks or supercon-

ducting clusters. We therefore completely neglect

inductive effect and assume an infinite London

penetration depth. Formally this is always justified

if the wires are thin enough. We also neglect all

effects of superconducting fluctuations and hysteresis

effects associated with the formation of the minimum energy vortex structures. We do not claim that these

assumptions are necessarily valid in all relevant

experimental situations.

In I we first developed a convenient algorithm

for handling the linearized Landau Ginzburg equa- tions on networks. We then solved the equations

on a regular lattice (the square net) and on a self

similar fractal (the Sierpinski gasket) and then applied

the results to percolation. This allowed us to calculate the critical fields far from the percolation threshold.

We did however run into difficulties in the critical

region when the characteristic length for super-

conducting correlations on the fractal

becomes smaller than the connectivity correlation

length (C;p).

The present paper follows a similar pattern. In section 2 we rederive the London equations for a

net as the constant amplitude limit of the Landau

Ginzburg equations. These equations have been used by de Gennes [3] and by Stephen [9] to calculate the

zero field magnetic susceptibility. Our gauge invariant formulation allows us to extend these results to high


In section 3 we expand the Landau Ginzburg equations around the constant amplitude solutions

and obtain the leading order corrections to the

amplitudes and currents. The main result of this

expansion is to show that the amplitude deviations

on a net obey equations with the same structure as

those found in I and must therefore scale the same


In section 4 we solve the equations for a square net. As for the bulk the magnetic energy is found to

be linear in the field above a size dependent threshold.

The results for the critical field agree with those found in I and with the more recent results of Rammal

et al. [11]. We find two regimes depending on the ratio

of the Landau Ginzburg coherence length to the

lattice spacing. When this ratio is small a vortex core can be accommodated inside the holes of the net and no normal core appears. The upper critical field is that of the wires. When the coherence length

is large we find lines of normal links.

In section 5 we discuss the triangular Sierpinski gasket [5]. The low field susceptibility was calculated

Fig. 1.


A Sierpinski gasket with N


3. We indicate the notation used for the fluxes (1’ n ; Yn) and the junction points An at which the supercurrents associated with the flux yn-1


+ yn-1


is concentrated. These


the points where


would expect disruption if the critical currents



by Stephen [9] and found to be dominated by the largest loops as conjectured by de Gennes [3]. We rely heavily on Stephen’s procedure but include the effects of flux quantization and critical currents.

At high fields the magnetic energy is dominated by loops enclosing one flux quantum and has an ano- malous power law dependence. We confirm the results of I for the critical fields for small gaskets.

For large gaskets [larger than A (Eq. (1.1))] the criti-

cal field is found to be size independent and equal

to that of regions of size A. The gasket retains super-

conducting coherence up to this field, contrary to suggestions made in I. This results from the fact that vortices on the gasket can never develop a

.normal core and also do not exceed local critical currents. As a result the process which drives them normal is a local one and is associated with small

loops on the scale of the amplitude correlation

length A.

In section 6 we apply the results to percolation.

For finite clusters this involves replacing the gasket

indices by the relevant percolation indices in the scaling expressions derived. We discuss the justification of this procedure in appendix B. We derive explicit expres- sions for the experimentally observable magnetic

energy by suitably integrating over the Stauffer [12]

cluster distribution. The resulting phase diagram (Fig. 2) is fairly complex and involves several crossover

lines between different regimes. There are several

novel features to the results leading to a fairly complex phase diagram (Fig. 2). Below Pc the low field sus- ceptibility is found to diverge with the conductivity

index (t) (rather than (t


p)). Close to Pc(çp > A)

there is a crossover to an anomalous p independent

flux quantization regime (f(H ) oc l/ç: HI +t/2v). For

sufficiently high fields (H > Hc(çp)) only small clusters


Fig. 2.


Phase diagram for


percolation system

as a

function of magnetic field and (p - Pc) for constant super-

conducting coherence length çs. The solid line is the critical field for the infinite cluster (Hc2


Eqs. (6.23) and (6.27)).

The dashed line describes the critical field for finite clusters of size çp [Hc(çp)


Eq. (6. 2)] and the dashed-dotted line the


field for flux quantization (H ocØo/ç; Lf (H) çp). The two vertical dashed lines indicate the value of P - Pc for which çp


A(oc 03BEs2/2+03B8). The different regions

in the phase diagram




in section 6 and


discussed there.


survive and f (H) oc çs-4(Hçs)2v+P-t. Above P,,, we

confirm the results of I for the critical field H,, ,2*

The magnetic energy is linear in the field at low fields and crosses over to an anomalous power law close to pr. We also derive expressions for the magnetic

energy due to finite clusters above Hc2.

In section 7 we briefly discuss the results and com-

pare them to available experiments [2] and to other

theoretical predictions [13].

2. The London equations for a net.

As in I and in reference [4], we are interested in solu- tions of the Landau Ginzburg equations

on a network of thin wires. s is a running coordinate along the wire

where A 11 is the component of the vector potential tangential to the wire at point s.

At the junctions of the net one has the boundary

conditions [1, 3, 4] on the amplitudes

and on the derivatives

where the summation is over all outgoing strands-

connected at i.

We assume a constant amplitude :

Then from equation (2 .1 ) the supercurrent through

the strand (ij ) is proportional to

and is independent of s, if the cross section is constant.

Integrating equation (2.6) along the strand gives

where Iii is the length of the strand

and Oi and ø j are the phases at the respective junctions.

We also note that consistency with equation (2 .1 ) requires

Equation (2.4) now becomes

at the junctions.

The presence of a magnetic field can be expressed

in a gauge invariant form by the London loop condi-


where the summation is over the circumference of all elementary plackets (l) of the network. As usual

where 0, is the flux through the placket, 4lo is the flux quantum, and n, is an integer.

Equations (2.10) and (2.11) can now be solved

for the « currents » rJ.u. This has been used by de

Gennes [3] and by Stephen [9] to calculate the zero

field susceptibility.

We can also write down the contribution of the currents to the Landau Ginzburg free energy to this order

where we have used equation (2.7). Since the ampli- tude do 12 comes in as a trivial factor in equa- tion (2.13) we omit it in most of our discussion below.

Similarily we shall frequently refer to the aij as

« supercurrents » or « currents ». This is a convenient

terminology. It is of course obvious that the true

expression for the supercurrent in a strand is


where S is the cross-section of the wire. This would be important if we wanted to calculate screening

effects (i.e. the penetration depth).

It follows from the Euler relationships that equa- tions (2. 10) and (2.11) determine the aij uniquely

for any finite geometry. Thus the only freedom one

has in minimizing dF is in the choice of the inte- gers n. This determines a vortex structure.

In addition there is the effect of the aii on the amplitudes Air Since a vortex on a net does not

have a proper core one does not necessarily have

normal regions. It is however obvious that when the au vary, the amplitude cannot be constant every- where. This becomes important when a critical

current can be exceeded locally. For a (sufficiently thin) single strand this occurs when

but a correct description on a net requires the cohe-

rence length for the amplitudes on the net. We shall

derive the relevant equations in section 3. We actually

find in section 5 that equation (2.15) is not even qualitatively correct as a critical current condition

on a fractal.

There is an interesting difference between a net and the continuum. There are two distinct situations

depending on the ratio of the superconducting cohe-

rence length to the mesh size of the net. When the ratio is small vortices have no normal core and the net cannot be driven normal by a magnetic field.

The state of the system is then described by a suitable

distribution of vortex cores in the holes of the net

which minimizes the free energy (Eq. (2.13)). When Çs is large one has a qualitatively different regime

in which the critical current is exceeded locally so

that some strands are driven normal corresponding

to the normal vortex cores in the continuum.

3. Amplitudes and currents.

We want to treat fluctuations on a net in the same way

one treats fluctuations in the continuum, i.e. by expanding around the constant amplitude London


Consider first a single strand connecting junctions i and j. We write

and expand in ð1. Consistency with section 2 requires

for the amplitudes (Eq. (2.3))

To leading order one has (Eq. (2.9))

where the a0ij are determined from equations (2.10)

and (2.11). To first order in b1 one obtains from (2.1)

and (3.4)

The explicit solutions of equation (3. 5) are given in appendix A. To obtain the network equations we have

to use these solutions in equation (2.4). In general the

ai and therefore the AP will be different for different strands. We define

where d o is a suitably chosen average network ampli-

tude so that the 6ij and the 6i are all small. In the

following we restrict ourselves to small currents and choose

This expansion thus assumes (a 03BES)2 « 1 (Eq. (2.9)).

One obtains to leading order in this parameter





One notes that the right hand side of equation (3 . 8)

has the same structure as the network equations

derived for the linearized Landau Ginzburg equations

in equation (2. .11 ) of I. Thus the coherence length

must renormalize in the same way. The left hand side of this equation is the inhomogeneous driving term for amplitude changes due to the ai. Thus equation (3.8)

determines the amplitude deviations (bi) induced.

Equation (3 . 9) gives the corrections to the aij(a1ij) to the

same order.

The fact that equation (3.8) displays the structure

one finds for linear problems on a network seems intuitively obvious. It does however have important implications. It allows us to take over the detailed results of the discussions in I as to the role of deadends and fractal properties. As in the situations discussed there such features of a specific fractal network show

up only through their effect on the fractal dimensio-

nally d and diffusion index 0.

We only note that for simple geometries one can

somewhat extend the range of the validity of the

formalism by a better choice of Jo’ This is not possible

in the situations we want to discuss below.


4. The square net.

It is instructive to apply these considerations to a

square net, and compare the results to those obtained from the linearized equations in I and more recently

in the detailed study of Rammal et al. [11] and Simonin

et a1. [lla]. Equation (2.10) at the junction (mn)


and from (2 .11 )

where a is the lattice spacing, I an integer, and



2 n(Ha’/q6o) is the proportional to the flux per square.

If we take l = 0 a convenient solution is

This corresponds, in essence, to a Landau gauge :

It is obvious that solutions of this type only make

sense for finite nets and at sufficiently low fields. In particular for a strip of width L along x [11] the energy per site becomes, from equation (2.13),

Thus the magnetic energy is quadratic in the magnetic

field (y oc H ), but diverges with the square of the strip

width (L). A convenient way of expressing this [3] is

in terms of an effective loop area (Seff), i.e. the cross-

sectional area of a simple (say circular) loop giving the

same energy per unit length. Equation (4.6) is then equivalent to

The equivalent loop would have the size of the sample.

When L is large it becomes favourable to introduce vortices (l = 1) with an average spacing (wa) where

This minimizes the magnetic energy.

When w L, i.e. for high fields, the magnetic

energy per site becomes

which is lower than (4.6). Substituting the explicit

form of w (Eq. (4.7)) in (4.9), one obtains

Thus the magnetic energy becomes linear in H rather than quadratic as soon as

Thus flux quantization leads to a very dramatic decrease in the magnetic energy as it does for the bulk.

We note that this reduction occurs here purely by flux quantization without any normal cores (which domi-

nate the magnetic energy in the bulk).

Equation (4.9) is equivalent to a held dependent

effective area

The maximum current flows at the boundary of the



1 squares where it is approximately equal to

Consider now the effect on the amplitudes. There are

two regimes. If,s is small

the solution we have derived does not imply any normal strands. Thus it is qualitatively correct. The

effects on the amplitudes only implies small amplitude

modulations with reduced amplitudes near the vortex

cores. This holds for all fields because (4.14) does not depend on the field. Thus the net cannot be driven normal. We encountered this phenomenon also in our

discussion of the square net in reference [1].

These solutions are analogous to the continuum solutions except for the fact that the normal cores do not show up. To the order we have considered one is not sensitive to the detailed vortex configurations and only their density (w-1) is determined.

One runs into difficulties when (4.14) does not hold, i.e. when

Clearly, one cannot have a superconducting square with 1


1 if the a cannot exceed some small value

1/ ’s. Flux must be accomodated in some other way.

A new length shows up in the problem

One cannot traverse a closed path with a linear dimen-

sion larger than s without encountering a normal link.

The presence of these normal regions allows the net

to accomodate flux continuously. For the solutions


we have considered they would be situated on strips (of width S) along y. The magnetic energy of the supercurrents becomes

when one replaces w by s in equation (4.9).

Equation (4.17a) neglects the contributions of the normal regions and their interaction to the energy.

Each such region involves (ja links and their density

is s-1. Thus the contribution of J is

This is much larger than the dominant field dependent

term in (4.17a) (ya/2 çs) and is comparable to the

linear term in (4.10). Our estimates are clearly not good enough to give the coefficients correctly. We note

that equation (4.10) still differs from our large çs/a

result (11 + 12) in the value of the constant term. The critical field is now reached when


in agreement with the results of I and with the conti-

nuum result.

A curious feature of this calculation is the fact that flux quantization does not show up explicitly. The

detailed form in which the flux is accomodated plays

no role to this order. The dominant field dependent

term in the energy j 2 (Eq. (4 .17b)) is nevertheless identical to that one would obtain by giving each of

the vortices (of density w-1 ) a normal core of area oc çs2. One could try to represent this situation by a

field dependent effective area similar to equation (4.12).

We do not see the point in expressing a vortex core

energy as an effective loop area.

The lattice spacing (a) is the only parameter which shows up in our derivation. Actually it plays a triple

role here. First it determines the mesh size through

Its second role is as an effective bond « resistance » as

in equation (4.2)

where we use Stephen’s terminology [9] emphasizing

the equivalence of the London equations to the Kir-

choff equations with equivalent EMFs. Finally in evaluating critical currents we need the mass of superconducting material being driven normal which is again proportional to a. In principle these are three

different quantities when the links have structure. We shall use this in applying the results of this section to the (Skal-Shklovskii-de Gennes [7]) infinite cluster

in section 6.

We have used a square net in this section. It is fairly

easy to see that the specific lattice is not important and

the results apply to general (d-dimensional) nets with a

basic Cartesian geometry.

5. The Sierpinski gasket.

This structure, introduced to the percolation problem by Gefen et al. [5] has proven instructive in getting some insight into the behaviour of amorphous systems because it is a fractal with a hierarchy of loops.

Stephen [9] has studied the low field magnetic suscep-

tibility. We have studied [1] the structure of the equa- tions and the upper critical field using the linearized

LG equations. More recently, the complete eigenvalue spectrum and the eigenfunctions in zero field were

derived [14] and Rammal and Toulouse [15] obtained

some very interesting results on the eigenvalue spec- trum in magnetic fields.

We want to study the magnetic energy and the appearance of normal regions.



We follow the procedure of Stephen [9] which is

based on the equivalence of equations (2. 10) and (2 .11 )

to the Kirchoff equations. Consider the effect of combi-

ning three N - 1 stage gaskets into an N stage gasket.

As shown by Stephen (Eq. (5) of Ref. 9), one has a

recursion relation for the magnetic energy

where YN - , refers to each of the three N - 1 gaskets

and YN -1 to the empty central triangle (see Fig. 1).

This is a slight generalization. When one considers

flux quantization YN and yN need not be equal. One

has the iterative relationship

Since the only quantities which show up in equa- tion (5.1) are the combinations y. + YM we introduce

flux quantization by writing :

where the Im are independent integers. The resistance

Rm is given by [5]

It is convenient to introduce the notation

where L. is the size of an m stage gasket and So

( _ ( 3/4) a2) is the area of an elementary triangle.

ho is the field for which the flux through an elementary triangle is 2 f/Jo. This is obviously the highest field one

has to consider. The indices introduced in 5.4 are the

fractal dimensionality [5]


and the diffusion index [1, 6, 8, 10]

The obvious generalization of Stephen’s [9] equa- tion (6) is now

where JN is the magnetic energy per link on an N stage gasket.

This reduces to Stephen’s result

when one chooses lm


0. This is the best choice only

at very low fields. When H becomes larger than

it becomes favourable to choose 1m :F 0. Thus f N is

the correct expression for fN only as long as H is

smaller than hN - 1. At higher fields we can write

where m is the smallest integer for which hm is larger

than H. One has lm


0 for all m m and the lm can always be chosen so that

so that (from Eq. (5.8))

Thus, using (5.9) and (5.13) and the definition of m in

equation (5.11) one finds, to leading order :

where C is a constant (= 1). This is analogous to the

linear field dependence for the square net (Eq. (4.10))

where indeed 0=0. Equation (5.14) (or (5.11)) also

means that the magnetic energy at high fields is not

dominated by the largest loops. The dominant contri- butions came from loops of size

Thus, the gasket behaves as though one had smaller

independent gaskets of size L(H).

This is equivalent to an effective area at low fields :

and to a field dependent area

at high fields.




can now determine the critical fields by comparing

the magnetic energies (Eqs. (5.9) or (5.14)) to the

difference between the normal and the superconduct- ing energy. Consider first the low field (H 4>0/L2)

situation (Eq. (5.9)). One finds :

which is identical to the result found in I (Eq. (6.38)).

We have seen however that this expression for the

energy is only valid at low fields (Eq. (5.10))

and therefore

We notice that A (Eq. (1.1)) is the renormalized correlation length on large gaskets introduced in I

(Eq. (6.41)). It arises here from a different argument.

So far our results have reproduced those found in I.

Consider now larger gaskets L > A. The magnetic

energy is given by equation (5.14) and

Thus, the critical field decreases with L (L Å., Eq. (5.17)) and then remains constant for all larger gaskets.

In I we noticed that the critical field given by equation (5.20) (Eq. (6.46) of I) was an upper bound.

It was there suggested that there might be a lower

field at which a large gasket would break up into smaller pieces by the appearance of normal regions at

the junction points (points An


Fig. 1). We want to

check if this can actually occur, i.e. if the loops can develop supercurrents which are sufficiently large to

exceed the critical current locally. Since the current

distribution on the gasket is highly non-uniform, we

need some information on the distribution of the air An explicit calculation [16] is feasible but cumber-

some. We again use Stephen’s electric circuit ana-

logy [9].

For a loop of size L, the total supercurrent is

This is obviously an upper bound on the contribution of the loop to all (Xij. At the junction of the m - 1 stage gaskets (points Am - Fig. 1) the current passes through two specific strands so that the (Xij for these strands have to be comparable to (Xm (see Fig. 1).

This reflects the fact that the ramification number for the gasket is constant (independent of L).

We have to compare (Xm to the critical current

required to produce a normal region (at Am). Naively

one would be inclined to compare a"’ to the critical

current for a single strand (ljC;s) as we did for the


square lattice. This is however misleading for a fractal.

We have shown in section 3 that the amplitude fluc-

tuations obey equations, on the net, which have the

same structure as those one obtains from the linearized

equations. Thus the coherence length for the ampli-

tude is A ( oc 212+0


Eq. (1.1)) following the same

renormalization arguments as in section 6c of I.

This must be the size of the normal regions. We there-

fore need the critical current for a gasket of size À..

We write

and therefore

We notice that this result depends on the fractal nature both through the resistivity and through the

ramification number. For a Cartesian lattice one

would have R oc À.2-d and a current through a region

of size A - I oc CXÀ.d-l leading to ac oc II’s for all d.

Comparing equations (5.21) and (5.23) one finds

that CXc is, in essence, the maximum current (a.) for a gasket of size A. All larger loops have smaller values of am. Thus the critical current is never reached for a

large loop. A large gasket (L >> A) will exhibit the

magnetic energy of equation (5.14) up to the size

independent critical field H,(A) (Eq. (5.20)) where it is driven normal.

Contrary to the Cartesian case (section 4) this is a purely local mechanism. Large vortices never have a

normal core and the gasket is driven normal uniformly by the supercurrent, induced in loops of size A.

6. Percolation clusters.

We want to apply these results to the behaviour of

percolation clusters in magnetic fields. As noted in the introduction the underlying idea is [5, 6] that percola-

tion clusters should have a universal self similar structure on length scales small compared to the connectivity length (çp). The behaviour of the fractal

regime is then assumed to be similar to that of the

gasket. A straightforward scaling argument gives the

fractal dimensionality [5]

and the diffusion index [1, 6, 8, 10]

where t is the conductivity index ( Q oc ( p - p,y).

The loop structure of a gasket seems rather special.

We show in appendix B that one is justified in applying

the gasket results with very plausible self similarity assumptions on the structure of percolation clusters.

For a single cluster of size rs the magnetic energy

becomes, in analogy to equations (5.9) and (5.14) :


where we have added the factor lie;; (oc Ho ) to indi-

cate the temperature dependence. The critical field

Hc(rs) is given by (Eqs. (5.16) and (5.19))

where A is the correlation length for superconductivity

introduced in I

To calculate the magnetic energy below the perco- lation threshold (p Pc) we have to average over the

Stauffer cluster distribution [12]. As for the diffusion

problem [6] this changes the indices. It is also impor-

tant at high fields when only the small clusters survive.

There are three length scales in the problem, the per- colation coherence length (çp), the coherence length

for superconducting correlations (A - 212 ’ 0), and a

field dependent length scale L(H ) determined either

by flux quantization or by critical current effects.

This results in a rather complex diagram. We depict

this in figure 2 as a function of P - Pc and I H I for

constant A (i.e. constant C;s).

Forp p, there are only finite clusters. The magne- tic field determines two length scales. From flux

quantization one has

and from the critical field of small finite clusters

(Eq. (6. 4a))

The lines Lf(H) = çp (> A) and Lc(H) = p ( A)

are shown in figure 2.

For sufficiently low helds one has

All clusters then have the Stephen magnetic energy

(Eq. (6. 3a)) and integrating over the cluster distri- bution [12] the magnetic energy per unit mass (or volume) becomes :

This holds in region I of figure 2.

Close to p, there is a flux quantization regime II :

The magnetic energy for the larger clusters

(rs > Lf(H )) is determined by flux quantization and


has the form of equation (6. 3b). The magnetic energy becomes

Finally in region III

and only clusters smaller than Lc(H) remain super-

conducting. The crossover occurs on the lines Lc(H) = 03BEp > A and Lf(H) = A 03BEp i.e. always at the critical

field for clusters of size 03BEp. The magnetic energy is

where we have added the normalization constants

(ho a) to emphasize that the energy is still lower than that of the normal state for all clusters (1/ ç4s in these


We shall see below that regions II and III also

extend above PC.

For p > Pc we invoke the results of section 4. We

replace the lattice spacing by çp (y oc Hç) the bond

resistance by R(çp) (oc ç;+O-d) and the bond mass by

p In section 4 these were all proportional to the

lattice spacing (a). In the London limit the energy

(per unit mass of the infinite cluster) becomes, in analogy to equation (4.6),

We note that this is normalized to the mass of the infinite cluster (p - p,,:r. If we want to normalize

to the total mass or to unit volume of the sample we

would have an additional factor (p - Pc)-P i.e.

For a finite sample one thus predicts (m



for sufficiently low fields and çp L. This size depen-

dent regime is not shown in figure 2.

From flux quantization we have one magnetic length scale (analogous to w - Eq. (4.8))

The area L}.C;p encloses one flux quantum.

The critical current for a fractal link of dimension

03BEp ( À) (computed as in 1 Eq. (5.22)) is :

For larger fractals the critical current is always (Eq. (5.23))

where we have used the result of reference [8] that the

fracton dimensionality is d = 2 d/2 + 9 = 4/3 for percolation. However such large fractals are not

driven normal uniformly at ac. Instead they break

up by the appearance of normal regions of size A on

the fractal at weak points of type A in figure 1. This is

however irrelevant to our considerations because

a > cxc(À.) always implies a nonequilibrium distribu-

tion of vortices. For çp A the critical current (Eq. (6.18a)) defines a second length

One cannot have a continuous superconducting loop

with a linear dimension exceeding Lic(H ).

Consider first the situation at low fields close to Pc (region IVa


Fig. 2)

This is the London regime. There are no normal regions and from (6.15) and in analogy to (4.10)

On the line Lf(H) _ çp this crosses over to

region IIb. On this line one also has L f(H )



One has

This is again a London regime but the loop struc-

ture is that of the fractal regime because Lf (H) C;p.

We also note that one has loops of this size also on

finite clusters which also contribute to the energy.

The magnetic energy has the same form as in region IIa (Eq. (6. 11)) :

but the whole infinite cluster is superconducting.

On the line Lf (H) = A the infinite cluster and all finite clusters larger than A, become normal. Thus

At higher fields only small superconducting clusters (rs L,(A)) survive and one enters region III. The magnetic energy is given by equation (6.13).

Further from Pc(çp A) the phase diagram looks

a little different.

At low fields one has region IVb with a finite density (L’(H) 03BEp)-1 of normal links. This regime is best

described in terms of a renormalized coherence length

already introduced in I and in reference [2]. One has


The energy of the magnetic currents is (Eq. (4.16))

and that of the normal regions

Thus since (Çpl À) 1 the dominant field dependent energy f2 has the same form as in region IVa (Eq.

(6.21)). The only difference between these regimes is

the presence of normal lines (i.e. normal vortex cores

of radius 03BEs) in IVb.

At the field

the infinite cluster becomes normal as found in I and

suggested in reference [2].

One notes however that the field Hc2 is smaller

than the critical field for finite clusters of size C;p (Hc(çp) - Eq. (b . 4a)). One therefore crosses into

region V

In this region one has only finite clusters and the energy has the same form as in region I and is given by equation (6.9).

On the line Lc(H) = p- H


Hc(C;p) one crosses over to region III.

In I it was suggested that a large cluster would break up into smaller ones at high fields because normal regions would appear at some special points.

Our analysis here does not confirm this suggestion.

We found normal regions on a lattice in section 4 and for the infinite cluster in region IIb (C;p A) but they

never resulted in disrupting the fractals. The effects of flux quantization always dominate. It is never- theless of interest to check if this effect can ever occur

for fractals of the type we have considered (see Appen-

dix B). We have seen that a loop of size L can generate

a maximum supercurrent (Eq. (5.21)) :

Normal regions show up if am(L) can become larger

than (Eq. (5.23))

for L larger than A. The condition for this is

This does not occur for percolation (d z 4/3) or for

the Sierpinski gasket [8] (d z 2 In 3/ln 5). It would

be interesting to know if a fractal obeying the inequa- lity (6 . 31 ) and the conditions of appendix B is possible.

7. Discussion.

We have tried to perform an explicit calculation for the behaviour of a percolating system in a magnetic

field. The results, as derived in section 6, are rather complex and may seem confusing. It, therefore, seems useful to summarize them here. We have assumed that a finite percolation cluster (rs C;p) can be

regarded as a fractal with a self similar hierarchy of loops. For low fields the magnetic energy is then

always quadratic in the field (H ) and in the amplitude

of the order parameter (oc 1/03BEs) and has the Ste-

phen [9] power law dependence on rs (Eq. (6.3a)). In

this regime the energy is dominated by the largest loop in the cluster (of size rs). For small clusters

(rs A) this holds until the cluster is driven normal at a size dependent critical field Hc(rs) (Eq. (b.4a)). For larger clusters there is an intermediate regime in

which there are quantized vortices; the energy is dominated by smaller loops and becomes independent

of the cluster size (Eq. (6.3b)). The critical field at which the cluster goes normal (Eq. (6.4b)) is also independent of the cluster size. The left hand side of

figure 2 is then obtained when one takes into account the fact that one has a continuous distribution of cluster sizes up to C;p and integrates over the Stauffer distribution [12].

The new feature above pc is the presence of the infinite cluster. In the spirit of the Skal-Shklovskii- de Gennes model [7] we treated this as a regular (i.e.

not fractal) net with mesh size C;p. We treated the links of the net as fractals of size C;p with a hierarchy of subsidiary small loops. The low field magnetic energy is then linear in the field (above a size dependent threshold) with a coefficient which depends on C;p (Eqs. (6.21) and (6.26)). When C;p is small (C;p A) a

continuum picture is adequate. The supercurrents induced by the field give rise to normal regions (i.e.

the vortices have normal cores) and the critical field arises in the usual way when the vortex density

becomes too high. Thus the infinite cluster behaves like a continuum with a renormalized coherence

length OC C;;fJ/2 C;s


Eq. (6. 24)). When çp is large (çp > A) the continuum picture is misleading. The

mesh size is too large and the vortices can accomodate their cores in the holes of the net. Thus the vortices associated with the continuum (or regular net) have no

normal cores. Their contribution to the magnetic

energy only gives rise to Parks Little [18] oscillations

(see section 4 here and section 5 of I). Once we have

accomodated a flux quantum in each hole (H >

00/03BE2p) the magnetic energy is dominated by the

smaller loops on the links (region IIb). The critical

field (H,2) is the field at which the fractal links are

driven normal and becomes independent of çp. The


rest of the diagram on the right hand side of figure 2

results from the fact that we have included the finite clusters present.

Rammal et al. [13] have recently tried to apply scaling considerations to the present problem. They

obtain very different results. In essence our approach

is also a scaling approach. It differs from a straight-

forward scaling ansatz because we explicitly attri-

bute the scaling (i.e. fractal) properties to the short

distance properties. A similar approach has been

used by Gefen et ad. [6] in treating the diffusion pro- blem. The straightforward scaling expressions (e.g.

Eqs. (6.3) and (6.4)) are then modified by taking

into account the cluster distribution and the mass of the infinite cluster. While this reduces the symmetry of the expressions one obtains we believe it is essential.

Another difference between our results and those of reference [13] results from the fact that they use the

bare C;s, rather than A as a length scale for superconduc- tivity. We believe our results in I and here show clearly

that this is not justified. We note that a simple cross-

over argument for the coherence length at C;p (03BEs


p e2 S = A = C;:; C;p


A) gives the same result

(Å. oc C;;/2+6). Finally there is the question of the role of inductive effects, i.e. of the fields due to the super- current distribution. These are explicitly excluded

in the calculation we have done. Thus the London

penetration depth is assumed infinite. The results of reference [13] suggest that somehow inductive effects

are implicitly included by the scaling considerations.

One notes that a purely geometric magnetic suscep-

tibility which depends on C;p but not on C;s, cannot

arise otherwise.

We note that the backbone mass index (P’) ne r

shows up in our calculation. This confirms the resul s of I and contradicts the speculations on this poi t

in references [2] and [9].

The most crucial experimental test for our predic-

tions would certainly be a direct measurement of the field dependence of the magnetization which would directly probe our predictions for the magneticl

energy. We would like to point out that hysteresis

effects could be important in regions II and IV where

we have assumed an equilibrium vortex distribution.

The only specific experimental results with which

one can compare our prediction (or those of Ref. [12])

are those of Deutscher et al. [2]. There is clear qualita-

tive disagreement in the interesting regime close to pc.

We predict that H,2 should be independent of p - p,

in this regime (çp > A) while the experiments show a

critical divergence. We note that in reference [13]

Hc2 also becomes independent of p(çp > çs) in the

relevant regime. We believe this shows that somehow the model we have used does not describe the experi-

mental situation adequately.

Two obvious possibilities seem to be ruled out.

First one could have non-equilibrium vortex distribu-

tions (the fields were applied to superconducting samples). This could be important in measurements of the magnetic energy but could not possibly lead to a

measured Hc2 higher than the real one.

A second possibility is that superconducting fluc-

tuations become important. Close to pc(03BEp >> A)

superconducting vortices have no normal cores.

In other situations the superconducting core energies

are very high and this tends to suppress fluctuations.

Here they should presumably be observable and it would be interesting to look for a Kosterlitz Thoulless

regime close to pc(03BEp > A). We do not believe that this

played any role in the experiments of Deutscher

et al. [2]. They used the standard mean field result

and the plots of H c2 (T) versus T show no signs of

deviations from mean field behaviour. We therefore have no explanation for the discrepancies.


The authors would like to thank R. Rammal, T. C.

Lubensky, and G. Toulouse for making preprints of

their work available and for their interest in and

skepticism as to the results of I which led them to try the alternative approach described here. We also thank M. Stephen for a preprint of reference [9]. One

of us (S.A.) would also like to thank R. Rammal and G. Toulouse for discussions which clarified the

relationship between reference [13] and the present work. Discussions with G. Deutscher, A. Aharony,

Y. Gefen, R. Orbach, P. Chaikin, and F. Zawadowski

are gratefully acknowledged.

This work was supported in part by the U.S. Natio-

nal Science Foundation, contract number 4-444024- 21944 and grant number PHY77-27084.

Appendix A.

We write

It is convenient to define



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