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علاقة الضغوط النفسية لدى أسر المعاقين بالعلاقات الأسرية


Academic year: 2021

Partager "علاقة الضغوط النفسية لدى أسر المعاقين بالعلاقات الأسرية"


Texte intégral


8 121

Abstract This study aimed at investigating the relationship between psychological stresses among Families with disabled children and family relationships, And so out of the following hypothesis: There is significant relationship between psychological stress and family relations with the families of the disabled, and there are significant relationship between psychological stress in families of disabled people and the relationships between the parents, relations between brothers, relations between parents and children non handicapped. The researcher applied the descriptive method in carrying out this study. Simple random selection method was applied in selecting (121) parents of handicapped children enrolled in various centers ,of whom 43 families of disabled children sensory ,29 a family for the children of physically disabled ,49 families of mentally disabled children were selected randomly. The tools of data collection consist of psychological stresses scale (preparation of ahmad zidane sartawi, and abd elaziz el-chakhes), and a questionnaire to family relations with the families of the disabled by the researcher. A tests was carried out to check validity and reliability of the Questionnaire. The data were manipulated by the



computer and the SPSS Statistical Package of Social Sciences was used for the Pearson correlation coefficient test. The most important results of the study can be summarized as follows: There is statistically significant correlation between psychological stresses and among Families with disabled children and family relationships. Results were discussed based on the previous researching.

Key words: stress, families with disabilities, family relationships.

. Nihira Meyers Mink


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12 . 600=1<: Reed &Belsky 5==:159< Krausse 90 90 5==:159; Floyd&Zmich(1990) 97 : 5< 6009150: (2001 . 600= :7 Blatcher et all(1987) 59;


13 600= :; Leary &Verth(1995) 66 600= :; Meyckens –

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15 2006 59 (Blacher,1984) 6005 9; 5 6 5 6


16 . . 565 . . . 5 9 9 8 7 5 9 9 8 7 2 1


17 6 7 8 9 59 60 : 6055 59 <0 1 60 . 6 58 7 57 8 09 9 57 . : < . 7 ; . 9 8 7 600= 08<=


18 ,67 0 Sperman-Brawn ,80 0 ,80 0 5 8 . 6 4 7 6 8 : 4 9 3 . : 3 ; 8 ,84 0 Sperman-Brown 91 0 ,91 0 ,91 0 5 = 5: 6; 5


19 6 50 5; 66 6< 7 5< 67 55 6= . 6 8 56 5= 68 9 57 60 69 : 58 65 6: 70 75 7 ; 59 < 9 8 7 2 1 6 7 8 9 6055 5<0 58= 6< 565


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21 088; 0805 0885 0805 0879 0805 0805 . 0897 0805 . (2000 (Hill) (ABCX) A (B)


22 (C) (ABC) X (1980 088; 0805 Floyd & Zmich(1990) (1950, 1954) Festinger Theory of



Social Comparison Processes 5=<915:0



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26 600; 600: 600= 600= 600< 5 5 =5 557 6050 ;0 ;; 59;

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