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LANGUAGE Answer Key TestN° 4 http://www.najah.com


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DOC4LTANGCS0004  Page 1 

Answer Key TestN° 4

READING COMPREHENSION 1/ Complete the table with information from the text.

Age Occupation Marital status Residence

Naomi 26 solicitor married Blanchland, Northumberland

2/ Pick out complete sentences from the text to show the following statements are false.

a/ Naomi became pregnant as soon as she started working.

She became pregnant six months after starting work.

b/ Although Mrs Crinson, the manager, was not satisfied with Naomi’s work, she never made any allusion to her pregnancy.

She claims her boss’s criticisms ceased to be work-related. “Comments were now directed at my pregnancy.

c/ Fortunately Naomi was safe and sound after the car accident.

She was told her back had been badly jarred in the collision and she had blood pressure.

d/ Doctors were of the opinion that the premature birth was due to a congenital malformation.

Doctors told her it was more likely the premature birth had been caused by the stress she had endured during the previous months.

3/ What does the underlined expression mean? Express it differently.

She was instantly made to feel as though she was making a mountain out of a molehill.

Making something unimportant seem important 4/ Find words in the text meaning the following:

*become fat: get piles

*received a painful shock: jarred

*got worse: deteriorated

5/What do the following words/expressions refer to?

*she: (paragraph): Naomi

*the news (paragraph): Naomi’s pregnancy

6/ If you experienced any kind of harassment, would you react as Mrs Mainwaring did?

Why, Why not?

(First answer “Yes” or “No” then justify your answer.)


1/Fill in the blanks with 8 words from the box.

resort / offers / from / mess / including / home / up / where / there / mass



DOC4LTANGCS0004  Page 2 

spectacular /

Perched on the edge of a wooden houseboat, we drift aimlessly on endless backwaters, soaking up the breathtaking beauty of Kerala.

We’re carefree in Kerala, a spectacular little state tucked away in the extreme south-west of the Indian peninsula. All the colours, sights, sounds and tastes of this unspoilt land make it the perfect getaway, a place where stress and strain dare not tread. We booked a Kerala Travel Centre tour and our first stop was Kovalam, home to some of the best sandy beaches in India and overlooked by the luxurious Leela resort. Sitting atop a rocky cliff, this five-star hotel offers some wonderful views of the Arabian Sea which can be enjoyed from the Sky Bar or infinity pool. Time to tuck into some of the local cuisine. Kerala is heaven for

vegetarians, with menus bursting full of vegetable delights. Meat-eaters don’t panic – there are plenty of tasty treats for you, too including variety of fresh fish.

Kerala is untouched by mass tourism – the sandy beaches are clean and its lush greenery is bustling with wildlife. The beautiful landscape really took our breath away.

2/Put the bracketed words in the right tense or form.

The first week I lived in Shangai, I was walking down Nanjing Street, in front of Cartier, near one of the main high-end shopping plazas, a glittering mass of high-rise office buildings and luxury stores. I left New York City a year ago, after a lifetime there. I was annoyed at spending $20for a hamburger and depressed by designer boutiques. I decided to move myself and my 12-year-old daughter, Lulu – whom I had adopted as a baby in China – from the old capital of the world to the new: to make a home in Shangai, a city of the future. I knew something about Shangai, as I have been here on trips several times in the last few years. It is a microcosm of the Asian boom, stuffed with people giddy on hope and thrilled to be changing. It’s so fascinating to watch. Thirty years from now, Shangai will probably be just like New York But I don’t care about that now.

3/Complete the unfinished words. Each dot stands for one letter.

“I’m mad about computer games and I couldn’t live without them. I’ve been playing for several years now. I had my first computer when I was six years old. I usually play for about two hours a day. Some computer games are quite expensive and I can’t always afford to buy the ones I want, so I often swap games with my friends. I also play in computer games competitions from time to time.


1/Complete the following interview.

Beth Murphy works as a librarian for Book Aid International, which is an organisation that helps people in developing countries develop their reading and writing skills. We asked her about her job.

Is being a librarian just stamping books and telling people to be quiet?

B.M: There are plenty of things you can do once you have a library qualification and lending books is a small part of the job.

What is the role of Book Aid International?



DOC4LTANGCS0004  Page 3 

B.M: BA International supports libraries across Africa by sending books to different countries

Why did you become a librarian?

B. M: Librarians help to organise information so that it’s ready when people need it…..

Do librarians just get to work with books?

B.M:No, definitely not! Librarians help to make it easy to find information stored in lots of different places. I deal with CDs, DVDs, websites, pod casts, newspapers and lots more.

What qualifications do you need?

B.M: There are different types of qualifications for different jobs. I did an MA in Librarianship at university but there are lots of other courses.

Writing 2

Your name is John/Jane Middleton and your address is 15, Brighton Road, London. Read the advertisement below then write a letter to Oakwood & Danbury to apply for the job.





Oakwood & Danbury are looking for a junior assistant Applicants must be:

* under 21 * fluent in English

* computer literate * tidy and responsible Apply in writing to: PO Box 9923 Doncaster, DN1 4QS

Use a formal greeting a- Opening paragraph:

* I am writing in regard to your advertisement (where)……….

* I am writing to apply for……… as advertised in ……….

b- Main part:

* I have studied/been working for……….

* My qualifications include…………

* I am also interested in ………

c- Closing paragraph:

* If you feel that my qualifications meet your requirements………

* If my application is considered favourably……….

* I look forward to hearing from you……….

* I am available for an interview at your convenience………

Use a formal signature ending


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