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Description of the flow in a linear cascade with an upstream cavity Part 1: Influence of turbulence (draft)


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Fiore, Maxime and Gourdain, Nicolas and Boussuge, Jean-François and Lippinois, Eric Description of the flow in a

linear cascade with an upstream cavity Part 1: Influence of turbulence (draft). (2020) Computers and Fluids, 199.

104361-104373. ISSN 0045-7930



Large-Eddy simulation Turbulence injection Transition process Low-pressure turbine

tionfromalaminartoaturbulentboundarylayerisgenerallyeitherabypassprocessduetofreestream turbulenceoraseparation-inducedtransition duetothe adversepressure gradient onthe blade.The overallbladelossesandtheoperatingpointarestronglydependentontheabilitytopredictthis bound-arylayerstate,thesizeandlengthoftheseparationbubble.Therefore,turbomachinerydesignersrequire tools whichaccurately predict the laminar-turbulent transition. The ReynoldsAveraged Navier–Stokes (RANS)formalismiscurrentlycommonlyuseddueatorelativelylowcomputationalcost.Except partic-ulardevelopments,thisapproachisnotsuitedtopredicttransitionprocesses.TheLargeEddy-Simulation (LES)approachisabletopredicttransitionprocessesatahighercomputationalcostmakingitsuitable forlow-pressureturbineapplicationsinconjunctionwithinletturbulenceinjectionsincethefree-stream turbulenceisgenerallynon-negligibleandaffectnear-wallflowbehavior.Thepresentstudyintroducesa descriptionoftheflowinalinearcascadewithanupstreamhubcavityataReynoldsnumber represen-tativeoflow-pressureturbinesbythreedifferentapproaches(RANS,LESandLESwithinletturbulence injection).Thisstudyshowstheinfluenceofturbulencemodellingandturbulenceinjectionattheinlet ofthe domainontheboundarylayerstateathuband shroudmodifyingthesecondaryvorticesradial migrationinthebladepassageandthecancellingofsuctionsideseparationbubbleathighfree-stream turbulence.TheKevin–Helmholtzinstabilityattherimsealinterfaceisalsocancelledathighfree-stream turbulence.

1. Introduction

The turbofan is currently the mostcommon andefficient gas turbine architecture in commercial airlines used in conjunction withmulti-spoolarrangement.Thefanattheinletofthegas tur-binethatprovidesmostofthethrustislinkedtothelow-pressure turbine. Due to the relatively large fan diameter andto prevent shocks atits tip, its rotationalspeed is generallylow and conse-quentlylowforthelow-pressureturbine.Intypicaloperating con-ditions, the flow over a low-pressure turbine is characterized by arelativelylow Reynoldsnumber,amongthelowestinthe differ-ent components of the gas turbine [1]. Based on the chord and

Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses: fiore@cerfacs.fr (M. Fiore), nicolas.gourdain@isae-supaero.fr (N. Gourdain), boussuge@cerfacs.fr (J.-F. Boussuge), eric.lippinois@safrangroup.com (E. lippinois).

1 orcid = 0 0 0 0-0 0 03-1740-4581

maximum blade suction side velocity, the Reynols number is in theorderofmagnitudeof105formediumsizedlow-pressure

tur-bines.This value evolvesallalong the missionofthe gasturbine and can differs of a factor five between take-off and cruise [2]. ThisrelativelylowReynoldsnumbercanpromotethedevelopment ofa laminarboundary layer over the blade suction side and in-creasethepossibilityofaseparation-inducedbubble[3]compared to a turbulent boundary layer. The experimental study of Abu– GhannamandShaw[4]onaflatplatewithvariousupstream tur-bulencelevelsandstreamwisepressuregradientshaveshownthat theboundarylayermayremainlaminarundernofree-stream tur-bulenceuntilhighReynoldsnumbertypically3 × 106.However,

assoon asthe free-stream turbulencelevel is around Tu ࣃ 2– 3% that can be commonly observed in turbine main flow path, the boundary layer may become turbulent for the characteristic Reynolds number in low-pressure turbines. The free-stream tur-bulence promotes early transitionprocesses of the blade bound-arylayerandpotential cancellingof suctionside separation bub-https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compfluid.2019.104361





m massflowrate[kg.s−1]



k turbulentkineticenergy[kg.m2.s−2] (x,y,z) Cartesiancoordinates[m]

Cp pressurecoefficient[-] Cx axialchord-length[m] E energy[kg.m2.s−2] HNGV bladeheight[m] Ma Machnumber[-] Re Reynoldsnumber[-] St Strouhalnumber[-] Tu turbulenceintensity[-] u velocity[m.s−1] Greekletters



















∞ upstreamconditions

. azimuthallyaveragedquantity . fluctuatingquantity

.+ non-dimensionalwall-units

c cavity

edge edgeoftheboundarylayer

m mainannulus

ref referencestate tot totalquantity turb turbulent

bleduetoaturbulentnatureoftheboundarylayer[5].Theradial migration of secondary flows developing in the passage are also impacted when hub or shroud boundary layer nature are mod-ified[6]. These different interaction processes between Reynolds numbereffect, adverse pressure gradient andfree-stream turbu-lencebecome moreandmoreimportantto beunderstood to de-velopfutureturbines.Indeed,thecurrentdesigntrendwith gear-boxed engines that aim at reducing the number of airfoils per rowforthesameperformance(HighLift(HL)andevenUltraHigh Lift (UHL) blades) [7] will promote higher adverse pressure gra-dients experienced by the flow as well as potential higher free-stream turbulence due to reduced inter-stage gaps. The Compu-tational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tool can give insight in the near-wallbehaviorofgasturbine.Themostcommonand computation-ally affordable approach is the Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS)formalism.Some modelshavebeen developedtakinginto accountthetransitionprocessinRANS includingtheoneofJones andLaunder[8].This modelintroduces the turbulent kinetic en-ergy gradients in the so-calledlow-Reynolds number versions of thek-

model allowing to handletransition withouta dedicated transitionmodelasfor the


− Reθ model developedby Menter etal.[9]. However,these approachesarescarcely ableto capture transitionprocessesingas turbinecontext. TheLargeEddy Simu-lation(LES)[10]approachisable,forsufficientgridandnear-wall refinementlevelsto handlethetransitionprocessfroma laminar toa turbulent regime [1]withoutadditional transitionmodelling steps.Furthermore,theReynolds numberinlow-pressure turbine

Fig. 1. View of the experimental set up. Adapted from Schuler [23] .

Table 1

Characteristics of the cascade rig.

cascade details nominal conditions Inlet blade angle 37.9 ◦ Re 5.6 × 10 5

Outlet blade angle 66.3 ◦ Ma 0.22

Axial chord C x 75 mm m˙ m 1.13 kg.s −1

H NGV / C x 1.3 ptot,in / p out 1.035

Pitch/ C x 0.884 m˙ c / ˙ mm 0, 0.5, 1%

is low enough such that Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) ap-proach[11–13]orLES [14–16]wouldbe usedata highbutmore andmoreaffordablecomputationalcost[17,18]inconjunctionwith turbulenceinjectiontoproviderepresentativeinletconditions[19– 22].

Thispaper describestheflow ina linear cascadewithan up-stream cavity at a Reynolds numbers representative of a low-pressureturbinebasedonRANS,wall-resolvedLESsimulationwith orwithoutinlet turbulenceinjection. Aspecialemphasis isgiven tobetterunderstandtheinfluenceofturbulencemodelling(RANS orLES) andturbulenceinjection atthe inletfor LESon the flow behavior. The first part of this paper introduces the configura-tionandthenumericalsetup.Thesimulationsperformedarethen comparedagainstavailable experimentaldatawithafocusonthe physicalrootsofthediscrepancybetweenthedifferentsimulations performed and the experiments. Once discussed, the analysis of thephysicalphenomenainthelinearcascadearedescribedforthe LESwithturbulenceinjectionwhichisthemostrepresentativeof the experimental test case. Finally, conclusions on the study are drawn.

2. Configurationandnumericalmethods

2.1. Linearcascadeexperimentalsetup

The configuration under study is a low-Mach linear cascade composedoffivenozzleguidevaneinstalledatKarlsruhe Univer-sity,Germany (see Fig.1).The rigissetinan open circuitwhich includes an upstream honeycomb settling chamber, a centrifugal blower anda Venturi pipe in order to target the desired inflow conditions.Upstreamofthebladeleadingedge,therimsealis in-cluded in a cavity module linked to the test section allowing to easilysetdifferentrimsealdesigns.Thepurgeflowissuppliedto the cavity (c) as a fraction of the mainstream flow (m), respec-tivelym˙c/m˙m= 0,0.5or1%.Mainrigcharacteristicsaregathered


Inordertopromoteperiodicconditionsonthelateralsections of each blade of the cascade, adjustable tailboards were moved alongrigchannel’swall.Theirpositionwasmoveduntilalow dis-crepancy for the pressure distribution around the blade for the three inner blade wasreached. The tolerated pressure coefficient mismatchat midspanwasset to1 %. Thisrequirement is


neces-Fig. 2. Simulation domain.

sarytoensurethatthecomparisonwithnumericalsimulationsfor whichonlythecentral bladeissimulatedandperiodicconditions are applied on the lateral sections is compliant. Three different rimseal geometriesarestudied experimentallyincludingan axial clearance (A)andtwo geometries usingaxialoverlapping:simple (S) and double(D) (see Fig. 2). In thispaper, the differentcases studiedwiththedifferentgeometriesandpurgeflowrateswillbe denotedbyaletterfortherimsealgeometryconsidered(A:axial, S: simpleoverlapping,D:doubleoverlapping)andafigureforthe purgeflowrateimposed(0:0%,05:0.5%,1:1%).Forexample,the configurationA05standsfortheaxialrimsealgeometrywith0.5% ofthemainstreamflowsuppliedinthecavity.Totalpressure, tem-perature,azimuthal andradial anglesprofiles areprovidedatone axial chordlength upstreamofthe bladeleadingedgebythe ex-periments.Thefree-streamturbulenceisproducedbyaturbulence gridpositioned atseven axialchord lengthupstreamoftheblade leading edge anda turbulent intensity of Tu= 6% at the blade leadingedgewasmeasured.

2.2. Numericalparameters

The RANS and LES without inlet turbulence injection (LES1no.inj.) simulations have been performed using the Onera

codeelsA[24] whichsolves thecompressibleNavier-Stokes equa-tions over multi-block structured grids. For theRANS simulation, thetopology forthenozzleguidevaneisbuilttohaveaminimal orthogonality higher than 30◦ and a maximal aspect ratio lower than 1,000.Inthenear-wall regions,thesecriteriaarecheckedto be higher than 80◦ fororthogonality, lower than 500 for aspect ratioand1.2fortheexpansionratio.Thefirstoff-wall pointy1 is

settoy1/Cx=7× 10−4 inordertoreachthequalityrequirements

forawall-resolvedsimulationy+1 <1.Fig.3showsy+1 distribution aroundtheblade,atthehubandshroud obtainedfromtheRANS simulation. y+1 remains below unity forthe differentwetted sur-faces.The meshisrefined atthebladeleadingandtrailingedges, in the wake region andat the interface between the cavity and themainannulus.Themeshiscomposedofaround7 × 106cells


For the LES1no.inj., the expansion was set to 1.03 to ensure

around30gridpointsintheviscouslayeruntily+=50.The min-imum orthogonalityremains higher than 30◦ withvalues around 80◦ in the near-wall regions. The aspect ratio is also decreased comparedtotheRANSapproachbyapplyingthecriteriafurnished in the literature to fulfil the recommendation for wall-resolved LES[25–27].Thesecriteriaweresetto50≤

x+ ≤ 80;y+1 ≤ 1;

Fig. 3. y +

1 distribution around the wetted surfaces: unwrapped blade (top), hub and

shroud (bottom) for the RANS simulation (configuration A05). LE and TE stand re- spectively for leading and trailing edge.

Fig. 4. Midspan averaged grid dimension at wall for the LES1 no.inj. , configuration


15 ≤

z+ ≤ 25 leading to a mesh of around 60 × 106 cells

(see Fig. 4). The in-house unstructured AVBP solver [28] is used toperforman additionalLESsimulationwithoutturbulence injec-tion(LES2no.inj.)toassessthevalidityofthetwoLESandthe sim-ulationwithinletturbulence injection(LES2turb.inj.). Alayer of20

prisms innear-wallregions is appliedwithan expansion ratioof 1.03 anda maximumy+1  2–3onthe bladesuction side. Tetra-hedraelementsfilltheremainingdomain.Agridrefinementfrom theinlet tothe bladeleadingedge isapplied totransport turbu-lentstructures generatedattheinletleadingtoameshofaround 80 × 106cells.

Forthe RANS simulation, an upwindRoe scheme with third-orderlimiter[29]isusedfortheconvectiveterms.TheWilcoxk-


two-equationsmodel withZheng’s limiter [30] isused according tothe practiceprovided byGourdain etal.[31,32] in a turboma-chinerycontext.FortheLES1no.inj.,asecond ordercentredscheme




jam. =0.002)isused.

ThetemporalintegrationisachievedwithaDualTimeStep(DTS) approachbased onan implicit backward Eulerschemewith sub-iterations Newton’s algorithm [34] (second order accurate). The time step

t isadapted tothe meshresolutionclose tothewall

t+ =

tu/Cx = 10−5 (i.e. 1 500 time steps per axial chord


Table 2

Numerical setup for the different numerical approaches.

Numerical approach Convective scheme Temporal scheme Turbulence model/SGS

RANS elsA Upwind (3rd order) DTS k- ω Wilcox

LES elsA (LES1 no.inj. ) Centred Jameson ( κjam4 . = 0.002) DTS ( t+ = 10 −5 ) WALE

LES AVBP (LES2 no.inj. / LES2 turb.inj. ) TTGC (3rd order) Explicit (CFL = 0.7) t+  10 −6 WALE

Eddy-viscositymodel (WALE) [35].For the LES solver AVBPused torun theadditionalLESsimulationwithout(LES2no.inj.) andwith

turbulence injection (LES2turb.inj.), the convective operator is

dis-cretized by the two-step Taylor–Galerkin scheme [36] (3rd order accurate).Thesimulationtimestepbasedontheexplicittime ad-vancementis

t+  10−6.Asummaryofthenumerical parame-tersisgivenin Table2 andamesh dependencyforthe different numericalsimulationsperformedisproposedinAppendixA.


Inlet turbulence injection is made in conjunction to Navier– Stokes Characteristic Boundary Conditions (NSCBC) [37] (see

Fig.5a).Velocityfluctuationsaregeneratedusingasynthetic eddy-viscosity method proposed in Smirnov et al. [38]. The integral lengthscaleissetto7mmbasedonexperimentalmeasurements for similar grid and distance to the cascade [39] and numerical studyfromSegui[40].Thisparameterdrivestheturbulencedecay ratesince inversely proportional to the integral length scale and thetransition processessince the bypass process ishighly sensi-tivetotheintegrallengthscale[41].Thecut-off lengthscaleisset to0.2mmandcorrespondstothecharacteristiclengthscaleofthe meshattheinletto theblade.The turbulencespectrumis based ontheoneproposed byPassotandPouquet[42].Oncegenerated, turbulenceexperiences a spatialdecayinthe axialdirection. The decay of turbulence is compared to the analytical law resulting fromthedecayofahomogeneousisotropicturbulentfield[43] in ordertoreach similar valuesofturbulence intensityattheblade leadingedgecompared tothe experiments.The analysisisbased ontheinitial turbulent kineticenergy Ek













evo-lutionofEkturb is:










Ckturb− 1




− 1 C kturb−1  (1)



0= (Ekturb









) and the analytical model constant

Ck,turb = 1.92. From the integral length scale, the initial turbu-lentdissipation is estimatedat





= 2.1 × 106.The time

evolution can then be transformed to a spatial evolution along a streamline using the Taylor hypothesis [43], i.e x = u0 t with

u0 the velocity at the inlet. Fig. 5b shows the turbulent kinetic

energydecay from the inlet of the domain in x/Cx = −1 to the

bladeleadingedge(LE)x/Cx = 0obtainedby integratingthe

tur-bulent kinetic energy on axial planes. The turbulence decay is strongerin the simulation compared to the theoretical one. This can be due to two effects: turbulenceis not initially a homoge-neousandisotropicturbulence(HIT)inthesyntheticeddy viscos-itymethodandsome extent isrequired toreach thisstate. Also, part of the structures are possibly dissipated by numerics (spa-tialschemeandsub-gridscalemodel).TheratioEkturb








atthebladeleadingedgeisaround0.2meaningthatthevelocity fluctuationisarounduLE/uinlet=0.4.Theturbulentfluctuations in-jectedatthe inletofthedomain havebeensettoTu ࣃ 15%to reachtheturbulencelevelatthebladeleadingedgemeasured ex-perimentallyTu=6%.Thevalueoftheturbulenceintensityatthe bladeleadingedge hasbeen checkedby settinga probegivinga turbulenceintensityof6.5%.

Fig. 5. Iso q -criterion q = 10 7 colored by the vorticity showing the turbulence injec-

tion at the inlet of the domain in the first time steps (a) and the turbulent kinetic energy decay from the inlet of the domain to the blade leading edge based on a theoretical HIT decay and obtained in the simulation LES2 turb.inj. (b), configuration


3. Numerical/experimentalcomparison

Experimental results available are focused on the main annu-lusandthecomparisonwithnumericalapproachesismadeonthe axialclearanceatanintermediatepurgeflowrate(A05 configura-tion).ThepressurecoefficientCparoundthecentralbladeat4and



Fig. 6. Pressure coefficient around the blade at 4% blade height for the different numerical approaches and experiments (configuration A05).

Fig. 7. Pressure coefficient around the blade at 50% blade height for the different numerical approaches and experiments (configuration A05).






= ptot,1




− pblade








− p2




, (2)





= ptot,1




− ptot,2








− p2




. (3)

The overline.indicates thatpressure ispitch-wisearea averaged. Subscripts1and2referrespectivelytoapositionone axialchord upstream ofthe blade leading edge and25% downstream of the bladetrailingedge.Theexperimentaluncertaintywasestimatedto be Cp ± 0.03 forthe pressure coefficient around the blade and


± 0.015forthepressurelossdownstreamoftheblade.

3.1. Cross-validationofLESapproaches

The two LES simulations without inlet turbulence injection (LES1no.inj.andLES2no.inj.)arefirstcomparedbasedonthepressure

coefficient aroundthebladeandpressurelossdownstreamofthe bladetoassessthevalidityofthetwoLESapproachesbasedona cross-comparison. The two simulations show avery good match-ing forthepressure coefficientaroundthe bladeclosetothehub (z/HNGV = 4%) and at midspan (see red and dark yellow curves

inFigs. 6and7). Forthepressure losscoefficient downstream of theblade, thetwosimulations show alow discrepancybelow5% (see Fig. 8) with the two main loss peak at z/HNGV = 20% and

z/HNGV =80%ingoodagreement.Inaddition,themeanflowfield

has alsobeen analysed forthetwo simulations and thelow dis-crepancy indicates that despite different meshing strategies and numerical parameters,the two simulations maybe used without questioning the approach.In the following, since thesetwo sim-ulations areingoodagreement andtheinlet turbulenceinjection isperformedwiththeLES2turb.inj.,onlytheLES2no.inj.willbeused

Fig. 8. Pressure loss coefficient downstream of the blade (25% C x ) for the different

numerical approaches and experiments (configuration A05).

astheLES simulationwith homogeneousinlet conditionsfor the comparisonagainstexperimentsandanalysisoftheflowfield.


Thepressure coefficientcloseto thehub on thebladesuction sideiswellpredictedbythedifferentnumericalapproachesonthe favourablepressuregradientportionofthe bladeuntilx/Cx =0.7

correspondingto thethroatwhereexperimental resultsare avail-able.Onthediffusionportiondownstreamofthethroat,the differ-entnumericalapproachesshow lowdiscrepancy.Onthe pressure sidea similar agreementwithexperimentscan be observedwith amaximum discrepancyaround 2%. Atmidspan,a similar agree-mentwithexperimentaldatacanbeobserved.However,LES2no.inj.

showsalowerrecompressiononthediffusionportionoftheblade comparedtotheRANSandLES2turb.inj..

Regardingthepressurecoefficientdownstreamoftheblade,the two main regions ofpressure loss atz/HNGV = 0.35 and 0.7 are


andpositionwithmaximum discrepancyofaround 8%.LES2no.inj. shows a strong discrepancy compared to the experimental data withlowerradialmigrationandamplitude(locallylowerofaround 30%)atthetwomainlossregions. InthefollowingSection4,the RANS, LES2no.inj. and LES2turb.inj. simulations are analysed to

ex-plainthediscrepancybetweenthedifferentapproaches. 4. Analysisofthenumericalcomparison

4.1. Near-wallbladeflow

Figs.9and10showtheboundarylayerprofilesontheforward and rear portions of the blade for the different simulation per-formed.Thepositionswheretheboundarylayerprofileshavebeen extractedaregiveninFig.11.

The boundary layer profiles are compared against the Blasius analytical profile solution of the steady two-dimensional Prandtl equationinlaminarregimefortheLES2noinj..

For the RANS and LES2turb.inj., a power-law boundary layer profile [44] representative of a turbulent boundary layer (u/uedge) = (y/


)1/7 is used. The wall-normal coordinate and

velocityintheboundary layerhavebeennon-dimensionalizedby the boundary layer thickness


and velocity at the edge of the boundary layer uedge. The boundary layer profile for the RANS

simulation in the forward part of the blade suction side shows that the boundary layer can be considered as turbulent with a shifted profile due to the favourable pressure gradient. For the LES2turb.inj., the boundary layer profile matches the analytical

turbulent boundarylayer profile.Forthe LES2noinj.,the boundary layerprofileshowsa goodagreementwiththe laminarboundary


Fig. 9. Boundary layer profiles on the blade suction side in the favourable pressure gradient portion for the RANS/LES2 turb.inj. (a) and the LES2 no.inj. (b) (configuration

A05), see positions 5, 6 and 7 in Fig. 11 .

Fig. 10. Boundary layer profiles on the blade suction side in the adverse pressure gradient portion for the RANS/LES2 turb.inj. (a) and the LES2 no.inj. (b) (configuration

A05), see positions 8, 9 and 10 in Fig. 11 .

Fig. 11. Boundary layer profiles extraction position for the numerical simulations and probe position (p r ).

layer profile with a favourable pressure gradient (m = 0.1).2 On

the rear region of the blade, the boundary layer profile for the RANS andLES2turb.inj. isshiftedfromthe wall duetothe adverse


inversionindicatesaboundarylayerseparation.Thisis characteris-ticofsomelow-pressureturbinewhereatrelativelylowReynolds number and/or turbulence level,the boundary layer may remain laminaron the bladesuction side andis moreprone to separate compared toa turbulent boundary layer[5,45,46].A similar flow topology around the bladesuction side with aseparation bubble on the aft portion of the blade was obtained by Hodson and Dominy [47] in the experimental studyof a linear cascadewith similar blading, lower Reynolds number (290,000), higher Mach number (Ma = 0.7) and low free-stream turbulence (0.5%). This boundarylayerseparation ischaracterizedby aconstant pressure region for the LES2no.inj. compared to the RANS/LES2turb.inj.

ob-servedinthecomparisonofpressurecoefficient aroundtheblade atmidspan.

4.2. Secondaryvorticesinthebladepassage

Regarding the difference of pressure loss coefficient down-streamofthebladeforthedifferentsimulationsperformed,some informationcanbeobtainedfromthesecondaryvortices develop-ingintheinterbladechannel.

The boundary layers developingon the hub andshroud plat-forms separate when approaching the blade leadingedge due to thepotentialeffect.Thisinduces theformationofhorseshoe vor-tices splitby thebladeleadingedge insuctionside andpressure side legs. Thepressure side leg travelsintheinter-blade channel duetothecrosspressuregradientwhilethesuctionsideleg trav-elsonthebladesuctionside.Thetwolegsmergeontheblade suc-tion sideand initiatethe developmentandmigration ofthe pas-sagevortexathubandshroud[48–50](seeFig.12).Thesetwo vor-ticesare associatedtostrongentrainmentandmixingeffectsthat inducepressurelossesandcorrespondtothetwomainlosspeaks

2 The value of m corresponds to the power value of velocity at the edge of


Fig. 12. Lateral sight of blade suction side with iso q -criterion q = 10 6 colored by streamwise vorticity for the LES2

turb.inj. , configuration A05.

Fig. 13. Time averaged streak lines at the shroud including the boundary layer sep- aration distance from blade leading edge for LES2 no inj. (a) and LES2 turb.inj. (b), con-

figuration A05.

observeddownstreamofthenozzleguidevaneinthecomparison of thedifferent simulations against experiments.When analysing the separationpointofthe hub/shroudboundarylayer, some dif-ferencescanbeexhibitedbetweenRANS/LES2turb.inj.andLES2noinj.:

theboundary layerforLES2noinj.separatesupstream comparedto

the RANS/LES2turb.inj. (see Fig. 13). Fig. 14 shows boundary layer profiles on the hub platform for the different simulations per-formed. The boundary layer at the hub for the RANS/LES2turb.inj.

simulationsindicatesaprofileclosetoaturbulentonewithslight additional momentum close to the wall (see Fig. 14a). For the LES2noinj.,theboundarylayerprofileisclosetoalaminarboundary


The turbulent boundary layer is more resistantto an adverse pressure gradientimposed by theblade potentialeffect sincethe fluctuating velocities in the turbulent boundary layer greatly in-creasethetransferofmomentumandenergytowardsthewall.The turbulent boundary layer is consequently less prone to separate when facing an increasing stagnation pressure due to the blade compared toa laminarboundarylayerasstatedby Cuietal.[6]. Therefore,thehorseshoevortexprocessisgivenanearlystartfor theLES2no.inj.comparedtotheRANS/LES2turb.inj..

A main consequence is that the radial migration of the pas-sage vortices at hub andshroud islower (see Fig.15). Since the two main loss pressure region downstream of the blade can be associated to the passage vortices at hub andshroud, the lower radial migration of the two main loss pressure loss peak down-stream of the blade for LES2noinj. can be attributed to the

tur-Fig. 14. Inlet hub boundary layer profiles for RANS/LES2 turb.inj. (a) and LES2 no.inj. (b)

(configuration A05), see positions 1, 2 3 and 4 in Fig. 11 .

bulent nature of the hub/shroud boundary layer in the experi-ments while laminarin the LES2noinj.. The work ofAbu-Ghanam andShaw[4]on thetransitional Reynoldsnumberofthe bound-arylayeroveraflatplatedependingonthefree-streamturbulence can provideinformations on thenear-wall flow behavior. From a simplifiedview,theboundarylayertransitionprocessesoverhub, shroudandbladesuctionsidecanbeconsideredastheone occur-ringoveraflatplate.3 Atnofree-streamturbulence,theboundary


3 The surface roughness, free-stream turbulence characteristics, pressure and cur-

vature effects may have significant effect on the transition process between the flat plate experiment and current configuration but the experiment by Abu-Ghannam


Fig. 15. Streak lines on the suction and pressure side for LES2 no inj. (a) and

LES2 turb.inj. (b) (unwrapped blade), configuration A05.

3 × 106.Assoonas2–3% offree-streamturbulence,the

transi-tionalReynoldsnumberisdecreasedofaroundoneorderof mag-nitude.IncurrentconfigurationwithcharacteristicReynolds num-berRe=500,000,afree-streamturbulencelevelof6%issufficient topromoteaturbulentboundarylayeronthehubanshroud.This explainsthebetter behaviorofRANS/LES2turb.inj. comparedtothe

LES2noinj.. Aroundthe blade suction side, the boundarylayer be-comesquicklyturbulent closeto theleadingedgeunderabypass processandnoseparationbubbleontherearportionisobserved comparedtotheLES2noinj..Fromtheseobservations,itcanbe con-cludedthat theLES2noinj. failstorepresentthe flowinthe linear

cascadedue to uniforminflow conditions that keep hub, shroud andbladeboundarylayerlaminar.Abetteragreementisobtained fortheRANSapproachduetotheturbulentnatureofthedifferent boundarylayers.ThebestagreementisobtainedfortheLES2turb.inj.

sinceitmatchestheinletboundaryconditionsoftheexperiments andthereisafineagreementwiththeexperimentalresults. There-fore,theLES2turb.inj.isusedtodescribetheflowinthelinear

cas-cade with upstream hub cavity in the next Section 5 including RANS/LES2noinj. resultswhenturbulencemodelling/injection mod-ifytheflowbehavior.

and Shaw [4] provides generally a good estimate for the transition Reynolds num- ber

Fig. 16. Velocity vector close to the rim seal: face to leading edge (a)(c) and at the center of the channel (b)(d) for the A05 and S05 configuration based on LES2 turb.inj. .

5. Studyoftheflowfield

5.1. Rimsealflow

The boundarylayer developingon thehub platform separates at the rim seal left corner. The velocity gap between the main annulus flow closeto the hub and the cavity flow is filled over a short layer typically inthe order of magnitudeof the incident boundarylayer attherim sealinterface (see velocity vector map forthesimplegap(A)andsimpleoverlapping(S)rimseal geome-triesinFig.16).

Thislocalizedregionofvelocityadaptationbetweenthecavity andmainannulusflowisashearlayerinbothaxialandazimuthal velocity components since the flow at the inlet was introduced with an azimuthal component that mimic the flow downstream a rotor row.The velocity gapat theinterface isshownto be re-ducedforoverlappinggeometriescomparedtosimplegap.The ax-ialoverlappingarmsofthesemorecomplexgeometriespromotea moreintense localizedrecirculationzonethat reducethe velocity gapcompared tothe simplegap geometry.Underno free-stream turbulenceasforthehomogeneousLESsimulation(LES2noinj.),the shear layer promotes the developmentof vorticalstructures that canbeassociatedtothedevelopmentofaKelvin–Helmholtz(KH) instability(seeFig.17).

A three-dimensional Dynamical Mode Decomposition (DMD) [51] has been performed using fully three-dimensional snapshots in time and made possible to isolate a few modes initiatedattherimsealinterfaceandconsideredastheinstability. The spatial reconstruction of this mode can be seen in Fig. 18

characterized by alternating positive andnegative densitymodes aroundthemeandensityvalueattherimsealinterface.

TheKelvin–Helmholtzinstabilitythatwasdevelopingattherim sealinterfaceintheLES2noinj.isnotobservedinthecasewith tur-bulenceinjectionsincenorollingupprocessisobserved.In addi-tion,a probehasbeensetatthe rimseal interface forboth sim-ulations.While thePower SpectralDensity(PSD) oftheLES2noinj.

showsthepeakassociatedto theKelvin–Helmholtzinstability,no amplifiedmodecanbe identifiedattherimseal interfaceforthe


Fig. 17. Iso q-criterion q = 10 6 colored by the streamwise vorticity from an instan-

taneous LES2 no inj. solution (b) with Kelvin–Helmholtz rolling structures, configura-

tion A05.

Fig. 18. Three-dimensional density modes related to Kelvin-Helmholtz instability based on fully three-dimensional DMD decomposition, configuration A05.


this instability ata sufficiently highfree-stream turbulence since anaturalinstabilityoftheflowcanbefullybypassedinrelatively highfree-streamturbulencesimilarlytothenaturalboundarylayer transitionbypassedbyhighfree-streamturbulence[52].

5.2. Unsteadyphenomenainthecascade

From the spectral content, thehorse shoevortex process and Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilityare thetwo mainunsteady phenom-ena observed in the cascade for the LES2noinj. at the rim seal

interface, around the blade and downstream of the blade (see

Fig.20) whileonlythehorseshoevortex processremains forthe LES2turb.inj..Part of hemainannulus flow isdeviated downwards

into the cavity when facing the blade potential effect. The mass balance forthe cavityis fulfilledby some cavityflow blowingin the main annulusat thecenter ofthe inter-bladepassagewhere potential effectsare lower.Thislow momentumemerging flowis prone tobe entrained by thepressureside leg ofthe horseshoe vortex process in a similar manner to the low momentum hub boundarylayer.ThisphenomenoncanbeobservedinFig.21 show-ing a temperaturemap closeto thehub. Since thecavity flowis introducedwithalowertemperaturecomparedtothemain annu-lusflow,thisquantitycanbeusedasapassivescalarofthemixing

Fig. 19. Power spectral density (PSD) at the rim seal interface for the LES2 no inj. (a)

and LES2 turb. inj. (b) simulations (see Fig. 11 for probe position), configuration A05.

The dotted line indicates the Kelvin–Helmholtz characteristic frequency.

Fig. 20. Density frequency spectrum in x, z cuts and around the blade correspond- ing to the fundamental Kelvin–Helmholtz density mode for the LES2 no inj. , configu-

ration A05.


Fig. 22. Pressure standard deviation σ(p) around the blade suction side (a), at hub and shroud (b) for the LES2 turb. inj. , configuration A05.

Fig. 23. Pressure coefficient and domain of fluctuation at 4% blade height (a) and downstream blade (b) where the period T corresponds to the characteristic period of time of the horse shoe vortex process for LES2 turb. inj. , configuration A05.

ofcavityflowwithmainannulusone.Thecavityflowcan be ob-served astravelling withthe pressureside leg of the horseshoe vortex.

As stated, unlike the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability at the rim seal interface, the horse shoe vortex process is conserved inde-pendentlyof thefree-stream turbulence. Thiscorresponds tothe periodicaldevelopment ofstructures orthogonal to the flow that

Fig. 24. Comparison of the pressure loss coefficient downstream of the blade for the standard and refined grids, configuration A05, (a) : RANS,(b) : LES elsA, (c) : LES AVBP.

impact bladeleadingedge. ADMD performed attheshroud sur-facemade possibletoidentify afew modeswitha large amplifi-cationandrelatedtotheperiodichorseshoevortexdevelopment. ThemainharmonicofthephenomenonissetatStrouhalnumber St=(frD)/uedge=(2500.02)/30=0.2wherefristhefrequency,D

thedistancefromsaddlepointtobladeleadingedge.Thelocation wherethehorseshoevorticesdevelopandthepressuresidelegof thehorse shoevortices migrateareassociated tostrong pressure standarddeviation


(p)onthehubandshroud(seeFig.22right). On the blade suction side, the strongest pressure deviations are observedwherethepassagevorticesmigrate(seeFig.22left).On thebladepressureside,thepressurefluctuationscorrespondtothe separationbubblebetweenx/Cx= 0.1andx/Cx =0.3observed


in-the hubandshroud boundary layersapproaching the blade lead-ing edge turn turbulent under a bypass process dueto the free-stream turbulence.The maineffects are a stronger migration to-wards midspanofthehub andshroud passagevorticescompared toalaminarboundarylayer.Also,thesuctionsideboundarylayer is allegedly to become transitional/turbulent. This information is supported basedon thesuction side separationbubble (observed in the LES without turbulence injection) while cancelled in the LES withturbulence injectiondueto the turbulent nature ofthe boundary layer. The description of the flow field in the cavity showsan entrainment effectofthe highmomentum main annu-lus flow on the cavityflow withlocal recirculation zonesin the rim seal for overlapping geometries promoting a reduced shear layer atthe rimseal interface.The main sources of unsteadiness observed inthelinearcascadeare thehorseshoevortexprocess, trailing shed andKelvin-Helmholtz instability at the rimseal in-terfaceduetoshearlayer. Thislast naturalinstability isobserved onlyatlowfree-streamturbulence(LESwithoutturbulence injec-tion) while cancelled athigher free-stream turbulence (LES with inletturbulenceinjection).


Theauthorsdeclarethattheyhavenoknowncompeting finan-cialinterestsorpersonalrelationshipsthatcouldhaveappearedto influencetheworkreportedinthispaper.


TheauthorsarethankfultoSafranAicraftEnginesfortechnical supportandhavingfundedthisresearchproject,toONERAfor li-censingCerfacsto usecodeelsA(ONERA-Airbus-Safran property). Numerical post-processing have been performed using the free python-based Library Antares. Part of this work was performed using HPC resources from GENCI-CCRT-CINES-IDRIS (Grant 2018-A0042A06074).Experimentaldatawereobtainedwithinthe Euro-peanresearchprojectMainAnnulusGasPathInteractions(MAGPI). AppendixA. Meshdependency

The assessment of the grid convergence for the different ap-proachesismadebycomparingthepressurelosscoefficient down-stream of the blade for two level of mesh refinement. The first mesh is theone used duringthis studyanda second mesh that is refined. For the RANS approach, the additional grid has been generated withreduced characteristicmesh lengthsin the trans-verse directions (x,z) andthe expansionratio inthe wall-normal directionhasbeenalsodecreasedto1.1. Forthe pressureloss co-efficientdownstreamofthe blade,asimilarlocaldiscrepancycan be observed especially in the two main peaksof loss in the or-der of magnitude of 2%. However, the results for the standard and fine grids are in good agreement to indicate grid conver-gence.FortheLESsimulation basedonstructured grid,themesh


Fig.24showsthecomparisonofpressuredistributiondownstream blade for the configuration A05for the different LES approaches with the two mesh refinement. The change in mesh size shows local discrepancy in the order of magnitude of 4% in loss peak regionfortheelsA andAVBPapproaches.Despitetheselocal dif-ferences,theresultsbetweenstandard andrefinedmeshesare in goodagreement.


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Fig.  1. View of the experimental set up. Adapted from Schuler  [23]  .
Fig.  4. Midspan averaged grid dimension at wall for the LES1  no.inj.  , configuration
Fig. 5 a). Velocity fluctuations are generated using a synthetic eddy- eddy-viscosity method proposed in Smirnov et al
Fig.  6. Pressure coefficient around the blade at 4% blade height for the different  numerical approaches and experiments (configuration A05)


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