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Microelectrodes from PEDOT-carbon nanofiber composite for high performance neural recording, stimulation and neurochemical sensing


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Saunier, Valentin and Flahaut, Emmanuel

and Blatché, Marie-Charline and

Bergaud, Christian and Maziz, Ali Microelectrodes from PEDOT-carbon nanofiber

composite for high performance neural recording, stimulation and neurochemical


(2020) MethodsX, 7. 101106. ISSN 2215-0161 .

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2 V. Saunier, E. Flahaut and M.-C. Blatché et al. / MethodsX 7 (2020) 101106


Subject Area: Materials Science More specific subject area: Nanostructured materials

Neural interfaces Electrochemical sensors

Method name: Electrochemical synthesis of PEDOT:CNF composite on microelectrodes arrays Name and reference of

original method:

Carbon nanofiber-PEDOT composite films as novel microelectrode for neural interfaces and biosensingBiosensors and Bioelectronics, Volume 165, 2020, Pages 112413

Resource availability: Not applicable

Method details


Recent progress in the field of neural interfaces raises the need for novel multifunctional microelectrodes that are capable to meet the performance criteria of a number of neuronal interactions including neural recording, stimulation and sensing of bioactive molecules at the electrode-tissue interface. For neural recording, the microelectrode should have a low impedance acrossfrequenciesofinterestforelectrophysiologicalrecordings(10Hz–10kHz)[1–4],whilekeeping aspatialfootprintassmallaspossibletorecordtheactivityofsmallneuronpopulation,downtothe singlecell [20]. Thisisbeneficial to increasing thesignal-to noise ratio(SNR) duringin vivoneural recording.Forelectricalstimulation purpose,theelectrodemust displayahighstoragecapabilityto safelyinject millisecondcurrentpulsewith currentrangeinthe μAthus decreasing bothelectrode polarizationandheatgenerationduringneuralstimulation[5].

In principle, the specific capacitance of an electrode may be greatly enhanced by introducing porousandhighsurfacearea organicmaterialsintotheelectrode,thuscompensatingforareduction of electrode size. Among the various organic materials reported in literature available to meet such requirements, conductive polymers such as Poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) has a been popular choice that allow direct delivery of electrical, electrochemical and electromechanical signalsatthe electrode-tissueinterface [1,6,17]. PEDOT-coatedelectrodeshavebeenconsidered for biomedical[18]andbioelectronicapplications[2,10,11,13]aswellasinthefabricationofdevicesfor neuronalinterfaces[1,7]andelectrochemicalsensingandactuatingdevices[8,12,16].Ontheother hand, carbon nanomaterials havedisplayed a wide array of key properties andare also promising candidateforsuchapplications.ChargedcarbonaceousnanomaterialssuchascarbonnanotubesCNTs or graphene oxide (GO) have been used (as dopant) in conjunction with PEDOT for the purpose of improving the electrochemical stability[9],charge storage delivery [6]and sensitivity ofPEDOT electrodes forneurochemicals sensing[23].These improvements come fromboth bulk andsurface properties of these nanomaterials and their corresponding nanomaterials, including large surface-to-volume ratio andspecific surface area, better electrocatalytic activity, and fast electron transfer kineticscomparedtotraditionalPEDOTelectrodes.

Carbon nanofibers (CNFs) are increasingly getting in the spotlight in bioanalytical area as throughtheirpropertiesofhighsurfacearea,non-toxicity andelectrochemicalstability.CNFsexhibit extraordinary strength and provide an extremely large surface area for electron charge transfer (compared to that of GO or PEDOT), making them a very promising candidate nanomaterial for recording and stimulation microelectrode sites [14]. We have recently combined PEDOT with CNFs as a single composite material on neural microelectrodes arrays (MEA). The PEDOT:CNF modified microelectrodes exhibit a low specific impedance of 1.28 M.μm2 at 1 kHzresulting in


nanomaterials. These results suggest the great potential of PEDOT:CNF composites for developing next-generationmultifunctionalbidirectionalmicroelectrodes.

The focus of the present method is to provide a step-by-step protocol for the electrochemical synthesis ofthe composite material of PEDOT:CNF on neural MEA. The synthesis process is based on the use of oxidized CNFs as dopants of PEDOT through electrochemical deposition route, creating a nanocomposite in one step, localized on a 20 μm dimeter microelectrode without


V. Saunier, E. Flahaut and M.-C. Blatché et al. / MethodsX 7 (2020) 101106 3

Fig. 1. MEA microfabrication. A) MEA microfabrication steps from the starting 4-in. glass wafer to the final SU8-coated wafer. B) Picture of a final functional MEA after glass well gluing. C) Optical picture of the microelectrode matrix.

the need of time-consuming grafting process. The combination of CNFs and PEDOT as a single composite material resultsinasstrong synergeticeffectbetweenthe two componentsleadingto a superior microelectrode coating withremarkableelectrochemical properties,combiningasexpected low impedance, high charge injection capability and reliable neurotransmitters monitoring using amperometrictechniques.


NLoF 2035 and AZ-4562 photoresists were purchased from Microchemicals GmbH. SU8 2005, SU8 developerand MF CD26developerwere purchasedfrom MicroChem.EDOT,dopamine, H2SO4,

Ethanol, Acetone, Tris buffer (15 mM Tris, 140 mM NaCl, 3.25 mM KCl, 1.2 mM CaCI2, 1.25 mM

NaH2P04, 1.2 mM MgCI2, and 2.0 mM Na2S04, with the pH adjusted to 7.4), DA.2HCl were


pyrolyticallystripped,plateletsconical,>98%carbonbasis,20–200μm).Inallexperiments,deionized water (18 M

) wasused. Platinum and silver wires were purchased from WPI,Saturated Calomel Electrode (SCE) reference electrodes were purchased from Hach. Electrochemical characterizations were conductedwitha3-electrodeelectrochemicalcellwithaPtwireascounterelectrodeandSCE asreferenceelectrode.Electrochemicaldepositionswere carriedoutwitha 2-electrodecellusingan Ag/AgCl wire asquasi-reference electrode, obtainedby chlorination ofa silver wire in 1 M HClat 4 VvsPt for5s.Stock solutionsofdopamine were preparedin0.001 MHClandstoredat4°Cin thedark.ThisstocksolutionwasusedtopreparefreshdopaminesolutionsinTrisbufferbeforeany experiment.


TheMEAschipswerefabricatedusingaseriesofstandardphotolithographicsteps(Fig.1):1)Glass wafer (4 inch)wascleanedina Dienermachine byMW-oxygen plasma(800W,5min,1000sccm O2)priorprocessing.2)Spin-coatingandphotopatterningofanegativephotoresistlayer(NLoF,5μm)

were performedonto theglasssubstrate. 3) PVD metallizationofthewafer (Ti/Au, 50nm/200nm) andlift-off atroomtemperatureinacetoneovernight.4)Wafercleaningbypiranhasolutionfollowed by MW-oxygen plasma(200W, 400sccm O2,2 min). 5) Spin-coatingand 6) photopatterningof a

1.5μm-thickSU8layerforpassivationoftheMEA,whichissubsequentlyhard-bakedtoenhance its mechanicalandbarrierproperties,whilemakingitchemicallymorestable.

Oncethelift-off processisdone,therugosityofboththemetaltracksandthewaferaremeasured withaprofilometertodetectirregularprofilesthatcouldbeduetoanincompletelift-off andwould preventauniformspin-coatingofSU8anditsadhesiontotheglasssurface.

Acombinationofpiranhaandplasmacleaningafterlift-off isusedtoensureacompletecleaning ofthewafer byremoving organicresiduesandpossibledust,whilenotdamaging metaltrackswith


4 V. Saunier, E. Flahaut and M.-C. Blatché et al. / MethodsX 7 (2020) 101106

Fig. 2. CNF chemical oxidation. A) CNF Solution after cool-down and decantation steps. B) Filtration of the CNF solution on hydrophilic PTFE membrane. C) Picture of the final filtration cake of the PTFE membrane. D) CNFs dispersion at 2 mg/mL concentration in DIW.

highpower MW-plasmatreatment (whichcan overheat metalsandinduce crack/delamination)and stilldehydratingandoxidizingthewafersurfacebeforeSU8coatingtopromoteitsadhesion.

Hard-bakingoftheSU8isrealizedby slowlyrampingthewafer forroomtemperatureto125 °C and back at room temperature, in order to eliminate solvent traces from the polymer film and to obtain a complete cross-linking of the coating. Ramping temperatures is necessary to prevent mechanicalstressinsidethepolymerfilmandatitsinterfacewiththeglass.

Final packaging steps to obtain functional MEAs (Fig. 1B) were asfollowed: i) AZ-4562 10 μm spin-coatingandbakingontheentirewaferasaprotectivelayerfordicing.ii)Diamondsawdicingof thewafertoreleasetheMEAs.iii)Strippingoftheprotectivephotoresistlayerinacetone(20min).iv) glasswellgluingwithPDMS.v)PDMScuringat60°Cfor3h.vi)MEAconditioninginDIWovernight.


RawCNFscouldnotbedispersedinwaterinanadequatemannerforelectrodeposition,evenafter extensive sonication on low CNF concentration (<0.5mg/mL), asthe solution showed decantation signswithin5minafterthesonicationstep.Tocircumventthisissue,chemicaloxidationoftheCNFs was performed, to make them hydrophilic andnegatively charged. The experimental steps for this oxidation were asfollowed: 1) glassware cleaning by sonication in DIW/isopropanol (1:1 v/v) and driedovernightat80°C.2)ina150mL-roundbottomflask,1mg/mLofrawCNFs wasdispersedin freshlymixedHNO3 (68%)/H2SO4 (96%)(3:1 v/v)bysonication(15 min,90s alternatingpulsedand

continuoussonication).3)thesolutionisbroughttorefluxbyheatingat70°Cundermagneticstirring (500rpm)for5h.4)thesolutionislettocooldownatroomtemperatureovernight,fordecantation (Fig.2A).

Once the flask is cooled down, the solution is diluted in 1 L DIW and let sit overnight for decantation. The solution isfiltered on hydrophilicPTFE membranes. The filtrated volume contains blackparticlesandisdark-browncolored(Fig.2B).Thefiltrationcake(Fig.2C)isrewettedandbroken by slowadditionofDIWandmanual triturationwitha metallicspatula.250 mLofDIWare added and mixed with the wetted cake by agitation. This process is repeated until the filtrated volume remains clearafter passing through the filtration membrane.Final filtration cake is removed from the PTFE membraneandkept in wetstate to easeits redispersion. Toestimate the waterand CNF contentinthefinalproduct,asmallpartofitisweightedandplacedinavacuumoventodryatlow temperature/low vacuum(45 °C,300mbar)untilitsweight reachastablevalue. OxidizedCNFsare thendispersedinDIWat2mg/mLconcentrationandkeptinthedarkat4°Cforstorage(Fig.2D).


V. Saunier, E. Flahaut and M.-C. Blatché et al. / MethodsX 7 (2020) 101106 5

Fig. 3. Microelectrode activation. A) CV in H 2 SO 4 0.5 M at 200 mV/s between −0.4 and 1.5 V, of a gold microelectrode (20 μm diameter) before and after activation (10 cycles of CA at 2 V for 250 ms and 0 V for 1 s). B) Voltammetric response of the microelectrode during deposition under constant current deposition.


To ensure good deposition conditions, microelectrodes must be cleaned. This is realized by electrochemicalcleaningbyaseriesof10potentialpulse(2VvsAg/AgClfor250ms,0VvsAg/AgCl for1 s)in0.5M H2SO4.Cyclicvoltammetryis usedto probethemicroelectrode (20 μmdiameter)


AscanbeseeninFig.3A,thecleaningoftheelectrodecanbeobservedthroughmultiplechanges in theCV:i)A shifttowardtherightofthereduction peak(which isalsomoreresolved),meaning thatlessenergyisnecessarytogoldoxidereduction,andbythehigherreductioncurrentobserved,ii) theapparitionofmultipleoxidationpeaksontheforwardscan,moreresolvedthanthestartingone, andtheirshifttowardtheleft,meaninglessenergyisnecessaryforgoldoxidization,iii)theincrease ofcurrentat1.5V,duetoanincreaseofhydrolysis,meaningthattheexposedsurfacehasincreased,

iv) the apparition of the hydrogen sorption current at higher potentials, with a quicker increase, meaning the electrode state is compatible with hydrogen sorption on the electrode, phenomenon knowntobeinhibitedbyorganicpollution.

For deposition, a solution of EDOT(10 mM) andCNF (1 mg/mL) is prepared.To ensure proper mixing, the solution is vortexed for 1 h after preparation andkept overnight at4 °C in the dark. Before use,thesolution isrevortexedfor30min,sonicatedfor10 min(pulsed,room temperature), andvortexedagainfor5min.Thedeposition solutionispouredintheMEArightafteractivationof the microelectrodes.Electrodetargetedfordeposition isthen submitted toa3.14 nAcurrentwhich is stoppedwhen thedeposition charge reaches1200 nC (Fig. 3B). Thedeposition can beconfirmed by boththepresenceofaquick(< 3s)nucleationpeakandthefollowingdecreaseofthepotential. It isworth mentioning thatthe potential reachedduringtheelectrochemical deposition(Fig.3B)is far belowthepotential limitinwatermedia,whichmayindicatethat theelectrodepositionmethod doesnot leadtoan overoxidizedPEDOT:CNFfilm.Thedeposition solutionisgentlyre-homogenized in betweenmultipledepositions bypipetting to redistributeinsolution CNFs that could havebeen adsorbedoftheMEAsurfaceandimprovedepositionreproducibility.

Method validation


The morphology ofthePEDOT:CNF coating wasconfirmedby SEMusinga HITACHI S-4800 cold FEG highresolution SEM with a voltage of800 Vs andHIROX Numerical microscope. SEM images


6 V. Saunier, E. Flahaut and M.-C. Blatché et al. / MethodsX 7 (2020) 101106

Fig. 4. PEDO T: CNF-modified microelectrode. A) Optimal picture and B) SEM image of a PEDOT:CNF-modified microelectrode.

Table 1

Comparison of the electrochemical performance of PEDOT:CNF microelectrode with some of the best nanostructured organic materials used to fabricate neural interfacing electrodes.

Electrode material Geometric area (μm 2 )

Specific impedance at 1 kHz (M . μm 2 )

Charge injection capacity

(mC.cm −2 ) Ref PEDOT:PSS 4500 1.35 2.92 [19] PEDOT:CNT 2830 42.45 1.25 [6] PPy:PSS 12,467 24 5 [22] PPy:CNT 12,434 25 7.5 [22] PPy:Cl 12,240 34.5 3.2 [24] CNT array 1962 5.9 1.6 [21] CNT fiber 1450 20.44 6.52 [20]

Neat graphene fiber 1169 8.7 8.9 [22]

PEDOT:CNF 314 6.9 10.03 This work

confirmedthatthePEDOT:CNFcompositewasuniformlydistributedonthegoldmicroelectrodewith CNFs randomly distributed in the deposit (Fig. 4A and B). Oxidized CNFs act as dopant thanks to the negative charges on the fibers surface conferred by the chemical oxidation, behaving like counter anion to the conductive polymer PEDOT andthe intermediary cation-radical during EDOT polymerization.


EIS measurements (N = 3) were made through a Bio-Logic VMP3 potentiostat, by applying a 10mVRMSsine wavewithfrequenciesvaried from10Hzto7MHz.Theelectrodeactivesiteswere immersedin artificialcerebrospinalfluid (aCSF).The meanimpedance at1kHzforthe unmodified goldmicroelectrodewasaround2.8M,whileafterPEDOT:CNFelectrochemicaldeposition,themean impedance fell to20.1 k (Fig.5A). This confirmsthe abilityof themodified microelectrode tobe used as a recording electrode, with potential high SNR recordings due to its low impedance.The specific impedanceofthePEDOT:CNF modifiedmicroelectrodes(6.9 M.μm2 at1 kHz)wasca. 130

times lower than gold microelectrodes (898 M.μm2) and lower than the other reported organic

electrode materials presentedin Table 1. The Nyquistplot recorded inaCSF media is presented in

Fig. 5B. In the higher frequency region, a semi-circle is observed which is related to the charge resistance betweentheelectrode material andthesurrounding electrolyte whileatlow frequencies the capacitive behavior becomes dominant.The incorporation of CNF in the PEDOT produced very smallradiusofthesemi-circleontheNyquistplotwithachargetransferresistanceofabout14.2k.


V. Saunier, E. Flahaut and M.-C. Blatché et al. / MethodsX 7 (2020) 101106 7

Fig. 5. Electrochemical characterization of PEDOT:CNF modified microelectrodes. A) EIS measurements on modified PEDOT:CNF and unmodified gold microelectrodes over a frequency range of 10 Hz to 7 MHz in aCSF vs Ag/AgCl at 10 mV ( N = 3). B) Nyquist plots of modified PEDOT:CNF and unmodified gold microelectrodes over a frequency range of 10 Hz to 7 MHz in aCSF

vs Ag/AgCl at 10 mV ( N = 3). C) Cyclic voltammetry of modified PEDOT:CNF and unmodified gold microelectrodes in aCSF between −0.8 and 0.4 V vs Ag/AgCl. D) Cyclic voltammetry of modified PEDOT:CNF microelectrodes in 5.0 mM [Fe(CN) 6 ] 3-/4− containing 0.1 M KCl at a scan rate of 200 mV s − 1 . E) Cyclic voltammetry of PEDOT:CNF modified microelectrodes in a physiological media-mimicking buffer, Tris buffer 1X at pH = 7.4, at 200 mV/s between −1.5 and 0.6 V vs Ag/AgCl. F) Typical stimulation current waveform (green trace) and total voltage excursion (purple trace) under the biphasic stimulation protocol (current pulse I = 31.5 μA).


8 V. Saunier, E. Flahaut and M.-C. Blatché et al. / MethodsX 7 (2020) 101106


Cyclicvoltammetry(CV)wascarriedoutusingaBio-Logic VMP3potentiostat,between−0.8and 0.4V vsSCE inaCSF at200 mV/s.Deposits (N = 3)were cycled untila stablevoltammogramwas obtained, usually atthe 4th cycle. The charge transfer capacity increasedusing PEDOT:CNF, ascan beseen inFig.5C.Thecathodal chargestoragecapacity(CSCc)ofthecompositefilmwascalculated by the time integral of the cathodal currents within the cycledregion. the CSCc of the bare gold microelectrodeincreasedfrom0.1mC/cm2 to42.4mC/cm2forPEDOT:CNF.Thisimprovementisdue

tothehighersurfaceareacoatingthePEDOT:CNFthatallowseffectivediffusionofelectrolyteionsat theelectrode-solutioninterface,leadingtoahigherchargestoragecapability.

CV measurements were further performed in ferro-ferricyanide media. Ferri-ferrocyanide [Fe(CN)6]3-/4− is a standard inner-sphere redox couple used to evaluate the electrochemical

propertiesofthe electrode,particularlyoncarbon nanostructuredsurfaces.Fig.5Dshowsthecyclic voltammogram of PEDOT:CNF microelectrodes in 5.0 mM [Fe(CN)6]3-/4− containing 0.1 M KCl at a

scanrateof200mVs−1.Apairofquasi-reversiblepeaksisalsoobserved,whichcanindicatethatthe conducting material PEDOT:CNF could accelerate the electron transfer betweenthe electrochemical probe [Fe(CN)6]3-/4− and the PEDOT:CNF electrode. This result confirms the good electro-catalytic



To characterize the performance of PEDOT:CNF microelectrodes for neural stimulation purpose, their responses when submitted to biphasic 1-ms current pulses were recorded in-vitro using a Bio-Logic VSP3 Potentiostat in a physiological media-mimicking buffer, Tris buffer 1X at pH=7.4. The microelectrodes were allowed to sit in the buffer media for 10 min before stimulation and thewaveform wasthen applied.Voltagetransientsmeasurements werecollectedbythePEDOT:CNF microelectrodes using 1 ms-long biphasic current pulses with cathodic pulse first. Measuring the corresponding voltage excursion is employed to calculate the safe charge injection limits of the interface.ThesevaluescorrespondtoVmc (maximumnegativepolarizationvoltage)across

electrode-electrolyte interface for PEDOT:CNF (Fig. 5F). The negativepotential excursion Vmc was calculated

by subtracting theaccess voltage(Va),associated withthe ohmic resistanceofthe electrolyte from

the maximumnegativevoltageVmax,neg.[3]Toensurea safepolarization, thewaterwindowof the

PEDOT:CNFmicroelectrodesinbuffersolutionwasfirstdeterminedusingCVat200mV/svsAg/AgCl referenceelectrode (Fig.5E). The waterreduction andoxidation voltages were found tobe at −1.4 and 0.6 V respectively. The polarization voltage Vmc was used to determine the CIL by increasing

thepulsecurrentsbefore Vmcisreaching thenegativeelectrolysisfrontier at−1.4V.Themeasured

correspondingmaximumcurrentbeforethewaterreductionpotentialwas31.5± 3μA(Fig.5F).The calculatedchargeinjectionwascalculatedatVmc=−1.3V,beforethewaterreductionpotentialtobe

10.03± 1 mC/cm² forthe PEDOT:CNFmicroelectrodes.The calculatedCILofthecompositematerial wascomparedtosomeotherreportedorganicmaterials(Table1).


Electrochemical detection of dopamine (DA) was performedby chronoamperometry at 130 mV

vs SCEafterthispotential wasidentified previouslyasthe oxidationpotential ofDAon PEDOT:CNF by CV [17]. The DA direct currentresponses (N = 3) resulted in calibration plot i.e. amperometric current response vs different concentration of DA with correlation coefficients >0.999 (Fig. 6). The corresponding sensitivity were calculated as 13.4 pA/μM with the limit of detection (LOD) of 0.045


M. In terms ofconcentration ranges, theseLOD were well suited to the reportedassay of theseanalytesinthemedicalfield[15].


V. Saunier, E. Flahaut and M.-C. Blatché et al. / MethodsX 7 (2020) 101106 9

Fig. 6. Linear regression curve of PEDOT-CNF microelectrode current response at 130 mV vs SCE to dopamine injections. The currents steps in the figure correspond to stepped concentrations increase from 0 to 9 μM.


Wehavedescribedastep-by-stepprotocolfortheelectrochemicalsynthesis ofanovelcomposite material of PEDOT-CNF on microelectrodes array by a simple and reproductible electrodeposition method. The results from this study suggest the great potential of PEDOT:CNF composites for developing next-generation microelectrodes for applications in neural therapies and biomedical researchbytakingadvantagesofitsmultifunctionality.


We thankDr.AnneMarieGalibertandDr.BrigitteSoula(CIRIMAT,Université deToulouse,CNRS, F-31062, France) forhelp inthework onrawcarbonnanofibers. Theauthorsacknowledge fundings fromtheAgenceNationaledelaRecherche(ANR-15-CE19-0006andANR-19-CE19-0002-01).Thiswork wassupportedbyFrenchRENATECHnetwork.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationshipsthatcouldhaveappearedtoinfluencetheworkreportedinthispaper.


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Fig.  1. MEA microfabrication. A) MEA microfabrication steps from the starting 4-in. glass wafer to the final SU8-coated wafer
Fig.  2. CNF chemical oxidation. A) CNF Solution after cool-down and decantation steps
Fig.  3. Microelectrode activation. A) CV in H  2  SO  4  0.5 M at 200 mV/s between −0.4 and 1.5 V, of a gold microelectrode (20 μm  diameter) before and after activation (10 cycles of CA at 2 V for 250 ms and 0 V for 1 s)
Fig.  4. PEDO T: CNF-modified microelectrode. A) Optimal picture and B) SEM image of a PEDOT:CNF-modified microelectrode


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To initially explore the relationship between dietary magnesium and IR (fasting glucose (mmol/l), insulin (pmol/l), HOMA-IR, HOMA- b), participants were divided into a tertile

Summary. — The evolution from 2000 to 2050 of the needs in concrete, steel, aluminium and copper to build the infrastructure of electricity generation is mod- elled for the scenarios