• Aucun résultat trouvé

Contingency and the modern scolastics


Academic year: 2021

Partager "Contingency and the modern scolastics"


Texte intégral



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B:6q U,3 e a l1q \land 0 f l16 l"*~'Jl t ¥i'e l e rtln t, 1 ice t de PI'S e fH:7tl'l t 1

nor! sir:rt, Deu-a cogl10sclt l;)raesent1s11tt'7ll in !U.lQ £H'JJtel:'!:'1i.

t~te pel~ ~cientlam v1s1on18J qtleS VG1·OlloQf.la tJUJ:lt;, nequf.:J

tU,01"tt.1ntt neq.lle ert.lt)t eogn.oscl t per sciantis!ll airnp11cis .tnt· ~~ . ., ~.i"& ." t 1 .I17:Ji:

~ .. ~. jQ.t~ J ... g.~tl ·a~ ~




.-.,. ;:c ..

~fua 10g10al1y p08elble.1s ouflnad

accorc11ng to 8 non.--repUgllilnCe of -Cerrkl$ ••

threefold genus of conting~ncy ••••••


--fl'h-.:.':\. "",,I> .~ 01"' "'''' r' ,.P .. " t •. , /



1. A.co1dental Causal1 ty 1n common and the

definition of



.2. ~rhe dltt~r.D.Qe betwe.:n ohanoe and



Ohanee 1s a cause end not an effeet' •••

Ohanoe 1s an intrinsic



is an extrinsic Oat18e • • • • • • • 4& • • • • • • • • iii

:1:ho r~8.0,tl rQ~ the aceldental eft$ct 1a 'he 1nluff1clent determlnatlon of

the cause; btlt such a oontingent

08l1S8 faila only whon there is some

impedim.nt ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••


Ooncluaion - The intellect cen


. G7

conee l:v8 sa one .he t 12 n.ot o.ne in




.--to indlrre:r0nce n,ot by of t. . , - . ' ~-f~ th 4< ffi<f), . . • ,,'¥.> ....-'l. ... ~- ~~


worthy .• profit ' the interpretation of '.... ~ ~:~ -c.


Oft the lmportan:t question of contingenoy there should

extat ·11 daep opposit1on between raany modern ~rhom1st

pb,1-loaonhers . .,. and St. l'hom.a h1,lti$Jolt.

In a largEt numbep o:t~6eent and. CUl'l'e:nt seholestie manl181. and books on philosophy', particularly or! the

rO"881s 8 6omplete17 d.termtnlati~c interpretation of

ll'rt~ftl o8118al1.ts 6nd the orde:r


phystoQl effeote in

the unlvers$$ In th6seWl~1tlng. 1t 1s qu1.te generally

Uta t that 6veryttl1ng that takes plaoe in the world of


1s completely



advance by the

inter-act1onotn8tural causes andpz»opert·1esJ no future event



is really tmcertein 1n1t.&11: but 1s 1n:tlslll'bly or

neeGS-a.rill pre .. determlned 1n the erltl:re biato.~1 of world

faotors and en"lronment. flo a divine intellecti whioh


knew all the,e world-c·ompo,nenta and 1nfluences,

ever*y fut~. OOO\1l1renoe wotLld appear In.vl 'table IJnd


solately neoe8.ory_

1. J. 1\{8r1taln. 'R.'.~; ' 1 0 0 . N'c •• s1

in Eas8ls in Thot;11am . ( 6W . 'ork, S .&<:)0 an ¥lar.



s certain bee



oerta1b rose at a certs1n

In.a't,ant of t1me. we say that thfi event 1s oo·nt.1ngent. 3'&111.

n.lth.l~ the r'oae noX' the bee 11 fa

tr ...

~ age.nt; everything which

b'·efslls them ls do .' m:, d by the meetlng or the :t.nter&ct;lon

of p~pel"tle. of t,.e nature of each and 'Of tho actlons ocoasioned

by the envtponm.nt. As a r.sttl.t~ to a ~lv1ne ltltellect wbi oh

WOll1d know absolutely all the lngred1enta of which the world

1" made, all the tectors involved 1n the 'World and the entire

h.istory-of all the alloe.salons·of causes "hlob heve been evolved

in the lIo:r14 s1nc$ 1t.s beg1nnlng. the visit of that bee to that

1'0 • • at that particular tn'S tent would appear' as an infallibly



p!'inolples Qf the Phtlosophr of Nature, although it 1s

re'pros&ntatlve of manymodorn IJcnolastlost 1s llot nt:fW to

phtlosophr or to .Scholasticism; the same opinioll '\Yes b.eld

by certain ancient Greek phl1Qaophors. And even after

Aristotle'. :retut.tlon and resolutton of thts posi,'t;1ofl &ina

omas on this au,bject 1Il his

it,nds the aa· . . thing tatlght b~y


who held ttlst an

effect whioh is contingent ,,1th, re~peot, to a proximate oause

ian~ce8sa~y when oompaped to the total ord.er and sel-lee o1~


causes i l l the unlv6:rse, it no tre~ agent 1n,terv.no8.

"rhomistlc Vlri tel's teach further. 9$ a logioal

coruse-qu.ence, th.t the sole oondltlonr6Qttlred for the prediction


eny fu.ture event 1n nattlre,. even the atfects of el:uallce~

18 " suffioient lelo'wled.ge ot the pllY$loal universe. It 1,s

adml,tt$d that this knowledge happens to be inacoessible to

man, but the W1avoLdable ignorance doos not alter the atr1ct

n·eeeas1t'1 that governs the future a8 well aa the: past and

, --...

the p:;pe •• nt; 11' man cou.ld ba"e Ii thorough grasp of the causes

2. . .<i, disp.XIX, sect; par


~ ••• ~tec us quI. eat' cent' ngGns reapeotu causae proxima·s

natu.ralltel'operant1s. 81 compal'etur ad totum ordinem 80

aerie. 08U88l"W'ft


et 1.n


a.usia nulla lntorcedau

110ere ag.ns,


app11cana ellas caus •• vel




at work 1n the world, an41.f his lolowl.dge could •• braoe

oompletel'y the 1.nltlal state of thluga 1n creatlon, the


unerringl.T predj"oted.

T'he only etfects that are admitted to b$ Ites·llY'

tn-aetel'tatnatet :and tmp~.dlctlble 111 themselves ~r. those that

prooe$d from the tl?8·edol'l


the w111. E.von on this point

ther.els oOflfu .• lo'n between the event that is untoreae:eable

b·eeaust1 1 t is tree and tb.& 1n.c ldent the t oannot be

pre-d1ct$d because i t 18 socl.dental. or fortuitous. J~otWll11.

thfti flll~x1ler kind


ett.·ct 1s cont1naent on t.he tree

ex-trt1ns1c c8asa11t7 of the w111, while the l.rtto;r 1s

undeter-mined. and cont1ngent because


the lntrr111.sto 11m1 tatlon of

the agent. Th.ls d1stlnctlon 1.1 oompletel, mlased



modern th~'tll.ts who apeak only otthe firat k.1nd of

eon-·t1ngency, "b.leb tenot (tQnt1nge.nc7 in the at:riot sense t-u.t

oO!4t:)l$tely cOJlpatlbla with anaDaclute nece881ty, as !f111

be sllovn.


--n~ture or hum8l:1


are not 'the on11 .. ones thet can

elaimanln'rlns10 laok

of necessity) over,.

natursl e..ffeot

betDB oontingent to the ext.nt 'hat 1 t prooe·ede trom s

detectlvo .ause and

oan thus ta.il



about, PUl'c1l

c·aallal or fortuitous .'Yenils aft. st1ll the moat oout1ngont


~ -'" ~

- --,.

Indeed, they erG !l.ot determined at all tn enl oreat.:;d

oau.l·e or sOJiiea oleanse.. But claiming as they do, . tile

existenoe of a perfect dete·rminatton in nettLlre, tltodtlrn


sobolastic writers are quite 10gi0811y foroed to deny the

r~al1 ty of chenoe, as \,ell as th6 oontinge.ncy of tb.oae

ttvl t;r 1s oomple'telO)r determined~ chanc.e and cor~t1ngenc1

b."eno ch$nce, but sre impossible - ~Inhls enlm ql.liie ttl

5\ttem nonprovenirellt allqutI utln mlnorl parte, omnia ex

in plurlbu$, in hoc 8010 a nece·saarita dlttertlnt, quod

poasunt in ml.rlorl parte def1oere. ff (3)

The negation


chanee end, lfOplicl tly, of fortwle,

by {lenying t;he pJ:l1nclple of:' lndetermlnat1.on underlying 'both.,


O"U~G$, would in teet 1e8$ .. n thew1,.do,m of dlv1ne providence.

the {ni~lnl te wisdom of the


~or 1s more "r.tlarvelous11

un-veiled tn tb.e apparently absurd and in the acoidental ev&nts

th,at come to P8SS aocordlng to B1s design, tban 1 t is 1n thb

). St. 'Thomes,Co t I _ - es, I l l ,



ibld., "Ea.et Stltem contra r,.·tl0Df4Ul prov1dentiae

divines slH'07iin1a ex Decessitate contlngeren't, ut ()stellsum est.

Ig-ttur 9t contra ratione. proYident1.ae dtv1nae as,se'Gsi nihil



,regular, firational~t occur-rtlnce. to%' wh10h. men can give

1ml¥lfuilatelj some reas.on w1th.1n -the world. God puz~~le5

the w1sdom (,1 ·thl~ world 1n one •• 1' by be 1ng 'the par se

l . . . dlat.c.ua~ o:t~thS.ng& t;hat appear foolish, taO htt"n~:n

"ladoW! s1-ne. no ol'G&tcd esusecen be asa1grled .for their

GeminI to be. Bu.t 1.n recalling thGt only God oan be the detep-mlnate and per se cause of that wh1ch i,8 in 1:tself

contlng6nt~ attention tsdl<iawn t,o Godfs inftnlte

perfeo-tton. antl providence,


the ptU'ely cont1ngent event

oan-not be :refel'red to any orested CIlUS& aoting per ae; 1t has

1t. :reason on13' in, th6 dlvine intellect and will. M,oreo'v.er,


the k.rlowledge


the, future that a d1vine intelleot

would have 1s to be beset! on ftall th.elngred1.en,ta



the world 1s made, all the isotope involved in t;heworld

and the 6rl'eiJ!lQ hlstory of all the successions of causes

,! l:' ,

\ ... ) ; whioh have been evolved in the world since 1J~e beglnn1ng,"

thls not only1mplle. that $11 trl •• e factors and causes sr.

absolutel:;neoessa:r.,-(tor otherw1a8 the future would not be

determlned find henoe, not knowable with oertitude), but i t

alSt) i.mplies an imperfection and pessivl ty .. in dlv1n(f: kn()wing


God's knowledge 1s thus mad$ to d$pend on ttl@ th1:n.gs



Btlt Gtld does not know tIle tU.tt1r0 things &s well as t:.ll0se

.. b.1ob er6 past and p:resent 81m,ply beceuse iie sees them in

hls etGraal soienoe, Be knows them in ss much a8 He is the1r



Hls soience and


and atl8S them in Hia etern1t1

a8 the measure of Hlm c8ulsltty. It 1s not onlY' free dec1 ..

S10DS that Go,d knows on11 in R1,mselt t but any ftltur'e

con-tingont event. :lo1;e too that litbe aeries of CirUS6S end

faotors i8 not absolu.te17 ne081 •• 1'*1, the sclence that God



the tllture 18 imperfect and orA11 con j.o tural 1f 1 t

mUG tel.pend on these causes and fao tors. - " ••• Qu1.cumq u.s

cog-n080tt erreotum oontingent.1t 1n cauae sua tentum, non habet

(6) . ' .

de .0 flla1 oonleoturelem cOglt! t·lan.m. (1'

Perhaps an oYQJlb •• ring dea1PG tor clar1t1 in all things

even ,,'here no clar1t:r coUld be found. hee led many' modern

Tbom1sba to aeek a complete retional!.t1 in tb:~ o;>erat1ons of

nature. Th18 same 1nordln,ata dealre tor olarl tJ .-- 2. t msr

even be that


1s aft


to admit



eleJ-ltl 18 hard to obtain, tor 11' this were the CQse It

might explain the superfioial undsl'ltandln.g of such really

diffioult thlngs 8snet'naaloaasa11t:r. whlah these soholastic

:'7 )

w1'1 te.ra aeem to exhlbt t~ - could a180 e.xpla i.n wh.y some modern

6. St. Thomas, ~!i .•


:8.8. (3 •


;,Nould 5. t be .pprop~lste to quo·te here St. 'thomas t words

1n the Ethlas? - n ••• .Ad


dlscipllnatuRl, ldeat bene

inatruo-tum, pertlnet, ut t·entum cert1tudlnls quaerat 1n tm.squ.aque materia,

quantum netup.:ml petitur. Non enim po"test 81se tenta certltuGo

lnmaterla veriabill et contlngentl, siout in materia necessarla,

e •• per .ode. m·odo 8. habente. Et ideo audl.t~or bene d1so1pllnatua.

non, debet majere. oertltudln.em rfiqulrere, neo mlnorl e8.8



rei solence to be acquired by man.

soholastio writer. malntain. aimply oannot ba reconciled

the intrinsic laok of necessity In future contingent events

eontl;(lgency or lack of determinGt;ion in 'tllS form itself, wh loh

18 flot; suftlo1ently actual or determined 'i;o 1ndlv1dusta 1


--nation of


and matter respeotlvely, by introducing some


.. 1 $

Xl. 1

'''~hl 1 .... 1 '

i . S . 8 equlV6. enc

hoped w111 be shown in suffioient detail.

Thom.a; 'the thlPQ reason tor the s ttldy' 1s to SilO'W the -t t,b.ls



tt,l-false dootrin(1


{,H)nt1n€~enc::1' imp11clt;11 denles(\ ebsoltlCe.





and that on the whole it has flothing in common. with it;.

J\ tew remarks mae t be made about the order



ohapters to tollow. Chapters land II togetiler serve 98 8 gsnepel1.ntroduction. In Ohapt:er I, 10gloal possib1l1ty is

discussed aa that which 1s common to necessary and

eo.nt1n-gent belng.ln ordeJl to bring out thSl foundat1()n of extr1.na10

oontingency in




contradtction possessed by free

agents, ana especially tll tb6 divine omnlpotence, 8S a free,

aotive, eXitrtnsl0 calls.1n l*elatlon to wblah all oreatures

l:re cont1ngent. 1fb.e meanings of the terms to be used

thpough-out are explained in this ch.tipter.

Chapt·er II begins w1 th a study: of the pnystoal poas1bil1 ty

\{. that is founded on an active potency, in terms o.f which

ex-trinsic contlngenc1 1s defined. A seneral d1vision of

con-tingenoy follows and tbe chapt$r concludes wtth e preliminary

eXamiDstlon of the poastbtli


end oontlngency tha t 1s roo·ted

in 1111 tntlllnslc, paaslve principle, tn opposl tlon to that

wb-loh depends on a poslt1vell' inde'te:Itmlnato active pr1noiple,

pr-evlousl,. discussed in the same cnapte:r •


--III Chapter III, the first direot re.te~ence ta made to

modern texts. In the first


rt of this ch.aptel' two kind.s of n.cesa1 t1 ere derined and explained in the light of St. iThomes Is

te·aohlng. In the second part



chapter th .• teachl.ng of

modern scholastics on necessity 18 examined in relation to the



1n the 8xperlmant!tl soleneos bllt deala w1·th 1 ts

interprets-I~tle 81m of Ohapter IV 18 tC) disouss o1'1.et1y th~ k1.nd

tiye end negative 1ndetermlnat1.ofl and fina11t;y_

rllth Ch~pt~r IV 1411 e presmble, Ch8p~t6r V constitutes

a cl~1·tlqul€t of ttua modern so·holestic position from the

at·and-point of what accidental csusa11ty ls. Sinoe oesual 8nd

(";''\_ /',J ~~'>' ~L

'j:.!.-y fortul tous events are th@ most evlden't forn'll of oontlngency,

p P

1 t 18 here that the errors of tho m.odern teaching. on tilis

slon to the whole work. It deals wit:h tIle tmpo8s1b111.ty

. ~ ..

Generally speaking, in addl tion to undertak1n.g all


perfect anofar from profound,


in order to savoia


e'rror ~nd &r:rlve at truth, -the lmpo:rtarloo of be·ing

faith-tltl to the letter


St. Thomss hea been 1.n some small

Vaill. Quite t·ile COl'l't-ratty, for tod61Y t~bil spirit


do-cility t(, an lntellQctllal master,ln order ·to advsllce in

knowledge and wisdom, ·1s oneatth. most difficult; 't.hings

upon which to obtal:nagreem-ont •


PotsncJ v and noss'bl11t7

I ~ . •


the Metaphysics of Aristotle,

01'" it the plu,r1bus S' - '0 .~.: $..\lI' .. H >*-~~'. ~ h"'~ h'" 'l:.:" r C.'\ .;(.. ,.,fI),. <:':'nJ,d,;' .' < . . ",,.,.,,,, ~-r~"'lOh t~! y ··l.~

est, quod po'tellti£i

in ~110 inqusntuJ'n ost



S.t. ~rhoma8, ,.. lec't .XI<!({ ~ l':'i. 9S6 ~ Itt .. 8 • .h.110

mcn!fl;t) dicltur poteat.. tim rlotus vel mut,~tl()nl)s ~b altere.'





~8t p·otentlQ pasaivil. -. II ti'l

1~8 S·t. ~rhom.8~ 9 loot.I, 0 • .54 ttCoYltin{,1t

~n:tK;:l all~~uendo quod fa qU.~8 me oua est uLb1 ips! c~usa

san1:t&-tl~J~f; 810 pr'lnclp!~ atlas ".natlonia .st ln eo, sed ~)er

iMJ-c.ldfin~ ••• tion enlm seoundum quod sfiJlaturhal)et ~)(:llo1nsr;1l, sed

~~oun,dt1m' qttoa est medlcuiJ; fAocldlt etrtemewldeK!! G~!U~~; !iledloRtffl

t3f~ 8sn8~1 ••• ~·

<:)~ St. Tholltis, ., lIH}"~.l, fl151176: ft #f;tHt

-~<t~~~~~,t~"~'If~ ~lIl1t i1~~l'%.A y.}.~ ~ '';\l:tifllil n4'\l<{';,~t'~>}:~l'l ~~t!IlJltnl' Mf.t'l~ ,t~'1 J;i't",'~~""t~ ~H"''r«<l''£

',.#,W'''. ~~.J..1:>.-...,. ~ ~ .. ~~ '1,,-(. ;uI' ."a ~.s> V &, ~:\li\ "'" ~".,;1 V U4-'i1.~ ~ . . ~\~ ~. Il[~,s.. ¥ fl~j.;..J. ,,\II; ~:"" '",-,> "'" 0" ,,7 '.#,. ...

~~~1' 'f'i>,:':l,~B ~A w . ~ 4f ~ ~'l!<f'" J!'ft ~'S:m ~14 n;)4 ~ d ,t't\A'W';t7& 1'" !ID.iffit Jf F~~, a~ ~ nA~ t' ... ·'tlh'Jl.~~ «II 4&:0 W'lA nec-a

>itJ.", ~~~~';"J" uj,,"h?~W 'W'I'~U ~ '4,ft.~~?.-.~ ~*v,,·lltoJ'~:6 ~V.fJof,fil):>~~il.i1 . v.,~\\'p·~;,;&'4ji.'~ IPV uw.~ua

l(lem aat moV(YJna etmcftWt!, ~g.ns et pstlen.8.L~;'~; 10eo d1cltur quod t~rtnclplwl1 quod diet'tar r~ot.n;tl~ 8ctlva, ee'c pl~lflCiplll1l

t~allsmtlt8tton18 in


In-gtl8nttml 6~t ~11ud;qu.1a f~t{~t oontingat

prin.olpi.ttfttl actlvuM 19889 in eodam (}Unf 'y8380, non t~8ffl~n

fl~ellll-ff~ t,"O{W~ f'<g '1~ '.lJ: d.~" ~ ,~ .t §i!t.m. iml . '* ~ A}i···~''''- ""'" t.'" ," ,<'4 "'''', J:- """ ,;.~ 1 ~ ""~V,' 'j; ff

U ~.(~ t~ ~AOU; 'l.'ltQ V '" ~~h! ~ set:~ ,;.0 ~~v ·il.nf,j."l.[,:<L~ ~,.): {>4~)t~ ft .. J ~ v ~ ~. \41't.!.


could be 111.

A third kind of f,H,tellCl 1s ,e prlnc lple ot~ $C t1rll£~ l\~i firl

e8S. an4 effioienoy or unde~gol!lg ~ o'bangtl wlthcu.lt


tion. :This kind ofpote,nc1 can be $1 ther sotlve or il$Ss1ve;

tiD tixampl_ of the tlzaat wou.ld be the ab111 ty to play ~l oollfjlcal

i.nst~Uftient •• 11 and \v1tb eaae, the property' poss$ss~d by soft

wood to burr! 88811'1 wou.ld be &fn eXQrt1plQ of the plVa~1.Y(t PCttency

deI~ln,ec here. If e1ther f;)t thea. potenoies is ~bs.nt 1n e

au.botl' tbe OPfiosl'te e,tfect 'results; tOft e,xample, !H)m8,!)ne 'who

does not havemualcel talent may 1'181 tn, 1l'1J trument bu.,t only

with some difriculty, end the wood t~gt 18 not soft 18 harder


~jt. T'hti)m~a,.~lect. XLVi) 1:1*'9$9: "l)iclt

quod a11epQteatae (i!ei"turr, q\lae eat prlno1plwu ,t~etEu:'ld1

s11-Q\lld non QtlOC\Ulql.:l1& Modo, S&$Q bene ••• Et (slm111t('(~) (9 • • D1cl,'t~J..r


(7 )

or' le8& immobile.. An exampl~ 01 tIlls 1a sn,y dUrG,1)lJ,.1 t.;I t~lS t

& th1ng has; we mlght cite tht% tncorrupt1bl11tjy~ ofil thG

illtel-lect O~ the stabl11t:r o't e e~:rt*1n government or ~·"en th$

p.:rmsnent qualities of (j,flrtii1n materiel. it't these qualltlGS

ape d$81~8ble. ~rh.1. prlnc1pl~ 1s a881ml1~t.d to the degl"Ete

of' Itctt.UJ11t1 that a thlrlg haa. ~O~ i t is in relation to act

thfrt a tl11,nc 1s p.~tect. ~b:en something 1s (iefectlve t t 1s

rather bec.us. of aoDtl tmpo


or lack


80 tus11 ty. Irhls

shou.ld be polnted


horG in ol%der to ita.-p this k11td of

pt}tency dtlt11l0t


the pr~c.d1ng one., whioh 18 tlometlmea

iH)t~/~e. sometime. paasS:ve. j\, man '.he ls alw818 in good health.

would btl sa'ld to ,posaese this 1'!ou.rt~kl kind of pote:noy or 'power,

bEH311 81P6ad;'~ m.nt10.n.t~., 'th~r. alftiJ: two Othi)l-S t!l.8t are called

poten,oi •• only In all l.11ap~oper sense, tha'lt is. Mtspb.ori~illy.




3eoon41y. ·1n repp(! to tho tlOrl-~epugnancfi of tar~~s lr~ ~

pv:t"OPO-ft~ l tl,o,ft~ 'Iff) oall ~p •• k of a O$11tt~ 1ft patella, beo~tlae the ~jGllt'S

heY. the capactty to be comp()a&d 1f what t.My 81srll1~y is not


c,orft:r'ild1ctop·y. Oft. of the terms! hOW$11er, ia Ilot the principle

of the n'l~her, nor ap~) ttlflY together thfl p.1nclpl~~



com-Do~ltloDIt Iievel'thel •• s, the sub,jeot ~f,11&D" ~ l~oZ' e,xsm~pleS* b,6~

I. t 1s the domainot en. varum, tiu~re


the c8t'aetty of 1;1» tillngsaligrltfled to be compo •• ,d 1n phT.loill

1-8111.1 ty ..



"rhoma$~ e$l l('5ct.lt rle1171$.: ~ln

qulbusd.WJ entM dloltt,tp P O f t • non propter allquo4prtD,clpiU1n

h8bltum, sed l':ropter almilttudlnem qt1i1fIJdetn$) aicut 1n seolDe'trl ..

ct~~ Dteltal:~ GDIm potentla allcujt1s 11nGs • • sae quadr~ tQ!~ ejus;

Gt dlcltttr quod 11.nea pate-art J~n anum qUQdratum. l~'t, tljtu~l,l1. ?'lJodt)

poteat diet 1n n~p18iJ quodterna':.lu.s pot •• t 1n novf9n~fr1tlOO

quod 68't quadrstw~. eJtls, eo Qttod ~-x (hlc·t~J;ejus 'if} ~f{%i:;')t:tlum t'~(~it


~fe~e111m t~t!l nove~ feclUD'&. n . .'

.... 't .''!'. t ".~ h ~ (j$ "~1' wi n'" T ~ 111 fr"'" ~ \}t' 'i:~ ~ ,(,.t,'~ 1 ~ f'" ,~; "f;~: 4; ~~

'7. ~1t e '~(A\Jrt;ia~ f; ~ e , .. t:~ v'~.i. ~~l e' " ';:' if) ;"" ~~.;; &""',.,." "" ~';\\:"'~ .,.;"It.\l

logtolfJ dlclmua "llqWl (; ••• po.slb111.. 8t tJJp08.1bl11&r. nOll

propt1er ellqttam potentler.1!, %led -0 quo" fillquo ~1odo Sll'flt: "ut non

sunt.Posslbl1,la enlm ellolmtttft, qt10Ptml oPPo81te oOhtlnglt


ver'a. Impoe,lbl11a yero. quorum oPPo81te noneontlnglt esse

Ve1'8. E;t bilec divtlPst taa Gst propter habi tud1nem praedlcQtl tid

subjectum. quod quendoque &u'b ~.pugnaD8 subjoo'to, stout in itl~­


Wote that the, brief d'.acuJJalo:n. 01: r0£Jll or Pl11S1Q~1

pOlsi-b111ty that 18 -to follow 1~ undert.it.ll flrat because phl~lc81

, .-,

fope~ b~ .tudied tl1~lrt, at lel~t b~ltlrl'~f) 91;1 'tb:qi) t~h&rh#indJ

the 10g1c8l. possible 11 s kind of gt$.n'WiJ, e1f!br~otn(:t bo't!~t

ti~ce3-$8r':r I!n~i eOlltlngent 0.111.8,; rromth,1~ f)'oint ot view it !£lSll' b~

prlm!l1~111 with 'J)'-ottiD01 and. pOtlsib111ty, bllt r,s'ther. wittl n-0C~S­





., J,~ ('1 ~ f~_~qrn ~ A .... . , ~, h '~~ lilt "t., ~ JIll 1 ~1'!P,~ l~ • f~~4' i /l~

.i", 'rJ .. W' 'fi#" ~ g;&J'i'~~ ~ t .,. lIT __ '\lilt ~ - .... ~ lIP $1& ~ J Y .. • J. fi\i)

erg;o ~jdls prs..et@rrt11.~ ,8, oo~',d$~sn~ll~ .a1;~ie ~}tJ't~~~lti1~J

qti •• Mdueunt~l~ a,d unam.~c!.*., (juts qu~ellbet aarim Gat~

~,)l*1nclplu~ quoddelft, et ~a po~.ntl~~ 310 diQt~~ r.@tdU;C~lfl"

ttl:r ad ~llS.qtlOd 'pl"inclpltZt ex (100 alm'UI &11~ed1ou.ntatr. .~;}t

1100 tJ$' pr1nc1,pl~.ctiYUll ••• l1·t lnd·. Pt~t$t quod lla~~o

rsui.l,t1.-I,11clta8 non .at sectmdum .·.qalVt,)cllt:ione~, sed seeunou'[tj

~ 1 fjpIif ~~

.iii;.'i,~ o~~am."

i l . S t . Thou!!, ~ Q.9. GiI.2.. c.: ·~t:.tc1f!1ndu1f;l 83 t. <l>n1!'tl

quod f.llltabl1e pt,t •• ,; a1' qu.ld die! du.r>11c1 tar: ~ll}f~) £tl0d(), ~l~r

~U)t.t:ltla~ Q~e 1ft 1P80 eat) a·lle modo, p.~ ~H:rt~.:ntt~m qtafj~ 1r~

81 t.~o GS't. ~1; , : t


ltiC t$l,j



l13it! ~ ~fPot6tl tl,;

V.PO ~ctlva es . ,n .pnte', ut (1alOl~ in calef&)c't1.voll e t ~I'S

~ed1f~,t'&tl"Q l·n ~edlt:tc,an~.a. t~


l2* st. 4rh~ml'H~*

H:Pet~nt1a en1m pa:Jli't~ ,-,at

propte'F sllql40tJ p'rl11C1r~i"fl!tl

~ftl1t m"lt.r1a. ~i





~~? '

",,~~~, r _ g.,. " .. .t ,~~;. 'l-l''::'i! ';~i< ~e~ ~ $. ~ l' -~J;, "itli.,l'~ f!'~ M .. & .... 't

f.". .i. f * \: ""'#'t."~~~O;gf '('~.. ' , - J " ' <:,.~;;.;'!:lit J,. ",iir -'l.~j ,,.. v.ZP ~J} t'$ _ ~~ ~.it w ,,~~

~CC01$(1111g to tiL r)OnG:~t1PQ~~a11Qrij



~nd el:Hit t%'~C·t$ fr(}M 1'*$fA1.0x1a t~nf.H~~" ' h ' .. 'Ii '" 1" t· at W010n ex- B~8 the bl11tl and iMpossibility, thing,,.

H;~ #i l~~Oll(leo. 1>1 c. tid Urtl~ 'Q t,lod $ S ~ C un, dll..~ i~" Y:t1, lv·J~lt);:)b);r:i~

{1.n . ''F(1 /@}j ta~h~·~ t~)f.,t r iff 1"'7' }.' ,11< '~'H) 3 rJ "1 b 11\l~ a t1>:.¥H,J 0 s s·t b II e

"!fI' ~ . ill ",,' (~

d10t¥l-tll"r tripl1ei t(.1". 'tIne m 10 sacu>n.d'~.u}!~ allqu,,an',

1)-ot(~rltt8~ ~ot1vfim vel paas1v$mj slout diel t;ur

l.lofnl-'i\t!\;$ nfi~'~1~8 '" ~,~');"I..'~w"'l "''1i.,"~ f;i£".zI.#'i"i~,'!!"l",,1w--·.u,.,. '!f."lif". ~~nt'~ 4&1a1l'm ",*~.,,~.~.:f ~i~W·

.i·.!iJ.. 'J~.'fJ~~' t.;~J--L ~~H~f~ftU>~¥'·Vi G~V.W-A·J.~:"';l! .~~! '8~~:,,' '4>,~V,ji;. 8,4 ~h;,'~'fi'\.''f/~~~·4!1


@~_~.~':l ·1">;) . .L:,. l.,~ .,".~ ~~ ~.T1t·~ >;;;~ "'* t). v~.1· _ ," .


1~.H~a also if.111$


l 11 to • ~.i· pro-' " " " , T' " l ' .~', , ' ' ' , , " F ' 1d" ... "S)'1 " t1,A;!!I '}' -.l'. 'L'h if; ~$k W ~ '<4' •

it 18 not a que.tlon


re.l or phyalcal possibility





CZJt. T~A:,Y:1i(.tZ$'2Jl.~.j 8.d l~,~ Hl)ioe:ndutl qU(H:,~ pOB31bil~~

absoluttVtl non dioi tt~ nequw saQtltu1u.~~ ~~usa8 tHlpe~r1or!l1.sj n~qu.a



thi8 •• Y th~t St.rho.sa t~.at~tbf# -qu~et1on




poter.u.l$'( !tow carl


log-leal p08.1bl$ b4i dlatlngtllsbed


.l~'. if the

aetlftpo'teney be tak.utu meCift nothlng othol' thQfl Gcdta

i)G'wer '0 erfi&t., ADtl


tlod 1s ,logically po.aibl., a8 }I$



'1111 W$ Dot b • . obllsed \;·0 S81that tie 1s th6 obJect

1n ralatton to 80m. potenoy t.hat can p:rodtto. 1. t. rrbU8" many

thlns. 81". wltb,ln MeD ' . pOW."!,.' I;ut we oeDDot sey taa'\; God

18 {).nlpct~nu beC81180 be oan produce whatevel' 13 pO$:slble in

~a+at1oft to Hla po".r:, top .u~h an ftP!~t\me:nt ·18 pl·.lnly

011'0U-lar.'Phla ia nothl_8 o'h.·!*'heD •• ,-lftl tbo'f; God 1s omnlpotent

be .. aid .!ta.hep 'that God 1e omnlpeten'lnss rrru.ctl .I .• lie Is able

(1'7 )

,to do wh~t.v.r 18 po8.1b18 , 8b~aoll1tely. ae%"e it lit Q

q~.s-bton of '~be posalble th.t t. Dc'rofepl'ed to s potenc:1 but is

'1£ g.,.~

* ,"'\

~,. ~"'..7, '~f'! a 111 ~ 3 ' " ' ' fJ "

, 11".


19,. A oOttr"tltt. f1·iie11nCli.l1, tur t'tllCd Jleua dloa t:ilt

, !,!ill! III'~ f:I" : "" .. " _

omftl~'t)'h.n.t 'quta pote., 08nla,.' alb111a a'bsolutf;':§ qU.OC(;i8t

91t~r :nt&itUJ dt' •• ndl po.sibil.; D1..ot~ttU* .utem .liquid pO$£41.b11~

".1' 1mpo8stb11e abl1,olu.,'te, e~ ba'bltudlnetfJ:Pmln():E;\"th'U; r.)os,aib1.1e Quldem, rjula ?r~ed108trtU


~@iJugnat iltibj$.cto, •• • 1ntPf.#Bslb11~


n-&t,Ui r'e-mcves .~

. . . - ,

tbillJ. "" . . ~ ~<i'!t. . ..,.,

. ··'.4·~,J. U..t. '~"$,

1~3fl\ ;:;~r;. Thom~Hilt' n.8~ rI~ c.2;:~~ tt';~u1a

paten-ti8e 'h:~ t1 VIl{)ob.tecttlm $ t e 80 'CJll16S t!.n~. U!t.qU~., l1ull~,

r;tlt;i;}nl' ?ot~rlt1G op~l'at'l€Jn«lm ha'bet ubi d.t~tloit r·a'tic 8111

oh1iicti~ fJ1cu,t ~/l$tll non -.J1d.e~t QG:r!"l.!Jnte vls1t;;111 in. nc~tu;

{'i r.... ,. c; J?'be t <: .. ~l i. U ('~~~i J'" re.< .. ,.~ ~ ~ .. \l e (1 '£'" ~,., ~'{ ~ 1--l!f'" 'I} .ilio, ~.' n • . "..;. f'.'.r~ ~iij,. ~. p n. 8 _ ~ {j. \1 'ii' _"" ""'" ~'1''' f"t ...;J. ('t.. t '~"" ~l ,t!~ .f:"~ ~j +~ .•..• ..".... V. J''! 'w' "'" ... , ' " ~"I r' t ~ l' ;;;:. ',M


rEtl.One~n ~lnQuar!t;'t1mt1J:t ~'1ng~ v"~l r~(:tt.. tl!£. ir~qut~~ntt11't

f'dj 1~r tH:~ t~r1. (~JlfA e a u t(tm~ ~ trrth, a1 UIH~,!()d 1. J


U.l r£~I:Hi W~~ ~~. $f t~ It f~ •

If) iii ~1. ..; ft}f:X boc autAm Pil te tqn:od !.}e~ nil$'1. pc t;~t~ t

f.g(}t},rf~ rj.·~)ur/~. 1:~ft~ tl!{ rDttone fftntl.t.t tae t,t 95 t quod '$Sg.e ~Hlttff!.

e':ir flllf~catL.~s depen~l~a·t. Quo-d &~ t c{)ntr~ t*s tlo%1t){i e1'tls quod

dle1 t\;lr DG'lS~ ul; ex super1ol"lJlus patet. '~;ad.m ottum ~at1one,


ootenoe itsf)ltf

t;j.:::;c.;: ","",. ~.3· oil. ~;IJ>1,~~.l. b~,..r1l~'f\!' tf~1.r· f~€J. 14'&l"t1fu"", jii'''' ~ • ~~ (~4 ~'~1!~,

""*.~' ,~ iIT _~",a.''''H.~~~.~ \¥Q;.1,; iJ 'i<:6' V G ~V 1·£;;l!.:\Hlj ""t. , •. iI "Ii ":.t lIfo,.*~~.

p;r;~6dlotam ass1gn&tlon~tt1 obleat1 dlvlrl~e po1tenti~e, dub1u,~

ooour! 1$41 {~uts 81 cnwm~, ?osalbl16 sbDolut$,t) omn$que ens ~6 non

lmpllcsn8 c(;)ntradiotlon~m, 8't1b omn1potent~1~ c13udl ta~rJ Deus

1PStl contlnGbi tur BU,b sua omnlpf.:d~4Jrlt ts: quoni19rt~ Peur{~ 0f.JSf~ dE;}

nU~Hlro ~£;or~~ Q'UJ :t, quod p9 tat. ,~:?d ntH3 f ~} t s l.m1.1ia 8' di('~t1(h:tl\

est~, quod. C~ serUl(.) pl~itl~a~rUJ t:!it de cm,lllp,£,,,-entiii f"Hl·:~l.'V~:~!?, cn.:t~r

d1.c'",!nu~ 08 b1.10 & C.·.f~ 16 ens n 1 11 ana

(;Onl4;:":~~-!II' ' . '. ~t''-'i''tll''~~.


21. ., T.lll,




Thomaepo8s .1.1 tal ~,bsoluts sau loglca,

ratione c·U,Jus ellquld .at objecttm:1 ;)!'oprlu,m omn1potontlae,

consis tl t in habt tudinetermlflorum qua prG~d1oa 'tum non repllgrl2 t~

sub jeo to. Et haeo habl tudo . t$rmln,orum praeauppon11;ur l)d

omY11-p·oten:tte~, ut t1S t "vts exsecuti va e't a ttr1butu..~ die tln~1tllm 8b



sedcoosequl tur t;ld1p:lsm omn1pot~ntl&rft lil~~dta81ern!l qu.efJ

eat 1psum esse seu essentla dlv1na u't }~.rt1c1p~bi::tl;til (~t 1rfli.

tail-b1.lts est ~ are.aturls. tt

2' .. ., ,-..C:. ltiA.&A ~~2 ~·If~·.. t .itd "4; 1 ' I f .



p 41) ~\.;" G : . J~S t e u . em ",.It'. €~e d" V ne fJ 'tlWls:nS ~) 'iIi () til l.ma

. ili~. IU! I';'" I l l ! ' ' ' , . •

ragnle t()tlns ve?1tatis oreatiiO. i~go per i.\j~C re·g r~~dduntu:fv

absolute p0881l)11ea t quta to quod alt:oog1 t:s 't :DGtlf! ~~t j;orm9't,

ut lJ1!l t&bl1e a ~e$ est qu.cd untaut!ltle ret consru~ c't. conveniens est, nee 8lb! :reptlp8ns; .rgoesl~ p08s1b11~,.. qut~ 111u.d ~st;

'pof8s1bl1e rei Quod non est repu.{~nans 1111. j~.rite·oeden~er taute~l ~d ideas dtvtnaa, nihll lntelllgitu:('t ut determ.inat~ eti dlst1ncte

formabile, nee rebus dtstl'1.bute Stt~ pr~~ed1o~ta qUS~l a1s ~1n·t


in r.,~Qrd ttl ereated. Oe111.88, w111 hfilp us to 1fl~:e llt)W th$l 81i e

sll pO·8$1bl. in 8 re~l or ph,'Y81cal way;1n l'efe·r4nt'UJto tl19

satiYa potency o.f ~~)dtt~Ve: zh~ll 8$~rurtjher that ~bsolut6

posslbllity and d:lvln~ omnl1lotenoe Q7~ ,thG tOUIldation for tr16

extrinsic oontingency


all OH&ture., end thQt ·ttlla kind


posstbll. ttl o:rcon;ttng6noy mllB;' 'becar:erl1l1rdl:1 t1ngll1JJherl

trotf! that w!llch 1s rooted in antntr1na'oc, p&a~1ye ~(lt~~n.cl.




~ 1 ~ I"II' ~Q1

t,;.. . • ~~.e··. gr 1: .. ' .. , p.;"1gj~a



·~nt.o:ed$·nttJr Taro ad artem e t inti$llectum

dlvlnumlt so um :radloall te!i l.nt.111gt.mtlJllt form.biles ot

poss!.-bl1es, quat.nus ju)111ee-t tn 1ntlnt tt'1 esae Del omnia r~J tit)

entia et pert~etl0 rad!.cslt'tler 1nt~·ell1.g1 tUft esse con,terlt&:


POlJil1bile enlm qttodd_m C;f!t I; quod {4d rH~C,~llt1liil"iur!~

sequ~. ttl:P. N°8~1 QUlctd 11f~Oe$S(~ ~~t e,a:!.H~1t po~s,lb1le

'$$,t ees6; quod enim 110n pos81bil~J es'u ef~tl~" 1m ..

tifJtlslbl1* ~~st esse; flt~ qllod 1m~)o~51b11ft ~,$t eese 9

neCHFJSS~ e$ t tlon ~~ss,~; i~l "" "';"'i).¥ tttlr Quod .~ l1ee~flS8; ~~l t~

eilfB~, Ilece~se


t non etise til Jio~ ~ utam t~$ t

ir{~-pOft;~1bl180 :;i:l~go 1mpoaalbl1~) lf$~ t q~,,10d ali.qu.id

nee ••••• It 88se. et t •• en non l i t po.sibil •

.{l ,£. '1"1 ,~u ~ ~'hJ1 ~ ~ ~ if1l r.' t ~ ~#";, 'n ~"!I.,' ~~, ~ h i' ... ~ ~\1i tt,t.t~ [Jilt a." J!\ <t!i ':<ll! ,(1; 'on 1"' t'" \'t~ l.d ,1

g; ~ ~ • ""'<4>. ~",: \>" ;",:h;.f ~ \(;~fP, w .L "'" __ w ~ V 1/l:J ... ,,~ ~_ "",'" ,i.' 1>..t

neCGS$$ esse., (26)" '


ldeRtltlGd with what

? t: t~~ ;§\"> ,,)~ ,t""'~ 4!i jl!li I' n I' '~1' :21. A t' r ' "X" 'r 'l¥?- '1 ';'') 1 "') ~ ~,~ .,1 :'i, ~ rz·

"'""''';_ ;Ji;J>. ~'ll;vi,!;,\'fd~', .~j , :".~ '~",* 4 } , "*"$ j~. >.J'(N<e ... .T

'va:.t·o modo posalb1.1$ diol. tUt""J s@cun um qu.od ~,~.t; C{)~~(.!tlHlnel: tR d 6&~

~lUJile sunt n&oeassr1.li $ 0 t; ~{l ~a (lUee o()n. tl!l~:;Wl )t; '~SS·f1 e 1,;; llr:Jri

eSS~g pr-ou.t posslbl1~ O(Jntrii lmp()s81b11e divld1.talr®';~


as ,0 '~~3J:rt81n pot.ntl~1.wrlt)ltl~. ;nle common,11 oon1;1.nge,nt is ( ?7 ) . ¥;. . .,. .. J t'

:noth1:ng otheJ4 tb9n thsr $b8()lut~el:r p08s1blt:~. 1 t is the rnode

be tW6f$U th,3 cQ1nmonly o,t'nt;1tlgen~G and th~ tnode 0:1: 'th~& eoni~' .. ng$n t; .

>,,' (28)

that fC1110ws upon the neoessary.




St. illbert,In ! .ilrlstotG s,(C'tl Viv(,s)

"*,,,~a·~t' i# .. Cif.~. '''it J..,


~ l"""~ C... ff~nn-t n'~n«lt'd'''''n '--";iI~"'" ~_At"'lin"t1lM ;~,otj:n·nt:.f hOr.""m,,~n.:::. V'v.' ... 0;"'" , g . '&oF \.f"", iIi:n. ... ¥~A: 14t;l ~}JW ~Q V~H; ll,U4~,

8U.t secundum acceptlonetn spee1alem, 81 diel tur secundum

genus crJr!'UllW1$: -tunc est contlngens quod eonvf)rt1tul~ awn

pos8tblll, $1; hoc YOC8tur eontingena commune: 6t quldam

vaoant ipSUM 81 tum, eo Qtlt)d non deacend1 t ad modum speols1em:

et multa acoldlmt sive oonven1unt .1 ratione oorn~nlnltst1s

'talls, .q11se non oonven.lunt specla11bus m()dia cont1nE~nt1s. 'f 28. ~.: Altus autism contingentl& modus ost)) quod

dlc1tuft contIiigere ld quod est neo·~ssarlum: qula 1S~H:suitu.r


I~h~ ~~.t.Vl.Ll'~~ .• ~fi .A-.n·~1··f'a ~'t .. ;a~_ V " A..~", ••


not onl;r i l l OP1)o~i tl0tlto th,6!~~~}1_~o~sib"l~l" but iill${' f.~)r~J.l"Y

~ . f";



la a180 no~ neoessary DOt lQgical p06s1b111ty snd k· ... ·l·~ $·t;.w .. ·.1. ~ ""'''' r' (f$ 'IIl' &;. tl ·0'


~ ~li" ",,' .' ' ... - - <l:-v ...;l , . . It", !0,,~j~ ~~>\It,;..l or 10g10al possibility of ,,~ .f; .!.... . .... -?' '", ", ,~ t.~;. 6;1 » ':"~ .:~~ yt j }! .... ; .• )~ t, ,;,: ... J J point in dlst1nluishlnf


".~"'. J .. 11 ",:} fe:; ... t~ #~.': -'It"" if,:;. ,-> \#~'~ l;'H"lZj;~ .t D·~tmt '1 ~~ .... _. Og1' 1 ~:;'!tf~ f,'~~r~ h"" ;-g-MIllttt ():<l·o '.0 1. , t~ '~ ... ~ 'b . . If ~ it.



l~h'sslbltl thmt 1s derln~tl logically, tl'om the simple

conJ'"tnc-ti~(}n of subjeot 3nd pred1.cll'te; the lOf!lct~111 p0681,ble, ~s

0111t1 18 ot\vertlble tli'tll the contingency tllilt ,~ tZ11l'lg hss

in terms


an actiye, 82trirlsic 08uae. t~b.~ ·tWt'1 Q.~n nevGl'th.e ..




St. J~lb.r't,"f-t'~P'·,..een s l\,ristotel lt

s (~d Vivas)



$tAd ntegent18m Grgo eOl'umqU8e '~' ct~ SWlt;

mttlinde, quod sloat dlei t i\vicenna, ens l)08s1b,11e div1d1 t 4t)ns

oum eo qtl0d est e·ns necesas,at 0.»1\ ~n.a ll&C$8Se sit; ('~uod nullo

eat in pot.rrtlaJ e;r;i t en·8 neoeSSG quod nulleD! hab~t Catl~um;

qllie ens quod habetcauaam quocumqu.e modo, Gat in pO'Gent1Q

COt1paratum Sd08l188m 11~8m secun(lum quod ea'l; in e$. E:t per

01'1'081 t~l1rt en8 po.stbtle est quod habet CilU8iun. ot posalbl1e

e8 t eG'cundum quod. compar-atl2.~ ad111am C'Hlsamg at Sf)CundlL'Yl

qUCH} per .sse dttpendet aD 111&: ~t sle omrlis CilltS~ta

posl91-billa sunt; e'theemodo ens neOG ••• {10n Gat ens poselb11i,


in areal pot.nol_ Both Pt)s.81bl11t.1 8n4 oont.ingetloy r~f(jr

to the tutU7$ of


whleil 1~ Geld to b. po*sible 01:'

contingent. S1mI)ll itp-eklngst the possible 13 "lated to Q

f:)()t$hC1 whloh. 1. ,tJ1thQr~'fltlve or peas!:.,., rand fiU::~ 1 t; dlff"r8

.eco~1ng to the verious kind. of pot.ncle~: the oont1ng~nt9

bow.vert 1. r'.ferred to 5\')\11e CSUSit. and 'tb,llS 1~ dl$tlng'u18b;ed

AdbtlC ~Hltetl1 contlnna eS86 conYtrrtltlll%\) cw-n

po.sibil. aa •• : et non eat verum quodqu.ldam

dlcunt, ql10d cont1ngens (11ft.rat a pOBslbl1e

in hOOt quod oontlngens dlcat e.xte·nslone,m

tem-poris 1n r.utltPum. et poss1bl1e non d10at 111udt

pos.lbll • • n1m ante aotum8cceptu. extendltur

1n tl1turwn. Sed 1n hoe differunt ~)o.slbl1ft et

oonti as: quia po.sibtle 81mp1101ter dicit

POt8Dtlilfll vel ag.n.teD! vel mat6rislem, fit

var1-atUJt sooundum potenttQe ttil18 varletatem.

Con-tlrigena Qutem re.pte! t a.uaam quae non 88t

pel-QG oausa g at 1(180 0,1$ tlngul tup secundum CQ\lmQf:




If .ver!'J aftiPmat'lol"J [!Jr n.g~tlon in 81tlgul.~ snd f~~,t~lr~

t)J1opoaitlotl8 i;lttrue O~ t~lse,th.1:i one who sttlrma 011 dQtlit£~~ fJomt thing ~bou" ~he fut~$ [~Q8't ~rbGaktrul;r 01" tel.ely-. From

th1a i t tollows tn.t everything liSnece.8arl11 ill ~lt18t8n~'~ ~)r

nee ••• 81'111 noil 1n exlatenoe@ }rhe.erore, it all ~,fr1r~'ut't1on



g8tlon 18 dete~mlD.t.11 tru~ (itt ra3,.~1. 1:1 alp:gu.lar

proposi-f;tons ebollt 't:ha ttltupe ft 1 t 1s neoe.asJt1 thirt ,.'ver1thlng b~

de-'that ft"et1fthlng 100ft • • • b,otlt; by Dece.s,.ty_ Tb.1~/J howe,rer,

tfou,ld .:xclnde t'tt. threefold genus of contlflgGnO~f in th1.:nglt.

It 1s 1mposslblef tlle.:refo:p., tb.atfflYfrp'Y propoa1tlon about ttle

tlltur,. be true determ1.~.t.lyor fel,a. d.t6rmlnat~11.

q"L\sedam enivm oont~A!~.mt ut in 't,auclorl'bu#J" qwa.

aootdunt 8 casu ve). fo:ptuns. '~ua.d8Jll vera se hsbelrt 8d \ltrtwllb,f.,-;t;" qui. 801110.t. non m&gt8 fIe htabent ad

Wlilm parte:lU,qu •• ad ali~a •• et lata pro'oedunt ex

election.. Q.uaeda~ v.ro.,eY~niunt ut tn plu.rlbus~

stou.t hamin: •• oaD •• carae in sen'ecttl't~~J' qu.od c~uaa'tur

ex ,natlt.rQ\t .51 sutGm omnia ex n.oessi ta.te t,'venipent.

nib1l no%+WI cont1n~ftt18m e888t. Bt ldOt} d1oi,t n:lhl1

eat quautum 84 lplam p,el~an.ntiam eo~um Quae p.l~ll.n­

en't oont1nsen'ber; ll&que fit quantum ad pl-oductlonem

fJo:t:tllm qua. oont,in llter OinJ'sat~; nee 0.tll1 qU.antwtl£id

ea quae, aunt 1n Ii ,o~1 p.~'te, slve 1n Plitte1or1bus;

noec 11trumllb,atqutlntw1A a{l ~~a ~:j\lae at) 11~,l.Jenl; Q,~~qll&ill t~r

ad t\t~Wl1que, 8cllleet esse vel non G&se, @1~ ad nt~utrum

<t~ . . , ' . ' ~ .. ~. . t .. , 4'. . t· .' itt 1''''''''. A if-' ~ <~, i ~ .;:. ,il" . t- . ~ . ~. l"!l<d l

-t-l~o'r um 8 tUl ~ ae·e rmJ[..11 Ii uG !ft.;~ tl.O~ ~~ t4f~:r{n .1, )~ .... i~ .. ~ (~ Uta. ~ Ul!.,it Ii. v,



do is oont1npnt extrlns.lcal11iJ 1n as much. a8 $. t depends

tor exlatenceon 8.n aetty., poa 1 t lYe 11" 11'1(lete:rminate cause.

For eXlmple. b·.tope C •• sar 01:'0 • • • 8 the flub1con, he 18 fr·ee

Dot to croa. lt, end neliiher hia 0".01181118 nor bis not

ero.s-lng 1mpl1 •• any contradicttoIl. Suer! an event is 6xt:rln.l·~foJlly

oontlftgent#8ooordln8t,olt. dependence on lirt flxtf¥tnMio, fl~e@

~I'he liberty


oont:fJadlotif')D .x.m~'11:r:l.d ebove 1.8 th.:?

fomlda·tlon of extrinsic oontlngancy_ JU8t a8 6VtS'rJ cr*·G·tu.i'*~

1s posaible . so too, ~v.ryO!l~ 18

60nttnnt e!ttrift81cal11 iDeo tar as each depends on the

the noa-.exlatencHt o-r nene o.ftbem i.contradictory. (The



ct ••

parated tn,lbat,anoel wou.ld be 8.th,()lutel;r

imposslble, $"on to the power of (Jod,


tb.1~ non-existence implied a oontradiction.)

Some C~.8ture·8 partioipate in thefl1vlne l1berty and

In 50 fa:r as such CtlH186S ~lli$ f'pee, the eftlteats that prooeed


8' ,

,,~ j' ,s: .. ' 'In '~ (&',.t 1;:1 r..o f":'i. ~ ~~ "~ If.3> "''l) ,~,,,, l'~l

',' it V .v~' '<~ ~S~,Jl f e:1, ' - ~ JJwu V.I... l ~ J,.. ~ ~ ~. ' A'a,


MUbi ~Qt~11dum e. qne<, '8:0n (' lel tu.rUli~l&t~ph:~n~~.!f

~lot.nt1>1 &etl:,.8jii Oitm 11thll ~ll11d sit qi.l~m t,rlnciplwfl qu~t, 11'1

allud8gL~uB, d'ty1dltup 1n potttntlalft ~.tlonslem $t 1rreticn:ls1ert.

ilote,ntle ~st1on.118 $$t§ "quBeei~~ ratlon~ ~t tlil~()t;lotH~ {lperat\ll~;

mtout era ."dloin.of (~WI medlcus cogr.U)8CflnS quid aa:nando

itX-f>-edtat i,n:tl~{')~.tv(1Il$na *pplloat rett1edla. PotGr.,tts Qutem

pstlonalla ')O~$t 1n opp,oalt. i&t aontr~d1etorlG ~t aontrar1e. tl

9. St. 'l~,om.s~In VI r~eta' a ~ l~fJt.II, n.l18]:

uCon.-'tingens ttnlm B(i u t r " · •. ;, nOll 'otest e1lllS& C~iW{lii ~11cujua

inqu$lnt$m bJljusmodlf!1 Se~unal»l1 ,fUl1fl qu.t")d eat sa ut~\.mUlb@t,

habet dlst)osl't,l{)nem sUtt8rlG'(j,qllae $,at .1n. pote:fl'ti-a tad atl0

O~')908 i ta ~ nitl11 enlr! sg'1 t ~;~ec~m(ia.'1~ ,quofl $:1 t' 111 ~!o t$llti~~ .~111de

opo:rtet quod ofJu,sa., quae est adutru.!J111bet , ut;, Y~.)lunt~sg !Sid 11{)~~

qtlod 8f;Sstf ~ln,clinotur !1'l!g11 ad Ull4n1 t)ar~m, pett hoe qt.l()d


Ii" ",rQJsla liu:G~m Slirlt ~llqtl* fU't~.ll"'~ t-r'ipl:toite:'.

. s ~,tj Ul1d tlfll P<J t~$:trt ia~~l tar,rt; !;;lU'ti ~; t1.1 ~i(; s,~ i 11 ~l(1 ,t

'er po.sun,tease v$l norje'ls~; Quae d1cUtntur

co:n,tlI1gent;141 a,~t1~t;jlW:'411bet;. Vf.iro SU.llt in

oaust •. a ttl t1 n,onsollb~ :i~,grWldwil ~lclier.rti~mt ~e-d

sec-wl:dm~ l?,ltt1on.'~ eSl>\;Qae ~ctlvafi~ qu.t~. t};on POt;t~Wlt

l~n~A" n'y'v~~~"" ~ ~~v 'lI~",f .. ',",I ~&~:i~~ a-f'?A4t$""* 6'~ t"'<'3<AA I i i ~ 'i"'M t:''!~ ttlL'9 'n~~A~ til . .

.. , 4k.~V '~I 'liOJ' IJ l ... ~~'~ ~4(;,.; ~¥,~~".'" W.Rc ~;J""'VlilJ~

!.tt~t;~ c{)ntLng.!$e.$ed%",~n vero stltlt 11:1 0-1'.11$ 1f:Z Buts

et, 8fjcunal.lm po't.r~tlam . ' seoundam CSHlS&Ut1 .'otlv8mg)

qu~e. 'poteat ta . . n lr;11)~)d:LJltt a IPAO et:factu,J et t8t,a dic'antm- cQnt1ngero ut in pl'J.:~l,bllS. flO)

Thta d1vlsiQn 1s ~om0what d1.f'ferentfrOt'Jl 't};l~J t'n'l~ E!.lven in the Perlhe:rmenGla.,. T'tl.re 8t. Thomas Qt)esnot 'm&ntlo.n the

the d,l v18 10n,. !ft.{'\; ~A "''V'. ~ ~ ..,.. {~\...~ L'~

·~~';~tv-~ v,.,,¥ ~·A·' H U·1A.~ v

whioh 18 'by chance or tortune,i,. not expllcl't;ly named in the

_bov'. text. It ls1,mpllo1'&,' howeY$t", if! tt-tc last pa:rtrJt 'the

dlvt81o;n, for the lmp·edtn.g 'Of tbe a.US$ which 18 not p~~rf$ct~ly

determined to 1 tis effect., ~,altll:t81r.l the exaept1t'JrlSl ev~nt.

(Acon81de~etlon of the ltlBtpart otth.11t d1vls1{)n '~111

1rltro-due$ US to th. second l(lnd' of contlnpncl. j 'I'llS af)'COlla kind


c'ont1n.genc)" ment10Md above I 1& tlles.me ,tt!l,ng ~$ l!GCttSS 1. ty,

endw111 be treated in ttle followlng chapter. I'e !t11ght be vJell

to re-mark here ths'{; 'this 1s not (Jont1,ngencj ll1 an,,. strict SGl1sa,

but 18 wh~'t wa have already eelled the cOfmJ!Only oont1ngent and

is ttl.rAt1fied YJlth flbe logl(lelly possible. The n·eoeS8lltlY con ..



in ~'l{b .8'188 tts.lf. or £11"1a11,1" becall •• of the h1dtepo!Slt1on

(11) "

of ·th& rna tt4r !Hl't&.d llllon. lia:taral thin;,., for eXSbmpl~, are

,d.reQtlble 111 :VIJg$J#(i to ttlei:- coming-to-", jUS'G 9S th0 cauaes

thelltSelv •• a~$def.et.1V'. in be1:rlg al'lU in ceus1ng. Ind.e.d when .o'metllirlg ta called contingent 1n thfJ strict senae opp.ostld to






leot.III, n.1210.: ~~31

tgl tl1l* $,. quaff blo' a'tUlt con·,

n·sen '.

~. l".duCSMUS tIl caU8as

partlc,u18f* •• t.atu..., invenlwltttr nnll,tafl~~1 per Qoel.d·.na,

ttal P1*-()pt6r COUOU'r8tD


C.U8fjrua~ Quarum UlUi sub ~11t.r"

noncontinetur,stotl't etat pr8.t.~ l:nte.ntlQftem OocuPwlt m1hl

latl-onea.,. .T11£1 etla:m propter ,defectum .pn'tis. otll Boold1t

<i.bill t •• , u t no~n po •• 1 t pervenlre ad ftllelll intontUr~. 8 • T~'lt

ett •• Pl'opt.l~ lndlapo.ltionemmat8ri •• , qI1QfJ non Hcl!)lt

to:rmam intente- abapnte, .od altflr1u.s mod 1 .. s1.eu,t acoldlt



tied •

. ~~ lhaa~.~~~~

"'4a:Jc:Q"W:lO~1¥i ~ ".

••• {~ula non OltUli& 6:1: n4cw •• t·taw


sellip~r .. ~, t· t· .L .... , 1.' ... f! I' . '" l' Jii r 2

~. '" • 1 ~ . 'fl .. , .~"I." .. ~ .' ,. ' . A .'t!":. ?"... ~"J ¥'i 1':';.' .( I . ~ .~~..aL; '.'.1 ,~'\, .'.Ii ~ 7f~ 'l ~'> fd. ,t't\ ',;j' 'f"i .. ' ¥Ii ,~, 1''''.' t: ", "!i' .. ~ 1"'1 """ .""P"

~ A» ... ~ . ~.'y V .& 'i~<a ot.V' "t. \ ~""', "'~~ i:' .' ~ .. ..-Mi<... P~ .. W' ~ 'w> ~~4~ '~,l

magis,» ldea'l; ut Ih plu:rl'btUl. ld'a)c n.ca·6$$ eat

At" ,11> ;tt ~ (-"!. ;'~<)'\;t'" J},j, ~ t'·.. ~ if/lli' k1li' n~';; '{<''fl<t1 ~ ~ ~~JS' ~"'1 j£~ S {.p '?ir .. i-? 'Ir'" f~U"" 'fl,;1t 1.l> <9g ....

~ ~ g lliiJ '", 1\4.~ _ . . . .' ~ '.~ ~ ~:k ~ foJ,;h'4 i$fV v 4 __ v ... f '.:", ~w It·j iW~ ~ v '101' iJir.~ {..\

a •• per n.'iU8 •• eundUlll mIlgi_. tit hoc quod dio'o.,


88t JtU181eua. ';l;uit! tamerl al1qualldo: tt-t$

Ita.t non •• flPfI:r fl$C fj,t; 1n plta1bua, aequ.1 tur

quoc t:1tper aeel0$1li}.S1 eri1.1i1noti. fl$I""et ~ill·

qWiD·do 14 Ql1Qd eatut 1npau.cl\,')X'lbua. tamo 1<1

q.uod eat i l l plt:trlbus. ntmqu.Ul de~rlc.l)et, sod

•• set .e.oar et .X D$o\t.slt.·te, . t 1ta ollar1 •

•••• llt aentplterna e·'t'. lleC88Sal"iaJ ~t'J)d .·It f.~l~um.

E;t" quia <l:efe·ot'ua ~ju. quod, e.ta·f; 1ri ~1~:\:r1'bul.,

es t ?ropt.or mate:rii;ltl" q'~,,~. :rtQn 311bcl'l tttJl p ft,tirl~·C t$

virtutl agentl UG 1ft ;lur1buiI, ideo m6t6rt{'lf *.$ t

c.-ua &e:c1-derrt1. aliter


quam ut in plurll"


aoilioet acoi.:dent1.sut lrl,I,.~clorihusl C&tl$~

in-qU,iimnon n.cesaar1a~ sild cotl'tln,sttns. (13)

1~h6 tlaDtiD&WDI T"1; ing,M:i.,!"btll, therA, is tl'le third

me!ib.~oi~ the threefold genus. of oontlngen.ol_ It r.aiHl1ts

from the detective


o1~ the Cflus0tlatem1ned tt)





The N)()t' of t'bGactu.al f~11ur·e




3· ~}

_ 50: ...

th .• dereetlbl1ttyoi til. cau.~.

}~f·or. exaaS.l:t\,


010: • •

'tll-is. klfld ot c·ontlnsency 1. not OP?Q·IGHi t;lj .11tllf!.eafJlty. It does,

'how·evll.!'. lmplyen $dm.tx'tu,re of ,otert.~1$f. rrJt~ Q"\\t~~~r o~eattlJ6(~ 1.8

t1.11t--y. Sinc. the eon,tl:tJ.gf!n~t ttl; t.ttt tltt-st; se,n.as 1#& opposed

to the nec ••• a17. ·'thos. 'be1ng., othep than God. "hiGh do not hftv. 1n tll-em.e11



t~ohtinlted . 01tistfln:Q$;; Gl~fl e~lJ;.~;:' neaeSSif'r.1 ~l


Contlnpna en.1m Cil= a'1 ti qttod potfittto8se et non

e.IS.W'7!t ~n~eeSf! ar i, u..,~ ~lnl t(tm (.\u,oli 1~lPOflS 11) 11 ~~ tH] ti ill t te;p

se' h.bel?&.C()D8aque:n~9 eat qllod oont1.npnt1.e et

llttces.s1tatl en\1tm1, t~t)-alea ~J,n logteedtffel'$nt' .. se,

dl"8r ••• habe::.n't r8d:1G.e~ 1.ta quod oontlnJ~xltla ox

po tentia t 1'l.ttottS'8 t tai~ v{$'}r'o e.x 80 tu. (l:rt1rl 't;.u..'r. (ltl.:]tlB

et1am alpumest qlwd lll. ~lt, t~1el~,lo!*1ltpJ~~~ in, Qu,1bua p-J.l1rlmtlM e·:s t t l $ potful t1.;ti, Jb$:x:im.~' "1r'll~. t f; ()Xl t !~ngerl tis;

in ttebue V8l"O .l\Pftrlo~tJjt~1J, 'M:ftX'"mf} ~·o tu,s lU. ·ttU"8,m

n !O"!~ 4lo.tr M,~. ~ ~ ~ ~ .. h ~l f"I; ft ,. 'Y' 't:. ~"1",,\ "* ~ A n'tN?f"" Er' .«:: +- ~ 'Ii" t" f l ~,i·>the ",_,.,A t"wa

~~,~ V'£i<.w.\.:t"~1-,Jt.,f..,.;wt~·'~'·J {>;:;.t.).i,~ ... \,~~~.;f,..j.~..., :. 'l(/&~~ ':,.~t:;~·WI f;".(t, ... ? 1}8"Q' Wl1,J, .Uk!

f1l~ it.ll. ~. "..)\tl-.U A ~ 4t.~ ~*,," ~., u ~-~~_ . . · . . . "= .' t~,~~t·.fA ~ Jf'(~~~~1\ ~-;.~ .. ., ..


fi~ ~~~l;lf;r ~ftl·1/1.t _." .. ' ¥ ~. ~ .... -... ~/,- -t'~ An' ·1lllWi Ant 1.""" .t 11 t I

.' t·!,~~ w, .. ~. ttt; J.", . ~

n,·eO:i! •• $:l"l~ ~untJ' &'1:; tarrtltm 1:L~b~;~; cOfl't111££ent.la·e.

qtl .•. ft~l1.m pot$rl>t18~ Cf11t.,-,dam admlxt1on$t\ p.ttuntU1~.

rJnd~ :!ettts ptl:r't~omnlflo 1.1ber ~~Hlt & eOlit1n~s0nt1i.



less 111 the GXld will included A· O· %tt '. and


of 18vel?81 active .au$e~b1 the .. eamess. of~ tb.e c~tlBe~ OP.


ttn81:l..1~ by the 1:nequ.ull t~r of the m~tter acted tlpon .•

'r~or cln1t be argu~dj)~s some writers p:ropos~, that

when a cause 13 sutr'ltJlent tt) t):roduoe. an ef.rGot, tl1(~ effect

1f111 neeesaa:rl1yfollow. 1\ c&ue may be adequate, conaldered

ln1tself, to gIve extstence 'tf) an effeet, 8,I"d. yt)t whe.n ttle

callSa11 ty 1s .otually exerolaed, t:ne ettect may r.ll to come

eccomplish it. purpose. .A stlftiolerrt O&tlltO anou1,d :not be

con-tus~d with. neo •• sarrS' Olle.

Ii~t torte in boo d4lCeptHls sat ilvlcenna, C[pllQ





c •. usee


attendlt\l'!l pene. actum pplmtD, BHau to:rmam

q\.\8. eat prl.n·clp1um '.gendl; et 8uftlf;1.en'tlam

olrotDetentl •• ,tlm sotl!.ll. oau.aa11t·atle r&~l')ectu

hutua.~ nunoJ hlc. qu~. 8·ttondWltur penes dlveraG

OocUl'Tentta. aer»tum 8St enlm quod oatlSam



.ecundomodo, sequitur nec.asapta

etrootllS: non 6HltAm primo. l;:t tamen de plt-lmo


For the sever.llfeasone why. oaua$ may fail see 1216

lengthy ex,poat·tton of ~lt. :tbon18s


:'0. ~ III; 0.86,


eat afJNO. oum de tJ~t1st.s loqulmv. l;t 1de()

exoeptio Arl,at,otel18 vera


ita quod

qUAe-d .• m 8U1l~ eeas .•• pe:t~ S8 etltlfflclGntes, quae

neee ••• lll0 1nfertlnt su.o~eftfb,ottta nOll .lrapllc1tor~

8·.d c~"llmt tat1ml., acl1l(H~)t;llt


plur'lbtlS; tGO

per hoo, l10.n lnferlurt absolute fi:UOS etf$ctu.. Et

htiec •• t


~.dl% c()ntlng.ntl.$~ ut l.n I r~e1'*1.





'pepr.otly the oriel' or ettects in iljf'~~. they do riot .1,~a18

allCGe.d. Thelr o.uallt) .... cen be tapeQed bl the 1Jltt~rV0.ntl{)11

of $ t:pee 8g8a,*, btlt ·lil.o~ t,ha t ia more 1mpo;rtant, they can

be lmpttded by tbe pee.l". 11"ld.'tePmlnatlon


r-:~att,.t·.. Slno.


antntrin.t11o, p.aalve

potenoy ttuiat CfUl l'8(Hlive

Kti.n,~ r'OJ'fmB, and 18 not nec·emaarl1yd1lt •• llnoa to the Q,tle it

has OP the one the agent .o·eu to 1.1'0 •• on it, It so'me·times

•• cep •• the cSWJa11tl' ot"ltthe .:fri..tent oause. ~/h.n this

happens an 8cctd.n.;tal efrect PfH!tuta. It 1s th. phrs10Gl

poaalb1.1i'ty of matter


privation that 1s r-esponalbl. tor

th18, tor the natural agent 18 not. suttlcl.ntly dete~mlne·d to



})toltltr sdbuc p08aibl1e-.eoundum potentlam ~lUJi­

terlale ad


quae inquam, potGnt1. est own

privatlon. sicut



vel generar1

vel p·o·.slbil. e.8·.: et tl0C, (qule OUM

prlva-tiOD •••. t) est ad ease et non $ •. 8e: at a~qll1 ..

tur quod po •• lbl1e .ilt • • • • • t po •• 1011e .~t

nOlle ••• ; et hoc pOl81bl1e seoundum medum



The lack of nec6sal tl of .Q thlng bee.Wi. OIl. ltl! '~f!RtG!"lal

pl'lno:tple 18 what permlts the an1"al


~v.nta that


oomplet&ly tmforo.eeable. As St. li.lbert .xplains, tb.it O~lA$$ end t1~st 1"oot of thi& ln~lMl0 contL~g.nc1 :La matter in

ptt!vat1on. It shouldb. noted, howe fir , tbat 'wi tl10Utthl$

yep,. lnd.te~tn.atlcft,. natutte would be impossible. I~ior III

o:pde:r to b .• va -netlD'alcauae. afld effects, theM mu.st bre a


other W01~., the~emuat be torma no·t entirely detel~m1ned


btlt whiGh acqtlla-e existonee lri 8 altO Jec t ttU'fOtll~}> It

movement tl'tompotenoT to aet. (18)

;rtle lnt:t'lnslccorrtlnsenc'yof th1ngs 18 tt.U.lS rest')lved

Into t;:h.· pb.J'slcal pos.lbillty of nlatte,r andthe1mpertect

detemlnatlonofrlatur.l causes. A8 S,t. frh,omas explal,ne, the

lmo.e881ons of

c8uae. IiH~.o"lv.4 1ft th.elr



to themamter Ol~ mode


of the sub jeot. I;t t1le s·ut) jeo t

18 1n 8'



tltlX and 18 tnoonatent in bel.ftg_ the C~"l18~1

-lmp·,p ••• iona


tbe ag.nt~ ·.9~nlf 1. t i e a question


~ ftinlper10r

natu~al Gause, 8316 .ocop41n.glr modifled a.nd aometimfitJ lmIJoc1ed.



rlh. pOs80n for the ooc.fa.lonal ratlttr'~ of eVE,lt 'HJ~p.rl()r Clause. f;,stbe matter whle}l 19 U1 po,teneT to many t()rma, snd allo the



~.p18oe Glch otMr. J ,~form of btl.' f1.'7! e~'(ampl(l~ 1.s opposed

pe 18"d by • .·up_riel:' eat-ta·fJ 'hat dominat.. th8:m. Th1a

re-p l •• ionl • • b.oli1~ on11r~omth.polnt o1~ vie"



eallasl.I. ty and not t~om the point, of "lew of eny 8~1~r1or

ft,a'ural cause,


w111 be aho.tl. £\1117 WJUtfl tb,. pesl t1onC:ff

triG modern schol •• ·tto.s 1 • • tnldi.diad.tell.


It shou14 be sdde.d .. lle:reovttrt t:hat 8 neC$a8l~r7 ·errect

t'oes not rolla .. t~o.m G r.,mt)t~. neoelt.art C-4H18$ unle.s th .•

ffilddle and P~OX1Dldl,te "aWl,e. ar'e ne.fJea.r78



natu.re of sn,. activo cause in the a,e~le8 pe·ndera the ult1m81~.

effect; cont1~llt. just s. t,n 81110giaml t:rom a neoesIIsrf

major p'p&mlH


oont: .nt mlncr'_ anecessar)" oonoll181on


40.. not follow.

Some 1ft!'lte:ps 881 th~t- e"en though an • .ffec't ma1b~

contingent w'~'h l"'-68t,eet to t~a prost •• te naWte, it 11l· nGc8.88l"1



19. St.,T'b.omaa", ',Qrt:t, 111,0.86: 1flmpre.slon ••

$n1. O.UB.~Uf4 unl"ep •• , t:a raepf..lfttu.t" tn efi\t;ot~~b\.UJ secundum

•• ol.p19ntlum ·m04_. B ••• aa:t.'m 1ntorlor'a.5lUlt t:ttJJt1b111 .. a et

nOfl • • mp • • • odfJm modo , . habantla: propt.~ mat.r:1sm, CjtU18

.st tnpot8»\18


plur ••

to~·a •. J at propter contrarietatem

fGrmer-tmt et yll'tu.ttL"I. H

20. ' JJl1d...: n ACGusa remo t. non aequ.l tu.:r etfee tus de

neoe •• 1 tat..-nr.t etlam at t causa medt. n.o •••• r.-l.a: alout et

ln,', 1,-11081_,,:1$ , ,ex malori " , ! d •. 1I\IIiilNl"';~" !!.OiW~,!t!. at mSnor1 11 <i!11 19W,Wt~Dil " "


• nec ••• ary


oannotOtltM to bep for just as ~nf one


of the.e ean. railjt sc (!91i they all taken togetMr.

It Mnottld be r.mambel*e~j heve thatth& COlltlng&nC1 that


a· thlftg ha. ,f'l,9OM the taot that 1tA (leliae lade,fect1ve 1s not

S c0l1t1ngenel' but 11 derived rauh.Ii tPGm an

lnt..~1nll;L:o ~r«1~(!lpl.. Suh Sll •. ffeat ls prevented f.rom being

n.eeas3rYJ be·cau.e of this pot4!ln'lalprmclple IS twofold

poss1bl1 .. 1iy a d e . , 1n regard


the eff'f3ct

o()'li;_tned po.efttlal17 t a t ti& tu.taL~. ex1at,ence of I.n

etfect that 18 notneo •••• py depend. net only on 'thfl o,rde~

of &c'l~. esu, •• a dt.posed to pPOduoe 1t, but a1800n the



mattel' by the.eoaWl •• , ., aubjtlS8tlon that 18

!iota, ttl.n, that


apnt cellsU1S natural'!1 presuppose.

ilnd 1"equtrea m."~~e:r lncrd.:r~ to exero1se its eau8.11ty_ Hence,


ma,. say t.hat llD'bttttalagonts do D;otcaUS$ 'with s neceaat:ty

that 18 absolute becellae


the nat~ of tho •• things ~to whloh

their catt8a1.1t1 1*~xteDd.d:J anti &180 beCatlSe of the 11mit;atlon



21. St. ThOI18S'Jl' III" 0.86: 1iAdhtlO.. J.~x

mul t1-. oOlltlngentlbus non pote. - 181*1 untL~ n.,v!s •• l'iu.m: quia,

stcut qu.o:dllbitt otlntl ntl1.tlD


.e 48t1.08r. p'ote.st ab

erreotu ..

tta at omrai·a81mul. Con.tat auto.mquod s1118tua qUQ" in latta ·

tnfericr,lblls. fltLt1;t ex lmpPe-a.!.one ••


corportl~" aunt

contingenti.. Hon 191tl;lPoonnexl0 GOPU fillBe in 1nf.1--1or1bua

,oofttlngl1n.t a:x ltap1r ••• l,one oaeleat!. COJJPOtt_ • • at neoGasaltia:



of the oau... th . .



To .'atmla;r'lJJfi l):pterlJ tb;~ lmpo~t.ntpQtntll 01-- tllis ohapt,er,

1;,r11l810 COlltingency el •• r'l,· in !'lind. we ~t.1 1'1$0811 that the

dtr .. tere!lt sen ••• of the oontiJ:lg~rQt _1'*8 deriYt't<l :trom the

dif,rer-. ent waye

anett •• ';

oaD p~oo •• d from t t8 gguse. {!;hen the Cellae

11 spet10nal potono1, the




t •••

ld tw 13,6 oontingent

ext'P1naloally t n 8 e


e. It aep.nda 011 the

tr ....





oaua.. When

the 08US.


an active

11"pat1onal pot;eno'1. euch •• tile dlg •• tl",. or ge,neratty. power


aeooXtd1ng to the natural determs.n.tlon ,of t·he cau ....

B,U', 1ft as· mooh as ever'y ore.".d act1ve O.~.l • • auffel-s trom 0

c.~taln d.~·~.


Ila ••


tadeterm1naillon, l'OOtf*fl In. pot~no1

.a oppes'.el to .(It, the

.ft'f1c'. of

th ••• cau...all $ intrinsioally

of, the 08l1888. It should be


at the 8ame time th.at bes1d ••

tbe 1.tt.tlonal, .Botl"epo<tuttlctas, thel:lfl 11J •. n 11-)'·.t10n81 pot.:eDcl

th.at 18


111 1 teelt det&1"m1ned


all, not even 1mpep·te,ctly.

, .

8:1' 1. tb3 caa.


Batttt'el ag6ntf.. but which '18 pure lndeterml.

22. St. Tho.es,,·:oll "tOorpo,ra o a e.'

les-t1e aunt agent!a D.t\tr·a'el~, quae ~8qulrttr.rc 'mater18m 1n

quam Ig_rtt ••• ;fiite~111 ~ut.m in qUEA'1I agWl't oorpor$ Gae)..'ltt.,



lntG:riora _quae, ·0_: .tnt eo" ..

u.ptlb1118 aecundum

IU81tl naturam, Biout d.f1oeflepo.sunt ab •••• , 1 ta



et 81e

eOPUIluinJre hoc habet

at non ex

ne,ceaa1tate producant

.ttootua •. "


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