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Solutions of the Dirac-Fock Equations without Projector


Academic year: 2021

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Journ´ees ´Equations aux d´eriv´ees partielles

Nantes, 5–9 juin 2000 GDR 1151(CNRS)

Solutions of the Dirac-Fock equations

without projector


Eric Paturel


In this paper we prove the existence of infinitely many solutions of the Dirac-Fock equations with N electrons turning around a nucleus of atomic charge Z, satisfying N < Z + 1 and α max(Z, N ) < 22

π+ π 2

, where α≈ 1371 is the fundamental constant of the electromagnetic interaction. This work is an improvement of an article of Esteban-S´er´e, where the same result was proved under more restrictive assumptions on N .

1. Introduction

The main topic of this talk is the Dirac-Fock (DF) model. Many quantum models have been studied from a mathematical point of view during this last fifty years, for example the Hartree (H) model, and its more realistic variant, called Hartree-Fock (HF). These studies led to many results, for example the existence of a ground state [7], of infinitely many stationary states [8] for the HF model. This latter is moreover very useful in computational chemistry, where it yields results on the energy levels of atoms, that agree with experimental data, as long as the atomic charge is not too large. The HF model is nevertheless based on a nonrelativistic equation, involving the stationary Schr¨odinger operator −∆. In 1935, Swirles introduced the Dirac-Fock energy functional [10]: this functional approximates the relativistic energy of a system of N electrons moving around a static nucleus of large positive charge Z. There remains some strong approximations: the nucleus is supposed to be fixed (Born-Oppenheimer approximation), the only interactions considered are electro-static (no magnetic - or spin - interaction), and the wave function of N electrons is represented by a Slater determinant. However, the numerical results obtained with the DF model are in very good agreement with experimental data (see [6], [5], [3]).

MSC 2000 : 81Qxx, 58Exx, 81Vxx

Keywords : variational methods, strongly indefinite functional, Lyapunov-Schmidt reduction, Conley-Zehnder index, relativistic quantum mechanics, quantum chemistry


In [4], M.J. Esteban and E. S´er´e proved the existence of infinitely many station-ary states for the DF model, provided N and Z satisfy the following conditions:

N < Z + 1 , α max(Z, 3N − 1) < 2 2

π + π 2

:= αZc.

Here α 1371 stands for the fundamental constant of the electromagnetic interac-tion. Their method is variational and, after changes in the functional (smoothing the potential and penalizing the constraint), they reduce it thanks to a concavity prop-erty: the major advantage is that the new functional is no more strongly indefinite. Once this reduction is made, they build min-max sequences by a linking argument. Unfortunately, the concavity argument does not work for α(3N − 1) > αZc.

Our aim is to improve this result, so that it becomes true for every N and Z satisfying

N < Z + 1 , α max(Z, N ) < αZc.

First note that the result presented here as [4] includes also the case of molecules, involving a distribution of positive charge Zµ, with a probability measure µ, and Z the total positive charge. In the following, we will only consider for convenience a point-like nucleus (the molecular case easily follows).

To set out our result, we first recall the definitions. We will use the system of units such that ~ = c = 1, and the mass me of the electron is also normalized

to 1. The state of a free electron is represented by a wave function Ψ(t, x), with Ψ(t, .)∈ L2(R3, C4) for any t, which satisfies the free Dirac equation:

i∂tΨ = H0Ψ, with H0 =−i 3



αk∂k+ β .


We denote by (φ, ψ)L2 the usual Hermitian product in L2(R3, C4). The Dirac

equa-tion contains the 4× 4 complex matrices α1, α2, α3 and β, which satisfy some

algebraic conditions ensuring that H0 is a symmetric operator satisfying

H02 =−∆ + 1 . (1.2)

The following lemma contains, for the reader’s convenience, some properties of H0 and the coulombic potential V (x) = |x|1 , whose proof can be found in [1], [12],


Lemma 1.1. H0 is a self-adjoint operator on L2(R3, C4), with domain H1(R3, C4).

Its spectrum is (−∞, −1] ∪ [1, +∞). There are two orthogonal projectors on L2(R3,

C4), Λ+ and Λ− = 1L2 − Λ+, both with infinite rank, and such that

 H0Λ+ = Λ+H0 = √ 1− ∆Λ+= Λ+√1− ∆ H0Λ− = Λ−H0 =− √ 1− ∆Λ−=−Λ−√1− ∆ (1.3)

The coulombic potential V (x) = |x|1 satisfies the following Hardy-type inequalities:

(ϕ, V ϕ)L2 ≤ 1 2  π 2 + 2 π  (ϕ,|H0|ϕ)L2 , (1.4)


for all ϕ∈ Λ+(H12)∪ Λ(H1 2). Moreover, (ϕ, V ϕ)L2 ≤ π 2(ϕ,|H0|ϕ)L2 , ∀ϕ ∈ H 1 2 , (1.5) ||V ϕ||L2 ≤ 2||∇ϕ||L2,∀ϕ ∈ H1. (1.6)

We now introduce the functional space of the variational problem associated to the DF model. Let

E = H12(R3, C4) , E+= Λ+E , E−= Λ−E .

E is a Hilbert space with Hermitian product (ϕ, ψ)E =ϕ,√1− ∆ψ L2 = ϕ +, ψ+ E + ϕ −, ψ− E . (1.7)

The DF energy functional, denoted by E, is defined on EN, with

E(Φ) = N X l=1 (ϕl, H0ϕl)L2 − αZ N X l=1 (ϕl, V ϕl)L2 +α 2 Z Z R3×R3 V (x− y) [ρ(x)ρ(y) − tr (R(x, y)R(y, x))] d3xd3y , (1.8)

where α is positive, with physical value α 1371 , ρ is a scalar and R is a 4× 4 complex matrix, given by

ρ(x) = N X l=1 (ϕl(x), ϕl(x)) , R(x, y) = N X l=1 ϕl(x)⊗ ϕ∗l(y) . (1.9)

Physically, ρ is the electronic density, R is the exchange matrix. We look for critical points of E under the normalization constraint

Φ∈ Σ = {Φ ∈ EN| GramL2Φ = 1l} .


The manifold Σ and the DF functional are invariant under the action of the group U(N) of N × N self-adjoint complex matrices with determinant of modulus 1. Thanks to this invariance, we may diagonalize the Lagrange multiplier matrix and write the Euler-Lagrange equations in the following form, called Dirac-Fock equations HΦϕk = εkϕk, (1.11) where HΦψ = H0ψ − αZV ψ + α(ρ ∗ V )ψ − α Z R3 R(x, y)ψ(y)V (x− y)dy .

Physically, HΦ represents the Hamiltonian of an electron in the mean field due to

the nuclei and the electrons. The eigenvalues ε1, ..., εN are the energies of each

electron in this mean field. With the unit convention, the physically interesting states correspond to 0 < εk < 1: a positive energy less than the rest mass of the


Our result is an extension of [4, Theorem 1.2]. We only give here a sketch of its proof, which may be found extensively in [9]:


Theorem 1.2. Assume that α max(Z, N ) < 2 2 π+ π 2 , N < Z + 1, with Z > 0 the nuclear charge. Then there exists a sequence (Φn) of critical points for the DF

functional E on Σ. The functions ϕn

1, ..., ϕnN satisfy the normalization constraints

GramL2Φn = 1l. They are smooth outside 0, decay exponentially as well as their

derivatives as |x| → +∞, and are strong solutions, in W1,32(R3, C4), of the

Dirac-Fock equations HΦnϕnk = εnkϕnk, 1≤ k ≤ N , (1.12) with ∀k , 0 < εn k < 1 . (1.13)

Moreover, as n goes to infinity, the energies εnk go to 1.

Remark 1.3. The corresponding physical bound for N and Z is 124, with N ≤ Z. This covers all known atoms and positive ions, natural or artificial.

2. Sketch of the proof

In order to prove this result, we are faced with many difficulties: the correspond-ing functional is strongly indefinite, there is no compactness property available for this functional, the coulombic potential is hard to deal with, and we need a control of the Lagrange multipliers. To avoid successively these obstacles, we use here many approximation tools so that the final variational problem is simpler to handle with. The strategy can be described like this:

(a) In order to get rid of the roughness of the coulombic potential V , we replace it with an approximate one, actually a convolution of V with a normalized gaussian depending on a parameter ν. Moreover, we define a problem with penalization of the constraint. The choice of the penalization gives directly a lower bound for the energy of the electrons. This step is exactly the same as in [4].

(b) To get some compactness properties, we change the problem into a periodic one: we consider a functional space of periodic functions. We have to change one more time the shape of the potential. The new functional satisfies the Palais-Smale compactness property.

(c) The last problem is that the functional is still strongly indefinite. To deal with this, we operate a Lyapunov-Schmidt reduction to a finite dimensional prob-lem. This reduction is made possible because of the compactness properties of the functional, once steps (a) and (b) are fulfilled. Such a tool was used in a famous paper by Conley and Zehnder [2] on Arnold’s conjecture.

(d) We develop a linking method in the finite dimensional case. This method is based on the construction of a pseudogradient vector field. The Lyapunov-Schmidt reduction gives then critical points for the periodic problem (b). We have then to translate the estimates on the (Conley-Zehnder) Morse index of the critical points for the finite dimensional problem onto an estimate on the eigenvalues εk.


(e) We pass to the limit as the length of the period goes to infinity. There remains to take the limit of the solutions as the penalization parameter p and the smoothness constant ν go respectively to infinity and 0: we will use again the same arguments as in [4].

2.1. First reduction

Recall our variational formulation:

Problem 2.1. Find critical points for the functional

E(Φ) = N X l=1 (ϕl, H0ϕl)L2 − αZ N X l=1 (ϕl, V ϕl)L2 +α 2 Z Z R3×R3 V (x− y) [ρ(x)ρ(y) − tr (R(x, y)R(y, x))] d3xd3y ,

under the constraint

Φ∈ Σ = Φ ∈ EN|GramL2Φ = 1l ,

with the following condition on the matrix of Lagrange multipliers Λ,  ∃u ∈ U(N) , uΛu∗ = Diag(ε

1, ..., εN)

with∀k, 0 < εk < 1 .


The first transformation of Problem2.1 into a more practical one was introduced in [4] (to which we refer for more details): as the coulombic potential V is not a compact perturbation of H0, we replace it with a regularized potential, for ν > 0:

Vν(x) = (gν∗ V )(x) , with gν(x) = 1 (2πν)32 e−|x| 2 2ν . (2.2)

This replacement is made for all terms involving V , i.e. attractive potential and electronic repulsion and exchange terms. We denote by Eν the corresponding

functional, and the associated one-particle Hamiltonian is denoted by HνΦ.

As announced in (a), we also replace the constraint “Φ ∈ Σ” by a penalization term πp depending on an integer p. We put

πp(Φ) = tr(GramL2Φ)p(1l− GramL2Φ)−1 ,


and we define the penalized functional

Fν,p(Φ) =Eν(Φ)− πp(Φ) , for Φ∈ A =Φ ∈ EN| 0 < GramL2Φ < 1l .


Note that Fν,p is invariant under the action of the group U(N), denoted by a

dot. AnyU(N) orbit in A contains a point Φ such that GramL2Φ is diagonal, with

eigenvalues in nondecreasing order:

GramL2Φ = Diag(σ1, ..., σN), 0 < σ1 ≤ ... ≤ σN < 1 .


We callO the set of points of A satisfying (2.5). If Φ∈ O, thenFν,p ∂ϕk (Φ) = HνΦϕk− εkϕk, (2.6) with εk = ep(σk) , ep(x) = d dx  xp 1− x  = px p−1− (p − 1)xp (1− x)2 . (2.7)

The advantage of this penalization is that ep is a positive increasing function on

(0, 1), so that 0 < ε1 ≤ ... ≤ εN. Hence, the critical points ofFν,p inO are solutions

of a nonlinear eigenvalue problem with positive eigenvalues. So we may define the following problem

Problem 2.2. Find critical points Φ of the functional Fν,p on the domain A,

sat-isfying moreover:

 ∃u ∈ U(N) | GramL2(u.Φ) = Diag(σ1, ...σN) ,

with, for all k , εk= ep(σk) < 1.


We actually need a control on the critical points forFν,p, but also on some of its

Palais-Smale sequences. Fortunately, we may use a compactness result [4, Lemma 2.1], which indicates the behaviour some Palais-Smale sequences, and ensures that the solutions of Problem2.2 we will find actually converge to solutions of Problem


2.2. Reduction to the periodic setting

From now on, we consider fixed ν ∈ (0, 1) and p > 3. It is possible to proceed to another transformation of the variational problem, as announced in (b). Let L∈ R, L > 0 and ω = 2πL, Eω = H 1 2 per((− L 2, L 2) 3 , C4) , defined as functions with the Fourier series ψ(x) =P

p∈Z3aωpeiωp.x where the Fourier

coefficients aωp ∈ C4 satisfy Pp∈Z3(1 +|ωp|2) 1 2 |a

ωp|2 <∞ . We may define the

pe-riodic free Dirac operator acting on L2per((L2,L2)3, C4) with domain Eω with the

same formula (1.1). Since H2

0 = −∆ + 1, the spectrum of this operator is

con-tained in (−∞, −1] ∪ [1, +∞). This allows to define two orthogonal projectors on L2per((L2,L2)3, C4), still denoted by Λ+ and Λ−, satisfying the same properties (1.3) as their equivalent in the non-periodic case.

We now have to define a periodic potential corresponding to the coulombic po-tential. Let Gν,ω be the periodic potential defined by its Fourier series

Gν,ω(x) = ω 4π X p∈Z3,p6=0 gν(p)eiωp.x |p|2 .


Remark that the coefficients are, for p6= 0,

cωp =


|p|2 = cVν(p) .

This periodic potential is no more positive, but satisfies Gν,ω ≥ −ωC0 for a

fixed C0 > 0. This causes a little change in the computations, relatively to the

non-periodic case, but the essential properties are preserved, as ω is close enough to 0.

Thanks to the Fourier series computation, we are able to translate in the periodic case the results of Lemma1.1, in order to get similar estimates on periodic function spaces.

We may define the periodic DF-functional, depending on the parameters ν, p (fixed) and ω: Pω(Φ) =Eν,ω(Φ)− πp,ω(Φ) , (2.9) that is, Pω(Φ) = N X k=1 (ϕk, H0ϕk)L2 per − αZ N X k=1 (ϕk, Gν,ωϕk)L2 per +α 2 Z Z (−L 2, L 2)3×(− L 2, L 2)3

Gν,ω(x− y) [ρ(x)ρ(y) − tr(R(x, y)R(y, x))] dxdy

−trh(GramL2 perΦ) p (1l− GramL2 perΦ) −1i . (2.10)

This functional is defined in the space Aω = n Φ∈ EωN| 0 < GramL2 perΦ < 1l o . (2.11)

The new functional satisfies the Palais-Smale compactness property. Note that, as in the non-periodic case, this functional is invariant by the action of U(N). We may then define

Problem 2.3. Find critical points Ψ of the functionalPω in the space Aω, with the

following property

 ∃u ∈ U(N) | GramL2

per(u.Ψ) = Diag(σ1, ...σN) ,

∃b0, ∀k , εk = ep(σk)≤ b0 < 1.


The resolution of this variational framework will give solutions of Problem 2.2

since we get a convergence lemma, which achieves the point (b) of the program.

2.3. Lyapunov-Schmidt reduction

So we are led to find critical points for the functional Pω corresponding to the

periodic problem. Unfortunately, this functional is still strongly indefinite. One way to deal with this problem is to reduce the functional space to a finite dimensional space, thanks to a Lyapunov-Schmidt method.


This reduction is based on the fact that we may split any wave function Φ into two components: a “high frequency” component ΦU and a “low frequency” one ΦD,

where frequency is meant to be the (norm of the) eigenvalue for the free Dirac op-erator H0. Thanks to a contraction property of H0−1, we solve, using a fixed point

theorem, the part of the DF-equations related to the high frequency part: this so-lution depends of course of the low frequency component.

Let ˜λ > 1. We consider the projection ΛU (resp. ΛD) on the eigenspaces for

H0 corresponding to eigenvalues λ with |λ| > ˜λ (resp. |λ| ≤ ˜λ). We get of course

H0ΛU = ΛUH0, and H0ΛD = ΛDH0. We put ΦU = ΛUΦ, and ΦD = ΛDΦ.

Using the projectors ΛU and ΛD on the periodic Euler-Lagrange equation, we

get the following system:    (ϕk)D = H0−1  ΛD h Mρϕk+ NRϕk+ ∂πp,ω ∂ϕk i (ϕk)U = H0−1  ΛU h Mρϕk+ NRϕk+∂πp,ω∂ϕk i , (2.13)

where Mρ= αZGν,ω− α(ρ ∗ Gν,ω) and NR is the operator

NR(ψ) = Z (−L2, L 2)3 R(x, y)ψ(y)Gν,ω(x− y)dy .

We observe that, given ¯Φ = ( ¯ϕk) ∈ ΛDEω for every k, a solution to the first

equation in2.13 may be written as Ξ = (ξk)1≤k≤N, with ξk ∈ ΛUEω for all k, and Ξ

is a fixed point of the operatorIΦ¯ mapping (ΛUEω)N into itself, given by

Ξ I¯Φ −→  H0−1  ΛU  Mρ( ¯Φ+Ξ)ξk+ NR( ¯Φ+Ξ)ξk+ ∂πp,ω ∂ϕk ( ¯Φ + Ξ)  1≤k≤N . The next lemma shows that we may apply the Banach fixed point theorem to find an unique ¯Ξ associated to ¯Φ. The following estimate will depend on ν, and we check that the considered ¯Φ + ¯Ξ is not too close to the boundary {Φ | GramL2

perΦ = 1l}.

Lemma 2.4. Let µ ∈ (0, 1). Recall that we have fixed ν ∈ (0, 1) and p > 3. There exists ˜λ > 0 such that, given any λ ≥ ˜λ and ¯Φ ∈ (ΛDEω)N satisfying 0 <


perΦ < (1− µ)1l, (where the projections ΛD and ΛU are defined with λ), the

applicationIΦ¯ defined above, restricted to a ball of radius µ2 around 0, is contracting.

Moreover, taking ˜λ large enough, the ball (ΛU(Eω))N ∩ B(L2 per)N(0,


2) is globally

invariant relatively to the action ofIΦ¯.

Then the application of the Banach fixed point theorem gives a fixed point for IΦ¯ in the ball (ΛU(Eω))N ∩ B(L2

per)N(0, µ

2). Thus we may define the map hλ˜ from

(ΛDEω)N to (ΛUEω)N∩ B(L2 per)N(0,


2), associating to every ¯Φ the unique fixed point

of IΦ¯ in the ball. We put ¯Ξ = h˜λ( ¯Φ).

Thanks to this property, we can reduce our problem to a finite dimensional one: if we put, for Φ∈ (ΛDEω)N

Qω(Φ) =Pω(Φ + h˜λ(Φ)) ,


then Problem2.3 is solved when the following problem is solved:

Problem 2.5. Find critical points Φ ∈ (ΛDEω)N of the functional Qω, such that


2.4. End of the proof

Once this reduction is done, we may use variational tools on the functionQω

act-ing on the finite dimensional space (ΛDEω)N. Briefly speaking, we build a min-max

using a linking property. In particular, we have to avoid critical points correspond-ing to solutions with N0 electrons, for N0 < N , i.e. critical points Φ with a null determinant Gram matrix: this is done by constructing a special pseudo-gradient vector field. We refer to [9] for details concerning this (long!) construction. The result of this construction is the following lemma.

Lemma 2.6. Let N and Z satisfy α max(N, Z) < 2 π 2+

2 π

, and recall that ν and p are fixed. Given ω > 0 small, there exists J (ω) ∈ N, and a sequence (Ψj

ω)0≤j≤J(ω), of

critical points of Pω. These critical points satisfy

0 < GramL2 perΨ

j ω < 1l ,

and there exists a positive sequence cj such that, for any j ≥ 0, we have 0 < cj < N , limj→∞cj = N , with

N >Pω(Ψjω)≥ cj.


Moreover, each Ψjω is of the form

Ψjω = Φjω+ hˆλ(Φjω) ,


for some ˆλ(ω, ν, p). The function Φj

ω is a critical point of Qω, i.e. the reduced

functional associated to ω and ˆλ, and its Morse index iω,j satisfies

iω,j(Φjω)≤ Nm(˜λ, ω) + N

2+ 2N j ,


where 2N m(˜λ, ω) is the (real) dimension of (ΛDEω)N.

We remark that, for the construction of linkings of higher order, the functional space needs to have a sufficiently large dimension. Then, the Lyapunov-Schmidt reduction gives a critical point for Pω if a critical point for Qω is found. Then we

may take advantage of the Morse-type information (2.17) to find an upper bound for the eigenvalues εk strictly lower than 1.

Now, it is possible, thanks to our compactness results, to pass to the limit first as the pulsation ω goes to 0: then, J (ω) → +∞ and we obtain a sequence ( ˜Ψj)


of critical points for the functionalFν,p, with eigenvalues ˜εjk. Secondly, we may pass

to the limit as the parameters ν and p go respectively to 0 and∞, which solves the initial problem.

Acknowledgement. The author wishes to thank E. S´er´e for his constant attention and his precious remarks all along this work.


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[8] P.-L. Lions. Solutions of Hartree-Fock equations for Coulomb systems. Comm. Math. Phys., 109(1):33–97, 1987. cf. p.1

[9] E. Paturel. Solutions of the Dirac-Fock equations without projector. Cahiers du Ceremade preprint 9954, mp arc preprint 99-476, to appear in Annales Henri Poincar´e (Birkh¨auser). cf. p. 3,9

[10] B. Swirles. The relativistic self-consistent field. Proc. Roy. Soc., A 152:625–649,

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CEREMADE, Universit´e Paris IX-Dauphine, place du Mar´echal de Lattre de Tassigny, F-75775 Paris cedex 16, France

paturel@pi.ceremade.dauphine.fr www.ceremade.dauphine.fr/˜paturel


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