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Chiral symmetry breaking from Dyson-Schwinger equations


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hep-ph/9411327 17 Nov 1994

August 1994





PhysicsDepartment,McGillUniversity,3600 University Street

Montreal, Quebec H3A2T8,Canada



I rep ort on recent progress inthe study of mass generation in non-ab elian gauge

theories,andconcentrate ontheoriginofconstituentmassesinQCD.Iarguethat

aconsistentformalismhasb eendevelop edtodescrib echiralsymmetrybreakingvia

multiplicativelyrenormalisableDyson-Schwinger equations. Its mainconsequence

istheexistence ofacriticalvalueof thecouplingb eyondwhichmassless solutions


It iswell-known that quarksare describ ed by twodi erent kindsofmasses. First

of all,there are the masses which enter as parameters in the lagrangian, or in

sum-rules, the current masses. For light quarks, these are small parameters (m



GeV, m


 0:01 GeV). On the other hand, the kinematics of quarks (e.g. in B

or D decays) and the masses of hadrons imply much larger masses for quarks, the

constituent masses, of the order of 0.3 GeV for u and d quarks. These masses come

from the interactions of quarks propagating in a non-trivial vacuum, similarto the

interactions of electrons with the background eld of a crystal. Hence 97% of the

observedhadronicmass comesfromtheinteraction ofquarkswiththe QCDvacuum.

In the limitwhereone neglectscurrentmasses, the SU(3) symmetryof the QCD

lagrangian gets doubled into aleft- and aright-SU(3), as the left-handed and

right-handed chiralities do not mixwithout a mass term. Chirality then b ecomes a

con-served quantity, and the QCD lagrangian acquires a chiral symmetry. One then

exp ects the dynamics of the theory to break this symmetry into and SU(3) with

mass terms,app earing as p oles in the quark propagators. We shall write the quark

propagator as S(q 2 ) 1 a(q 2 ) 1q+6(q 2 ) F(q 2 ) 1q+G(q 2 ) (1)

Note that we have Wick-rotatedto Euclidean space, where we shall work hereafter.

Chiral symmetrybreaking o ccurs if 6(k


), or equivalentlyG(k


), are nonzero. Note



the formalism we are going to develop can b e applied to any gauge theory (e.g. to


Let us rst explain why Dyson-Schwinger equations are relevant in this context.

First of all, p erturbation theory, at least in lowest order, fails to pro duce a mass

for massless objects: the one-lo op corrections to the propagator merely multiply

the propagator 1= 1 p by a function of p


, and do not shift the p osition of the

p ole. In fact, a renormalisation group argument probably due to Callan, Dashen

and Gross [1], indicatesthat dynamical mass generationlies in the non-p erturbative

regime of QCD. Indeed,the quark mass m =


6(m 2

) can only b e a function of the

coupling constant and of the renormalisation p oint : m(g;) = M(g), with M a

dimensionless function. If the mass is to b e physical, it cannot dep end on , hence

dm=d = m+ (g)@m=@g = 0, with = @g=@. In QCD with two avours, the

one-lo op -function is (g)0 29 48 2 g 3

, which leadsto:

m(;g)exp (0 24 2 29g 2 ) exp(0 0:6 S ) (2)

Such a dep endence on


cannot b e pro duced via p erturbation theory, even if

re-summed,as mdo es nothavean asymptoticexpansionas


!0. Hencethe problem

is intrinsicallynon-p erturbative. A caveat is here in order. It was mentioned ab ove

that p erturbation theory fails to pro duce a mass. This is true only if one is careful

ab outgaugeinvariance. Anyadditionalterm,regularizationmetho d,orresummation

ansatz that breaks gauge invariancewill in generalpro duce a mass term,which will

come,not fromthe physics,butratherfromthe clumsinessofthe metho d. Hencethe

preservation of gauge invarianceisof utmost imp ortancein this problem.

Field theory contains few nonperturbative statements. Some of these, particularly

suited for the present study, are the equations of motion of Green's functions, the

Dyson-Schwinger(DS) equations. WesketchinFig. 1the equationfor the two-p oint

function, S(p


) whichwe exp ect to have ap ole at the physical mass of the quark.

( ) ( ) = { q q k=q-p -1 -1 q p

Figure 1: A pictorialrepresentation of the Dyson-Schwinger equation for quarks.

The exact two-p ointfunctions are indicated by ahatched circle, the exact

three-p ointfunctionbyadoublyhatchedcircle.

Notethat weworkinthe axialgauge,hence no ghost diagrams arepresent. This DS

equation relatesthe exactquark propagator to two a prioriunknown quantities: the


D  (q 2 )=q 2 D (q 2 )D 0  (q 2 ) (3) withD 0 

thep erturbativegluonpropagator. Weshallhere ratherconcentrateon the

approximationsone canmaketothe three-p oint function. One has to guess itsform,

and three levelsof approximation are p ossible. First of all, the simplest assumption

is to take the p erturbative vertex and assume that this is go o d enough. This leads

to the \rainb ow approximation", and to the breakdown of gauge invariance. The

second level of approximation [3] is to use another non-p erturbative statement, the

Ward-Takahashi (WT) identities, and cho ose a vertex that will resp ect these, and

hence not explicitly break gauge invariance. As we shall see, this is not restrictive

enough, and one needs to go to the third levelin the imp ositionof gauge invariance,

and demandone further constraint [4], namelythe matching to p erturbation theory

at highq


, inorder to obtaina sensible equationfor chiral symmetrybreaking.

Let us rst concentrate on WT identities,as shown in Fig. 2. One can see that

the projection ofthe three-p ointfunctiononto the gluonmomentumisrelatedto the

di erenceof two inversepropagators. Hence the part of the vertexfunction whichis

parallel to the gluon momentum,i.e. the longitudinal part, is known. The choice of

vertex function is then reduced to guessing the transverse part 0


, which do es not

enterthe WTidentities.

.k = -1 { ( ) ( ) -1 q p k q p



The simplest assumption [3] is to take 0


= 0. One then obtains [5] two linear

decoupled equations for F and G:

1 = F(q 2 )+ S F(q 2 ) Z dk 2 K 1 (k 2 ;q 2 )+ S Z dk 2 K 2 (k 2 ;q 2 )F(k 2 ) (4) 0 = G(q 2 )+ S G(q 2 ) Z dk 2 K 1 (k 2 ;q 2 )+ S Z dk 2 K 2 (k 2 ;q 2 )G(k 2 ) (5) The kernels K 1 and K 2

are the samein each equation, and can b efound in Ref. [5].

They are b oth prop ortional to the exact gluon propagator, and hence to D (q


) of

Eq. (3). Their most imp ortant prop erty is that the integral of K



loga-rithmicallyfor large k



duces a renormalisation p oint  such that F(q 2 ) = Z f ( 2 )F R (q 2

), and one cho oses

 2 F R ( 2

)=1. Asthereisno quarkmassterminour lagrangian,themass squared6

of Eq.(1) do es not get renormalised. This amountsto sayingthat Gand F havethe

same renormalisation factor Z

f (


). One also has to renormalise the gluons, which

is done by similarly renormalisingthe gluon propagator (3): D (q

2 ) =Z( 2 )D R ( 2 ).

The (in nite) renormalisation constant Z(


) is absorb ed in the de nition of the

renormalisedcoupling. Onethensubtracts fromEqs.(4,5)theirvalueat q



2 and

this subtraction removesthe remainingrenormalisationconstant Z

f (

2 ).

One runs howeverinto several problems:

 In the usual multiplicative renormalisation (MR), one de nes the renormalised

coupling as R S () = Z() bar e S

, and this leads to the renormalisation group. Here

however, this de nition is not sucientto remove Z() from the DS equation. One

has to use a de nition that breaks MR:

R S ()= Z() bar e S 10Z() bar e S R dk 2 K 1 (k 2 ; 2 ) (6) As the kernel K 1

issp eci c to the quark equation, one lo oses the universalityof the

renormalisedQCDcoupling: gluonscoupledi erentlyfromquarks! Furthermore,one

also obtains the wrong asymptoticb ehaviourfor

S (q 2 ) at large q 2 .





isdominatedbythe termsresulting

from K


, and one can show that these b ehave like log (log (q


)). Hence the leading

termsof Eq. (5) lo ok likeG(q

2 ) = S ()G(q 2 )log (log (q 2

)), and the equation has no

consistent nonzero solution.

If one pro ceedsand solves theequation forF,one obtains asolution for any

S ()

and these solutions have a p ole at the origin. Hence the quarks are massless and

uncon ned.

All these problems come from the large k


region, which is where we exp ect

p erturbation theory to hold. In the region where q






, one can calculate

the one-lo op p erturbative corrections to the vertex, and hence, by subtracting the

longitudinalvertexderivedfrom the WTidentities,get an asymptoticexpressionfor

0 T : lim q >>>p 0  T (p;q)= S log (q 2 =3 2 ) 4q 2 (0q  1p+ 1q  1p) (7)

where isthe quarkanomalousdimension. Furthermore,onehas the constraintthat

by de nition, for any p and q, 0


1(q0p) =0. One can then show that the general

formof 0 T , for 6=0, is: S 01 0  T S =[q 2 F(q 2 )0p 2 )F(p 2 )]  (q 2 0p 2 )+(q  +p  )( 1p0 1q) D (8)

whereDb ehaveslikeq




,issymmetricinpandqand mustb enonsingular.

Wecho ose in the following D=(q

2 +p 2 ) 2 .


Eq. 4, with new kernels ~ K 1 and ~ K 2 replacing K 1 and K 2

. These kernels are again

giveninRef.[5]. Theiressentialprop ertyisthatthedivergencethatusedtob einthe

K 1

term is now shifted to

~ K 2

. As a consequence, the de nition of the renormalised


, Eq. (6), nowcontains a nite integral over

~ K 1

, and hence di ers from the usual

MR prescription by a nite calculable factor, hence the usual rede nition

R S () = Z() bar e S

nowworksand pro duces an equation free of singularities.

The renormalisedequation lo oks as follows:

(q 2 )q 2 F R (q 2 ) = ( 2 )+ Z dk 2 [ ~ K 2 (k 2 ;q 2 )0 ~ K 2 (k 2 ; 2 )]F R (k 2 ) (9) with (q 2 ) = 10 S ( 2 ) Z dk 2 ~ K 1 (k 2 ;q 2 )

This equationhas tworegimes. If(q


)>0forall q


, thenthere isasolution, which

meansthatF 6=0,G=0isallowedandthat chiralsymmetryremainsunbroken. On

the other hand, if (q


)= 0for some value of q


then there is no solution for F and

G=0 is not allowed.

Tostudy the p ositivity of forageneralgluon propagator, one canuse a K

allen-Lehmann representation for the gluon propagator, D (k

2 ) = R d()=(k 2 +). The

factthat the kernel

~ K 1 is linearinD (k 2 ), ~ K 1 (q 2 ;k 2 )~ 1 (k 2 ;q 2 )D (k 2 ),enablesus to rewrite as: (q 2 ) = Z d()H(;q 2 ) (10) with:H(;q 2 ) = 1  2 + 0 S ( 2 ) Z dk 2 ~  1 (k 2 ;q 2 ) k 2 + H(;q 2

)>0impliesthatone hasamasslesssolution. WeshowinFig.3the regionin

( S

;)spaceforwhichthefunctionH isp ositivede nite,andthe upp ercurveshows

the values of S ( 2 ) for which H(; 2

)=0, i.e. for which the e ectivecoupling (6)

b ecomes in nite,and where one exp ects the equation not to have asolution.

Figure3: Theshadedregionis wherethefunctionH isp ositivede niteforallq

2 ;

thethickcurve showsthevaluesof





Hence we see that massless solutions exist only for small values of


(), and that


invariantsuchas S

() D


( ))b eyondwhichoneceasestohavemasslesssolutions.

Futhermore, the chiral symmetry of QCD can also b e destroyed by the presence of

massive,high- mo des inthe gluon propagator. Although the exact value of

cr itical


willdep endon thegluonKallen-Lehmanndensity(),itisclearthatacriticalvalue

of the coupling willalways exist.

To show what happ ens to the massless solution in an explicit case, we can as a

toy-mo deluse the gluon propagator derivedin Ref.[2]:

 2 D R (k 2 )= 1 0:88  k 2  2  0:22 00:95  k 2  2  0:86 +0:59 log h 2:1  k 2  2  +4:1 i (11)

The equation leading to this solution followed the old BBZ approach [3] and hence

violatedMR,and didnotgiveriseto therenormalisationgroup. Asaresult,wewere

able to derivea solution only for a given




()=1:4, as the renormalisation

groupwhichcomp ensatesavariationof


byavariation ofD (k


)didnotwork. The

solution has a cut b ehaviour: near k

2 =0,D (k 2 )(k 2 ) 00:22

,and hence corresp onds

tocon nedgluons,withnop oleneartheorigin. Asoneexp ectsthep oletob etap ered

by nonp erturbative e ects,and as a theorem[3]requires the axialgauge propagator

to b e in nite at the origin, one exp ects an improvedsolution satisfying MR to lo ok

roughly the same. Hence we use the solution found in [2] and the b est we can do

at present is to change the value of


() only in the quark equation. One then

obtains the curves of Fig. 4. They show that as the value of


() increases, the

quark propagator exp eriencesoscillations, until eventuallyno solution can b e found,



of the orderof1.5. It isinterestingthatthe value of

S that

we obtained fromthe gluonequation is very closeto the critical value.

Figure 4: The solution for massless quark propagators that come from the

non-p erturbative gluonpropagatorof Ref.1,for


() =0.2(plain),0.6(dashed), 1.0


To conclude,we now havea formalismto handle the Dyson-Schwinger equations

whichtakesinto account everythingwe know ab out QCD:

 The renormalisation is multiplicative, and hence gives rise to the renormalisation


The quark propagator matches smo othly with the p erturbative ansatzat large


This formalismpredicts that one keeps massless solutions onlyfor small


, and

hence there is a critical value of


b eyond which a mass must b e generated for the

equation to havea solution. One can also show that the equationfor the mass term

has a consistentb ehaviour at large momentum.

One ofcourse nowneedsto ndthe solutions inthe massivephaseand to extend

thepresentformalismtothegluoncase. Onewillthenhaveaconsistent eldtheoretic

description of chiral symmetrybreaking at the quarklevel.


This work was done in collab oration with A.J. Gentles and D.A. Ross and was

supp orted in part by by NSERC (Canada), les fonds FCAR (Queb ec) and PPARC

(United Kingdom).


1. C.G. Callan, R.Dashen andD.J. Gross, Phys. Rev. D17(1978) 2717

2. J.R. Cudell and D.A. Ross, Nucl. Phys. B359 (1991) 247; J.R. Cudell, Nucl.

Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 25B(1991) 204

3. M. Baker, J.S. Ball and F. Zachariasen, Nucl. Phys. B186 (1981) 531, 560;

J.S.Ball and F.Zachariasen, Phys. Lett. 106B (1981) 133

4. D.C.CurtisandM.R.Pennington,Phys. Rev. D42(1990) 4165;A.Bashirand

M.R. Pennington, preprint DTP-94/48, hep-ph-9407350 (June 1994)

5. J.R.Cudell, A.J. Gentlesand D.A.Ross, preprint McGill/94-24, SHEP


Figure 1: A pictorial representation of the Dyson-Schwinger equation for quarks.
Figure 2: A pictorial representation of the Ward-Takahashi identities using the same
Figure 3: The shaded region is where the function H is p ositive denite for all q 2
Figure 4: The solution for massless quark propagators that come from the non-


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