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Lista and Ruga


Academic year: 2021

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\l . L . W . LAISTNEII . — « LISTA » AND « IIU(:A » .

pressions où le mot striais était déterminé soit par des génitifs comm e

ciuitatis ou rei publicac, soit par des épithètes se rattachant à des nom s

propres de peuples, concino

Romanos, Iuduieus,

etc . Le jour où Cicéron écrivait :

De kg., 3, J,

e quis umquam tam uudax . . . fuisset, ut cogitaret umquam d e

statu nostro labefactando . . . n ?

il montrait la voie à ceux qui, non contents de voir dans status l'expres-sion des idées de « manière d'être, situation, condition


en devaien t élargir le sens


lui faire successivement signifier « manière d ' être de s hommes réunis en société, régime politique d'une nation, nation en tan t que corps politique, pays soumis à un nióme régime politique


bre f toutes les nuances que nous distinguons dans les divers emplois qu e nous faisons du mot « état

e .

Henri G or:L•r.rat .



Two glosses in the Philoxenus glossary, since they throw some ligh t on words of which the derivation is disputed by Romance philologists , seem deserving of a short note .

LIR7'A .

Philox . Gloss ., LT, 82 . Lista :

&t 'coi% aptop.otç xaEJ.~r, •'pafsp . Vulcanius proposed to emend the fourth word to hcitoep6p .otç, whic h makes sense but leaves the corruption unexplained . Goetz ' s emendation , âpt0µoiç, is nearest to the text, but makes poor sense and there can hardly be much doubt that the true reading is 8p6f, .otç . Now, Meyer -Luebke in his dictionary of Romance words gives lista (Span . and Port .

lista ; French liteau) meaning a strip of wood, etc ., used as a border ,

and listja (Ital . lizza ; Provenc . lisa ; French lice) which he explains a s 'Tournierschranken', that is, a barrier on a race course or place use d for tournaments . Meyer-Luebke calls listja a '



von lista' , and both he and Koerting rightly reject Diez ' s olde r derivation from O . H . G . lazi, which is impossible . But the derivatio n from liciunt, favoured by Koerting, is hardly more satisfactory . Th e evidence of Philoxenus suggests that the word is not Germanic at all , for the original glossary was compiled not later than the sixth century , probably in S . Italy . The meaning assigned to the word by Philoxenus , i . e . the tape or barrier in a race course, suggests that the word wa s a late Latin formation from lis . Whence Philoxenus got the word it is



4 i hard to say, unless it was from the Liber de Officio Proconsulis or Vice-roy's phrase-hook, which supplied much suitable material for a glossator .


Koerting postulates a word


from which he derives the Frenc h

rue, on the ground that the derivation from raga is unsatisfactory owin g

to its sense . Ilut. there is now ample evidence for the fact that ruga was used in later Latin in the sense of path or road . Thus we find :

Lib . Gloss,, RU 86-7 Rugae : rumae (— pú i),at), Rugae : semitulae . Iiernecn . (= C. G . L ., III, 353, 60) Ruga : pú 1J.fl ,

while in Greek papyri poua is met with' ; above all Philox ., RI 1 1 (Rima : payccç, potp', 'yuvau a(a cpúctç) is in fact a conflation of Rima an d

Ruga and should be divided and emended as follows :

RI 1.1 Rima : ()cc* . <Ila . (ruga)> : púp.i . <11h . (rima)> : yuvatxe(a rpúatç .

It is very likely that lia in the original glossary stood next to RU 2 6 (liuga : pu'c(ç) and we thus see that both the original and the derive d meaning of ruga was known to the compiler of the glossary . The curnu-lative evidence here set out surely makes any doubt about the derivatio n of rue superfluous .

141 . L . W . LAISTNEn .





En 1888, Dom Pitra publia dans un volume d'Analecta un opuscule inédit sous cc titre complexe : SANCTUS AUGUSTINUS HIrroNENSIS I LIBER TESTIMONIORUM Pmra CONTRA DONATISTAS INCIPIUNT TESTIMONIA HIDRI SII B

INTTRROGATIONE ET TESPONSIONE DISPOSITA 2 . Un chiffre placé agréa Inci-piunt renvoie à un manuscrit du Ix°siècle provenant de l ' abbaye belge de Saint-Hubert, en Ardenne, et actuellement conservé à la bibliothèqu e communale de Namur 3 . Deux ans plus tard, Dom F . Cabrol s'inscrivit en faux contre l'attribution de ce traité k saint Augustin 4 . A bon droi t il déclara l'opuscule pseudépigraphe, car il ne touche pas aux question s ordinairement débattues entre catholiques et donatistes . Pitra croyai t avoir retrouvé un traité perdu de l'évêque d'Hippone contre les dona

-1 .

C . Glotta, 2, 379, 332 ; Philol . Wochenschrift, 44, p . 673 . 2, T . V, p . 147-158 .

3 . C'est le ms . 64 . L'opuscule commence an fol . 42


ri . Repue des Questions historiques, 1890, L . XLVII, p . 232.


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