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An Ecology of Knowledges and Practices : The Salamanca Island Project (Colombia)


Academic year: 2021

Partager "An Ecology of Knowledges and Practices : The Salamanca Island Project (Colombia)"


Texte intégral


An Ecology of Knowledges and

Practices :

The Salamanca Island Project


François Mélard

Department in Environmental Sciences University de Liège (Belgium)

Picturing Research - Brainstorming Workshop - The Gallery of Research of the OEAW : 2-4 December 2004


Brief presentation of the project

Where the action occurs ? What’s the problematic ? The aims of the project ? The research team ?


Eco-tourism ?

Tourism and Sustainable Development : how to render the dynamic of an agro-ecosystem in danger to nonscientists ? What is at stake ?

Competing ways of describing the nature, the dynamic of an environment... And the practices which are related to those


How to make the visitors travel in

such a territory ?

The usual way : museum, botanical footpath, etc.


Modes of visualisations



UNIDAD DE COBERTURA Y USO Áre a (h a.) Vegetación De Bosque – Mangle Vegetación de bosque – Mangle (Tipo 1) 6975. 42 Vegetación de bosque – Mangle (Tipo 2) 155.8 1 Vegetación de bosque – Mangle (Tipo 3) 2310. 76 Vegetación de bosque – Mangle (Tipo 4) 2684. 46 Vegetación De Bosque – Inundado 5.73 Vegetación De Matorral Seco 121.5 4 Vegetación De Matorral Xerofítico 546.0 4 Vegetación Graminoide Intermedia Con Sinusia Arbustiva 1750. 34 Vegetación Graminoide Alta 2556. 40 Vegetación Graminoide Baja 3239. 76 Vegetación Graminoide Baja Con Sinusia Arbustiva 34.89 Vegetación Hidromórfica De Agua Dulce 39 2.5 1 Ciénagas 6516. 98 Cultivos 146.8 2 Subtotal 2738 1.45 Área Marítima 2881 8.55 Total 5620 0.00


How to make the tourists travel in

such a territory ?

The usual way : museum, sentiers découvertes, etc.

but in a « partionned » one...

The unusual way : to carry the visitors in the « multiple geographies » of the island...


What are those « geographies » ?


Choosing a a keykey «« naturalnatural resourceresource » of the island as an »

anchor to the description of thoses geographies : the mangrove (palétuvier - manglar)


Who are are thethe ((humanhuman & & nonnon--humanhuman) ) actorsactors related to related

the (destiny of the) mangrove ?


What kindkind ofof knowledgesknowledges andand practices each of thosepractices

actors have developed ? Are they competing or complementary ones ?


Different actors ?

Fishermen Farmers Biologists/Botanists Coalmen Visitors Displaced people Anthropologists Adminstrative staff Ecologists groups


A layering process

Coalmen Fishermen Botanists Tourist experts Farmers


What is in experimentation ?


The research team : and its way of describing/explaining

And the Salamanca Island : and its complex relation between its


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