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Politique, interprétation et création


Academic year: 2021

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Texte intégral




Mario Ionuț Maroşan

Doctorant en philosophie politique

Faculté de philosophie de l’Université



Le prince [le politicien] doit «

apprendre comment ne pas être

bon ».

Niccolò Machiavelli, Le Prince,

chap. XV (1513).

When Machiavelli wrote that, he

gave powerful articulation to an

idea that has become

commonplace, namely that we

cannot practice politics without

‘‘dirtying our hands.’’ To attempt

otherwise is to court disaster – for

oneself, of course, but also for


Scénario de la bombe à retardement : Les agents du service canadien du

renseignement de sécurité capturent un terroriste possédant des informations sur plusieurs bombes cachées qui vont bientôt exploser dans plusieurs grandes villes

canadiennes et blesser, voire tuer, un grand nombre d’individus. Quoi faire alors ? Faut-il autoriser la torture afin d’obtenir les

informations permettant de désamorcer les bombes ? Or, pour beaucoup de Canadiens la torture constitue une voie erronée. Pour d’autres, la responsabilité de protection

envers les potentielles victimes innocentes constitue un argument qui pèse davantage dans la balance. Que faut-il faire ? Va-t-on avoir les mains sales ou propres en fin de compte ?


πόλλ' οἶδ' ἀλώπηξ, ἀλλ' ἐχῖνος ἓν μέγα

(Archiloque, VIIe siècle avant J.-C.)

Multa novit vulpes, verum echinus unum

magnum (Érasme, 1500)

The fox knows many tricks, the hedgehog

one, but it’s a big one.

Il sait bien des tours le renard. Le hérisson

n’en connaît qu’un, mais il est fameux.

Le renard connaît beaucoup de choses,

tandis que le hérisson n’est connait qu’une



For there exists a great chasm between those, on the one side, who relate everything to a single central vision, one system less or more coherent or articulate, in terms of which they understand, think and feel – a single, universal, organizing

principle in terms of which alone all that they are and say has significance – and, on the other side, those who pursue many ends, often unrelated and even contradictory, […] related by no moral or

aesthetic principle ; […] their thought is scattered or diffused, moving on many levels, seizing upon the essence of a vast variety of experiences and objects for what they are in themselves, without, consciously or unconsciously, seeking to fit them into, or exclude them from, any one unchanging, all-embracing […] unitary inner vision. The first

kind of intellectual and artistic personality belongs to the hedgehogs, the second the foxes; and

without insisting on a rigid classification, we may, without too much fear of contradiction, say that, in this sense, Dante belongs to the first category, Shakespeare to the second; Plato, Lucretius,

Pascal, Hegel, Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, Ibsen, Proust are, in varying degrees, hedgehogs;

Herodotus, Aristotle, Montaigne, Erasmus, Molière, Goethe, Pushkin, Balzac, Joyce are foxes.


1. Approche moniste des

hérissions, qu’on pourrait

qualifier de théorique.

Those sceptical about talk of

inescapable dirty hands are all

monists. To the orthodox among

them, the unity of the practical

world, the fact that all values

ultimately fit together, means that

there always exists a clean solution

to every dilemma. To the

unorthodox, there may be times

when, the world being what it is, we

are unable to avoid dirtying our

hands; but the world can — at least

in principle — be changed, indeed

unified, thereby eliminating the


2. Approche pluraliste

des renards, qu’on

pourrait qualifier de


Pluralists take the opposite

position : to them, the

fragmentation of practical

reality means that all

genuine conflicts are, and

always will be,

irreconcilable, so the best

we can do when faced with

one is to strike a

compromise, to reach an

accommodation that will be

more or less dirty.


We also have those who,

paradoxically, combine both

pluralism and monism. To the

“pluramonists,” while it’s often

possible to take a unified and

so clean approach, there will

be times, indeed a plurality of

them, when exceptions must

be made and so our hands

unavoidably get dirtied.

3. Approche paradoxale

de ceux qui affirment

simultanément le

pluralisme et le

monisme, c’est pourquoi

on pourrait les qualifier


(le vide)

4. Approche nihiliste.

We also have the (often

overlooked) nihilists, for whom we

should be upholding neither the

One, nor the Many, nor a

paradoxical combination of the

two; rather, what we should

recognize is none other than the

None. When we do we will see

that, given the reality of moral

void, anything goes, and that is

why there is no need to worry

about dirty hands.


5. Approche


entre pluralisme et


Disons que je me réveille un matin et que je réalise que j'ai deux tâches à accomplir : finaliser un article que j'ai accepté de soumettre pour publication (il est déjà tard, aucune prolongation n'est possible) et tenir une promesse vis-à-vis du fait d’aider un ami à déménager dans un nouvel appartement. Il me semble que quatre options se présentent à moi. Je peux aller chez mon ami tout de suite et passer la journée à l'aider à déménager, bien que cela ne me laisse pas le temps de terminer l'article. Je peux partir vers midi et passer la moitié du temps disponible avec mon ami et la moitié avec l'article – ni l'un ni l'autre n'obtiendraient leur dû, mais ni l'un ni l'autre ne seraient totalement négligés non plus. Je pourrais aussi aller voir mon ami le soir après avoir travaillé toute la journée sur l’article – mon amitié risque de se finir là. Je peux aussi l’ignorer et ne pas terminer l’article. Notez qu'une dynamique à somme nulle semble ici incontournable, du moins dans les trois premières options : plus je passe de temps sur l'article, moins j'en ai pour mon ami et vice versa.


5. Approche


entre pluralisme et


So the problem is not only with monist theorists who fail to appreciate how enfeebling it is to enshrine values in abstract, hence brittle, principles in order to avoid the slippery slope. Pluralists also fail to realise that, in aiming to do no more than avoiding sliding down that slope, they ensure that our lives will often end up dirtier than they have to be. What could be more dispiriting? We can say the same of the pluramonists, who combine both of these weaknesses in their too-quick appeal to what appears to be no more than irrational creativity (for how else are we to arrive at the plural exceptions to unity?). And that the nihilists demoralize will surprise no one, not least themselves. In consequence, what’s needed instead of these and related approaches is a hermeneutical approach (between pluralism and monism), a synergistic ambition, one that strives for reconciliatory solutions. There is no guarantee of success, it is true. But we guarantee failure if we never try.


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