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Long Term Risk : An Operator Approach


Academic year: 2021

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Long Term Risk: An operator approach


• Long run risk return tradeoff • Motivation

– Evaluation of economic models of preferences and technologies using asset prices.

∗ Market microstructure, transaction costs... may make it

hard to evaluate these models using short run data.

∗ Behavioral biases

– How risk averse agents value the risks in permanent shocks – Long run risk-return frontier

– Complementary to work using short run data (Bansal-Yaron...)

– Hansen, Heaton and Li


Sustainable development

• Risks for which markets that may reveal information are absent • Risks for which markets are present

– Technological vs. economic risk.

– Correlation with other factors that determine “utility.” – Catastrophe insurance, pricing of CAT bonds.


Stochastic discount factor

• Xt a Markov process, Ft the associated (completed) filtration.

• A Stochastic Discount Factor S is a strictly positive adapted

process such that if s ≤ t

E [StΠt|Fs]

Ss (1)

is the price at time s of a claim to the payoff Πt at t.

Stψ(x) = E [Stψ(Xt)|X0 = x] , is the time-zero price of payoff ψ(Xt).

• Law of one price

• Garman (1984), Rogers (1998) • S0 = I and St+u = StSu


• dXt = ϑ(¯x − Xt) + σdBt

• Per-capita consumption

dct = Xtdt + γdBt. where ct = log(Ct)

• Representative investor preferences are given by: E  0 exp(−bt)Ct 1−a − 1 1 − a for a and b strictly positive.

• The implied stochastic discount factor is St = exp(Ast) where

Ast = −a  t

0 Xsds − bt − a  t


• θt the shift operator:

(θtX)u = Xt+u.

• Since Su only depends on the history of the Markov process X between dates 0 and u, Su(θt) only depends on the history of

X between dates t and t + u.

• Consider payoffs at t + u that are indicator functions of sets of

histories observable at t + u, i.e. sets B ∈ Ft+u, and again using

intermediate trading dates and the law of one price one obtains:

E[St+u1B|X0] = E[StE[Su(θt)1B|Ft]|X0] = E[StSu(θt)1B|X0]

• S0 = 1 and St+u = StSu(θt).



• G a growth process

• G adapted, G0 = 1 and Gt+u = GtGu(θt)

• M = SG is also multiplicative

Mtψ(x) = E [Mtψ(Xt)|X0 = x] , is the time-zero price of payoff D0Gψ(Xt).

• Valuation functional V

– V S a martingale


Objective: Multiplicative decomposition

• Establish decomposition for multiplicative functionals: Mt = exp(ρt) ˆMt  ϕ(X0) ϕ(Xt)  where

– ρ is a deterministic growth rate; – ˆMt is a multiplicative martingale;

– ϕ is a strictly positive function of the Markov state;

• If X is stationary, ϕ(X0)

ϕ(Xt) stationary component, ˆM the martingale component of M, and ρ its growth rate.

– Not entirely correct because of possible correlation between stationary and martingale components.


Implications of multiplicative decomposition • If ˆM is a martingale for F ∈ Ft ˆ P r(F ) = E[ ˆMt1F] • X remains Markovian. E [Mtψ(Xt)|X0 = x] = exp(ρt)φ(x) ˆE  ψ(Xt) φ(Xt)|X0 = x 

• exp(−ρt)φ(Xt) as a numeraire. Applicable when the multiplicative process does not define a price.

• If X stationary under ˆP r then in fact ρ is the asymptotic


• If in addition to stationarity, recurrence holds lim t→∞E [ψ(Xˆ t)|X0 = x] = ˆE [ψ(Xt)] . lim t→∞e −ρtE[M tψ(Xt)|X0 = x] = lim t→∞E  ˆ Mt  ψ(Xt) φ(Xt)  |X0 = x  φ(x) = Eˆ  ψ(Xt) φ(Xt)  φ(x)

– ρ is the (deterministic) growth rate


Long term bonds

• S a stochastic discount factor

St = exp(ρt) ˆMtφ(X0)


• Prices of long term discount bonds:

exp(−ρt)E (St|X0 = x) ≈ ˆE  1 φ(Xt)  φ(x)

• Alvarez and Jerman [2005] estimate the volatility of Mˆt+1 ˆ

Mt as a proportion of volatility of SSt+1

t . (around 75-100%.). Transitory component has low estimated conditional volatility.


Remainder of lecture

• Strategy to establish decomposition

– Perron-Frobenius

• Long-run dominance • Uniqueness

• Existence • Example


Restrictions on Markov Process

• {Xt : t ≥ 0} be a continuous time Markov process on a state space D0. The sample paths of {Xt : t ≥ 0} are continuous from the right and with left limits and we will sometimes also assume that this process is stationary and ergodic. Let Ft be completion of the sigma algebra generated by {Xu : 0 ≤ u ≤ t}.

• Semimartingale • X = Xc

+ Xj

• Xj with a finite number of jumps in any finite interval and compensator η[dy|x]dt.

• An Ft n-dimensional Brownian motion {Bt}

• Σ = σσ • Xtc = X0 +  t 0 ξ(Xu)du +  t 0 σ(Xu)dBu • (ξ, Σ, η)


Example • X = (Xv , Xm) dXtv = ϑvxv − Xtv) +  XtvσvdBtv, dXtm = ϑmxm − Xtm) + σmdBtm

with ϑi > 0, ¯xi > 0 for i = v, m and 2κvx¯v ≥ |σv|2 and

B =

⎣ Bv


⎦ is a bivariate standard Brownian motion.

• The parameter restrictions guarantee that there is a stationary

distribution associated with X with support contained in R+ × R.


Parameterizing multiplicative functionals

• A real-valued process {Mt : t ≥ 0} adapted, right continuous with left limits. (A functional)

• The functional {Mt : t ≥ 0} is multiplicative if M0 = 1, and

Mt+u = Mu(θt)Mt. Here θ is the shift operator.

• If M strictly positive log(M) will satisfy an additive property. • A functional is additive if A0 = 0 and At+u = Au(θt) + At, for

each nonnegative t and u.


• (β, γ, κ) that satisfies:

a) β : D0 → R and 0t β(Xu)du < ∞ for every positive t;

b) γ : D0 → Rm and 0t |γ(Xu)|2du < ∞ for every positive t; c) κ : D0 × D0 → R, κ(x, x) = 0 for all x ∈ D0. At =  t 0 β(Xu)du +  t 0 γ(Xu ) · dBu + 0≤u≤t κ(Xu, Xu−) • At = ψ(Xt) − ψ(X0)

• Exponential of additive processes (strictly positive

multiplicative functionals).

– Parameterized by the additive process (β, γ, κ)


Example continued : SDF - Breeden model • Per-capita consumption dct = Xtmdt +  XtvγvdBtv + γmdBtm. where ct = log(Ct)

• Representative investor preferences are given by: E  0 exp(−bt)Ct 1−a − 1 1 − a for a and b strictly positive.

• The implied stochastic discount factor is St = exp(Ast) where

Ast = −a  t 0 X m s ds − bt − a  t 0  XsvγvdBsv − a  t 0 γmdB m s .

• local risk prices


SDF: Kreps-Porteous model

• Preferences satisfy recursion (a > 1 and b > 0):

lim ↓0

E (Wt+ − Wt|Ft)

 = Wt [b(a − 1)ct + b log Wt]

where −Wt is the continuation value for the consumption plan.

• Bansal and Yarom (2004) • Guess and verify:

Wt = exp 

(1 − a)(wfXtf + woXto + ct + ¯w) 


• St = exp(Ast) × exp(Awt ) Ast =  t 0 X m s ds − bt −  t 0  XsvϑvdBsv  t 0 ϑmdB m s . Awt = (1 − a)  t 0  Xsv(ϑv + wvσv)dBsv +(1 − a)  t 0 (ϑm + wmσm)dBsm (1 − a)2 2  t 0 X v s |ϑv + wvσv|2 2 ds − (1 − a)2 2 t



• Associate to each ψ a function χ such that Mtχ(Xt) is the “expected time derivative” of Mtψ(Xt).

• A Borel function ψ is in the domain of the extended

generator A of the multiplicative functional Mt if for a Borel function χ, Nt = Mtψ(Xt) − ψ(X0) 0t Msχ(Xs)ds is a local martingale with respect to the filtration {Ft : t ≥ 0}. The

extended generator assigns χ to ψ and we write χ = Aψ.

• If ψ smooth and M ≡ 1 apply Ito’s lemma.

• X described by (ξ, σσ, η), Mt the exponential of (β, γ, κ).

• Aψ(x) = [β(x) + |γ(x)|2 2 +  (exp [κ(y, x)] − 1) η(dy, x)]ψ(x) + [ξ(x) + σ(x)γ(x)]∂ψ(x)∂x + 12trace(σσ ∂∂x∂x2ψ(x) ) + Rn−{x}[ψ(y) −


Eigenfunctions and martingales

• A Borel function φ is an eigenfunction of the extended

generator (with eigenvalue ρ) if Aφ = ρφ.

• Nt = Mtφ(Xt) − φ(X0) − ρ0t Msφ(Xs)ds is a Ft local martingale.

• Set Yt = Mtφ(Xt). Since dNt = dYt − ρYt−, integration by parts yields: exp(−ρt)Yt − Y0 =  t 0 ρ exp(−ρs)Ys−ds +  t 0 exp(−ρs)dYs =  t 0 exp(−ρs)dNs.


• A principal eigenfunction of the extended generator is an

eigenfunction that is strictly positive.

• If φ is a principal eigenfunction, Mt = exp(ρt) ˆMt  φ(X0) φ(Xt)  . where ˆMt = exp(−ρt)Mtφ(Xφ(Xt) 0) is a multiplicative local martingale.

• Will discuss assumptions under which ˆM is actually a


Example: Risk-return frontier

• Cash flow process D0Gtψ(Xt)

• Gt = exp(Agt ) where Agt = δt+  t 0  XsvvdBsv+  t 0 mdB m s  t 0 Xsv|v|2 + |m|2 2 ds – G = exp(δt) ˆG, ˆG a martingale.

– v parameterizes Bv risk of cash flow, m parameterizes

Bm risk • M = SG = exp(A) = exp(As + Ag) At = (δ − b)t +  t 0  Xsv(−aγv + v)dBsv +  t 0 (−aγm + m)dBsm  t 0  Xsv|v|2 + |m|2 2 + aX m s  ds


• Compute A (Ito’s)

• Guess an eigenfunction of the form: exp(cvxv + cmxm).

• Real solutions if H = [ϑv + (aγv − v)σv]2 − |σv|2[|aγv|2 − |v|2] ≥ 0 cm = a ϑm cv = ϑv + (aγv − v)σv ± H |σv|2

Only the minus sign will lead to stationarity of X under the distorted probability distribution. Can check directly that ˆM is a martingale and recurrence holds.

• The eigenvalue is

λ = δ − b + |aγm2 |2 − aγmm + ϑvx¯vcv + ϑmx¯mcm


• −λ is the decay rate in value of the cash flow over time. • Risk adjusted asymptotic interest rate

−λ + δ = b − |aγm2 |2 + aγmm − ϑvx¯vcv − ϑmx¯mcm

− (−aγm + m)σmcm − (cm)2 |σm|


2 .

• Risk-return frontier: mapping

(v, m) → −λ + δ

• The long run risk prices to the cash flow risk exposure to the Bm risk is:

aγm + a



Long run dominance

Assumption 1. The multiplicative functional M is strictly

positive with probability one.

Assumption 2. There exists a probability measure ˆς such that 


Aψdˆς = 0

for all ψ in the L∞ domain of the generator ˆA of ˆM .

Assumption 3. There exists a ˆΔ > 0 such that the discretely

sampled process {XΔjˆ : j = 0, 1, ...} is irreducible. That is, for any Borel set Λ of the state space D0 with ˆς(Λ) > 0,

ˆ E ⎡ ⎣ j=0 1{Xˆ Δj∈Λ}|X0 = x⎦ > 0 for all x ∈ D .


Assumption 4. The process X is Harris recurrent under the

measure ˆP r. That is, for any Borel set Λ of the state space D0 with positive ˆς measure, ˆ P r  0 1{Xt∈Λ} = ∞|X0 = x  = 1 for all x ∈ D0.

Among other things, this assumption guarantees that the stationary distribution ˆς is unique.


• Sufficient conditions for Assumptions 1-4 using Liapunov

functions (Meyn-Tweedie).

– Restrictions on coefficients of M and X – X Feller

– A function V is called norm-like if {x : V (x) ≤ r} is precompact for each r > 0.

– Example: A sufficient condition for the existence of stationary distribution (Assumption 2) and for Harris

recurrence (Assumption 4) is that there exists a norm-like function V for which

A(φV )

φ − ρV = ˆAV ≤ −1


Proposition 1. Suppose that ˆM is a martingale and satisfies

Assumptions 1 - 4, and let Δ > 0.

a. For any ψ for which (|ψ|/φ)dˆς < +∞ lim

j→∞exp(−ρΔj)MΔjψ = φ 

ψ φ dˆς for almost all (ˆς) x.

b. For any ψ for which ψ/φ is bounded,

lim t→∞exp(−ρt)Mtψ = φ  ψ φ dˆς for x ∈ D0.



• Under the above assumptions there exists at most one principal

eigenfunction for which ˆM is a martingale and X is stationary and recurrent under ˆP r.

• Proof: Consider two such principal eigenvectors, φ and φ∗, and

let ρ ≥ ρ∗ be the corresponding eigenvalues. Since ˆM is a martingale, exp(ρt)φ(x) = exp(ρt)φ(x)E[ ˆMt|X0 = x] =

E[Mtφ(Xt)|X0 = x], and since ˆM∗ is a martingale exp(ρ∗t)φ∗(x) = E[Mtφ∗(Xt)|X0 = x]. Thus

E  ˆ Mt φ (Xt) φ(Xt) |X0 = x  = exp[(ρ∗ − ρ)t]φ (x) φ(x) .


Since the discrete time sampled Markov process associated with ˆM is stationary, aperiodic and Harris recurrent the left-hand side converges to:

ˆ E  φ∗(Xt) φ(Xt)  .

for t = Δj as j → ∞. While the limit could be +∞, it must be strictly positive, implying, since ρ ≥ ρ∗, that ρ∗ = ρ and

ˆ E  φ∗(Xt) φ(Xt)  = φ (x) φ(x) .



• Nummelin (1984), Kontoyiannis and Meyn (2003, 2005) • Recurrence of kernels


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