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Dans le document Digital un" (Page 192-196)

WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED SENDING ALL OF YOUR TEXT TO THE SPOOLER YOU MUST SIGNAL TO IT THAT YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE SPOOLING OPERATION. IT CANNOT BEGIN TO PRINT YOUR MATERIAL UNTIL THIS HAS BEEN DONE. The Spooler can not start print-ing until it has received everythprint-ing that will be included as part of that job. Since you can send multiple files to the Spooler, one after another, the Spooler has no way of knowing if further text is going to be sent unless you tell it that you are done. By cueing the Spooler that you are finished sending text, you also give it the command to begin processing your job.

If you are using an applicationprograrn (a word processor, for example) to send a file or files to the Spool Printer, you signal the Spooler that you have completed sending your text by EXITII«i 'DIE APPLICATION PROGRAM AN)

RETURNING TO CP 1M. Your application program's user manual will tell you how to do this. By returning to CP/M you order the Spooler to proceed with your print job.

If you are sending text to the Printer from ( the CP/M environment with a CTRL P, a CTRL C will signal the Spooler that everything has been

sent. In other words, a CTRL C will command the Spooler to proceed with your print job. (In com-puter jargon a CTRL C is called a 'Warm Boot' and it is often used to exit programs or re-start a series of operations.)

When the correct signal has been sent to the Spooler your screen should show:

Spooled A>

This signifies that what you have sent to the Spooler is now ready for Printing and your workstation is ready for its next task. If your Spool Printer is operating in Automatic Mode it will now print your job automatically, but if it

is in Manual Mode you will have to go to the Master Terminal to activate the Spool Printer

(see next section 5.2.2).

In some cases, however, your screen may show:

***Spool Error

Depress <CTL-C> to abort or <CR> to retry

This probably indicates that the Spooler is full, and no new jobs can be stored until some of those already on the Spooler have been removed, either by printing them or by erasing them. CTRL C will abort your job and put you back into CP/M; <CR) will make another try at sending your job to the Spooler.


If your Spool Printer is operating in Automatic Mode it will print your job automati-cally. However, if your Spool Printer is

operat-ing in Manual Mode you will have to .9£ to the Master Terminal and activate the Spool Printer yourself. This need not be done immediately, but because there is a limit to the number of jobs a Spooler can hold you should not let a job sit in ( the Spooler for too long as other people might need to use it.

The bottom portion of the WHO table will tell you how many jobs are awaiting action on the Spooler. (See section 3.13 for more on the WHO command.) The bottom section of the table looks like this:

User Name Spool Ti me File Length Status

--- --- ---

---GROUCHO 8:45:01 09 records ready HARPO 9:02:45 137 records Printing CHICO 11:33:55 1008 records Spooling

File lengths are measured in records

(1 record = 128 bytes). As a rough rule of thumb 1 record is about 20 words.



--the file is ready to print.

--the job is being Printed.

--the job is being sent to the Spooler.


When you go to the Master Terminal to print your job you must call up the 'Spool Printer Job List'. If the Job List is not already showing on the Master Terminal, you can call it up from . the command prompt wi th the command A>SPOOL WAKE

<CR>. SPOOL WAKE will bring up the Job List,--which looks like this:


***GROUCHO Ready to print A <CR> = Abort

W <CR> = Wait S <CR> = SeriaL

<CR> = Next Choice: S

***CHICO Ready to print A <CR> = Abort

W <CR> = Wait S <CR>



<CR> = Next Choi ce: [J

The letters (A, W, S) represent options for your job that you may choose. These menu options are explained below.

The cursor will be flashing next to one of the entries. (In the above table [] represents the cursor.) If there is more than one entry you must place the cursor next to the job that you wish to activate. This is done by hitting <CR>, which moves the list so that the cursor is indicating another entry. I f you reach the

bottom of the list another <CR> will recycle you back to the top.

NOTE---Every time you signal the Spooler that you have completed sending your text (that is, each time you get the 'Spooled' message), your User Name will be listed on the Job Ready List as a separate job. If you have sent more than one job your name will appear more than once on the Job Ready List and each such entry will have to be Printed separately.

Dans le document Digital un" (Page 192-196)