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Using Shared Printers

Dans le document PATHWORKS for DOS \ (Page 58-66)

com~~~: ~ To view printer queues and their print jobs, type net print \\computername

See Net Print, Chapter 7, "Enhanced Command Reference."

Connecting to a Printer Queue

Connecting to a printer queue allows you to use the queue as if it were a printer attached to your computer. You connect your workstation to a printer queue by assigning a

devicename to the queue. Devicenames LPTl: through LPT3: are available for printer queues.

~ To connect your workstation to a printer queue:

1. Set the current focus on the server sharing the printer queue that you want to use.

2. From the View menu, choose Available resources.

The following dialog box appears:

. - - - Resources Available at \\PRODUCTIOtt - - - , Production file server

Sharenallle Type Used as Relllark

The list box displays available resources at that server. Printer queues are listed as

"Printer" in the "Type" column.

3. Select the printer queue that you want to use.

4. Choose <Use resource>.

The following dialog box appears:

- Use the resource \\PRODUCTIOtt\LASER - - - - ,

Local device [lpt1:]

Password . . [ .... . . . . . ]

< OX > <Cancel>

LAN Manager Enhanced provides the next available devicename in the "Local device"

text box, but you can type a different one.

5. In the "Password" text box, type a password if needed.

6. Choose <OK>.

7. Choose <Done>.

Command ~ To connect your workstation to a printer queue, type


net use devicename\"-L'omputername\Sharename [password]

See Net Use, Chapter 7, "Enhanced Command Reference."

Connecting to Printer Queues Without Setting the Focus

The LAN Manager Screen allows you to connect your workstation to printer queues on servers other than the server of current focus. This includes servers that are not visible on the LAN Manager Screen and servers in other domains.

LAN Manager Enhanced also lets you connect your workstation to servers on the network that are not running LAN Manager. Because these servers have different interfaces, they do not appear on the LAN Manager Screen.

~ To connect to a printer queue on a server other than the server of current focus:

1. From the View menu, choose Used resources.

The dialog box shown in Figure 4.3 appears.

, - - - Resources in Use by PETERP at \\21'199 - - - , [ ] Show device less uses

Device Making use of Remark

D: \\EXECUTIVE\ACCTLIST Accounting lists F:




< Add use > < ZOOM > < Stop using >

Records for Project 2 Primary laser prin ...



< View queue contents> < View perMissions> < Done >

Figure 4.3 "Resources in Use by lIsername at\\complitername" dialog box

Chapter 4 Using Shared Printers 51

2. Choose <Add use">.

The following dialog box appears:

, - - - Use a Network Resource - - - . , - - - Type of Use - - - ,

I (.)

( ) 2 Printer 1 Disk ( ) 3 Deviceless use


Local device . . [~"' ,J

Network resource [," '." . , " " . . . , . , " . . . " " " " , . , , . " , ] Password . . . . [""".", .. ".""",. "J

< OU > <Cancel>

3. In the "Type of Use" list box, select the "Printer" option button.

LAN Manager Enhanced provides the next available devicename in the "Local device"

text box, but you can type a different one.

4. In the "Network resource" text box, type the network path of the printer queue.

5. In the "Password" text box, type a password if needed.

6. Choose <OK>.

7. Choose <Done>.

Command ~ To connect to a shared printer queue, type Line

net use devicename \\computername\5harename [password]

See Net Use, Chapter 7, "Enhanced Command Reference."

Making a Onetime Connection to a Printer Queue

It is not necessary to assign a devicename to a printer queue if you only need to print one file. You can copy the file directly to a printer queue by specifying the network path as the destination of the net copy command.

For example, if your current directory contains the PHONE.LST file and you want to send the file to the HOLES printer queue on the \\ADMIN server, type

net copy phone.1st \\admin\ho1es

LAN Manager Enhanced connects your workstation to the printer queue and copies the file to the queue for printing. After copying, the connection is canceled. Note that this

procedure will not work if a password is needed to gain access to \\ADMIN\HOLES. If so, you must first make a connection to the queue by assigning it a devicename.

Viewing Your Connections

~ To view your workstation's connections to printer queues:

1. From the View menu, choose Used resources.

The "Resources in Use by username at \~'omputername" dialog box (Figure 4.3) appears. If you have a connection to a printer queue, you will see an LPT devicename under the "Device" column.

2. Choose <Done>.

Command ~ To view your workstation's connections to printer queues, type Line

net use

See Net Use, Chapter 7, "Enhanced Command Reference."

Printing over the Network

Once a connection is made, you can use a printer queue as if a printer were attached to your computer. You simply direct the print output to the devicename that you assigned to the queue. Many application programs send their output to LPTl: by default.

In addition, you can send a file to be printed with MS-DOS commands by using the devicename assigned to the queue in the syntax for the command, for example:

copy report.doc lpt2:


print /d:lpt2 report.doc

For more information about using the MS-DOS copy and print commands, see your MS-DOS manual(s).

Holding, Releasing, and Deleting a Print Job

Holding a print job causes the server to suspend the job until you release it. Deleting a print job removes it from the queue.

Your administrator can also hold, delete, or restart a print job if necessary. This can be done if a problem with the printer, such as a paper jam, caused printing to stop.

Chapter 4 Using Shared Printers 53

~ To hold a print job:

1. Set the current focus on the server sharing the queue in which you have a print job.

2. From the View menu, choose Printer queues.

The "Print Queues on \\computername" dialog box (Figure 4.2) appears.

3. In the list box, select the print job that you want to hold. Then choose <Hold>.

The job remains held until you release it.

~ To release a print job:

1. Set the current focus on the server sharing the queue in which you are holding a print job.

2. From the View menu, choose Printer queues.

The "Print Queues on \\computername" dialog box (Figure 4.2) appears.

3. In the list box, select the print job you want to release. Then choose <Release>.

4. Choose <Done>.

~ To delete a print job:

1. Set the current focus on the server sharing the queue in which you have a print job.

2. From the View menu, choose Printer queues.

The "Print Queues on \\£'omputername" dialog box (Figure 4.2) appears.

3. In the list box, select the print job you want to delete. Then choose <Delete>.

4. When prompted for confirmation, choose <OK>.

5. Choose <Done>.

com~~~: ~ To hold, release, or delete a print job:

1. Get the job number by typing

net print {\\£'omputernamef\sharename] I device name}

2. Take the desired action by typing

net print {\\£'omputername I devicename} job# {/hold I Irelease I Idelete}

See Net Print, Chapter 7, "Enhanced Command Reference."

Disconnecting from a Shared Printer Queue

You can disconnect your workstation from a printer queue when you are finished using the resource or when you want to use the devicename for a different connection.

~ To disconnect your workstation from a printer queue:

1. From the View menu, choose Used resources.

The "Resources in Use by username at \\computername" dialog box (Figure 4.3) appears.

2. In the list box, select the printer queue that you want to disconnect your workstation from.

3. Choose <Stop using>.

4. When prompted for confirmation, choose <OK>.

5. Choose <Done>.

Command ~ To disconnect your workstation from a printer queue, type


net use devicename Idelete

See Net Use, Chapter 7, "Enhanced Command Reference."

Chapter 5

Sending and Receiving Messages

With LAN Manager Enhanced, you can exchange messages with other network users. In addition, servers can send messages that inform you of conditions that require your attention or of print jobs that are finished.

The Messenger service must be started to receive messages from other users and from servers on the network. Messages are stored in a message log.

The Netpopup service displays messages as they are received. It displays a message box for one minute on your computer's screen. If the Netpopup service is paused, you can read your messages in the message log. If you are not running the Netpopup service or the Messenger service, you will not be able to read messages that your workstation receives.

However, the workstation will emit a beep when a message arrives.

This chapter discusses how to use the LAN Manager Enhanced message exchange features. The procedures for sending a message or file, reading and managing your message log, and adding or deleting an alias are provided.

Sending Messages

The Messenger service does not need to be running for you to send a message. However, it must be running for your workstation to receive messages.

You can send a message to an alias on the network or to a domain. An alias is a unique name to which messages can be sent. A workstation can have three kinds of aliases:

• A computemame, which is an alias when the workstation is added

• An alias added with the Message menu's Alias command or the net name command

• A usemame

A usemame is not necessarily included as an alias at a workstation. This is because an alias must be unique on the network, but a user can be logged on at more than one workstation at a time. If a user logs on at several workstations, the usemame will only be added as an alias to the first workstation at which the user logs on.


A domain name is used like an alias for sending messages. Messages sent to a domain name are received by all workstations and servers that specify the domain as the workstation domain.

~ To send a message:

1. From the Message menu, choose Send a typed message.

The following dialog box appears:

r - - - -Send a Message - - - , To . . ( .) Na",e [ - - - ]

( ) Do",a in [- - - ]

Message [- - - - - - - ]

( OK > (Cancel>

The "Name" option button is selected.

2. To send a message to a user, in the "Name" text box, specify who is to receive the message.

If you are sending to more than one user, separate the names with a space. If you want a copy of the message, you can specify your own alias.

3. To send a message to all users in a domain, select the "Domain" option button, and type the domain name.

4. In the "Message" text box, type your message.

Messages sent to all users in a domain cannot exceed 128 characters.

5. Choose <OK>.

Command ~ To send a message:


• Send a message with one line by typing net send alias message

• Send a message with multiple lines by typing net send alias

message (line 1) message (line 2) [ ... ]

When you finish, press ENTER, then F6 (or CTRL+Z), then ENTER again.

• Send a file as a message by typing net send alias <filename

Dans le document PATHWORKS for DOS \ (Page 58-66)

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