• Aucun résultat trouvé

undertakings developed, it became necessary to train men for full managerial responsibilities. The education of chairman and committees

Dans le document The co-operative movement in Africa (Page 188-191)

came at an early stage and presented some special difficulties, which will

be discussed "below.. The final stage was usually the education of members, , though the mere .fact that they had "been roused to take co-operative, action implied education of an elementary sort. It is important to note, however,



1?,/CH. 14/133 Page.187

that in a progressive co-operative movement, all these types of education be:, barried ..ca in some, measure ;£iimult&neouslyr; -. ■■- ■ o/,'1 -;■.-■.■■ ■:"■■

■$raining^b:tfiCQ?-cpera.tive' Of.ficial.3*. . . .... . . ... L ; . ... >■_..-.

• ■•'; ;\''\ --In- ';the Nearly days -of, co-operative development* - senior!:sOfiPicials. ..on

aplpolntmen^ha^^o '.prepare themselves, for. their-posts, by pri^te^r-e.a&i.ng

■;andl-T3y^visit;S;i:;to;' existing coi-0:p^raiti;y& organizations- in.

w&r,e- Ismail,.. they^.xer.e, ;personally-. instructed- "by. L :j.As:"-".i5K.elr nunii3&2?B; ■inoreas&dj. howiever,;.. so.mei>hing-,inorie>

:was- retired, r-■■■Fir-s't.:;ishpr-t;/6our'ses-.'w;er:e; .organized at, .th;e: pe.rio,d;S xhe,n,

fee^d-'woW-wa/s1 leWst urgbri^^ and' later,/ permanent-:training

were set up, '.;.'>' -■• ^ i-^'-rr-.'.-:.: ■■."■ /;'.=:*■'-. ::y -. .:-'.-.- ■' ,-;:r=:.'- .-.j.-^^-- '■:',-,

■■■:<■■•: "Th;ere-; arV'"to,.day:.permanent. ■co-operative.;schools,.;pr:9;vi:ding..;r;esidential tfaining course's -for :co-operativej.pffioial and some; other qategories; of

,'B'tudeii^.JiS .ten' l&£xlQm ^cbuntraresvy ;iO?he:se ^are;trKenyar.,;Ivoipy -Goast,,: Nigeria.

-{aii';three'>^giPhs)-,'.Northern:■Eh6.de,sia-,-,;Sene.lgal,.-.>.Si^er-ra- Leon©,;Tanganyika andf-Kganda<";;" 1?h£ Courses of■■;s'Mdy^last-:.for. peripd&: p^ ti

■■montffi^.;an(i>raay or/may. hot; "be extended "by-jperiodS; of

out.;uh'deri ;superviMon. . Blach :course; receiver f^om ,20 .-. .60 :s

^e'ije^may'^e^ore/^hari^bhe'-course^ 'iri< ti&Q ■yeari,./;/iSome:1 of, the'SB.'sbh.Qpl'S'. are run quit© independently "by the Department of Co-operation .or;:;spme equivalent

'body;,-;-:and ;;have thei^ .■pKn--"bfu.ildi^,gs?. others are .attached .to. ..an existing

institution' Lsuoh- as a .Splipol of ..Administration or Commerce.

- ■, ■Several other bountriesj ■■irictuding,Basutilan-d>i-jEgypt, Mauri-tius.j.

Fyasalarid" ■and the-Sudan ■.ii:sp;::run. periodical;-s-^aff.: training ,opU;rses>.,:-,either

internally pr in.r. conjunction, with some other .educational institution, "but

;:. 4o not appear tp-^aye ..specialised, buildings or staffs '.,.._,..;

■' ■ ■■ ■Th&vsu^'jebt^'tau^iti.vary-. somewhat from ionerobuntry. to 'anpther>-?;With

■ certainvmbj^ :Typ:lGali-courses;;co-ver.-co-opera,tiy.e.;la¥,

- bo6k-keepin:gi-:-audit-ing|; co-operative1/principles and'histP^/ClTig^ria} Pr

co-oporative practice and duties of inspection; law and practice; of;.

B/ON•14/133 Page 188

co-operation? co-operative; o'rgahi:za^i;o3a^' including .a?ules: and-- conduct of meetings; theory and practice of commerce, including the elements of

audit'5 co-operation in Africa and oVerseas:; ■ elementary "book-keeping -and .■-'■accounts;--elementary.-.■agriculture and-.vec'bnbmi'cs .(Kenya);\or elementary

:feconomicSs- sociology^ agribulture .and Iaw? together -With, the conduct^ and

• • accountancy1 of co-operatives (ivoi-y--Coast)* ,Gn:the' whole,." i*1 co-r-operative

vschbols'deriving--£roni British experience,.■ the emphasis has %een on- '' : practical" techniques', with wider subjects:"brought. inj-1 Awards the-- end' of

"the coursep-while1-in:-'i;hbse. influenced'by French- thou^it^ a more .important

--' plabe- is giyeh'to-broadening .the''outlook and deepening the 'understanding

of the student through "background education. ;:

■ ' In^''Cburitries-where.''do-opera-tive :deVelopment hasMDeen^ in. progress for i'° some years9 more thah:, one type- of course is given,'usually an initiation

■^course for men just recruited: to the co-operative -service, fbllowed^'by a xrefre^er-.cour^ some:, years :latery- which may follow or'1 precede promotion to. more responsible^duties,: Some countries? in addition to residential course'sy^provijie correspondence oour.ses? ^especially in'."book-keeping>. for junior officials 'working 'in. the ;field, or .■such courses may, be made , available "byi; cb^ope'tative organdzations overseas,' such as the, British

■'"C6':-operati-'Ve-"'-'EThioni, ■■■■■■ ■■.-■{-' ?■'■.. . '■" ' ■,■■;-.■■::" ; .-..y.:.. -.- -.v

"' ■"" "'"; the" staff of "fhe-African ■'Co-operative Schools" are partly''

senior-co-operative officials seconded "for this purpose,'partly-Europeans"with experience in! .teaching;: at co-operative colleges in their own countries -and- partly local men:'%hioj. have had.opportunities^.for study abroad,;: ;

Some of the' older co-operative schools^ especially those in Kenya and

Western Nigeria, receive students from other'countries. The East African 'rSchool of Co-operati-on at Kabetey^Kenya, -was-indeed formed; for that

■ ■-■'tni^pOBer,1 and has "received" students, from, '.Tanganyika ? Uganda'., ^y^-saland

■ ■ and '"Zanzibary ^though..Uganda; students' .are now' b.eingr-,-trained.^dnrtheirj-.own country,.- : -: ■ ■ >,-,■'■ ■■■' ■"'■ ■ '■■■ -■ ■.'" ;j...- ;■- -." ■"'■■.-"■■ - ' 'i-.v:----:-';---1' ■■■-.


Page 189.

; For 'the1 past -six years9 short-term residential training schools' for senior co-operative officials' have: been held'-annually either in East; or ■'-■

¥estr Africaf They,have "been attended ty 15^-20 students and have lasted

■:two-months, in^3fuding time spent;:'on.' study, .visits.. .They were originally financed '.from the,;(British). Colonial ^elfare and: Development Fund,. Ifrom

1961, they .will "be carried on "by the Piunlcett foundation for Co-operative,

Studies, with financial support from theMuffield Foundation, both private institutions with headquarters in London. Students are invited from all

Africaia' territories using. English^and the great'erlpart':of the' cost is ■ ."borne-, "by- ^&;sponsoring institutiono ■ ■ ■.; ,; ' .., ;..,■.,. ,.; ■_■..;■ " •■ '. . ■. '. ' .;:..

"VSev^ralo&etackei-GOurse's.pn Co-operationiiiave..fce,en■ held in Af^pa from time i;o HiM&0 "''■ Tn6se' include (1) a training1 course for 'siiidoiats,-from the former .territories of French West Africa, held'in SiKasso in

(:2)": a::cour'se ■ Xastin^ :£ive months, or.gan±25ea: "by\ the;: Arab;League"

in Egypt with study journeys, to other, oouji'trip^, inJ i?59j (3) a course

Dans le document The co-operative movement in Africa (Page 188-191)