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Understanding the type of personality through the prism of acquired social masks

Dans le document PSYCHOLOGY - PEDAGOGY (Page 65-68)


3. Understanding the type of personality through the prism of acquired social masks

Each individual is exposed at a certain point in life or even repeatedly to experiences that greatly influence his personality. The main events that have a major impact on the individual are: rejection, abandonment, humiliation, betrayal and injustice. Of course, it is not mandatory for a person to be the victim of all these experiences, it can only be partially exposed. Total exposure leads to sometimes irreversible changes in behavior, but which can be ameliorated with the help of psychotherapy sessions.

Rejection should not be confused with abandonment. Rejection is a deep lesion and can manifest from the first years of life. An example of rejection manifesting itself since childhood is that of the unwanted child. This child will wear this soul injury all his life even if after a while it is possible that the parents have revised their idea and are satisfied. This is because when he is born, the child is transmitted a feeling of rejection that greatly influences him. Thus, the child will always have a tendency to run away from certain people or situations. Through this avoidance of people / conjunctures, the individual tries to protect himself, to avoid suffering.

From the point of view of physical appearance, individuals who have suffered because of the feeling of rejection are distinguished by a bodily inconsistency. Facial asymmetries can often occur, as well as significant differences between the development of the upper and lower body. Such a person may leave the impression of an incomplete body, it seems that a certain part is missing or it is insufficiently developed, and this situation can attract the attention of others in a negative way.

Often, these people may look like children even if they are in adulthood. In the worst situations, the individual may have a deformed body, which leads to the appearance of inferiority complexes, thus aggravating the initial situation.

The facial appearance is characterized by the presence of small eyes, often with a lost look. The eyes of these people often convey fear, often having an unpleasant physiognomic appearance due to the presence of dark circles. The opposite can also

ANNALS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CRAIOVA, Psychology - Pedagogy, year XIX, no 41

happen: it occurs when a child is overprotected. If in the early stages it seems to be a beneficial action for a child’s development, it must be borne in mind that any over-exerted action turns into a harmful action. Overprotection does nothing but prevent the child from creating his personality. At some point, the child will feel overwhelmed by affection, and when he grows up instead of giving affection to others he will react in the opposite way by rejecting others (Bourbeau, 2018).

Following the phenomenon of rejection, a series of somatic manifestations may appear:

- cardiovascular diseases by installing arrhythmias (uncontrolled heartbeat);

high blood pressure can often occur if the individual feels a strong sense of fear;

- gastrointestinal disorders caused by repeated mental stress, as well as lack of proper nutrition;

- respiratory diseases in the case of individuals suffering from panic attacks;

- prolonged stress leads to a drastic decrease in immunity resulting in the appearance of autoimmune diseases or even tumors;

- other manifestations: diabetes (produced by excessive mental stress or excessive consumption of foods / drinks with a high sugar level); depressive states;

episodes of bulimia nervosa;

- these people may develop rare pathologies that do not currently benefit from a curative treatment (Bourbeau, 2018).

Abandonment is also manifested from the first years of life, more precisely in the interval of 1-3 years when the child needs increased attention from the parents, not being able to understand certain notions or to distinguish between good and evil.

The physical appearance highlights a weak person, lacking optimal muscle tonicity, the limbs are often weak. At the facial level, there are large eyes that attract the attention of those around them through sadness. Many children face the feeling of abandonment at least once during their childhood. It can be determined by situations such as:

-parents attention given mainly to the job and neglecting the daily activities to be performed with the child;

-the birth of another child; the attention on the newborn will be even greater if he suffers from a certain pathology;

-precarious health of parents who due to medical conditions can not focus on the needs of the child;

Children who suffer from abandonment will become adults who will show an exaggerated affectivity, often becoming dependent on their life partner. It is this absence of parental affection that contributes to the feeling of insecurity. These individuals will always be suspicious and will have difficulty establishing relationships based on trust. Basically, people affected by the feeling of abandonment will tend to put any event in doubt. Regarding the body aspect that is most commonly characterized by the absence of muscle tone, these individuals will seek to make corrections to the defects. Depending on the intensity of the defect, some individuals resort to remodeling through exercise that contributes to toning muscle mass. In severe cases, the affected people resort to reshaping plastic surgery.

The most common cosmetic interventions are breast augmentation, liposuction, and lip augmentation. Of course, aesthetic interventions are mainly required by females (Bourbeau, 2018).

Humiliation is a soul wound that can manifest itself after the age of 5, when the child is able to understand at least partially what is happening around. In order for a person to be affected by the feeling of humiliation, he must be able to understand the inter-human relationships that are established both in the family and in the social environment (in the group of friends, teachers, relatives). Often, humiliation occurs when the child enters the school environment. This happens because many teachers / educators believe that by " humiliation" a re-education of the student is achieved. In fact, the exact opposite effect occurs. Instead of remedying the unpleasant or erroneous situation caused by the student, it will only amplify the feeling of guilt that will lead to the development of an internalized child, unable to express his feelings and dissatisfaction.

Another cause of guilt is the situation in which the parents expose the child’s problem to other people. Even if it is a minor incident that for parents can be noted as something comic or specific to young age, the child does not have the ability to accurately understand the seriousness of the situation and will interpret it as something very important that changes the perception of him by the people around.

At maturity, the child who has been humiliated will often be distinguished by submissive behavior, desperately trying to help and please everyone around him.

However, he does not exercise these actions in order to be good to those around him, but he wants to create for himself the image of a good person who does not disappoint and can always be counted upon. Humiliated people often lack a sense of self importance and are very easy to hurt. They perceive even the most insignificant reproach as a real drama, tending to exaggerate. The physical appearance of these people is characterized by the presence of obesity, and on the face there are large eyes with wide opening that give the impression of innocence.

Betrayal manifests itself especially in the interval of 2-4 years and is closely related to the Oedipus complex. This complex refers to the attraction of the young child towards the parent of the opposite sex, and if the presence of extreme cases is noticed, it is necessary to resort to cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy. Through therapy, the individual is helped to overcome the situation and to understand the normality of life through the prism of establishing inter-human relationships.

Also, betrayal is assimilated as an infidelity or as an unmasking of a situation that puts in a negative light the person concerned. Often, betrayed people reach the position of dominator and stand out by their imposing physical appearance. A dominant man is characterized by a well-developed trunk with broad shoulders, strong limbs, optimal muscle tone. In the case of women, it can be seen that the hips are well expressed, the lower limbs with very well developed muscles, have a "

pear" silhouette. Dominant people have a good mental training and often anticipate the situations that will arise in the future. It can be said that there are people who seem to live in the future and neglect the present that they consider monotonous.

ANNALS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CRAIOVA, Psychology - Pedagogy, year XIX, no 41

They manage with great difficulty to trust other people and they want to control everything, tending to get angry easily if their ideas are not accepted.

Injustice - a person whose merits are not recognized and whose value is not properly appreciated feels that an injustice is being done to him. This feeling occurs between 4 and 7 years when the child is in the process of developing individuality.

An individual who has been repeatedly subjected to actions that have wronged him becomes rigid, often internalized. These people will frequently opt for a dark, sober (generally black) clothing, and may also notice the posture of the body which often highlights the crossing of the arms (in this way the person tries to show certain feelings, it seems that he uses a shield against suffering).

However, this person will become rigid in adulthood, and is in a constant search of justice. He tries to be " perfect" although this is not possible, being always a person who does not deviate from the rules, who is correct, punctual.

He also claims that all these principles of his should be respected by those around him. He plans very carefully the things he wants to achieve and is very selective in terms of the group of friends, the employees he chooses, etc. In terms of physical appearance, the rigid individual is characterized by bodily harmony, balance tending to perfection, but also a constant fear of not changing its proportions. The clothing chosen by women highlights the waist, which is very thin. However, this preference to accentuate the small waist again refers to the minimization of emotions / feelings.

In general, these individuals are confident, show optimism and prove to be strong people who manage to achieve their goal (Bourbeau, 2018).

The wronged individual wants fair appreciation. He wants to be rewarded according to his merit. Doesn’t ask for anything extra. If he receives more than he knows he deserves, he will try to get rid of the surplus. Rigid persons know very well how to mask their emotions, but those can be detected by changing his vocal tone. It suddenly becomes inflexible. They are constantly afraid of making mistakes and are very demanding both with themselves and with other people. Burnout syndrome is common in this type of person, because they avoid asking for help and always have the ambition to push their limits. Another feature of rigid people is to disregard the concept of " luck" or " chance / coincidence&quot. There is no luck for them. They work hard for everything they get and are reconciled to this attitude that they consider fair and just. If he is a lucky person he will feel a strong sense of guilt. Also, discipline is a watchword for this typology, and non-compliance with this lifestyle brings dissatisfaction. Physical health is generally unaffected, extremely rare in various conditions, but which have a low or moderate intensity.

Most often they are subjected to psychological disorders caused by the chronic stress of the desire to achieve everything perfectly (Bourbeau, 2018).

Dans le document PSYCHOLOGY - PEDAGOGY (Page 65-68)