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Treatment, Palliation, Survivorship, and End of Life

Cancer Survivorship

Performance Measures Baseline 2016 Target

By 2016, ensure that all cancer survivors in the Commonwealth, includ-ing disparate populations, have access to appropriate medical, preven-tive, and dental services.

By 2016, enhance the use of treatment summaries and care plans in cancer survivors.


Performance Measures Baseline 2016 Target

By 2016, increase the percentage of cancer patients that receive first course of treatment at National Cancer Institute (NCI) - or Commission on Cancer (CoC) - accredited hospitals in Massachusetts to 74%.g

72.0% 74.0%

By 2016, assess the enrollment of patients in clinical trials. Based on this number, increase the percentage of patients that are enrolled in a clini-cal trial to 4%.

2.0% 4.0%

Palliative Care

Performance Measures Baseline 2016 Target

By 2016, in collaboration with the American Cancer Society, assess com-pliance with NCI and CoC standards for palliation.

By 2016, inventory palliative care practices and measures at accredited Massachusetts facilities.

End-of-Life Care

Performance Measures Baseline 2016 Target

By 2016, increase hospice services average length of stay to 65

days statewide. 61 days 65 days

By 2016, increase the percentage of cancer patients who use hospice

care in the last 90 days of life to 38%. 36.0% 38.0%

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