• Aucun résultat trouvé

4.3 Symmetric product of a curve

4.3.3 Transform of the tautological sheaf of a line bundle

Corollary 4.3.7 In characteristic0,σL[n]is poly-stable. In any characteristic, it is semistable.


The first assertion follows from remark 4.3.1. To prove the second assertion, we use the fact that a maximal semistable subsheaf isSn-linearized, and then follow the proof of proposition 4.3.6.

4.3.3 Transform of the tautological sheaf of a line bundle

In this paragraph we want to use the proof of Ein and Lazarsfeld of the stability ofMLfor line bundles (cf. [EL92]), to show that when degL>2g+nthe total transform

NL =ML[n] =ker(H0(C,L)⊗ OSnCL[n]) is stable.

In [EL92] the stability of the Picard bundle is shown proving the stability of a total transform, we recall their argument, as it is useful for a better under-standing of the stability ofNL.

4.3. SYMMETRIC PRODUCT OF A CURVE 59 Consider a pointed smooth curve(C,x0)of genus g > 1, for alldthere is a Picard scheme Picd(C), which is a fine moduli scheme for line bundles of degreedonC. And a universal sheafU onC×Picd(C)such thatU|C×ξ = Lξ for all points ξ ∈ Picd(C), representing a line bundle Lξ, andU|x

0×Picd(C) = OPicd(C).

The Picard sheafPdis the push forward ofUto Picd(C). Whend>2g−1, Pdis a vector bundle, whose fiber upon a pointξ∈Picd(C)isH0(C,Lξ).

The Picard schemes are all isomorphic, an isomorphism Picd(C)−→˜ Picd+1(C) is given by the mapL7→L⊗ OC(x0). In degree 0 the Picard scheme is the Jaco-bian of the curveH1(C,OC)/H1(C,Z), and is smooth projective of dimension g.

The Picard schemes Picd(C)have a canonical polarization. It is given by the theta divisorΘ⊂ Picd(C), which is the ample divisor represented by the image of the map

Cg−1→Picg−1(C),(x1, . . . ,xg−1)7→ OC(x1+· · ·+xg−1)

in Picg−1(C). By the isomorphisms above it corresponds to ample divisors on all Picard schemes.

Given a line bundleA∈Picd(C), we can consider the applications vrA:Cr→Picd−r(C), (x1, . . . ,xr)7→A⊗ OC(−x1− · · · −xr). Then by Poincar´e’s formula, whenr<gthe class of the image is

Wr := [Θ]g−r/(g−r)!

in particular, the class of the imagev1A(C)is[Θ]g−1/(g−1)!.

Hence to prove stability of Pd with respect toΘ, i.e. to show that for all subsheavesF,→Pdwe have


rk(F) < c1(Pd).[Θ]g−1 rk(Pd) ,

it is sufficient to show that(v1A)Pdis stable for anA∈Picd+1(C), and then ap-ply theorem 1.2.25. And this is done, whend>2g, by showing that(v1A)Pd= MA⊗ OC(x0), and that the transformMAis stable.

Remark 4.3.8 To show that the stability of Pdis implied by the stability of a curve whose class is a multiple of [Θ]g−1, it is not used in [EL92] a restric-tion result like theorem 1.2.25 but rather the generality of the line bundleA∈ Picd+1(C).

Remark 4.3.9 Actually Ein and Lazarsfeld show something stronger than sta-bility ofML, they prove thatMLis cohomologically stable, but we will not use such concept.

We can use the same argument to show the stability of the total transform NLof a tautological bundleL[n]onSnC.

Theorem 4.3.10 Let C be a smooth curve of genus g >2, and let L be a line bundle on C of degree d > 2g+n. Then NL is a stable bundle on SnC with respect to the polarizationH.˜

To prove this we show that for all (x1, . . . ,xn−1) ∈ Cn−1 the restriction NL|x1+···+xn1+Cis stable, and then use theorem 1.2.25


We want to show that for all(x1, . . . ,xn−1)∈Cn−1the restrictionNL|x1+···+xn1+C is stable.

To prove it we could just use the restriction to x1+· · ·+xn−1+C of the exact sequence

0→π1∗(π2L⊗ O(−Z))→H0(C,L)⊗ OS2C→L[n]→0 ,

but it seems more clarifying if we look at our total transform as the pull back of the Picard bundle via by the map

vnL :SnC→Picd−n(C), (x1, . . . ,xn)7→L⊗ OC(−x1− · · · −xn). Claim: (vnL)(Pd−n) =NfL⊗ OSnC(x0+Sn−1C).

From the claim we deduce thatNL|x1+···+xn1+CisML(−x1−···−xn1)tensorized by a line bundle, hence it is stable by Ein and Lazarsfeld results, or by Butler’s theorem (3.1.4).

To prove the claim, we can observe that(vnL)(Pd−n) = π1∗((vnL×1C)U) by the theorem on cohomology and base change. Then use see-saw principle to show that

(vnL×1C)U =π2L⊗ OSnC×C(−Z)⊗π1OSnC(x0+Sn−1C),

where π1 andπ2are the two naturale projections of SnC×C, p1 is the pro-jection of Picd−n(C)×C to the first factor. And U is the universal sheaf on Picd−n(C)×C.


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