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Dans la trajectoire de la maladie, la douleur occupe une place centrale au sein de

Dans le document L'accompagnement du changement en formation (Page 178-182)

Résumés des articles

Dans la trajectoire de la maladie, la douleur occupe une place centrale au sein de

- - lisés au sein des hôpitaux de Toulouse ont complété un questionnaire utilisant le

« la normalité souffrante » à une douleur

fardeau « l’appel au lien » interroge la relation thérapeutique dans son histoire traditionnelle.

Mots-clés : douleur, personnes soignées, représentation sociale, éducation à la santé, alliance thérapeutique

During illness course, pain has a huge place within therapeutic interaction be- tween health professionals and patients. The theory of social representation allows studying the symbolical systems of regulation linked to an object, thanks to the individuals’social representations. 244 patients hospitalized within the Hospitals of Toulouse have completed a questionnaire using the protocol of the « narrative story of life » (Le Grand, 1989). The object « pain » will be suspect- ed under the angle of the consciousness and the lived of the patient entered into a phenomenological analysis perspective. We can also speak of polysemy of cognitive constructions of pain : from a legitimate pain « suffering normality » to a burden pain « calling link » we can wonder about the therapeutic relation- ship in its traditional history.

Key words : pain, patient, social representation, health education, therapeutic


Les changements dans la structure et dans les processus des organisations de la société moderne ont généré un fort impact sur la nouvelle façon de travailler.

article fournit un cadre théorique et une structure permettant de rassembler des - tence du travail en équipe, appelé RUTE (RUbrique de Travail en Équipe) au de proposer une première version de la rubrique de la compétence de Travail en Équipe.

Mots-clés :

équipe, juges experts, rubrique

Over the last years the change in structure and processes of organizations of modern society has generated a great impact on the new way of working. For this reason one of the competence transversal most currently emerging in the labor market is the competence of teamwork. This paper provide a theoretical framework and a structure in order to collect evidence that will allow us to validate the assessment tool of the teamwork’s competence in Spanish, called RUTE (RUbric of “Trabajo en Equipo”). The internal validity is done by ex- of the Teamwork’s competence.

Key words : internal Validity, tool assessment, teamwork competence, Rubric,

group experts

Nathalie Lafranchise, Louise Lafortune, Nadia Rousseau

Accompagner le changement vers la prise en compte des émotions chez des Les débuts dans la profession enseignante constituent une période exigeante sur le plan émotionnel. Il importe alors de prendre en compte les émotions en -

Résumés 179 Mots-clés : émotion, accompagnement, socioconstructivisme, changement, enseignants

The beginnings in the teaching profession is a demanding period on an emo- tional level. It is therefore important to take into account the emotions to work with students in a way that is adequate. During the 2006-2007 school year, eleven teachers in vocational integration and in an accompanying social constructivist context accepted to participate in research. The results show also indicate some interesting accompaniment strategies facilitating the deve- lopment of abilities, skills, attitudes, beliefs and knowledge that can support the taking into account the emotions.

Key words : emotion, accompaniment, socioconstructivisme, change, teachers

VARIA Gilles Pinte

Regard ethnographique


- nombre de candidats assimilent le processus à un parcours du combattant. Si les ou les freins pour les candidats à entamer une démarche de VAE, peu de travaux portent sur le fonctionnement des jurys. Pourtant, pour les membres de jury, la VAE ne semble pas être un allant-de-soi. Les jurys ne sont pas homogènes ni

Mots-clés : VAE, jury, évaluation, ethnographie

The 2002 implementation of the French VAE (validation of acquired expe- rience) is now leaving room to review the system with some distance. As for the public powers, they would like to increase the volume of candidates for the VAE and the number of diplomas and titles obtained through this method of

issues, as well as the motivations or the hindrances for the candidates to follow through with the VAE, little work has been done on how the juries actually func- tion. Moreover, for the jury member, the VAE is not that clear cut. The juries are neither homogeneous in their constitution, nor in their approach to the spirit of the VAE. Using interviews with jury members, it is interesting to identify the points that seem important for the jury members in their understanding of the experience of the adults they have across from them in the interviews.

Keywords : APEL, adult education, ethnography, jury Véronique Poutrain

Ethnographie des faits de violence dans un collège de province.

- ment disciplinaire, que la violence diffuse, mais bien réelle, qui ponctue la vie


plus insidieuse et implicite. Mots-clés

The aim of this article is to unravel violence triggered in schools. It aims at apprehending not only serious acts of violence that are addressed in discipli- nary measures, but also the reality of implicit violence which punctuates life in schools.

This article is based on a participant ethnographic study conducted in a se- condary school from an educational priority education zone in which I have held the position of Educational Counselor from 2008 to 2010. While the quan- the qualitative data analysis reveals that violence is sometimes insidious and implicit.


Dans le document L'accompagnement du changement en formation (Page 178-182)