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The Structures of Computation

Dans le document History of Computing (Page 22-33)

Michael S. Mahoney

Abstract. In 1948 John von Neumann decried the lack of "a properly mathematical-logical" theory of automata.

Between the mid-1950s and the early 1970s such a theory took shape through the interaction of a variety of disciplines, as their agendas converged on the new electronic digital computer and gave rise to theoretical computer science as a mathematical discipline. Automata and formal languages, computational complexity, and mathematical semantics emerged from shifting collaborations among mathematical logicians, electrical

engineers, linguists, mathematicians, and computer programmers, who created a new field while pursuing their own. As the application of abstract modern algebra to our dominant technology, theoretical computer science has given new form to the continuing question of the relation between mathematics and the world it purports to model.


History and Computation

The focus of this conference lies squarely on the first generation of machines that made electronic, digital, stored-program computing a practical reality. It is a conference about hardware: about "big iron," about architecture, circuitry, storage media, and strategies of computation in a period when circuits were slow, memory expensive, vacuum tubes of limited life-span, and the trade-off between computation and I/O a pressing concern. That is where the focus of the nascent field and industry lay at the time. But, since this

conference is a satellite conference of the International Congress of Mathematicians, it seems fitting to consider too how the computer became not only a means of doing mathematics but also itself a subject of mathematics in the form of theoretical computer science. By 1955, most of the machines under consideration here were up and running; indeed one at least was nearing the end of its productive career. Yet, as of 1955 there was no theory of computation that took account of the structure of those machines as finite automata with finite, random-access storage. Indeed, it was not clear what a mathematical theory of computation should be about. Although the theory that emerged ultimately responded to the internal needs of the computing com munity, it drew inspiration and impetus from well beyond that community. The theory of computation not only gave mathematical

structure to the computer but also gave computational structure to a variety of disciplines and in so doing implicated the computer in their pursuit.

As many of the papers show, this volume is also concerned with how to do the history of computing, and I want to address that theme, too. The multidisciplinary origins and applications of theoretical computer science

provide a case study of how something essentially new acquires a history by entering the histories of the activities with which it interacts. None of the fields from which theoretical computer science emerged was directed toward a theory of computation per se, yet all became part of its history as it became part of theirs.

Something similar holds for computing in general. Like the Turing Machine that became the fundamental abstract model of computation, the computer is not a single device but a schema. It is indefinite. It can do anything for which we can give it instructions, but in itself it does nothing. It requires at least the basic components laid out by von Neumann, but each of those components can have many different forms and configurations, leading to computers of very different capacities. The kinds of computers we have designed since 1945 and the kinds of programs we have written for them reflect not the nature of the computer but the purposes and aspirations of the groups of people who made those designs and wrote those programs, and the product of their work reflects not the history of the computer but the histories of those groups, even as the computer in many cases fundamentally redirected the course of those histories.

In telling the story of the computer, it is common to mix those histories together, choosing from each of them the strands that seem to anticipate or to lead to the computer. Quite apart from suggesting connections and interactions where in most cases none existed, that retrospective construction of a history of the computer makes its subsequent adoption and application relatively unproblematic. If, for example, electrical accounting machinery is viewed as a forerunner of the computer, then the application of the computer to accounting needs little explanation. But the hesitation of IBM and other manufacturers of electrical accounting machines to move over to the electronic computer suggests that, on the contrary, its application to business needs a lot of

explanation. Introducing the computer into the history of business data processing, rather than having the computer emerge from it, brings the questions out more clearly.

The same is true of theoretical computer science as a mathematical discipline. As the computer left the laboratory in the mid-1950s and entered both the defense industry and the business world as a tool for data processing, for real-time command and control systems, and for operations research, practitioners encountered new problems of non-numerical computation posed by the need to search and sort large bodies of data, to make efficient use of limited (and expensive) computing resources by distributing tasks over several processors, and to automate the work of programmers who, despite rapid growth in numbers, were falling behind the even more quickly growing demand for systems and application software. The emergence during the 1960s of high-level languages, of time-sharing operating systems, of computer graphics, of communications between computers, and of artificial intelligence increasingly refocused attention from the physical machine to abstract models of computation as a dynamic process.

Most practitioners viewed those models as mathematical in nature and hence computer science as a

mathematical discipline. But it was mathematics with a difference. While insisting that computer science deals with the structures and transformations of information analyzed mathematically, the first Curriculum

Committee on Computer Science of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) in 1965 emphasized the computer scientists' concern with effective procedures:

The computer scientist is interested in discovering the pragmatic means by which information can be transformed to model and analyze the information transformations in the real world. The pragmatic aspect of this interest leads to inquiry into effective ways to accomplish these at reasonable cost.1

A report on the state of the field in 1980 reiterated both the comparison with mathematics and the distinction from it:

Mathematics deals with theorems, infinite processes, and static relationships, while computer science emphasizes algorithms, finitary constructions, and dynamic relationships. If accepted, the frequently quoted mathematical aphorism, 'the system is finite, therefore trivial,' dismisses much of computer science.2

Computer people knew from experience that "finite" does not mean "feasible" and hence that the study of algorithms required its own body of principles and techniques, leading in the mid-1960s to the new field of computational complexity. Talk of costs, traditionally associated with engineering rather than science, involved more than money. The currency was time and space, as practitioners strove to identify and contain the

exponential demand on both as even seemingly simple algorithms were applied to ever larger bodies of data.

Yet, as central as algorithms were to computer science, the report continued, they did not exhaust the field,

"since there are important organizational, policy, and nondeterministic aspects of computing that do not fit the algorithmic mold."

1 "An Undergraduate Program in Computer Science–Preliminary Recommendations," Communications of the ACM, 8, 9 (1965), 543–552; at 544.

2 Bruce W. Arden (ed.), What Can Be Automated?: The Computer Science and Engineering Research Study (COSERS) (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1980), 9.

Thus, in striving toward theoretical autonomy, computer science has always maintained contact with practical applications, blurring commonly made distinctions among science, engineering, and craft practice, or between mathematics and its applications. Theoretical computer science offers an unusual opportunity to explore these questions because it came into being at a specific time and over a short period. It did not exist in 1955, nor with one exception did any of the fields it eventually comprised. In 1970, all those fields were underway, and

theoretical computer science had its own main heading in Mathematical Reviews.



In tracing its emergence and development as a mathematical discipline, I have found it useful to think in terms of agendas. The agenda3 of a field consists of what its practitioners agree ought to be done, a consensus concerning the problems of the field, their order of importance or priority, the means of solving them, and perhaps most importantly, what constitutes a solution. Becoming a recognized practitioner means learning the agenda and then helping to carry it out. Knowing what questions to ask is the mark of a full-fledged

practitioner, as is the capacity to distinguish between trivial and profound problems; "profound" means moving the agenda forward. One acquires standing in the field by solving the problems with high priority, and

especially by doing so in a way that extends or reshapes the agenda, or by posing profound problems. The standing of the field may be measured by its capacity to set its own agenda. New disciplines emerge by

acquiring that autonomy. Conflicts within a discipline often come down to disagreements over the agenda: what are the really important problems?

As the shared Latin root indicates, agendas are about action: what is to be done?4Since what practitioners do is all but indistinguishable from the way they go about doing it, it follows that the tools and techniques of a field embody its agenda. When those tools are employed outside the field, either by a practitioner or by an outsider borrowing them, they bring the agenda of the field with them. Using those tools to address another agenda means reshaping the latter to fit the tools, even if it may also lead to a redesign of the tools, with resulting feedback when the tool is brought home. What gets reshaped and to what extent depends on the relative strengths of the agendas of borrower and borrowed.

3 To get the issue out of the way at the beginning, a word about the grammatical number of agenda. It is a Latin plural gerund, meaning "things to be done." In English, however, it is used as a singular in the sense of "list of things to do." Since I am talking here about multiple and often conflicting sets of things to be done, I shall follow the English usage, thus creating room for a non-classical plural, agendas.

4 Emphasizing action directs attention from a body of knowledge to a complex of practices. It is the key, for example, to

understanding the nature of Greek geometrical analysis as presented in particular in Pappus of Alexandria's Mathematical Collection, which is best viewed as a mathematician's toolbox. See my "Another Look at Greek Geometrical Analysis," Archive for History of Exact Sciences 5 (1968), 318–348.

There are various examples of this from the history of mathematics, especially in its interaction with the natural sciences. Historians speak of Plato's agenda for astronomy, namely to save the phenomena by compounding uniformly rotating circles. One can derive that agenda from Plato's metaphysics and thus see it as a challenge to the mathematicians. However, one can also – and, I think, more plausibly – view it as an agenda embodied in the geometry of the circle and the Eudoxean theory of ratio. Similarly, scientific folklore would have it that Newton created the calculus to address questions of motion. Yet, it is clear from the historical record, first, that Newton's own geometrical tools shaped the structure and form of his Principia and, second, that once the system of the Principia had been reformulated in terms of the calculus (Leibniz', not Newton's), the

mathematical resources of central-force mechanics shaped, if indeed it did not dictate, the agenda of physics down to the early nineteenth century.

Computer science had no agenda of its own to start with. As a physical device it was not the product of a

scientific theory and hence inherited no agenda. Rather it posed a constellation of problems that intersected with the agendas of various fields. As practitioners of those fields took up the problems, applying to them the tools and techniques familiar to them, they defined an agenda for computer science. Or, rather, they defined a variety of agendas, some mutually supportive, some orthogonal to one another. Theories are about questions, and where the nascent subject of computing could not supply the next question, the agenda of the outside field provided its own. Thus the semigroup theory of automata headed on the one hand toward the decomposition of machines into the equivalent of ideals and on the other toward a ring theory of formal power series aimed at classifying formal languages. Although both directions led to well defined agendas, it became increasingly unclear what those agendas had to do with computing.


Theory of Automata

Since time is limited, and I have set out the details elsewhere, a diagram will help to illustrate what I mean by a convergence of agendas, in this case leading to the formation of the theory of automata and formal languages.5 The core of the field, its paradigm if you will, came to lie in the correlation between four classes of finite automata ranging from the sequential circuit to the Turing machine and the four classes of phrase structure grammars set forth by Noam Chomsky in his classic paper of 1959.6 With each class goes a particular body of mathematical structures and techniques, ranging from monoids to recursive function theory.

As the diagram shows by means of the arrows, that core resulted from the confluence of a wide range of quite separate agendas. Initially, it was a shared interest of electrical engineers concerned with the analysis and design of sequential switching circuits and of mathematical logicians interested in the logical possibilities and limits of nerve nets as set forth in 1943 by Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts, themselves in pursuit of a neurophysiological agenda.7 In some cases, it is a matter of passing interest and short-term collaborations, as in the case of Chomsky, who was seeking a mathematical theory of grammatical competence, by which native speakers of a language extract its grammar from a finite number of experienced utterances and use it to construct new sentences, all of them grammatical, while readily rejecting ungrammatical sequences.8 His collaborations, first with mathematical psychologist George Miller and then with Bourbaki-trained

mathematician Marcel P. Schützenberger, lasted for the few years it took to determine that phrase-structure grammars and their automata would not suffice for the grammatical structures of natural language.

5 For more detail see my "Computers and Mathematics: The Search for a Discipline of Computer Science," in J. Echeverría, A.

Ibarra and T. Mormann (eds.), The Space of Mathematics (Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 1992), 347–61, and "Computer Science: The Search for a Mathematical Theory," in John Krige and Dominique Pestre (eds.), Science in the 20th Century (Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1997), Chap. 31.

6 Noam Chomsky, "On Certain Formal Properties of Grammars," Information an Control 2, 2 (1959), 137–167.

7 Warren S. McCulloch and Walter Pitts, "A Logical Calculus of the Ideas Immanent in Nervous Activity," Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics 5 (1943), 115–33; repr. in Warren S. McCulloch, Embodiments of Mind (MIT, 1965), 19–39.

8 "The grammar of a language can be viewed as a theory of the structure of this language. Any scientific theory is based on a certain finite set of observations and, by establishing general laws stated in terms of certain hypothetical constructs, it attempts to account for these observations, to show how they are interrelated, and to predict an indefinite number of new phenomena. A mathematical theory has the additional property that predictions follow rigorously from the body of theory." Noam Chomsky, "Three Models of

Language," IRE Transactions in Information Theory 2, 3 (1956), 113–24; at 113.

Figure 1

The Agendas of Computer Science

Schützenberger, for his part, came to the subject from algebra and number theory (the seminar of Bourbakist Pierre Dubreil) by way of coding theory, an agenda in which Benoit Mandelbrot was also engaged at the time. It was the tools that directed his attention. Semigroups, the fundamental structures of Bourbaki's mathematics, had proved unexpectedly fruitful for the mathematical analysis of problems of coding, and those problems in turn turned out to be related to finite automata, once attention turned from sequential circuits to the tapes they recognized. Pursuing his mathematical agenda led Schützenberger to generalize his original problem and thereby to establish an intersection point, not only with Chomsky's linguistic agenda, but also with the agenda of machine translation and with that of algebraic programming languages. The result was the equivalence of

"algebraic" formal power series, context-free languages, and the pushdown (or stack) automaton.9 The latter identification became fundamental to computer science when it became clear that major portions of Algol 60 constituted a context-free language.10 Finally for now, Chomsky's context-sensitive grammars were linked to linear-bounded automata through investigations into computational complexity, inspired in part by Shannon's measure of information.


Formal Semantics

The network of agendas was far denser and more intricate than either the diagram or the sketch above conveys.

Moreover, one can draw a similar network for the development of formal semantics as the interplay among algebra (especially universal algebra), mathematical logic, programming languages, and artificial intelligence.

Central to the story is the remarkable resurgence of the lambda calculus, initially created by Alonzo Church to enable the "complete abandonment of the free variable as a part of the symbolism of formal logic," whereby propositions would stand on their own, without the need for explaining the nature of, or conditions on, their free variables and would thus emphasize the "abstract character of formal logic."11 Lambda calculus was not

mathematics to start with, but a system of logical notation, and was abandoned when it failed to realize the purposes for which Church had created it. In the late 1950s John McCarthy revived it, first as a metalanguage for LISP, which he had devised for writing programs emulating common-sense reasoning and for mechanical theorem-proving, and then in the early 1960s as the basis of a mathematical theory of computation focused on semantics rather than syntax.

"Computer science," McCarthy insisted, "must study the various ways elements of data spaces are represented in the memory of the computer and how procedures are represented by computer programs. From this point of view, most of the work on automata theory is beside the point."12 In McCarthy's view, programs consisted of chains of functions that transform data spaces. Automata theory viewed functions as sets of ordered pairs mapping the elements of two sets and was concerned with whether the mapping preserved the structures of the sets. McCarthy was interested in the functions themselves as abstract structures, not only with their equivalence but also their efficiency. A suitable mathematical theory of computation, he proposed, would provide, first, a universal programming language along the lines of Algol but with richer data descriptions;13 second, a theory of the equivalence of computational processes, by which equivalence-preserving transformations would allow a choice among various forms of an algorithm, adapted to particular circumstances; third, a form of symbolic representation of algorithms that could accommodate significant changes in behavior by simple changes in the

"Computer science," McCarthy insisted, "must study the various ways elements of data spaces are represented in the memory of the computer and how procedures are represented by computer programs. From this point of view, most of the work on automata theory is beside the point."12 In McCarthy's view, programs consisted of chains of functions that transform data spaces. Automata theory viewed functions as sets of ordered pairs mapping the elements of two sets and was concerned with whether the mapping preserved the structures of the sets. McCarthy was interested in the functions themselves as abstract structures, not only with their equivalence but also their efficiency. A suitable mathematical theory of computation, he proposed, would provide, first, a universal programming language along the lines of Algol but with richer data descriptions;13 second, a theory of the equivalence of computational processes, by which equivalence-preserving transformations would allow a choice among various forms of an algorithm, adapted to particular circumstances; third, a form of symbolic representation of algorithms that could accommodate significant changes in behavior by simple changes in the

Dans le document History of Computing (Page 22-33)