• Aucun résultat trouvé

Canada stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, and will continue to do so. Our position has been clear: We will never accept Russian President Vladimir Putin's unwarranted and illegal occupation and annexation of the Crimean Peninsula, nor his continued proxy war in other parts of eastern Ukraine.

The people of Ukraine have left no room for doubt: The future they desire lies to the West, with all the freedoms, opportunities and prosperity that brings. We, along with our allies in NATO, support them without reservation, and we stand together in Central and Eastern Europe as a bulwark against the instability Vladimir Putin promotes with his reckless provocations.

With the rest of the Western world, Canadians celebrated the end of the Cold War and the years of peace that followed. But Vladimir Putin wants

in the perceived glories of its past, in order to disguise his failures of leadership in the present.

We look forward to the day when Russia returns to the community of nations – but until then, Vladimir Putin’s belligerence must be met with resolve and real consequences.

Under our Conservative Government, Canada has been a leading voice on the world stage in this regard, both in speaking out against Vladimir Putin’s unprovoked aggression and in putting pressure on Russia through tough and meaningful sanctions.

Such sanctions are a key tool in our Government’s foreign policy, having proven effective against Iran and North Korea, as well as Russia.


Our Conservative plan to protect the economy - 90 A re-elected Conservative Government will toughen

Canada’s sanctions regime by:



Adding “gross human rights violations” as a new ground for sanctions.



And closing loopholes that allow sanctioned individuals to circumvent travel restrictions.

These measures will reinforce our support for the Ukrainian people in their struggle for freedom, as well as strengthen our ability to respond to international crises, and align our sanctions regime with our broader values. They’ll also reinforce our commitment to standing up for freedom, democracy, human rights, and the rule of law abroad.

To make sure our sanctions continue to be properly targeted, and properly implemented, we need to better track the flow of Russian capital through global markets – in particular capital connected to Russian state-owned enterprises and individuals already under sanction.



A re-elected Conservative Government will establish a financial task force of foreign policy experts and financial analysts to

perform this task, ensuring that our sanctions regime maintains its rigor and limits Russian influence in the global economy.

But our support for Ukraine extends far beyond sanctions. Canada has contributed both Canadian Armed Forces personnel and much-needed

equipment to assist the Ukrainian military in its fight to maintain Ukraine’s sovereignty. We're:



Deploying CAF personnel to western Ukraine to develop and deliver training programs for their Ukrainian counterparts.



Contributing an array of non-lethal supplies, including tens of thousands of coats, pants and boots, helmets, protective vests, high-frequency radios, night-vision goggles and ballistic

eyewear, medical kits and a mobile field hospital structure, tents, and sleeping bags.

In international forums such as the UN, the G7 and NATO, as well as in bilateral decisions related to providing Ukraine with military trainers, Canada has consistently and meaningfully demonstrated its support for Ukraine’s right to sovereignty, territorial integrity and to ensure the security of its citizens….Today, Canada stands among Ukraine’s greatest friends, something deeply cherished by the people of Ukraine.

Paul Grod, President, Ukrainian Canada Congress, (June 9, 2015).



Providing $1 million to the NATO Trust Funds for Ukraine, intended to enhance the country’s command and control capabilities.



Deploying military personnel as part of Operation REASSURANCE, including HMCS Regina, HMCS Toronto, and HMCS Fredericton, and participating in military exercises.

Canada continues to stand with Ukraine in the face of Russian provocation and aggression, and will never accept the Russian occupation of Ukrainian soil. The measures we have taken to date are robust and meaningful, but there is more we can do.



A re-elected Conservative Government will enter into a defence co-operation agreement with Ukraine.



We’ll also add Ukraine to the list of eligible countries for Canadian military and defence exports.

Our Government, as part of our principled foreign policy, has long been a leader in promoting free expression and human rights around the world, and in speaking out against dictatorships for their cruel and undemocratic actions. The digital world is one more battlefield in that struggle.

Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea and illegal occupation of Ukraine has been accompanied by a remarkable propaganda push by Moscow.

Russia has used the internet and other media to manipulate public opinion and spread misinformation and falsehoods.

By spreading half-truths, rumours and outright lies, the Kremlin not only confuses opponents but also sows unwitting and uninformed support for its cause.

Since the very beginning of the crisis the government of Canada has adopted the most principled position of any G-7 country...it has been steadfast in providing increased support to the Ukraine politically, financially and now with this so much needed non-lethal lifesaving equipment. Thank you for this support which is needed so much right now and more importantly for doing the right thing.

Ihor Kozak, League of Ukrainian Canadians (August 7, 2014).


Our Conservative plan to protect the economy - 92 Canada can do more to help Ukraine push back

against Russian propaganda.



A re-elected Conservative Government will establish a Digital Freedom Fund to support international groups and independent media using digital tools to advance the causes of freedom and democracy around the world.

In particular, the fund will support efforts to counter Russian propaganda in Ukraine and elsewhere in Eastern Europe.

Canada’s Armed Forces have been central to the story of our country for more than 200 years – central to our national identity, central to our success as a country, central at times to our very survival. And in the ever more insecure world in which we are now living, that is as true as it ever was.

We live in an unpredictable world, and the Canadian Armed Forces must be ready to respond immediately to events that threaten the interests of Canada at home and around the world. Canada’s fighting men and women have always been, and remain today, the ultimate guarantors of our values and freedoms.

To ensure that the CAF can carry out its missions, we’ve:



Re-built the "core military capabilities" of the CAF following a decade of darkness under the Liberals. The CAF's air transport, sovereignty surveillance and army combat capacities have all been strengthened.



Taken the steps needed to rebuild the Royal Canadian Navy and the Canadian Coast Guard through the comprehensive National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy worth some $35B. With ships now being built in both Halifax and Vancouver, the NSPS engages Canadian industry from coast-to-coast in sustaining RCN and Coast Guard fleets in the decades to come.

Supporting Canada’s

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