• Aucun résultat trouvé

Special case of contaminated injured person Step?

If contamination is detected record results on Worksheet A6. Measured area (active surface of the detector) should be also recorded. Perform decontamination following Procedure A8d.

Where surface contamination derived limits are not specified by the national competent authority the following default values are suggested.


General beta/gamma emitters Less toxic alpha emitters More toxic alpha emitters

4 0.4

(a) Trying to measure these levels will take several minutes with a typical hand held probe. In case of urgency multiply the levels by a factor of 100 backing this up by instructions to change clothing for known clean kit followed by hand washing and backwashing of hair.

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Step 6

All personal belongings should be monitored including watches, handbags, money, TLDs, and weapons. Contaminated items should be bagged and labelled for decontamination.

Contaminated personal clothing may be removed, bagged and labelled and substitute garments provided (usually by public welfare agencies).


Special case of contaminated injured person Step?

Assist medical staff in their assessment and initial handling of the patient, by doing a rapid contamination assessment.


If the patient requires transfer to a hospital immediately, allocate a team member to

accompany the ambulance or arrange for a monitoring team to be in support at the hospital.

Personal contamination monitoring Procedure A8c, Pg. 4 of 4

Step 9

Advice ambulance officers of contamination levels. Decontamination may need to be carried out at the hospital. The patient should be wrapped in a blanket or other suitable cover during transport to the hospital to minimize the spread of contamination.

Step 10

If appropriate complete Worksheet A6 and give to ambulance personnel to take with the patient.

Emergency personnel who become contaminated would normally be decontaminated at the contamination control point on exiting the accident area. Other contaminated persons from the accident area would normally be directed to a decontamination control point.

Monitoring personnel may or may not assist in personal decontamination depending on the scale of the event. For major events there would be dedicated personal monitoring teams and dedicated decontamination teams. For small events monitoring personnel may assist in decontamination. This procedure emphasises the need to confirm by monitoring during and after decontamination, the level of decontamination achieved.

It is desirable to remove all personal contamination and contaminated clothing. However, if this is not possible, the levels of decontamination and protective actions taken need to be recorded for possible subsequent dose assessments or follow up action.


> Common equipment to all response teams (Checklist AO)

> Personal Monitoring and Decontamination Team equipment (Checklist A2)

Step 1

Perform instrument QC checks using Procedure AO.

Step 2

Review Worksheet A6 information and re-monitor individual in a similar manner to Procedure A8c.

Personal decontamination monitoring Procedure A8d, Pg. 2 of 3

Step 3

Check efficiency and progress of decontamination by monitoring areas of contamination as they are decontaminated.

Step 4

A follow-up survey must be performed after initial and subsequent decontamination efforts, to verify that the radioactive contamination has been removed or that the level of contamination is less than 4 Bq/cm2 general beta + gamma or 0.4 Bq/cm2 alpha or other level specified by the national competent authority.


Complete the personnel decontamination record (Worksheet A7).


Soap, soft brush and cold water, dry abrasives such as cornflower Soap powder or similar detergent, standard industrial skin cleaner Flushing

Soap and cold water Soap, soft brush and water Haircut/shave head


Wash 2-3 minutes and check activity levels. Repeat washing 2 times.

Use light pressure with heavy lather. Wash for 2 minutes, 3 times, rinse and monitor. Use care not to erode the skin.

Make into a paste. Use with additional water and a mild scrubbing action. Use care not to erode the skin.

Eyes: Roll back eyelids and gently flush with water.

Ears: Clean the opening of the ear canal with cotton swabs.

Mouth: Rinse with water-do not swallow.

Use light pressure with heavy lather. Wash for 2 minutes, 3 times, rinse, and monitor.

Make into a paste. Use addition water and a mild scrubbing action. Do not erode the skin.

Remove the hair to decontaminate scalp. Use skin decontamination methods.

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Wash hands, arms and face in sink, use showers for rest of body

After decontamination apply lanolin or hand cream to prevent chapping.***

After decontamination apply lanolin or hand cream to prevent chapping.***

Be cautious not to damage ear drum;

rolling back the eyelids should be carried out by medical or suitably trained personnel.

Hair should be backwashed to minimize ingestion via mouth or nose.

Hair should be backwashed to minimize ingestion via mouth or nose.

Use only after other methods fail.




Begin with the first listed method and then proceed step-by-step to the more severe method as necessary, hi all personal decontamination procedures every effort should be made to prevent spread of contamination. All cleaning actions should be performed from periphery of contaminated area towards the centre.

Do not decontaminate a wound; this will be done by a doctor or experienced medical personnel.

For resistant contamination coat liberally with barrier cream and cover with rubber gloves; activity will frequently cross from the skin into the barrier cream over the next few hours.


To give emergency worker basic instructions on personal protection behaviour.


Emergency worker personal protection guidance is given in three areas: general instructions, thyroid protection and as emergency worker turn back guidance.

General instructions