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LE SOURICEAU 3.1) Introduction

Dans les deux études précédentes, nous avons identifié des substrats olfactifs, présents sur la tétine de femelle allaitante, impliqués dans sa localisation et dans l’induction du comportement de tétée chez le souriceau. Il en ressort que l’odeur du lait est particulièrement réactogène et en mesure de déclencher la première tétée du nouveau-né, tandis que les salives maternelle et infantile ont un effet plus tardif. Cependant, les mécanismes cognitifs mis en jeu dans l’émergence de cette attractivité précoce restent hypothétiques et peuvent impliquer l’acquisition prénatale ou postnatale, ou encore une réponse prédisposée, c’est-à-dire, sans nécessité d’apprentissage préalable. Il n’est pas à exclure que l’expression initiale de la recherche et de la succion pourrait assigner une valeur positive au lait, ou encore que le lait pourrait transférer son pouvoir attractif à d’autres odeurs présentes sur la tétine, comme par exemple, la salive.

A ce jour, les apprentissages olfactifs dans le contexte de la tétée ont été peu étudiés chez le souriceau. La tétée, ainsi que diverses stimulations (par exemple, tactile, thermique et olfactives) associées au contexte de tétée, ont été identifiés comme étant des Stimuli Inconditionnels (SI) capables de conditionner les préférences olfactives des souriceaux (Armstrong et al., 2006 ; Bouslama et al., 2005; Bollen et al., 2012). Cependant, il reste encore à définir si la tétée elle-même peut renforcer les apprentissages olfactifs et conférer à une odeur neutre le pouvoir d’induire la saisie orale d’une tétine.

Notre troisième expérience a pour objectif d’affiner nos connaissances sur l’acquisition et la rétention des apprentissages olfactifs dans le contexte renforçant de la tétée chez des souriceaux âgés de 24 heures. Les objectifs de cette étude sont multiples. Tout d’abord, nous fondant sur le fait que les salives n’acquièrent leur activité comportementale qu’après la première tétée, nous souhaitons comprendre dans quelle mesure un odorant neutre peut acquérir, après une ou plusieurs association(s) avec la tétée, le pouvoir d’induire la saisie d’une tétine de femelle dont l’abdomen en a été odorisé. A cette fin, les souriceaux seront exposés à un odorant (le limonène) dans les mêmes conditions que celles notées pour les salives : le contexte renforçateur de la tétée au cours de 24 h. Ensuite, afin d’affiner nos méthodes, nous explorerons la rétention de cet apprentissage et la durée d’association entre le limonène et la tétée nécessaires à cet apprentissage.

69 3.2) An exploratory study of nursing-related odor learning in mouse pups on the

1st postnatal day4

Syrina Al Aïn, Mathieu Mingioni, Bruno Patris, Benoist Schaal


Localize and suckle a maternal nipple are the main skills that mammalian newborns have to acquire at birth. Although the mother provides most of the pups’ needs in term of protection, thermoregulation and nutrition, their survival depends of their own ability to locate and attach to the nipples, suckle and convert the milk in to biomass. In this context, learning is especially crucial to boost new acquisition and ameliorate motor actions. The developing organism has to adapt itself to a succession of early ingestive niches including: the womb where nutrients and energy are passively perfused, the early postnatal niche requiring the sucking of nipples, and the transition to the processing of increasing amounts of a non-milk diet. These successive ingestive niches are dramatically contrasted, pup being enforced to adaptively adjust on anatomical, physiological, sensory and behavioral levels. Numerous studies have revealed the role of experience-sensitive processes in the pups’ adaptation within and between these ingestive niches (Albert, 1987; Schaal, 2010).

Altricial rodents are born with non functional visual and auditory systems, and are thus exclusively guided by somesthesis and chemoreception (Ehret, 1976; Weber & Olsson, 2008). The newborn pup survival thus relies greatly on its ability to respond to olfactory cues associated with the mother, her nipples and milk. Indeed, transgenic mice with anosmic or hyposmic phenotypes will often die of starvation (Baker et al., 1999; Brunet et al., 1996; Hongo et al., 2000; Lin et al., 2004; Wong et al., 2000), as well as denaturing the odor of nipples will disturb grasping in normal pups (Hongo et al., 2000).

Specifically, the first oral grasping of a nipple in rats and mice is elicited by amniotic and colostrum odors. The amniotic odor is thought to be acquired by in utero exposure through the prenatally functional olfactory system (Coppola & O’Connell, 1989; Coppola & Millar, 1997), with the possibility of further reinforcement by sucking nipples tainted with amniotic


70 cues by mother’s self-licking (Weber & Olsonn, 2008). Amniotic fluid shares also common odor cues with colostrum, which establishes a relative transnatal chimiosensory continuity (Mendez-Gallardo & Robinson, 2011; Schaal, 2005) and colostrum may thus be initially attractive to pups because it carries cues acquired in utero or during the birth processes (Alberts & Ronca, 2012). With age and increasing suckling experience, the associative value of other odorants present on the nipple can also change progressively. For example, the mother’s and pup’s saliva odors appear to need several associations with nursing before they can elicit nipple grasping in mouse pups.

So far, the ability to form such odor-based associations was mainly established in newborn rats (Wilson & Sullivan, 1994). Indeed, rat pups acquire a preference for a novel artificial odorant if it has previously been paired with nutritive or non-nutritive sucking (Brake, 1981). The rewarding unconditional stimuli that operate during suckling are numerous and varied, including tactile stimulation (McLean et al., 1993; Pedersen et al., 1982; tailpinch: Sullivan et al., 1986a; mild footshock: Camp & Rudy, 1988; Sullivan & Wilson, 1990; quoted in Wilson & Sullivan, 1994), olfactory stimulation (odor of maternal saliva: Sullivan et al., 1986b), nutritive ingestive stimulation (cow’s milk or saccharine ingestion: Cheslock et al., 2000; Johanson & Hall, 1979, 1982; Johanson & Teicher, 1980; Sullivan & Hall, 1988), humidity (Do et al., 1988) and heat (Pedersen et al., 1982). All these unconditional stimuli allow to rapidly condition odor preferences or aversions in rat pups in function to the nature of the stimulus and the age of pups. A few studies have also explored similar conditioning of odorants in mice, with lithium chloride-based illness in 3 day-old pups (Alleva & Calamandrei, 1986), maternal deprivation in 2 day-old (Durand et al., 2003), tactile stimulation in P1 to P6 pups (Bouslama et al., 2005) or suckling experience in pups of 3, 6 and 10 days (Armstrong et al., 2006). These studies demonstrated robust conditioned odor preferences in neonatal mice in the context of nursing and maternal care (Armstrong et al., 2006; Bouslama et al., 2005; Durand et al., 2003) that can be retained lifelong (Mainardi et al., 1965). So far, the associative abilities of mice were not investigated in the hours following birth, when pups undergo their very initial reinforced actions in contingence with the mother, nipples and milk.

Here, we aimed to investigate associative and mnesic capabilities of neonatal mice within the first 24 hours (± 12 hours). Our first goal was to assess whether a neutral odorant, previously associated with suckling could acquire the power to elicit oral grasping of a nipple (Experiment 1A). The second goal was to evaluate the pups’ abilities to retain such an odor

71 previously associated with suckling (Experiment 1B). Our third goal was to approach the minimal duration necessary to condition odor-based oral grasping in one-day-old pups (Experiment 2). The final goal examined whether odor exposure, in absence of the mother and suckling could be sufficient to assign a reinforcing value to it (Experiment 3).


Animals and housing conditions

The French national and local rules about the use of laboratory mice were strictly followed (authorization n° 21 CAE 059). Pairs of female and male mice (Mus musculus, BALB/c strain, purchased at Charles River, L’Arbresle, France) were housed together in standard Plexiglas cages (28 x 17 x 13 cm) in the local breeding unit. Males were continuously kept in the cage to support their parental care and ensure fecundation at postpartum oestrus. The breeding room displayed constant temperature (22 ± 1°C) and 12/12h light/dark cycle (lights on at 8h00). Water and food pellets (Scientific Animal Food & Engineering, Ionisos Aube, Champagne) were available ad libitum.

Test Animals

We tested 113 mice pups on postnatal day (P) 1 (24 h ± 12 h-old), the day of birth being recorded as P0. The conditioning of arbitrary odorant was shown to require deprivation of the mother prior to training (Armstrong et al., 2006), the pups were isolated from their mother for 2 h before each training session. Each pup was tested in only one experimental condition. The tested pups came from litter comprising 4-8 pups. We tested a maximum of four pups per litter by group; thus, pups from a same litter could participate in different experiments.


Odor Stimuli

The odorant used for the conditioning was limonene (≥ 98%, Sigma-Aldrich, Fluka), as in previous studies on odor learning in mouse pups (Armstrong et al., 2006; Bollen et al., 2007; Bouslama et al., 2005; Schellinck et al., 2001).The odorant was diluted at 6,06.10-2M (in water), a concentration at which the odorant is detected and non aversive for mice (Joshi et al., 2006) and rats (Youngentob et al., 1997). The odorant solution was prepared each week to avoid a potential alteration. The control stimulus consisted in water.


Stimulus animals

The conditioned odorant was delivered on the nipples of a non-lactating female (NLF), which were shown to be olfactorily inactive to pups to induce sucking behaviour. A tip of a glass stick was soaked with the stimulus (viz., limonene or water) and was then transferred onto each of the ten nipples of a NLF by a rotating rubbing movement of the glass stick for 5 s (one rotation/s). In total, 37 stimulus-females were used to test the pups, and 4 to 6 stimulus- females were used per test condition. The nipples of NLF were directly presented under the pups’ muzzle.

General Training and Testing procedures

All behavioural training and testing of the newborn pups were run in a room adjacent to the breeding room to avoid interference with unwanted odours from conspecifics. The specific training procedures are described below, in the Methods section specific to the experiments. Concerning the testing procedure, a 2-min test was performed to assess oral grasping of the nipples (adapted from Dollinger et al. 1978; Pedersen & Blass, 1982). The NLF used was sedated (Imalgène 1000 and Rompun 2%, at the dose of 45 and 9 mg/kg body weight, respectively) and held by pinching their inter-scapular skin by an Experimenter A. The pup was held similarly by an Experimenter B to be presented facing a nipple (see Figure 12, section II.2). At the start of each trial, pups were placed with their muzzle in slight contact with an inguinal nipple of the stimulus female.

The behaviour of each pup was then videotaped for 180 s (SONY handycam DCR-SR90). The videotapes were then blindly analysed (The Observer, Noldus, Wageningen, Netherlands). The following variables were quantified: 1) percentage of pups grasping the nipple, 2) latency to oral grasping, and 3) number of oral movements after grasping. Only the inguinal nipples were presented, thus, one female was used for testing of four pups. After the tests, all parental pairs were returned with their pups into the breeding room.

The percentage and latency of nipple grasping are considered to index the attractive and appetitive potency of limonene. The number of mouth movements after grasping is taken as an index of the avidity of pups’ sucking. Pups that failed to produce oral grasping response were conservatively assigned a latency of 120 s.


Statistical Analyses

To assess whether the data sets from each group followed a normal distribution, Shapiro-Wilk tests have been used (Statistica, Version 8, Statsoft France, Paris). Normal distribution was not demonstrated in most groups and non parametric statistics were thus used.

The oral grasping performance of a NLF nipple painted with limonene was compared for pups exposed to either limonene or water in the various conditions specified in the following Experiment, using Fisher’s exact tests (% oral grasping) and Mann-Whitney tests (latencies to the nipple grasping and frequency of mouth movements during nipple grasping).