• Aucun résultat trouvé

Another significant change is the total number ofworkers required by the new technology and the proportion ofprofessionals to other categories of workers. Digital Technology being an advanced

There is need for legislatory accuracy standards for Topographic Data Base and Cadastral Data Base Systems. Laws regarding design of GPS controls new classification of Geodetic standards are a most

65. Another significant change is the total number ofworkers required by the new technology and the proportion ofprofessionals to other categories of workers. Digital Technology being an advanced

technology will require less number of employees in total and probably fewer professionals than presently employed because of the trend towards automation in Digital photogrammetry, Digital

Remote Sensing, Digital Surveying and Digital Cartography

Education and Research

66. From the discussion on modern trends in the various branches of Surveying and Mapping sciences the following facts have emerged:

(i) Digital revolution has affected all the various branches of Surveying and Mapping - Digital Surveying, Digital Photogrammetry, Digital Remote Sensing and Digital Cartography are dependent on sensor, computer and space technologies with a tendency towards automation and

turnkey systems.

(ii) Each branch of Surveying and Mapping has developed a subject of Spatial Information System (SIS) called GIS and LIS (cadastral based).

(iii) There is a trend towards integration of one, or two of the branches with GIS/LIS. For example there are combinations such as GPS/Photogrammetrv/GIS. Remote Sensina/GIS.

Photogrammetrv /Remote Sensine/GIS. GPS/Photoerammetrv/Remote Sensine/GIS. Cartography/

GIS. ISS/GPS /Photogramrnetrv/Remote Sensine/GIS. Remote Sensing/Cartography,GIS. etc., in various teaching, research or production environments.

67. In addition to Ihe above there are changes in nomenclatures of educational institutions, around the world as a reflection ofthese changes in the various branches. The Institute for Aerospace Survey

and Earth Sciences (ITC) formed in 1991 a new Department of Geoinformatics QTC 1991), which

integrates surveying and mapping disciplines plus GIS. Laval University has also formed the Department of Geomatics (Groot 1991) to imply a combination of Surveying, Mapping, Remote sensing, and GIS. (Woolnough et. at. 1992). The term "Image Information Engineering" is used to

describe a specialization of the Department of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, to embrace the two disciplines and GIS. Finally in 1995 Department of Surveying Engineering, University of New Brunswick changed its name to Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Department to affirm a new direction in education programme orientatioa Finally the term, Iconic Informatics has been used many times to connote a combination ofphotogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Cartography, (Deren, 1992).

68. Since some NMI's have a mandate for education and training, these changes have serious implications for them. Some African NMI's have established Survey Schools with formal and informal education primarily to met the need for in-service-training of their staff. Usually the training is at two levels- technician and technologist (upper technician) levels. High level training is normally done in the Universities and colleges within and outside the Country. The education and training programmes ofNMTs should respond to two factors - "top-down technological pressure" and "bottom-up pressure"

coming from the multitude of users or employers of labour (Krakiswshy and Mueller 1992). NMI's fortunately constitute the second pressure. What we have discussed so far are the technology - driven changes. Since Survey School establish by NMI's train staff from other establishments, the curriculum change must reflect the users' needs outside NMI's.

69. Two approaches which should be adopted simultaneously by NMI's are proposed for Curriculum change. First we consider technological - driven change to the Curriculum modules for Higher National Diploma (HND) Digital mapping and GIS. Based on the concept of Depth, Breadth and Spread enunciated in Ayeni (1992) the Curriculum will consist of (i) Digital Mappina/GIS (Depth), (ii) Digital Cartography. Digital Remote Sensing. Automated Photogrammetrv and Digital Surveying (Breath) and (iii) Physics/Celestial Mechanics. Mathematics. Computer Science and use of English (spread) see Fig 10. which represents a radical departure from traditional curriculum modules.

70. A technological and user driven Curriculum change for HND Remote Sensing maintenance a balance between the two approaches as illustrated in Fig 11 which represents a middle of the road approach to curriculum change. Similarly a middle of the road Curriculum Module for HND Cartography, HND Photogrammetry and HND Surveying can be constructed using these principles.

The idea is to allow the "ancient" and the "modem" to co-exist for a while. The two approaches to be operated simultaneously are however recommended for NMI's sponsored Survey Schools as exemplified per excellence by the new Curriculum recently developed for Ghana Survey School (GSS) Accra under a World Bank Project. GSS curriculum package in the author's opinion is a master Piece and model for African NMI's supported Survey Schools.

71. Curriculum change also leads to changes in teaching aids and teaching methods e.g, new or modified Hardware, Software, textbooks, slides, transparencies, videos films, etc. will be used. The new development in the area ofteaching aid is the use of computers and T.V. programmes as teaching aids. For example Hypermedia or multimedia consists of a combination of text, graphics, full motion video, still images, sound (audio) and animation into a single computer - controlled product. This method improves the students' ability to learn and assimilate knowledge through text, sound and

pictures. This method has been used for teaching GIS (Zhuang et. al 1992), Photointerpretation, Remote Sensing (Argialas, et. al. 1992) (Cho, et.al. (1992). Kain (1996) and Photogrammetry, (Newlson, J. (1996). During the 18th Congress of the ISPRS a competition was organized by a

Town and Cotavryp Planrtintf.

B« Breadth S* Spread

FtB 10. Conoaptuat Mode) for the Cirrieulum Contents of Higher Matfend Diploma (HND) In Dfptal Mapping shovwng Depth (D). Breadth (8). and Spread (S) and

Integrated Mapping.

ToMfnandCoumry Ptamtna

S« Spread Fig 11 CaweptuaiMo^fariheCiFrieulu^

In Ramote Sanaing thowtng Depth (0), Breadth (B)a afxt Spread (S)

working Group of Commission VI on computer - teaching aid for photogrammetry Remote Sensing and GIS. University of Leeds Media Services has instructional teaching Videos on Electronic Theodolites. Distance measurement, and Leveling . University ofNottingham has computer teaching packages for GPS. ASPRS also has Video tapes for teaching GIS.

72. On challenges on research, NMTs should take up the challenges of research into efficient Data Base system best suited to their needs. There is need also to research into the best design for GPS network. The research efforts in Survey schools can be complemented by expertise in industry and Universities. NMI's will also ensure that their staff who are sent to Universities for higher degree are distributed to various modem techniques in Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, Cartography and GIS and mat their research works for these degrees are relevant to the problems of their respective organizations in the area of Digital Technology. Besides NMI should sponsor staff to workshops, conference and seminars on modern techniques in Survey and Mapping.

Institutional Arrangements and Organizational Structural Adjustment.

73. The new mandates and roles ofNational Mapping Institutions arising from the introduction of Digital Technology in all its ramifications calls for institutional changes and organizational adjustment necessary to implement changes and innovations involved in acquisition of new equipment, software, new technical operations, stafftraining and staff development commercialization and marketing of old and new products, staff recruitment, personnel structural changes, training, education and research and in developing new laws and regulations. As suggested in relation to the introduction of Digital Technology, the institutional and Organizational structural adjustment should be gradual. All temptations to adopt sudden and drastic changes should be resisted. The organizational structural changes should be consistent with gradual technological changes.

74. One of the first institutional changes to be considered in view of the new roles and mandates is the Official name of the NM's. Is it ideal to retain the name "Survey Department"? Is it wise to separate cadastral survey from Survey Department (Institut Geographique National) as is the case in some African countries. The new mandates should be reflected in the new name ofNMI's. In 1987, the Survey and Mapping Department of Canada changed its name to Geomatics Canada to reflect its new additional role in providing accurate and current spatially georeferenced information about Canada landmass, Allam (1996). In 1987 the Department set up the GIS's and Services Division and in 1988 the new Division established the National GIS technology centre and acquired several GIS hardware (PCS) and Software. Other names earlier suggested are Geoinformatics and Iconic Informatics. It must be admitted that new mandates do not necessitate change in name. Change in name may bring a new beginning, better recognition and better future; If not it is better to stick to the old name. What

is in a name?

75. Another inevitable change is the organizational structure. Fig. 12 incorporates a possible structural change in the administrative set up of an NMI which has introduced Digital Technology. The