• Aucun résultat trouvé

SEE ALSO open(2)

Dans le document HP-UX Reference (Page 142-189)


rename: XPG3, POSIX.1, FIPS 151-1, ANSI C

118 (Section 2) - 2 - HP-UX Release 7.0: September 1989



rmdir - remove a directory file SYNOPSIS

rmdir(path) char *pathi DESCRIPTION

Rmdir removes a directory file whose name is given by path. The directory must be empty (except for files "." and " .. ") before it can be removed.


A 0 is returned if the directory removal succeeds; otherwise, a -1 is returned and an error code is stored in the global location errno.


The named file is removed unless one or more of the following is true:

[EACCES] A component of the path prefix denies search permission.





Write permission is denied on the directory containing the link to be removed.

The directory to be removed is the mount point for a mounted file system.

The named directory is not empty. It contains files other than "." and " .. ".

Path points outside the process's allocated address space. The reliable detec-tion of this error is implementadetec-tion dependent.








The length of the specified path name exceeds PATH_MAX bytes, or the length of a component of the path name exceeds NAME_MAX bytes while ]OSIX_NO_TRUNC is in effect.

The named file does not exist.

A component of the path is not a directory.

The directory entry to be removed resides on a read-only file system.

The path is ".".

Too many symbolic links were encountered in translating the path name.

Rmdir was developed by the University of California, Berkeley.


mkdir(2), unlink(2).


rmdir: SVID2, XPG3, POSIX.1, FIPS 151-1

HP-UX Release 7.0: September 1989 - 1 - (Section 2) 119



rtprio - change or read realtime priority SYNOPSIS process; otherwise it gives the pid of the process. When setting the realtime priority of another process, the real or effective user ID of the calling process must match the real or saved user ID of the process to be modified, or the effective user ID of the calling process must be that of super-user. The calling process must also be a member of a privilege group allowing rtprio (see getprivgrp(2» or the effective user ID of the calling process must be super-user. Simply reading realtime priorities requires no special privilege.

Real time scheduling policies differ from the normal timesharing policies in that the realtime priority is used to absolutely order all realtime processes; this priority is not degraded over time.

All realtime processes are of higher priority than normal user and system processes, although some system processes may run at realtime priorities. If there are several eligible processes at the same priority level, they will be run in a round robin fashion as long as no process with higher priority intervenes. A realtime process will receive cpu service until it either voluntarily gives up the cpu or is preempted by a process of equal or higher priority. Interrupts may also preempt a realtime process.

Valid realtime priorities run from zero to 127. Zero is the highest (most important) priority.

This realtime priority is inherited across forks and execs.

Prio specifies the following:

0-127 Set process to this realtime priority.


Do not change realtime priority. This is used for reading the process realtime priority.

RTPRIO_RTOFF Set this process to no longer have a realtime priority. It will resume a normal timesharing priority. Any process, regardless of privilege, is allowed to turn off its own realtime priority using a pid of zero.


The following call to rtprio sets the calling process to a real-time priority of 90:

rtprio (0, 90);


If no error occurs, rtprio will return the pid's former (before the call) realtime priority. If the process was not a realtime process, RTPRIO_RTOFF will be returned. If an error does occur, -1 is returned and errno is set to one of the values described in the ERRORS section.

ERRORS user-id match the real or saved user-id of the process indicated by pid.

The group access list of the calling process does not contain a group having PRIV _RTPRIO capability and prio is not RTPRIO_NOCHG, or RTPRIO_RTOFF with a pid of zero.

- 1 - HP-UX Release 7.0: September 1989




No process can be found corresponding to that specified by pid.

Series 800:


Because processes executing at realtime priorities get scheduling preference over a system process executing at a lower priority, unexpected system behavior can occur after a power failure. For example, when init(lM) receives the powerfail signal SIGPWR, it normally reloads programmable hardware such as terminal multiplexers. If a higher-priority real-time process is eligible to run after the power failure, running of init is delayed. This con-dition temporarily prevents terminal input to any process, including realtime shells of higher priority than the eligible realtime process. To avoid this situation, a realtime pro-cess should catch SIGPWR and suspend itself until init has finished its powerfail process-ing.

Rtprio was developed by HP.


rtprio(l), getprivgrp(2), nice(2), plock(2).


Normally, compute bound programs should not be run at realtime priorities, because all time sharing work on the cpu would come to a complete halt.

HP-UX Release 7.0: September 1989 - 2 - (Section 2) 121



select - synchronous I/O multiplexing SYNOPSIS

#include <time.h>

int select(nfds, readfds, writefds, exceptfds, timeout) int nfds, *readfds, *writefds, *exceptfds;

struct timeval *timeout; pointing to a zero valued timeval structure. Specific implementations may place limitations on the maximum timeout interval supported. The constant MAX_ALARM defined in

<sys/param.h> specifies the implementation-specific maximum (in seconds). Whenever timeout ·specifies a value greater than this maximum, it is silently rounded down to this max-imum. On all implementations, MAX_ALARM is guaranteed to be at least 31 days (in seconds).

Note that the use of a timeout does not affect any pending timers set up by alarm(2) or setiti-mer(2).

Any or all of readfds, writefds, and exceptfds may be given as 0 if no descriptors are of interest.

If all the masks are given as 0 and timeout is not a zero pointer, select blocks for the time specified, or until interrupted by a signal. If all the masks are given as 0 and timeout is a zero pointer, select blocks until interrupted by a signal.

Ordinary files always select true whenever selecting on reads, writes, and/or exceptions.


The following call to select checks if any of 4 terminals are ready for reading. Select will time out after 5 seconds if no terminals are ready for reading. Note that the code for opening the terminals or reading from the terminals is not shown in this example. Also, note that this example must be modified if the calling process has more than 32 file descriptors open. Follow-ing this first example is an example of select with more than 32 file descriptors.

#define MASK(f)



First open each terminal for reading and put the '" file descriptors into array tty[NTTYS]. The code '" for opening the terminals is not shown here.


for (i=O; i < NTTYS; i++) { ttymask[i) = MASK(tty[i»;

readmask 1= ttymask[i];

timeouttv_sec = 5;

timeouttv_usec = 0;

readfds = readmask;


select on NTTYS+3 file descriptors if stdin, stdout '" and stderr are also open


if «nfound = select (NTTYS+3, &readfds, 0, 0, &timeout» == -1) perror (llselect failed ");

else if (nfound == 0)

printf ("select timed out \nll);

else for (i=O; i < NTTYS; i++) if (ttymask[i) & readfds)


Read from tty[i]. The code for reading '" is not shown here.


else printf ("tty[%d) is not ready for reading \n II ,i);


The following example is the same as the previous example, except that it will work for more than 32 open files. Definitions for howmany, fd_set, and NFDBITS are in <sys/types.h>.

#include <sys/param.h>

#include <sys/types.h>

#include <sys/time.h>

#define MASK(f) (1 «(f)

#define NTTYS NOFILE - 3

#define NWORDS howmany(FD_SETSIZE, NFDBITS) int tty[NTTYS);

int ttymask[NTTYS);

struct fd_set readmask, readfds;

int nfound, i, j, k;

struct timeval timeout;


First open each terminal for reading and put the '" file descriptors into array tty[NTTYS). The code '" for opening the terminals is not shown here.


for (k=O; k < NWORDS; k++) readmask.fds_bits[k) = 0;

HP-UX Release 7.0: September 1989 - 2 - (Section 2) 123


j* select on NTTYS+3 file descriptors if stdin, stdout

* and stderr are also open

else printf (IItty[%d] is not ready for reading \n",i);

Select returns the number of descriptors contained in the bit masks, or -1 if an error occurred.

If the time limit expires then select returns 0 and all the masks are cleared.


An error return from select indicates:


One or more of the bit masks specified an invalid descriptor.

A signal was delivered before any of the selected for events occurred or before the time limit expired.

One or more of the pointers was invalid. The reliable detection of this error will be implementation dependent.

Invalid timeval passed for timeout.

The value of nfds is less than zero.

Check all references to signal(5) for appropriateness on systems that support sigvector(2).

Sigvector(2) can affect the behavior described on this page.

The file descriptor masks are always modified on return, even if the call returns as the result of a timeout.


Select(2) supports the following devices and file types:


124 (Section 2)

fifo special files (named pipes) All serial interfaces

All ITEs and HP-HIL input devices

- 3 - HP-UX Release 7.0: September 1989


pty(7) special files

HP 98643 LAN interface card driver File types not supporting select(2) always return true.

Series 800

Select(2) supports the following devices and file types:


fifo special files (named pipes) all serial devices

All ITEs and HP-HIL input devices hpib(7) special files

gpio(7) special files Ian (7) special files pty(7) special files

The convention for device files that do not support select(2) is to always return true for those conditions the user is selecting on.

Consult the individual device manual pages to determine the extent to which any particu-lar driver supports select(2).

HP Clustered Environment

In a clustered environment, select is not supported for distributed fifos, i.e., fifos that are open simultaneously on multiple machines. In this case an error of EINV AL is returned.


Select was developed by HP and the University of California, Berkeley.


fcntl(2), read(2), write(2).

HP-UX Release 7.0: September 1989 - 4 - (Section 2) 125



semctl - semaphore control operations SYNOPSIS

Semctl provides a variety of semaphore control operations as specified by cmd.

The following cmds are executed with respect to the semaphore specified by semid and semnum:

GETV AL Return the value of semval (see the glossary).



Set the value of semval to arg.val. When this cmd is successfully exe-cuted, the semadj value corresponding to the specified semaphore in all processes is cleared.

Return the value of sempid.

GETNCNT Return the value of semncnt.

GETZCNT Return the value of semzcnt.

The following cmds return and set, respectively, every semval in the set of semaphores.

GETALL Place semvals into array pointed to by arg.array.

SET ALL Set semvals according to the array pointed to by arg.array. When this cmd is successfully executed the semadj values corresponding to each specified semaphore in all processes are cleared.

The following cmds are also available:

IPC_ST AT Place the current value of each member of the data structure associated with semid into the structure pointed to by arg.buf. The contents of this structure are defined in the glossary.

IPC_SET Set the value of the following members of the data structure associated or sem_perm.cuid in the data structure associated with semid.

IPC_RMID Remove the semaphore identifier specified by semid from the system and destroy the set of semaphores and data structure associated with it. This cmd can only be executed by a process that has an effective user ID equal to either that of super-user or to the value of either sem_perm.uid or sem_perm.cuid in the data structure associated with semid.

126 (Section 2) - 1 - HP-UX Release 7.0: September 1989



The following call to semetl initializes the set of 4 semaphores to the values 0, 1, 0 and 1 respectively. This example assumes the process has a valid semid representing a set of 4 sema-phores as shown on the semget(2) manual page. For an example of performing "P" and


operations on the semaphores below, refer to the semop(2) manual page.

ushort semarray[4];

Semid is not a valid semaphore identifier.

Semnum is less than zero or greater than or equal sem_nsems.

Cmd is not a valid command.

Operation permission is denied to the calling process (see the glossary).

Cmd is SETV AL or SET ALL and the value to which semval is to be set is greater than the system imposed maximum.

Cmd is equal to IPC_RMID or IPC_SET and the effective user ID of the calling process is not equal to that of super-user and it is not equal to the value of either sem_perm.uid or sem_perm.cuid in the data structure associated with semid.

Arg.buf or arg.array points to an illegal address. The reliable detection of this error will be implementation dependent.

Upon successful completion, the value returned depends on emd as follows:


ipcrm(l), ipcs(l), semget(2), semop(2), stdipc(3C).


HP-UX Release 7.0: September 1989 - 2 - (Section 2) 127



semget - get set of semaphores SYNOPSIS

Semget returns the semaphore identifier associated with key.

A semaphore identifier and associated data structure and set containing nsems semaphores are created for key if one of the following is true:

Key is equal to IPC_PRIV ATE. This call creates a new identifier, subject to available resources. The identifier will never be returned by another call to semget until it has been released by a call to semctl. The identifier should be used among the calling pro-cess and its descendents; however, it is not a requirement. The resource can be accessed by any process having the proper permissions.

Key does not already have a semaphore identifier associated with it, and (semflg &

IPC_CREAT) is "true".

Specific behavior may be requested by or'ing the following masks into semflg.

IPC_ CREA T: Create a semaphore identifier, if one does not already exist for key.

IPC_EXCL: If IPC_CREAT is specified and key already has a semaphore identifier associated with it, return an error.

The low-order 9 bits of semflg are the semaphore operation permissions which are defined in the glossary.

Upon creation, the data structure associated with the new semaphore identifier is initialized as follows:


In the operation-permission structure, sem_perm.euid and sem_perm.uid are set equal to the effective-user-ID of the calling process, while sem_perm.cgid and sem_perm.gid are set to the effective-group-ID of the calling process.

The low-order 9 bits of sem_perm.mode are set equal to the low-order 9 bits of semflg.

Sem_nsems is set equal to the value of nsems.

Sem_otime is set equal to 0 and sem3time is set equal to the current time.

The following call to semget returns a semid associated with the key returned by ftok(1I myfilell , 'A'). If a semid associated with the key does not exist, a new semid, set of 4 semaphores and associated data structure will be 1:reated. If a semid for the key already exists, the semid is sim-ply returned.

int semid;



semget (ftok("myfile",'A'), 4, IPC_CREAT I 0600);











A semaphore identifier exists for key, but operation permission as specified by the low-order 9 bits of semflg would not be granted.

A semaphore identifier exists for key, but the number of semaphores in the set associated with it is less than nsems and nsems is not equal to zero.

A semaphore identifier does not exist for key and (semflg & IPC_CREAT) is


A semaphore identifier is to be created but the system-imposed limit on the maximum number of allowed semaphore identifiers system wide would be exceeded.

A semaphore identifier is to be created but the system-imposed limit on the maximum number of allowed semaphores system wide would be exceeded.

A semaphore identifier exists for key but ( (semflg & IPCCREA 1) && ( semflg &

IPC_EXCL) ) is "true".

Upon successful completion, a non-negative integer, namely a semaphore identifier, is returned.

Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned and errno is set to indicate the error.


ipcrm(l), ipcs(l), semctl(2), semop(2), stdipc(3C).


HP-UX Release 7.0: September 1989 - 2 - (Section 2) 129


Semop is used to atomically perform an array of semaphore operations on the set of semaphores associated with the semaphore identifier specified by semid. Sops is a pointer to the array of semaphore-operation structures. Nsops is the number of such structures in the array. The con-tents of each structure includes the following members:

ushort sem_num;

/ *

semaphore number

* / /*

semaphore operation


/ *

operation flags

* /

short sem_op;

short sem_flg;

Each semaphore operation specified by sem_op is performed on the corresponding semaphore specified by semid and sem_num. Semaphore array operations are atomic, in that none of the semaphore operations will be performed until blocking conditions .on all of the semaphores in the array have been removed.

Sem_op specifies one of three semaphore operations as follows:

If sem_op is a negative integer, one of the following will occur: is "true", semop will return immediately.

If semval is less than the absolute value of sem_op and (sem_flg & IPCNOWAIT) is "false", semop will increment the semncnt associated with the specified sema-phore and suspend execution of the calling process until one of the following con-ditions occur:

Semval becomes greater than or equal to the absolute value of sem_op. When this occurs, the value of semncnt associated with the specified semaphore is decremented, the absolute value of sem_op is subtracted from semval and, if (sem_flg & SEM_VNDO) is "true", the absolute value of sem_op is added to the calling process's semadj value for the specified semaphore.

The semid for which the calling process is awaiting action is removed from the system (see semctl(2». When this occurs, errno is set equal to EIDRM, and a value of -1 is returned.

The calling process receives a signal that is to be caught. When this occurs, the value of semncnt associated with the specified semaphore is decremented, and the calling process resumes execution in the manner prescribed in signal (5).

- 1 - HP-UX Release 7.0: September 1989

SEMOP(2) SEMOP(2) or return immediately if this is the last operation.

If serrlval is not equal to zero and (sem_flg & IPC_NOW.t\!T) is Utrue", semop will return immediately.

If semval is not equal to zero and (sem_flg & IPC_NOWAIT) is "false", semop will incre-ment the semzcnt associated with the specified semaphore and suspend execution of the calling process until one of the following occurs:

Semval becomes zero, at which time the value of semzcnt associated with the calling process resumes execution in the manner prescribed in signal(S).

The following call to semop atomically performs a "P" or "get" operation on the second sema-phore in the semasema-phore set and a "V" or "release" operation on the third semasema-phore in the set.

This example assumes the process has a valid semid which represents a set of 4 semaphores as shown on the semget(2) manual page. It also assumes that the semvals of the semaphores in the set have been initialized as shown on the semctl(2) manual page.


[EINVAL] Semid is not a valid semaphore identifier.

[EINVAL] Semid is not a valid semaphore identifier.

Dans le document HP-UX Reference (Page 142-189)