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Sampling Massive Directed Complex Networks

3.3 Our Contributions

3.3.3 Sampling Massive Directed Complex Networks

The empirical study of real-world complex networks is made particularly challenging when computationally intensive algorithms become impractical on large graphs, or when the structure of a graph is only partially known.

The problem became particularly acute by the end of the 90s, because the Web had grown so fast that its topological properties could only be roughly estimated. Various papers tried to estimate local and global properties of the webgraph by using crawls of different sizes [101, 45, 102].

Thus, the only remaining solution for studying very large graphs is to use samples. This comes with a cost however, as working with a sample necessarily induces an error of approximation. Different sampling strategies aiming at mitigating the problem were investigated in the context of the Web [103, 104], of Online Social Networks (OSNs) [105, 106, 107, 108, 109], and of various other complex networks [110, 111].

If the whole graph is known, it is straightforward to select a uniform sample of vertices. However, if the graph is yet unexplored, getting an un-biased sample gets more difficult. A useful workaround consists in scanning the space of vertex identifiers (IDs) at random until a sufficient number of real IDs is collected [112], but in practice, the method is rarely usable, either because testing the validity of randomly generated IDs is not feasible or too costly.

As an alternative, one can resort to random walks to explore the graph, but it is known that a simple random walk is biased toward high-degree nodes [76], which also applies to classic search algorithms like Breadth First Search(BFS) andDepth First Search(DFS) [113, 114]. In the specific case of undirected graphs, two modified random walk algorithms permit to correct efficiently the bias of a simple random walk and obtain a uniform sample of vertices: the Metropolis-Hastings Random Walk (MHRW) explores new nodes with a probability inversely proportional to their degree [115], and the Re-Weighted Random Walk (RWRW) resamples the set of nodes discovered by a simple random walk [112].

The problem becomes even more difficult in the case of unexplored di-rected graphs, as no method exists for correcting the bias of a random walk by using only local properties of the graph. In [103], the authors try to un-bias the exploration process by computing local estimates of the stationary distribution with the help of the Pagerank algorithm. In the same vein as the MHRW algorithm for undirected graphs, the bias of a random walk over a directed graph can indeed be corrected by sampling nodes with a probability inversely proportional to the simple random walk stationary probability as-sociated to them. Other studies assume that the node in-bounds are known

or can be queried to a search engine, and transform the directed graph in an undirected one, in order to solve the problem in a simpler setting [116, 104].

In this last chapter, we study the problem of sampling a massive directed graph under strong but realistic constraints. We assume in particular that the whole structure of the graph is unknown, it is unfeasible to explore the graph entirely and too costly to query vertex IDs at random, node in-bounds cannot be queried to a search engine, and we only have a single seed node to start the exploration process. We first define a set of basic measures, and present a few algorithms for computing them deterministically on a massive directed graph. Then we present a heuristic that grows a strongly connected subgraph iteratively around a seed node, and aims at generating a subgraph which mimicks as faithfully as possible the properties of the whole graph, as measured previously. We illustrate our method by using a crawl of the Twitter social network collected in 2009 [117].


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Chapter 4

The Topology of Semantic Knowledge

This work was done in collaboration with Jean-Pierre Eckmann, Christian Scheible and Hinrich Sch¨utze. It appeared in EMNLP 2013: Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Seattle, Washington, USA.

4.1 Abstract

Studies of the graph of dictionary definitions (DD) [1, 2] have revealed strong semantic coherence of local topological structures.

The techniques used in these papers are simple and the main results are found by understanding the structure of cycles in the directed graph (where words point to definitions). Based on our earlier work [2], we study a different class of word definitions, namely those of the Free Association (FA) dataset [3]. These are responses by subjects to a cue word, which are then summarized by a directed, free association graph.

We find that the structure of this network is quite different from both the Wordnet and the dictionary networks. This difference can be explained by the very nature of free association as compared to the more “logical”

construction of dictionaries. It thus sheds some (quantitative) light on the psychology of free association.

In NLP, semantic groups or clusters are interesting for various applica-tions such as word sense disambiguation. The FA graph is tighter than the DD graph, because of the large number of triangles. This also makes drift of meaning quite measurable so that FA graphs provide a quantitative measure of the semantic coherence of small groups of words.


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