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Villacher AlpePatscherkofel


3. Results and discussion 1. The air mass trajectories

The air mass trajectories have been determined using ARPEGE and CEP models (6h), as well as radiosondes and remote sensing (Meteosat 7), as indicated above.

Considering the origin of air masses and the region in which they entered the Mediterranean Sea [6]

and the flow and the direction of approach to the Lebanese coast, we characterized four groups of trajectories, from North to South (Fig.4).

FIG. 4. Origin and air mass trajectories producing rains over Mt Lebanon (meteorological data between October 2001 and April 2003 related to fifty events).

• Trajectory 1: Air masses originating from East Europe reach Lebanon having crossed the

“Anatolian Plateau”, Turkey, Cyprus and a small distance over the Mediterranean Sea.

• Trajectory 2/3: Air masses coming from West Europe reach Lebanon by travelling across Italy, then the Mediterranean sea (Lebanon coast approach is from West), or by crossing the Mediterranean sea and then travelling along the North African coast (Lebanon coast approach is from South West).

• Trajectory 4: Air masses with an Atlantic origin enter from the West side of the Mediterranean Sea and travel along it before reaching the mount Lebanon. Usually these air masses are subjected to low pressure areas at the feet of Italy (Point A, Fig.4) or over the triangle Turkey, Cyprus and Crete.

3.2. Local factors controlling isotope contents

Despite the synoptic scale history of the air masses seems to be the predominant factor which control the isotopic data [9] the composition of individual rain events from the same group shows significant variations reflecting singular local factors such as precipitation patterns, local temperature and altitude gradient.

3.2.1. Altitude effect

Lowering of temperature with increasing elevations in mountainous regions usually leads to enhance condensation process and to progressive depletion in heavy isotopes of precipitation with altitude.

Values of this effect usually vary between –0.1‰ to 0.6‰ [10] [11].

The global data (trajectory, rainfall, relative humidity, temperature, stable isotopes values, d-excess) from November 2002 to April 2003 are summarised for the CREEN (249 m) and SHAILEY (650 m) stations in Table 1.

Using these two stations the altitude effect has been separately calculated for the different air masses trajectories. Based on 18 events, where rains were collected for the both stations at the same time, the altitude effect varies from –0.1‰ to –0.23‰ δ18O/ 100m (Fig. 5, Table 1)

Even if trajectory 4 and trajectory 1 globally seems to be associated with the lower and the higher altitude gradient, respectively, there are no clear relations, on the average, between on one hand trajectories and temperature variations and on the other hand altitude gradient. Nevertheless, higher values (up to 0.4‰) are related to air masses coming from the North (Table 1). This problem should be examined again when the data of the four stations will be completed and available.

Comparing d-excess values from CREEN and Shailey stations (Annex 3), a systematic increase with altitude can be shown. The upper variation values (up to 9) are clearly related to the trajectory 2 and the strongest temperature variations. Such variations were observed in mountainous region, for example, by Rank D, and Papesh W. in Austria (this issue).

FIG. 5. Altitude effect for 18O including CREEN and Shailey.

Table 1. Altitude effect (CREEN and Shaileh stations) for both stable isotopes and d-excess during 2002–2003

Tmj /number ∆δ18O/100m ∆δ2H/100m ∆T/100m ∆δ2H/∆δ18O /100m

∆d-excess /100m

1/8 -0.23 -1.03 -0.54 4.47 0.75 2/6 -0.20 -0.08 -1.08 0.4 1.44 4/4 -0.10 -0.39 -0.55 3.91 0.44

3.2.2. Variation with temperature and rain amount

As usually observed at most of the stations of the Mediterranean Basin, at an event scale one observes a poor correlation between rain amount, air temperature and isotope contents (Fig. 6 and 7). The δ18O = f(T) relationship, δ18O = 0.25T (ground level) –7.3, looks relatively bad, compared to that is usually observed. This could be also due to a wide variability in ground level temperature on Mount Lebanon (- 5.5 to 26°C). If we except some evaporated rains at the beginning and the end of the rainy season, there is no clear seasonal effect, underlining the prominent role of origin and flow direction of air masses.

FIG. 6. 18O - rain amount relationship for precipitation from Mt Lebanon.

FIG. 7. 18O - ground level temperature relationship for precipitation from Mt Lebanon.

3.3. The δ2H - δ18O relationship

The δ2H - δ18O relationship for all samples from MT Lebanon (Fig. 8) define a local meteoric water line according to the equation δ2H = 6.3 δ18O + 8.2 with a regression line coefficient r = 0.96.

Globally, 90% of the measured values lie above the Global Meteoric Water Line; 45% have a d-excess between 10‰ and 20‰ and 45% between 20‰ and 30‰.

FIG. 8. 2H -18O relationship for precipitation from Mt Lebanon.

3.4. Isotopic data related to air mass origin and trajectories

From October to May 2003, at CREEN station, more than 40 rain events have been collected and analysed for 18O and 2H (table 1 and [8]). Globally the δ18O vs δ2H diagram (Fig. 8) provides a good characterization of evaporated rainfalls, air masses coming from East Europe, West Europe and directly from the Atlantic (flow path 4). The high d-excess values related to the classical pattern of air-sea interaction [4], do not clearly show a air-seasonal or trajectory-inferred variation, even if the higher values could be observed in January 2002, on rainfall originating from the trajectory 4.

Air masses originating from West Europe (trajectory 1) produce rainfalls with 18O isotopic compositions ranging from -2‰ to -4‰ (CREEN station). This could be interpreted as a signature of a first condensation stage. Frequently occurring at the end and the beginning of the rainy season, the isotopic composition of low intensity rains can also be distorted by the fractionation accompanying the evaporation process on the falling rain drops. This could also lower the d-excess. The later shows sometimes values upper than 25‰.

Trajectories 2 and 3 produce rain with 18O isotopic composition ranging between -4,6‰ and 6,6‰, and d-excess between 15‰ and 24‰ (CREEN station).

The last group (trajectory 4) characterized by a long travel along North Africa, shows the most depleted rain water (-6.1‰ to -11‰) and a very variable d-excess. Comparing with the data obtained in Tunisia, the δ180 values are in agreement with an oceanic air mass origin; the air-sea interaction process (high d-excess) probably occurs as the air masses flow over the Mediterranean Sea between Tunisia and Lebanon.

4. Conclusions

Stable isotope measurements on rainfall at event (or daily) scale coupled with air mass trajectory determination enable us to clearly characterize at least four main isotopic trends in this Eastern Mediterranean region. This is clearly related with the air mass origin and their synoptic scale history.

The estimated knowledge of the isotopic composition of “typical” rains, based on meteorological

deuterium excess. The lack of relation between 18O and d-excess and the space and time variability of the later suggest that its interpretation is probably complex and need more data including vertical atmospheric profiles.

Finally, the air mass origin and history greatly conceal the local factors; but comparing our results with data obtained southern more [5], [6] Mt Lebanon appears to play a major role on the rainfall isotopic composition, especially those coming from East Europe.


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