• Aucun résultat trouvé

7 Rates of convergence

Since the previous sections were only devoted to the critical case, it is very unlikely that any rate of convergence may be obtained for L2 initial data . However if u0 ∈ Hs, s > 0 the problem becomes subcritical and more quantitative estimates are expected. We first define discrete initial data converging to the continuous one in the following way. Let Th be defined as

Th: L2→l2(hZ), (Thu)n= 1

2π Z π/h


whereb·denotes the Fourier transform onR(opposed to thediscrete Fourier transform). Ifu0 is the initial continuous data, we simply setu0,h =Thu0. By dominated convergence, it can be seen (though it is not absolutely obvious) that for any f ∈L2,kP Thf−fkL2 → 0, and more precisely kP Thf −fkL2 .hskfkHs. For this reason we will only study the convergence to 0 of uh−Thu rather than P uh−u. Note that the operator This particularly convenient since V(t)T\hu0|[π/h,π/h] =eitξ3cu0 =Th\V(t)u0|[π/h,π/h]. Consequently - as in previous section- in what follows we will abusively write V(t) for both multipliers of symbol eitξ3 acting on L2(R) and l2(hZ).

Convergence rates were obtained for the (subcritical) nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation in [5]

by using “discrete Littlewood-Paley analysis“. Our case is slightly more complicated, for essentially three reasons; critical regularity, lack of ”choice“ for the Strichartz estimates, and the nonlinearity involving derivatives. The section is divided in two parts. The first one establishes a list of linear estimates with rates of convergence. Unfortunately this list is not sufficient to obtain actual rates of convergence on Thu−uh but we prove such results for a simpler semi-linear problem. Though it is not entirely satisfactory we believe that the result and the technics used are interesting by themselves.

7.1 Linear estimates

As a warm up, we first treat the control of kThV(t)u0−Vh(t)ΠThu0kl2, which is quite simple but gives a good idea of the technics used in this subsection.

Proposition 15. Let Π be an interpolator as in theorem 7, of symbol m such that m(0) = 1.

For u0∈L2, we have the homogeneous estimate

kV(t)Thu0−Vh(t)ThΠTN hu0kL([0,T];l2)≤Ch2s/5ku0kHs(R). (7.1) The constant C only depends on p and Π.

Proof. First we note that the scheme is of order 2 in the sense that ξ3−ph3−4 sin2(ξh/2) sin(ξh)

h3 =O(h2ξ5) (by Taylor expansion). (7.2)

7 RATES OF CONVERGENCE 28 We split the left hand side of (7.1) as follows

kV(t)Thu0−Vh(t)ΠTN hu0kL([0,T];l2) ≤ kV(t)ΠTN hu0−Vh(t)ΠTN hu0kL([0,T];l2)

+kV(t)(Th−ΠTN h)u0kL([0,T];l2)

= N1+N2. Using the inequality

∀0≤α≤1, a, b≥0, min(a, b)≤aαb1α (7.3) we find

N12.h4s/5T Z


ξ2s|ΠT\N hu0|2dξ.h4s/5ku0k2Hs. (7.4) On the other hand if we denote m the symbol of Π

N22 ≤ k(Th−ΠTN h)u0kl2)= Z π/h


where uf0 is the 2π/N h periodic function such that fu0|[π/N h,π/N h] = cu0. But since m is bounded andm(0) = 1, |m(hξ)−1| ≤Chs|ξ|s. We also remind (see Remark 3) thatmsatisfies m(2kπξ/N) = 0, 1≤k≤N−1, thusm(2kπ/N +hξ) =O(hs|ξ|s). This gives

Z π/h

π/h|cu0−m(hξ)fu0(ξ)|2dξ =

Z π/N h

π/N h|cu0−m(hξ)cu0(ξ)|2dξ +


π/N h≤|ξ|≤π/h|cu0−m(hξ)fu0(ξ)|2dξ .

Z π/h





Z (2k+1)π/N h

(2k1)π/N h |m(hξ)|cu0(ξ)|2dξ.

. h2s

Z π/N h

π/N h|ξ|2s|cu0|2dξ+h2s Z π/h


≤ 2h2sku0k2Hs. (7.5)

Summing (7.4),(7.5) we get

kV(t)Thu0−Vh(t)ΠTN hu0kL([0,T];l2)≤CT(h2s/5+hs/2)ku0kHs ≤2CT h2s/5ku0kHs.

Proposition 16. Under the same assumptions as Prop. 15, and for any g∈l4/3L1T,

k|D|1/4V(t)Thu0−Vh(t)ΠTN hu0kl4L([0,T])≤C(T)h2s/5ku0kHs(R), (7.6) k|D|1/2

Z t


(V(t−s)g−Vh(t−s))ΠTN hgkl4LT ≤C(T)h2s/5k|D|sΠTN hgkl4/3L1([0,T]). (7.7)

7 RATES OF CONVERGENCE 29 Proof. As in the proof of Prop 15, we write

k |D|1/4(V(t)Thu0−Vh(t)ΠTN hu0)kl4L([0,T]) ≤ k |D|1/4(V −Vh)ΠTN hu0kl4L (7.8) + k |D|1/4V(Th−ΠTN h)u0kl4L.(7.9) We have directly using (7.5)

k|D|1/4V(t)(Th−ΠTN h)u0kl4L([0,T]).k(Th−ΠTN h)u0kl2 .hsku0kHs, so that it suffices to prove the (more precise) estimate

kV(t)ΠTN hu0−Vh(t)ΠTN hu0kl4L([0,T]).h2s/5Ts/5k |Dx|sΠTN hu0kL2. (7.10) A careful look at the proof of Prop 4 shows that it amounts to the estimate

by the duality argument of Prop 4 the estimate (7.7), the rest of the proof is devoted to its derivation. It is equivalent after settingη =ξ/h to

By parity, we may also reduce it to

The proof of this estimate is rather delicate, in fact it follows the proof of Prop 4 with some non trivial modifications. Since a lot of quantities which will appear are estimated by similar technics, we will often skip details.

We will use repeatedly the fact thatξ lies in a bounded set, thus the inequality |p−ξ3|.|ξ|5 implies |p−ξ3| . |ξ|r for 0 ≤ r ≤5. Similarly |eit/h3p −eit/h3ξ3| ≤ |t/h3ξ5|r for 0 ≤r ≤ 1.

First note that for j= 0 the result is trivial since

7 RATES OF CONVERGENCE 30 and the estimate onA1 is complete. Else

Onξ ≥0, an integration by part gives

Z ht−1/3

7 RATES OF CONVERGENCE 31 The estimate for the second term is similar, and we only give details for two of the remaining integral terms involved:

The analysis on A2 is similar (and in fact simpler) so we skip it and prove the estimate for the integral on A3 ={|ht1/3| ≤ |ξ| ≤π} ∩ {j+ 3t|ξ|2/h3} ≤ |j|/2. Although in the proof of Prop 4 the neighbourhood of the points wherep′′cancels was the delicate part, it is here easy.

Indeed (the proof of) Prop 4 implies that on a small neighbourhoodV of{ξ0, π}, denominator instead of |ξ|1/2 does not change the analysis).

OnA4 =A3∩ Vc, we have |3tξ2/h3+j| ≤j/2, thus|ξ| ≍p

jh3/t, and the Lebesgue measure ofA4 is dominated byp

jh3/t. Moreover ξ is bounded away from{ξ0, π}, thus|p′′|&|ξ|. The van der Corput lemma implies

7 RATES OF CONVERGENCE 32 Since A4 is the union of at most two intervals, we may assume that A4 is an interval. Set f =eit/h3p−eit/h3ξ3,F a primitive off that vanishes at some point ofA4. An integration by

It is now easily seen that we ”only” need to prove that

∀ξ ∈A4, |F|. (h3)1/4+s/2t(1/4+s/2)

|j|1/45s/6 . (7.12)

Remind that |ξ| ≍p

jh3/t. The van der Corput lemma implies

|F(ξ)|. 1 Finally, ”interpolation” of (7.13) and (7.14) implies

|F|. which is (7.12). The proof is now complete.

Remark 17. So far in every estimates one looses sderivatives to gain a rate in h2s/5. This is probably optimal considering the inequality |p−ph| ≤ Ch2|ξ|5. On the contrary, the l5L10 estimate will not be optimal, this is due to the fact that it is obtained via the interpolation of the estimates above with the dispersive smoothing results of section 2.

Nevertheless, it should be noticed that without dispersive estimates, one may only obtain for example

k V(t)−Vh(t)

hjΠTN hu0klL2T ≤h2s/52j(s+3/2)k∆jΠTN hu0kl2,

this would lead to estimates involvingh2s/5ku0kH3/2+s that clearly forbid low regularity results.

Using the interpolation argument of [13] prop. 7.4 (as for the Corollary 2 ) we have the following.

7 RATES OF CONVERGENCE 33 Proposition 18. Let u0 ∈L2(R), g∈l5/4(hZ; L10/9T ), we have the following estimates

kV(t)Thu0−Vh(t)ΠTN hu0kl5L10T ≤C(T)h8s/25ku0kHs(R), (7.15) k

Z t


V(t−s)g−Vh(t−s)ΠTN hgkl5L10T ≤C(T)h8s/25k|D|sThgkl5/4L10/9(([0,T]). (7.16) Remark 19. The exponent 8/25 comes from the weights in the interpolation, which are respec-tively 4/5 for inequality (7.6) and 1/5 for inequality (2.3).

More dispersive estimates (not useful for the next subsection) are given in Appendix B.

7.2 A simpler problem

Though we did not manage to collect enough dispersive estimates to obtain rates of convergence for the approximation of the cKdV problem, we will describe for a simpler problem how these estimates may be succesfully used. Let us consider the semi-linear equation

tu+∂3xu+f(u) = 0,

u|t=0=u0 ∈L2, (7.17)

wheref(u) =u|u|3/2. It is quite clear that the existence of anL2 solution may not be obtained by basic semigroup methods, however using kV(t)u0kL5xL10t . ku0kL2 and its inhomogeneous counterpart, we can solve the equation

T u=u whereT u(t) =V(t)u0− Z t


V(t−s)f(u)(s)ds by a fixed point argument for small times or small initial data. Indeed

kT ukL2x ≤ ku0kL2 +kV(t− ·)f(u)kL2xL1t ≤ ku0kL2 +t1/2kV(t− ·)f(u)kL2xL2t

≤ ku0kL2+t1/2kf(u)kL2xL2t

≤ ku0kL2 +t1/2kuk5/2L5 xL5t

≤ ku0kL2 +t3/4kuk5/2L5 xL10t , similarly

kT ukL5xL10t ≤ ku0kL2+kuk5/2L25/8

x L25/9t ≤ ku0kL2 +t1/10kuk5/2L25/8 x,t

. ku0kL2 +t1/10(kuk5/2L25/8

t L2x+kuk5/2L25/8 t L5x)

≤ ku0kL2 +t13/20kuk5/2L5

xL10t +t9/10kuk5/2Lt L2x.

7 RATES OF CONVERGENCE 34 For t small enough (or small initial data), these estimates are sufficient to apply the Picard-Banach fixed point theorem in the space XT =LT L2x∩L5xL10T , which implies existence and uniqueness of a solution in this space.

We focus now on the derivation of rates of convergence. We define as for (cKdV) the semi-discrete approximation scheme

( d

dtun+un+2−2un+1+ 2un1−un2

h3 + (ΠEN hf(uh))n = 0, uh|t=0= ΠTN hu0,

(7.18) Using the discrete version of XT,Xh,T =LT l2x∩l5xL10T , it can be proved as for the continuous problem that for T small enough there exists an unique solution of this problem admitting bounds inXh,T independent of h. The following theorem establishes a precise convergence of uh to u ash→0.

Theorem 20. Let u be the solution of (7.17) and uh the solution of (7.18). For T small enough and 0< s≤1

kuh−ThukXh,T .h8s/25(kukXT +k|D|sukX,T +kuk5/2XT +k|D|suk5/2XT). (7.19) The Ws,p spaces are defined here as the usual Bessel potential spaces, namely

{f : F1 (1 +|ξ|)sfb


For the proof of the theorem we will need several technical properties on fractional derivation and Fourier multipliers:

• For anyα∈(0,1),p, p1, p2, such that1p = p11+p12 then forF differentiablek|D|αF(f)kLp ≤ CkF(f)kLp1k|D|αfkLp2 (see [1] section 3 for a proof).

• The lp norm of Thf is equivalent to the Lp norm ofF1[π/h,π/h]f), independently ofb h (see Lemma 2.1 in [5], referring itself to the classical article [15], we include a sketch of proof for the estimate kF1ThfkLp ≤ kThfklp in the appendix).

• We have for any 1< p <∞,

kThf−ΠTN hfklp≤Chsk|D|sfkLp(R) (7.20) This is proved for a very slightly less general Π in [5], in the end of the proof of their Theorem 4.2. It relies on their Lemma 2.1 combined with the Marcinkiewicz multiplier theorem (that they state in appendix). The main ingredient is that the symbol ofTh− ΠTN h is bounded by hs|ξ|s.


• Fors∈(0,1), there existsC >0 independent of h such that

kf(Thu)−Thf(u)kl2 ≤Chskuk5/2Ws,5, kf(Thu)−Thf(u)kl5/4 ≤Chskuk5/2Ws,25/8, (7.21) again, the proof is given in [5], Lemma 5.2, for integration exponents different of 2, 5, but the proof can be adapted without significant modifications.

Proof. We begin by writing the difference as uh−Thu=V(t)Thu0−Vh(t)ΠTN hu0

Z t



The first linear term is directly controlled by applying inequalities (7.15) and (7.1) : kV(t)Thu0−Vh(t)ΠTN hu0kXh,T ≤C(T)h8s/25ku0kHs(R).

We split the second, non-linear, term as follows : Z t


V(t−s)Thf(u)(s)−Vh(t−s)Πf(uh)(s)ds= Z t


V(t−s)(Thf(u)−ΠTN hf(u)) +(V −Vh)ΠTN hf(u) +VhΠ(TN h−ETh)f(u) +VhΠE(Thf(u)−f(uh))ds


Since most of the estimates are obtained in very similar ways, we will only detail how to deal with I1 and I4. TheL2 bound for I1 is obtained by using (7.5) and the fractional chain rule withp1= 10/3, p2 = 5:

k Z t


V(t−s)(Thf(u)−ΠTN hf(u))dskL2 .t1/2kThf(u)−ΠTN hf(u))dskL2Tl2



xL10T k|D|sukL5xL10T. For the l5L10T bound, we use the estimate (7.20) to get

k Z t


V(t−s)(Thf(u)−ΠTN hf(u))dskl5L10 .kThf(u)−ΠTN hf(u)kL5/4l5/4


t L5/4x , and using again the chain rule with p1 = 10/3, p2= 2 we find

k Z t


V(t−s)(Thf(u)−ΠTN hf(u))dskl5L10 .hsk kuk3/2L5x k|D|sukL2xkL5/4


.kuk3L5xL10T +kuk2LTHxs.


ForI4, we have using (7.21) k

Z t


VhΠE(Thf(u)−f(uh))dskl2 . kThf(u)−f(Thu)kL1([0,T];l2)+kf(Thu)−f(uh)kL1l2

. hskuk5/2L1


Since kf(Thu) −f(uh)kL1Tl2 . kThu −uhkL2l5(kThuk3/2L3l5 +kuhk3/2L3l5), using again H¨older’s inequality in time, this term can be absorbed (forT small enough independent ofh) in the left hand side. The l5L10 norm ofI4 is dealt with in the same way:

k Z t


VhΠE(Thf(u)−f(uh))dskl5L10 . kThf(u)−f(uhkL5/4l5/4

. kThf(u)−f(Thu)kL5/4l5/4 +t1/10kf(Thu)−f(uh)kL5/4l5/4

. hs(k|D|suk5/2l5L10+kuk5/2l5L10+kukLHs)

+t1/10kThu−uhkL25/8l25/8(kukL25/8l25/8+kuhkL25/8l25/8) . hs(k|D|suk5/2l5L10T +kuk5/2l5L10T +kukLTHs)

+T13/20kThu−uhkXT(kuhkXh,T +kukXT)

(in this chain of inequality we implicitly used the continuity ofTh: Lp →lpbefore interversion of time and space integration). As previously for tsmall enough the second term of the right hand side can be absorbed in the left hand side. Gluing all the estimates we have obtained

kThu−uhkl5L10tLTl2 ≤Ch8s/25(kuk5/2LTHs+kukl5L10T +k|D|sukl5(L10T

+kuk5/2LTHs+kuk5/2l5L10T +k|D|suk5/2l5(L10T).

Remark 21. It seems likely that (similarly to classical results for the nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation) the estimate (7.19) can be turned into

kuh−ThukXh,T .h8s/25ku0kHs.

Remaining questions and perspectives There are several questions left open that we list here in what we believe is their order of difficulty :

• The existence of rates of convergence for the approximation of the quasi-linear cKdV equation is still open. Basically one would need to obtain rates for every linear dispersive estimates, but it seems like the time-space integration may open some other problem (typically it is not clear whetherkThfklpLqt .kfkLpxLqt is true, since even for space-time integration it is not a trivial result),

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