• Aucun résultat trouvé

[ABC+15a] Yoann Anselmetti, Vincent Berry, Cedric Chauve, Annie Chateau, Eric

Tan-nier et S`everine B´erard,« Ancestral gene synteny reconstruction improves extant

species scaffolding», BMC Genomics, vol. 16(Suppl 10), no S11, 2015. R´ef. [P2]du

CV d´etaill´e.

[ABC+15b] Yoann Anselmetti, Vincent Berry, Cedric Chauve, Annie Chateau, Eric

Tan-nier et S`everine B´erard,« Ancestral gene synteny reconstruction improves extant

species scaffolding», in RECOMB-CG, Frankfurt, Germany, 2015. R´ef. [P11] du

CV d´etaill´e.

[ABC+16] Yoann Anselmetti, Vincent Berry, Cedric Chauve, Annie Chateau, Eric

Tan-nier et S`everine B´erard, « Comment la reconstruction de g´enomes ancestraux

peut aider `a l’assemblage de g´enomes actuels», in Actes des Journ´ees Ouvertes

Biologie Informatique Math´ematiques (JOBIM’16) accept´e, 2016. R´ef. [P24]du CV


[ALB+te] Yoann Anselmetti, Nina Luhmann, S`everine B´erard, Eric Tannier et Cedric

Chauve, « Comparative methods for reconstructing ancient genomes

organiza-tion», in Methods in Molecular Biology, Comparative Genomics, 2016 accept´e. R´ef.

[P19]du CV d´etaill´e.

[BBC04] S`everine B´erard, Anne Bergeron et Cedric Chauve,« Conservation of

combina-torial structures in evolution scenarios», in 2nd RECOMB Comparative Genomics

Satellite Workshop, University of Bologna, Italy, 2004. R´ef. [P16] du CV d´etaill´e.

[BBCP05] S`everine B´erard, Anne Bergeron, Cedric Chauve et Christophe Paul,« Perfect

sorting by reversal is not always difficult (extended abstract)», in 5th Workshop

on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (WABI’05), Palma de Majorque, 2005. R´ef. [P15]

du CV d´etaill´e.

[BBCP07] S`everine B´erard, Anne Bergeron, Cedric Chauve et Christophe Paul,« Perfect

sorting by reversal is not always difficult», IEEE/ACM Transactions on

Compu-tational Biology and Bioinformatics, vol. 4, no 1, p. 4–16, 2007. themeGCR´ef. [P8]

du CV d´etaill´e.

[BCC+08] S`everine B´erard, Annie Chateau, Cedric Chauve, Christophe Paul et Eric

Tan-nier, « Perfect DCJ rearrangement », in 6th RECOMB Comparative Genomics

Satellite Workshop, Paris, France, p. p158–169, 2008. R´ef. [P13]du CV d´etaill´e.

[BCC+09] S`everine B´erard, Annie Chateau, Cedric Chauve, Christophe Paul et Eric

Tan-nier,« Computation of perfect DCJ rearrangement scenarios with linear and

circu-lar chromosomes», Journal of Computational Biology, vol. 16, no 10, p. 1287–1309,

2009. R´ef. [P5]du CV d´etaill´e.

[BCP08] S`everine B´erard, Cedric Chauve et Christophe Paul,« A more efficient algorithm

for perfect sorting by reversals», Information Processing Letters, vol. 106, no 3,

p. 90–95, 2008. R´ef. [P7]du CV d´etaill´e.

[BCP+16] S`everine B´erard, Annie Chateau, Nicolas Pompidor, Paul Guertin, Anne

Ber-geron et Krister M. Swenson,« Aligning the unalignable : bacteriophage whole

genome alignments», BMC Bioinformatics, vol. 17, no 1, p. 1–13, 2016. R´ef. [P1]

du CV d´etaill´e.

[BER03] S`everine B´erard et ´Eric Rivals, « Comparison of minisatellites », Journal of

Computational Biology, vol. 10, no 3-4, p. 357–72, 2003. R´ef. [P10]du CV d´etaill´e.

[BGB+12a] S`everine B´erard, Coralie Gallien, Bastien Boussau, Gergely J. Sz¨oll˝osi,

Vincent Daubin et Eric Tannier, « Evolution of gene neighborhoods within

re-conciled phylogenies», Bioinformatics, vol. 28, no 18, p. i382–i388, 2012. R´ef. [P3]

du CV d´etaill´e.

[BGB+12b] S`everine B´erard, Coralie Gallien, Bastien Boussau, Gergely J. Sz¨oll˝osi,

Vincent Daubin et Eric Tannier, « Evolution of gene neighborhoods within

re-conciled phylogenies», in 11th European Conference on Computational Biology

(ECCB’12), Basel, Switzerland, 2012. R´ef. [P12]du CV d´etaill´e.

[BNB+06] S`everine B´erard, Fran¸cois Nicolas, J´erˆome Buard, Olivier Gascuel et ´Eric

Rivals,« A fast and specific alignment method for minisatellite maps »,

Evolutio-nary Bioinformatics Online, vol. 2, p. 327–344, 2006. R´ef. [P9]du CV d´etaill´e.

[BR02a] S`everine B´erard et Eric Rivals, « Comparaison de minisatellites », in Actes de

la 24`eme r´eunion annuelle du Groupe de G´en´etique et Biologie des Populations, p. 128, 2002. R´ef. [P22]du CV d´etaill´e.

[BR02b] S`everine B´erard et Eric Rivals, « Comparaison de minisatellites », in Actes des

Journ´ees Ouvertes Biologie Informatique Math´ematiques (JOBIM’02), p. 261–262, 2002. R´ef. [P23]du CV d´etaill´e.

[BR02c] S`everine B´erard et Eric Rivals, « Comparison of Minisatellites », in Proc. of

the Sixth Annual International Conference on Computational Molecular Biology

(RECOMB), p. 67–76, 2002. R´ef. [P18]du CV d´etaill´e.

[BR03] S`everine B´erard et Eric Rivals,« Comparaison de s´equences avec amplifications

et contractions», in 5`eme congr`es de la soci´et´e Fran¸caise de Recherche

Op´eration-nelle et d’Aide `a la D´ecision, p. 169–170, 2003. R´ef. [P21] du CV d´etaill´e,.

[BTH05] S`everine B´erard, Laurent Tichit et Carl Herrmann, « Clusterinspector, a tool

to visualize ontology based relationships», in Actes des Journ´ees Ouvertes Biologie


[B´e00] S`everine B´erard,« Rapport de DEA : Reconstruction d’histoire de r´ep´etitions en

tandem», M´emoire de DEA, Universit´e Montpellier II, LIRMM, 2000. R´ef. [P26]

du CV d´etaill´e.

[B´e03] S`everine B´erard, Comparaison de s´equences r´ep´et´ees en tandem et application `a la

g´en´etique. Th`ese de doctorat, Universit´e Montpellier II, LIRMM, 2003. R´ef. [P25]

du CV d´etaill´e.

[GBM08] C´edric Gaucherel, S`everine B´erard et Fran¸cois Munoz,« Equation against

al-gorithm : Which differences and which one to choose ?», in European conference

on Computing And Philosophy E-CAP, 2008. R´ef. [P14].

[GBM10] C´edric Gaucherel, S`everine B´erard et Fran¸cois Munoz, « Equation or

algo-rithm : differences and choosing between them», Acta Biotheoretica, vol. 59, no 1,

p. 67–79, 2010. R´ef. [P4].

[HBT09] Carl Herrmann, S`everine B´erard et Laurent Tichit, « SimCT : a generic tool

to visualize ontology-based relationships for biological objects», Bioinformatics,

vol. 25, no 23, 2009. R´ef. [P6].

[RB04] Eric Rivals et S`everine B´erard,« Alignement de s´equences avec op´erations

non-commutatives», in Quatri`emes journ´ees francophones de recherche op´erationnelle

(FRANCORO IV), Fribourg, Suisse, p. 16, 2004. R´ef. [P17]du CV d´etaill´e.

* *


Rappel du code couleur correspondant aux th´ematiques de recherche :alignement,g´enomique


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