• Aucun résultat trouvé

v = {ve2Vllim nCs, V) <d},

21,= {yeN' Fln(i, y) i> d + II]}.

Suppose s Then s176 for some ~0, and for s>1~0,1 A(,) 1> ((d+ 1/jo) C'(Ato)


where B~ = {y s ~ F ~ A j01 n(l, y) > d}. The lower bound for A (,) tends to ((d + 1/?0) In( A t0) +


as /-*oo, which gives a contradiction. Hence En(F)>0. This implies cap F >0.

Suppose now t h a t cap (_hr~F)>0. Then e a p A j > 0 for some ~. Let now r be the family of paths 7: [0, 1 ]-* N such t h a t 7(0)E A t, 7(1)E F. If 7 E r, there exists b y the analog of [19, Theorem 1] for manifolds for , > j a maximal fl D,-lifting ~r of 7 which starts at a point in/-1(7(0)) f~ J~ and which ends in ~D~. Denote the family of these maximal lifts b y Fv Then M(rs)-*0 as ,-* oo. B u t M(/rs) >~M(F) > 0 because cap F, cap A j > 0 . This contradicts for large s the inequality

M(fF~)<<,K:M(P,) in

2.11. We have proved cap (2V~F)ffi0. Let




for some s. Since the exhausting sets satisfy ])~c Dt for a <t, we also have n(t, z)> d for z in a neighborhood of y for t >/s + 1.

Therefore h r ~ F is open and thus empty.

To prove the second statement set


= yelvl m

n(,, y)= d}

and suppose cap ( N ~ H ) > 0 . Set

Cj-'={yENIn(s,y)fd if s>~j).

Then H is the union of the sets Cj and since F f f i N , we have s > 0 and hence cap C j > 0 for some ~. Let now F ' be the family of paths 7: [0, 1 ]-~ h r with 7(0) s C t and 7(1) E N ~ H . If P; denotes the set of maximal f]Ds-liftings for s > ~ similarly as above, we get again a contradiction with M(/F's)


as 8-* oo. The lemma is proved.

298 P . M A T T I L A A N D S. R I C g M A N "

We are now in a position to give our main result. Recall t h a t / is a quasiregular mapping of a non-compact Riemannian n-manifold M into a compact Riemannian n-manifold N ' n(s, y) is the counting function of / with respect to the given admissible exhaustion of M, and 2 ~ n - 1 is related to this exhaustion by the inequality (2.17). Recall also t h a t v~(s) and A(s) are the averages of n(s, y) with respect to a measure p and the Lebesgue measure of N, respectively, and t h a t p is h-calibrated if p B ( x , r)<h(r) for all balls B(x, r ) ~ N.

5.11. THEOREM. Suppose either b = o o , or b < ~ and lim sup~.,c(b-s)A(s) x/~a=r /or some p > 2. Then there exists a measurable set A c [a, b[ such that

f d.

- - < o o i/ b - - c o ,


lira inf s n [8, hi) ffi 0 il b < co b - s

and the/oUowing holds. Let p be a measure in N such that 0 < p ( N ) < r and Borel sets o/

~V are p.measurable and let h be a calibration/unction satis/ying (1.4)/or p.

(1) 1 / p is h.ca2ibrated, then

run v~,(s) •, 1.

s t A

(2) I / l i r a sup,,~p(B(x, r ) ) /h(r) <. l holds/or/~ almost every x E N, then


lim il~ >1 1.


Proof. If b < o o or b = co and limv.~oA(s)= 0% the proof follows from 4.8, 4.18 and 5.8. Suppose then t h a t b-- co and lira A ( s ) = d < oo. Consider (2). As in the proof of 4.18 we conclude t h s t for each e > 0 there exists a Borel set F e" N such t h a t p ( N ' - , , F ) < e and Tv-~p(F N T) is hl-e~librated for some h t satisfying (1.4) for p. L e t E be the Borel set of capacity zero in 5.10 and let E ' c E be compact. B y the application of 4.3 to sets F N B(z, ~r) N E ' we conclude p ( E ' N F ) -- 0. Hence p ( E N F ) = 0 which implies p(E) -~ O.

If Cj is the Borel set { y E N I n ( s , y)-~d if s~>~} for ~'ffi 1, 2 ... and H = N ' , . . . E , then b y 5.10 for s~> i

s t

>. I . , y)d iy) I . , )dm) =

tilt Jc~

from which the assertion follows since p ( C j ) ~ p ( H ) , in fact we obtained the conclusion in (1). (1) follows from this.

AVERAGES OF T H E COUNTING FUNCTION OF A QUASIREGULAR MAPPING 299 5.12. RearerS. 1. The conclusion (1) is essentially included in [20, T h e o r e m 4.19]

for the following special ease: M - ~ R n with the standard exhaustion b y balls, iV--R~, p ( F ) = ~/n-l(FN Y), Y an ( n - 1 ) - d i m e n s i o n a l sphere.

2. I f in L e m m a s 5.1 a n d 5.8 we assume in the case b < c~ t h a t lims.~ (b _~)~(s)~/r~ ~ c~

and in Theorem 5.11 the same for r/(s)---A(s), t h e n the set A can be chosen so t h a t lira s N Is, bD = 0.

This follows b y direct inspection of the proofs of 5.1 and 5.8. I t is possible to draw the conclusion in (1) in the hyperbolic case b < c~ under the weaker condition lim supa_~(b-8)A(~) 1/~ = c~ for a smaller class of measures p. This is for n = 2 a n d ~ ffi 1 recognized as a condition which ensures regular exhaustibility of a covering surface in [1].

3. W e shall show in E x a m p l e 6.1 for n - 2, b ~- 0% b y a meromorphic function t h a t the assumption for p in (2) is not sufficient to draw the conclusion in (1). I n E x a m p l e 6.5 we show t h a t the condition of finiteness of logarithmic measure of A cannot be improved.

4. I f X is a compact k-dimensional C 1 submanifold of 1V, k ~ 1, t h e n the measure E~-->~k(ENX) is h-calibrated with h(r)=Cr k for some constant C > 0 . The same con- clusion holds also for kffi~ if X is an s subset with L ~ ( X ) > 0 or for n - - 2 , k - - 1 a n d X is a regular curve in the sense of Ahlfors [1].

5. L e t h be a calibration function satisfying (1.4) for some p > 2 and let ph be the Hausdorff measure generated b y h. I f E c 1 V is ph-measurable with 0 < p h ( E ) < 0% then lira s u p ~ o p h ( E N B(z, r))/h(2r)~1 for p~ almost every x E E . One can prove this b y a m e t h o d similar to t h a t of [2, 2.10.18] b y observing t h a t a n y ball B(z, 5 r ) c N can be covered with k balls of radius r where k is independent of x and r. B y the use of the calibration function hl(r ) •ffi h(2r) we obtain t h a t the conclusions in 4.18 and 5.11(2) hold with p ( F ) = p ~ ( E N F), F e N .

6. I t is clear from the proof of 4.8 t h a t if N is not assumed to be compact, averages with respect to measures supported in a compact subset of N are still similarly comparable.

As an application of L e m m a s 3.3, 4.4 a n d 5.1 we are able to prove the following result on pointwise behavior of the counting function.

5.13. THEOREM.


that either b - o o or b<oo and Hm,.~ ( b - s ) A ( s ) 11p~-- oo for some p > 2 . Then there exist a sequence (s~) and a set E ~ N oJ capacity zero auch that lim s t f b and for all yEN",,.E

lira n(s!' y ) ffi 1 .



We shall present the proof for the case b = ~ . The case b < oo is handled similarly with regard of R e m a r k 5.12.2. We cover _~ b y balls

B~-- B(z~, vro/2),

k -- 1 ... m, where r 0 and v are as in 3.1. Denote

C~= B(z~,


and let A be the exceptional set of Theorem 5.11 with ~a


< oo. Then each v~ is continuous and

(5.14) li ~''(~) m - - = l .



L e t c > 1. Combining 3.3 a n d 4.4 for q - - r a i n


3) with p replaced b y s and E replaced b y Bk, we find t h a t given ($ > 0 there is d 8 > 0 such t h a t

rk(8) < V~(08, F) + d~ (log O) -r~

~,~(s) >i _n(8/O, ~')/i/~- d, (log

O) -"a

whenever F is a set in Bk with

M(A(F, OCk;O~))>~O>O


ao<~8/O<Os<b, 0<~0o .

B y L e m m a 5.1 there is a set A j c [a0, oo[ of finite logarithmic measure such t h a t A c A ~ a n d

c--ln(8, F ) < ~'/r < C~,(8, F )

whenever F is a set in B~ with

M(A(F, OC~;~k))>~O>O

a n d s E [ a o, ~ [ ~ A ~ . We can choose A~ independent of k b y taking union. Set

E~.,= {Ue B~ln(8, u) > c,,~(e)} u {ue B~In(e, U) <,,~(e)/c}.

Then for all sE[a0, o o [ ~ A a , M(A(Ek,,,


Ck))~<2~. For each positive integer i choose st = st(c, ($)E[a 0, ~ [ ~ A ~ - i - ~ a such t h a t lira sl = oo. Then

(5.15) M A ~k.,,, 00~,; ~ Y~ M(A(E,,.,,, 0a,,; Ok)) < ~ 2-t,~ =


f f-1 | - 1

Choose now sequences c j ~ 1, ~ j ~ 0 such t h a t ~t>j O~<($j and for each j a sequence 8#. t--sl(cj, Oj) as above. Letting 8~ = 8~. ~ we will show t h a t

(5.16) lira n(st, y ) 1

~-~ 1'k(sJ

AV~,RAG~ ON TIIE COUNTIlg6 FUNCTION O]~ A QUASIREOULAR MAPPING 301 for all y E Bk outside a set of capacity zero. Suppose this is not true for some k. Assume e.g. t h a t

cap ~y E Bkl lim sup n(8~, y) > 1} > 0.

L t.-,~ v~(a~)

Then for some ~, M(A(Dj, ~Ck; 0~)) >6j where

D ' = l Y E B k I l l m s u p ~ > c ' } ~ ,k(s,,

From (5.15) we obtain M(A(Ej, ~Ck; Ck)) ~ 6 j where

some i .

If lim sup,_~

n(s,, y)/~'k(~,)

>cj, then there is i > j such t h a t n(a,.,,

y)/~k(s,. ~)

> c j ~ c , , which yields D j c U,>jE, and

~j < M ( A ( D ,

aCk; C~)) < ~ M(A(E,, ~Ok; 0k)) < ~ ~, <~j.

i>J f>J

This contradiction shows t h a t (5.16) holds. The theorem follows now from (5.16) and




In the plane Miles has proved for meromorphic functions a result which is stronger t h a n 5.13 in the sense t h a t the limit is obtained outside an exceptional set for the exhaustion parameter, see [12, Theorem 2].

6. Examples

In this section we shall present two examples of meromorphic functions in the plane refered to in Remark 5.12(3). Corresponding examples of quasiregular mappings for dimensions n >/3 of equal sharpness have not been constructed. I n the following we shall denote b y ~'(s,

E) --v~(s, E)

the average over an ~'.measurable set E with 0 <~/'(E) < ~ , where ~l is the normalized /-dimensional Hausdorff measure in R ~.



We shall construct a nonconstant meromorphic function /: R~-*]~ ~ such t h a t for each c > 1 there exist a set E c R ~ which is a countable union of circles centered at the origin with ~//I(E)< r162 and a measurable set A c [ 1 , ~ [ such t h a t

(6.2) rl(r, E) >




302 P . M A T T I L A A N D S. R I C K M A N


(6.3) - -= c~,


where the exhaustion is the standard exhaustion b y disks.

Our function / will be a slight modification of the meromorphic function in Theorem 4 in [23]. We define an increasing sequence ~x, s2 .... of integers by the condition s4~_2 = sa~_~ -- s a z = s a , + ~ i § 10 for i = 1 , 2 .... and set s~--~2. We set rm--ex p ((2sin) m) and


/(z)= VI (1- z/r.) (-'-)'.

m - 1

Fix i and set


a m = r ~ +1/4~, ~m--r~ +1/~'. Arguing as in [23] we obtain A ( ~ ) < 2 a ~ -1,


0)>*~. Shnilar calculations give the estimate

_ s m - x


! !

Set d = 1 2 c - 81 and P, =

sm+4/(sm+4 + d) - 8m/(8,n + d).

The set E is constructed as follows.

L e t E, be a union ofp~ disjoint circles with center 0 and radii in the interval [~t,/2, ~l] where


Then set E - - U~-, Ej.

Suppose am <~ r ~<~m. Then


n(r, y) d~l(y) >I n(r, y) d~X(y) >i n(rm, O) ~ pj

J - t


~ x ( E ) ~ 1 3 ~ j = 3 ( 1 - s J ( a l §

we get with (6.4) for

~m~d,l,l(r, E)>cA(~m).

Finally, let m 0 --4i 0 be such t h a t s ~ ~ d and set


A = U I'~.,, e.j.


Then (6.2) holds for r E A and clearly A satisfies (6.3).

Denote by p the restriction measure

C~-~I(CN E)

of ~n. Then p is a measure in R ~ and satisfies the condition in 5.11(2) for h(r) = 2r, p almost everywhere, in fact in all points except 0. Hence the conclusion in 5.11(2) holds. On the other hand, (6.2) and (6.3) show t h a t the conclusion in 5.11(1) is not true for p. From the eonctruction it is clear t h a t such


a p is also obtained by giving the Lebesgue measure a weight which has a suitable singularity at the origin.

6.5. Ez~m~le. We shall show t h a t there exists a disk E ~ R ~ and a number c > 1 such t h a t for a given decreasing positive function ~ of the positive real axis with ~(r)-~0 as r-~ oo there exists a meromorphic function f: R 2-~R~ such t h a t with respect to the standard exhaustion by disks we have

~2(r, E) >cA(r) for t E A ,

where A c [1, c~[ is a measurable set which for some r e > 0 satisfies f a dr - - > f ( r ) for


N[r.~o[ r

I n this example we take for/z the restriction measure C~--~Is(C 13 E). Then p is h-calibrated with h(r).ffi Cr 2 for some C > 0.

The following construction was given b y S. Toppila. F o r 1 < r~ < e ~ < R, with r~ R,--e~

and t~ a positive integer consider the function


= ( 1 - (z/r,) a) (1 - z/e,)-m(1 - zlR~) ~.

F o r small and large [z ], g~(z) is near 1, and if e,/r~ is large, the behavior of g~(z) is determined by the first factor near [z] = r , . Set h~(z)ffi 1-(z/r~) ~ and r Then the counting function of h, satisfies for rj~r~r~+cr~

n~(r, y)= t~

n~(r, y) = 0

if y E a ( I ) + 1 , if y ~ / ~ ( 2 ) + 1 , and we choose Q~/r t so large t h a t for gl we have

n e , ( r , y ) f t ~ if y E B S ( l - & ) + l , n~(r,y)ffiO if y ~ / P ( 2 + ~ ) + l ,

where ~ is some number with 0 <~ < ~. Let p >I 1 be an integer and set t~ = (1 +p)~. Then

k - 1

(6.6) IV ~ t~ < t ~ .


We m a y choose the ratios




so large t h a t the meromorphic function /: R~--~R ~,


= FI g,(z),

i - 1

304 P . M A T T I L A A N D S. R I C K M A N

behaves up to a small error t e r m as h~(z) near I zl -- rv With suitable choices of these ratios we have then for the counting function of / for r s < r ~<r~ + a s

k - 1

n ( r , y ) = ~ 2 t , + t s if y E B 2 ( 1 / 2 ) + I ,

f = l k - 1

n ( r , y ) < ~.. 2 t , + t s if y E B 2 ( 3 ) + I ,

| = 1 k - 1

n ( r , y ) < ~ 2ti if y , B ~ ( 3 ) + l .


Set E---B2( 89 F = B~(3)+ 1, and let fl be the spherical measure of $' divided b y the total spherical measure g. Then for r k ~< r ~< r s + as

' )

A(r) ~ fl 2t~ + tk + (1 - fl) ~ 2t,,

\ 1 - 1 | - 1

k - 1

v~(r, E) = ~: 2t, + t~.

I - 1

With regard of (6.6) we obtain

A(r)/v~(r, E) < fl + ~ 1 (1 - fl) = 1/c < 1 for r~ <<. r ~ r~ + a k.

L e t now q0 be a decreasing positive function with q~(r)-~0 as r - ~ . Since fr, r'+*' dr . r = tog (1 + l/2t,)

is independent of r~, we m a y choose the r~'s in addition so t h a t 9(rk-~)< ~ f " § 1 7 6

f - k t]r~ r

We can therefore t a k e U ~ l [r~, rt+(rt] to be the required set A.

The problem of covering a disk more t h a n A(r) was also considered in E x a m p l e 2 in [12].


[ 1 ] . A H L F O R S , L., Zur Theorie der ~berlagerungesflachen. Acta Math., 65 (1935), 157-194.

[2]. FEDERER, H., Ge, ometr'iG Me_.a~ure Theory. Springer-Verlag, 1969.

[3]. (]EHRING, F. W., Symmetrization of rings in space. Trana. Amer. Math. •oe., 101 (1961), 499-519.


[13]. N~.VA~'LI~A, R., Analytic Functions. Springer-Verlag, 1970.

[14]. N . ~ I , R., Extension of Loewner's c a p a c i t y theorem. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 180

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