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We introduce some notations from semi-classical analysis.

Definition 8.1. Let W be an open set in RN. We define the space of symbols

S(1) =S(1;W)


a∈C(W);∀α∈NN0 ∃Cα >0 :|∂xαa(x)| ≤Cα onW . If a=a(x, k) depends on k∈]1,∞[, we say that a(x, k)∈Sloc(1;W) = Sloc(1) ifχ(x)a(x, k) uniformly bounded inS(1) whenkvaries in ]1,∞[, for any χ ∈ C0(W). For m ∈ R, we put Slocm(1;W) = Slocm(1) = kmSloc(1). If aj ∈ Slocmj(1), mj −∞, we say that a ∼

j=0aj in Slocm0(1) if a−N0

j=0aj ∈SlocmN0+1(1) for every N0. For a given sequence aj as above, we can always find such an asymptotic sum a and a is unique up to an element in Sloc−∞(1) = Sloc−∞(1;W) := ∩mSlocm (1). We say that a(x, k) ∈Slocm0(1) is a classical symbol onW of order m0 if (8.1)

a(x, k)∼

j=0km0−jaj(x) in Slocm0(1), aj(x)∈Sloc(1), j= 0,1. . . . The set of all classical symbols on W of order m0 is denoted by

Slocm0,cl(1) =Slocm0,cl(1;W).

Let E be a vector bundle over a smooth paracompact manifold Y. We extend the definitions above to the space of smooth sections of E overY in the natural way and we writeSlocm (1;Y, E) andSlocm ,cl(1;Y, E) to denote the corresponding spaces.

A k-dependent continuous operator Ak : C0(W, E) → D(W, F) is called k-negligible (on W) if Ak is smoothing and the kernel Ak(x, y) of Ak satisfies ∂xαyβAk(x, y) = O(k−N) locally uniformly on every compact set in W ×W, for all multi-indices α,β and allN ∈N. Ak is k-negligible if and only if

Ak =O(k−N) :Hcomps (W, E)→Hlocs+N(W, F),

for allN, N≥0 ands∈Z. LetCk:C0(W, E)→D(W, F) be another k-dependent continuous operator. We write Ak ≡ Ck mod O(k−∞) (on W) or Ak(x, y) ≡ Ck(x, y) modO(k−∞) (on W) if Ak−Ck is k-negligible onW.

Now, we prove Theorem 5.4. We will use the same notations and assumptions in Theorem 5.4. Fix p ∈ D. Take local coordinates x = (x1, . . . , x2n−1) defined in some small neighborhood ofpsuch thatx(p) = 0 and ω0(p) = dx2n−1. Since dyϕ(x, y)|x=y = dyϕ(x, y)|x=y = ω0(x), we have ∂y∂ϕ

2n−1(p, p) = ∂y∂ϕ

2n−1(p, p) = 1. From this observation and the

Malgrange preparation theorem [42, Theorem 7.57], we conclude that in some small neighborhood of (p, p), we can find

f(x, y), f1(x, y)∈C, such that

ϕ(x, y) =f(x, y)(y2n−1+h(x, y)), ϕ(x, y) =f1(x, y)(y2n−1+h1(x, y)), (8.2)

in some small neighborhood of (p, p), where y = (y1, . . . , y2n−2). For simplicity, we assume that (8.2) hold onD×D. It is clear thatϕ(x, y) andy2n−1+h(x, y) are equivalent in the sense of Melin–Sj¨ostrand [60], ϕ(x, y) andy2n−1+h1(x, y) are equivalent in the sense of [60], we may assume thatϕ(x, y) =y2n−1+h(x, y) andϕ(x, y) =y2n−1+h1(x, y).

Fix x0 ∈D. We are going to prove that h(x, y)−h1(x, y) vanishes to infinite order at (x0, x0). Note thatS◦S≡S. From this observation and Lemma 5.3, it is straightforward to see that


ei(y2n−1+h(x,y))ts(x, y, t)dt

0 ei(y2n−1+h1(x,y))ta(x, y, t)dt on D, (8.3)

where s(x, y, t), a(x, y, t) ∈Sn−cl 1(D×D×R+, T0,qXT0,qX) are as in (2.16). Put

x0 = (x10, x20, . . . , x20n−1), x0 = (x10, . . . , x20n−2).

Take τ ∈ C0(R2n−1), τ1 ∈ C0(R2n−2), χ ∈ C0(R) so that τ = 1 near x0, τ1 = 1 nearx0,χ = 1 near x20n−1 and Suppτ D, Suppτ1× SuppχD×SuppχD, whereD is an open neighborhood of x0 in R2n−2. For each k >0, we consider the distributions



ei(y2n−1+h(x,y))t−iky2n−1τ(x)s(x, y, t)

×τ1(y)χ(y2n−1)u(y)dydt, Bk:u→

0 ei(y2n−1+h1(x,y))t−iky2n−1τ(x)a(x, y, t)

×τ1(y)χ(y2n−1)u(y)dydt, (8.4)

for u ∈ C0(D, T0,qX). By using the stationary phase formula of Melin–Sj¨ostrand [60], we can show that (cf. the proof of [48, Theorem 3.12]) Ak and Bk are smoothing operators and

Ak(x, y)≡eikh(x,y)g(x, y, k) mod O(k−∞), (8.5)

Bk(x, y)≡eikh1(x,y)b(x, y, k) modO(k−∞),

g(x, y, k), b(x, y, k)∈Slocn−,1cl(1;D×D, T0,qXT0,qX),

g(x, y, k) is smoothing, by using integration by parts with respect to y2n−1, it is easy to see thatAk−Bk≡0 mod O(k−∞) (see [48, Section 3]). Thus,

On the other hand, we can check that

k→∞lim k−nxα0yβ0


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Institute of Mathematics Academia Sinica and National Center for Theoretical Sciences 6F, Astronomy–Mathematics Building No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd.

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Universit¨at zu K¨oln Mathematisches Institut Weyertal 86-90 50931 K¨oln, Germany and

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