• Aucun résultat trouvé

Proof of Theorem 1.6 on the connected component of X D

The proof of Theorem 1.6 mimic the proof of Theorem 2.4 in [8]. It relies on the next two lemmas. We only give the proof of Lemma 8.2 because it differs from its analogue in [8].

Lemma 8.1. We consider the product measureNx1⊗Nx2on the spaceC(R+,W)2. The canonical process on this space is denoted by(W1, W2). Assumed >2dc1.

Then for every(x1, x2)D2, we haveNx1⊗Nx2-a.e.

suppYD(W1)∩suppYD(W2)= ∅.

Lemma 8.2. Forε >0,δ >0, set gε(δ)=supNy

suppYD∂D\B∂D(z, ε)= ∅ ,

where the supremum is taken over(y, z)D×∂D, such thatd(y, ∂D)= |y−z|<

δ. Then for everyε >0, limδ↓0gε(δ)=0.

Proof. Since the boundary ofDisC2, we have the uniform exterior sphere condi-tion. There existsδ0(0, ε/3), for everyz∂D, we can findz0Dc(unique)

such thatB(z0, δ0)Dcand∂B(z0, δ0)∂D= {z}. We defineBr =B(z0, rδ0). We have foryB2\B1,Ny-a.e.

{suppYD∂D\B∂D(z, ε)= ∅}

∃s∈(0, σ);ζs =τD(Ws) and Wˆs∂D\B∂D(z, ε)

∃s∈(0, σ );τB¯c

3(Ws) <∞, τB¯c

3(Ws) < τB1(Ws) .

The first inclusion is a consequence of the definition ofLR+×R+×Dand the second is a consequence of the snake property. By the special Markov property (cf [4]

proposition 7), ifN is the number of excursions of the Brownian snake outside R+×R+×B2\B1that reachR+×R+×B3cbeforeR+×R+×B1, then we have


∃s∈(0, σ );τB¯c

3(Ws) <∞, τB¯c

3(Ws) < τB1(Ws)

=Ny[N >0]




3(Ws) <∞, τB¯c 3 < τB1]



YB2\B1(dy)Ny[τB¯3c<+∞] .

We used the fact that ify∂B1, then from the snake property, we haveNy-a.e.

for alls(0, σ),τB1(Ws) =0. By symmetry, we get thatNy[τB¯c

3 <+∞] =c0

is independent ofy∂B2. It is also finite since(Wˆs, s ≥0)is continuous under E(0,0,y). We then deduce from (6) that


suppYD∂D\B∂D(z, ε)= ∅

c0Ey[κB2 < κB1]. Thus we get that forδ(0, δ0),

gε(δ)c0Ey[κB(0,2δ0)< κB(00)],

where|y| = δ0+δ. The lemma is then a consequence of classical results on

Brownian motion.

Proof of Theorem 1.6. Let(Dk, k≥0)be an increasing sequence of open subsets ofDsuch thatD¯kDk+1andd(y, ∂D)≤1/kfor ally∂Dk. From the special Markov property (see [4] proposition 7) and proposition 2.4, we get that the law XDunderPXν is the same as the law of

i∈IYD(Wi), where conditionally onXDk, the random measure

i∈IδWiis a Poisson measure onC(R+,W)with intensity XDk(dy)Ny[·]. With a slight abuse of notation, we may assume that the point measure

i∈IYD(Wi)is also defined underPXν. It follows from lemma 8.1 and properties of Poisson measures that a.s. for everyi=j,

suppYD(Wi)∩suppYD(Wj)= ∅.

Forε >0, letUε denote the event “suppXD is contained in a finite union of disjoint compact sets of∂Dwith diameter less thanε”. It is easy to check thatUε

is measurable. Letkbe large enough. Furthermore, by the previous observations, and denoting byyiDkthe common starting point of the pathsWsi, and byzithe only point in∂Dsuch that|yizi| =d(yi, ∂D), we have




∀i∈I,suppYD(Wi)B∂D(zi, ε/2)



XDk(dy)Ny[suppYD∂D\B∂D(z, ε/2)= ∅]


exp−gε/2(1/k)(XDk,1) ,

where forBB(Rd), diam(B)=sup{xx;(x, x)B×B}. We can now letkgo to+∞, using lemma 8.2, to conclude thatPXν[Uε]=1. Since this holds for everyε >0, we conclude that suppXDis totally disconnectedPXν-a.s.

9. Appendix

Lemma 9.1. Let(St, t≥0)be a stable subordinator. Forr >0, letLr =inf{u >

0, Su > r}. Then(St, t ∈[0, Lr))and(SLrS(Lr−t)−, t ∈[0, Lr))are identi-cally distributed.

We write P for the law of the subordinatorS=(St, t≥0)started at 0. We recall that the Laplace transform ofSis given byη(λ)=cρλρ, wherecρ =2−ρ/ 1(1+ρ). Its L´evy measure is given byP(ds) = 1(0,∞)(s)[2ρ1(ρ)1(1−ρ)]1s1−ρds. Notice thatLr is the last exit time of [0, r] forS. LetQ = (Qt, t ≥ 0)be the transition kernel of S andU =

0 Qt dt its potential. The transition kernels and the potential are absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure l onR. And we have Qt(x, dy) = qt(yx)dy andU(x, dy) = u(yx)dy, whereu(y) = ρ2ρyρ−11y≥0. LetQˆ = (Qˆt, t ≥ 0)be the transition kernel of (−St, t≥0). This is the dual kernel ofQwith respect tol. We consider the process V defined by

Vt =

S(Lr−t)− if 0≤t < L,

if tL,

whereis a cemetery point added toR. Notice the law ofS0isδ0, the Dirac mass at 0, and thus, the density ofδ0Uw.r.t. the reference measurel is justu. Thanks to XVIII 45 and 51 of [7], the processV is under P a Markov process with kernel (Q˜t, t≥0)defined as theu-transform ofQˆ, that is

Q˜t(x, dy)= 1


We define the processY by Yt =

V0Vt if 0≤t < L,

if tL.

Notice thatY0=0 P-a.s. and the processY is right continuous and nondecreasing up to its lifetime. We want to prove that Y and the process S killed at timeLr have the same law. It will be enough to check that for every integern≥1, every sequencetn >· · · > t1 >0, andf1, . . . , fn, measurable nonnegative functions onR,


f1(Yt1) . . . fn(Ytn)


f1(St1) . . . fn(Stn)1Stn<r . Using the transition kernel ofV, we get

I =E

f1(Yt1) . . . fn(Ytn)


f1(V0Vt1) . . . fn(V0Vtn)



RQ˜t1(v0, dv1)f1(v0v1). . .

RQ˜tn−tn1(vn−1, dvn)fn(v0−vn), whereνis the law ofV0=SLr. Thanks to [3] proposition 2 p.76, we have that




Thus we have I=cρ


Rndv1. . . dvn u(v1)

u(v0)qt1(v0−v1)f1(v0−v1). . .

× u(vn)




Rndv1. . . dvnu(vn) qt1(v0v1)f1(v0v1) . . .


We use the change of variablez=v0,y1=v0v1,· · · , yn=v0vn, and the definition ofuto get

I =cρ

Rndy1. . . dynqt1(y1)f1(y1) . . . qtn−tn−1(ynyn−1)fn(yn)


Rdz (rz)−ρρ2ρ(zyn)ρ−11r>z>yn


f1(St1) . . . fn(Stn)1Stn<r , becausecρ

Rdz (rz)−ρρ2ρ(zyn)ρ−11r>z>yn =1r>yn.


dc =+1)/(α−1) critical dimension.

θ(dy) Lebesgue measure on∂D. Bε =B∂D(y0, ε) ball on∂D. PD Poisson kernel ofD. GD Green function ofD. γt Brownian motion inRd. Ex law ofγ started atx. ρ=−1) .

St ρ-stable subordinator.

ξt residual life time ofS. Lt time change, inverse ofS. 1t =γLt “freezed” Brownian motion.

E=R+×R+×Rd: state space ofξ =(ξ, L, 1). Pz law ofξt started atzE.

Px law ofξstarted at(0,0, x).

PDx law ofξ killed out ofR+×R+×D. Prx law ofξkilled at timer.

κB exit time ofBforγ. τB exit time ofBfor1=γL.

w = (w, ζ) E-valued path with life timeζ; fort ∈ [0, ζ), we writew(t) = t(w), Lt(w), 1t(w)).

τB(w) exit time ofBfor1(w). κB(w) exit time ofBfor1L−1(w).


w=1ζ(w) spatial end point.

Notations for the snake

ζs life time of the snake at times.

Ws snake at times; fort∈[0, ζs),Ws(t)=t(Ws), Lt(Ws), 1t(Ws)). St(Ws) inverse of the time changeLt(Ws).

γt(Ws)=1St(Ws)(Ws) spatial motion of the snake pathWs.

Wˆs =1ζs(Ws) end point of the spatial motion of the snake pathWs. Lˆs =Lζs(Ws) end point of the time change of the snake pathWs. Ew law ofWs started at pathw.

Ew law ofWs started at pathwand killed when its lifeζstime reaches 0.

E(r) =

Prx(dw)Ew law ofWs killed when its life time reaches 0 and started with a typical (random) path of life timer.

Nz excursion measure of the snake started at the trivial pathzE. Nx excursion measure of the snake started at the trivial path(0,0, x). σ duration of the snake excursion.

LD exit local time ofD. YD exit measure of the snake.


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