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Proof of the Kobayashi conjecture on generic hyperbolicity

Now, let Σ ⊂ H0(X, L) be a vector subspace such that Wk(s0, . . . , sk) 6≡ 0 for generic elements s0, . . . , sk ∈ Σ. We view here Wk(s0, . . . , sk) as a section of H0(Xk,OXk(k0)⊗πk,0Lk+1) on the k-stage of the Semple tower. As the Wronskian is alternate and multilinear, we get a meromorphic mapXk >P(Λk+1Σ) by sending ak-jetγ =f[k](0)∈Xkto the point [Wk(ui0, . . . , uik)(f)(0)]I⊂J

where (uj)j∈J is a basis of Σ. This assignment factorizes through the Pl¨ucker embedding into a meromorphic map Φ :Xk >Grk+1(Σ) into the Grassmannian of dimension k+ 1 subspaces of Σ (or codimensionk+ 1 subspaces of Σ, alternatively). In fact, ifLU 'U×Cis a trivialization ofL in a neighborhood of a pointx0 =f(0)∈X, we can consider the map ΨU :Xk → Hom(Σ,Ck+1) given by

πk,0−1(U)3f[k]7→ s7→(D`(s(f))06`6k) ,

and associate either the kernel Ξ ⊂ Σ of ΨU(f[k]), seen as a point Ξ ∈ Grk+1(Σ), or Λk+1Ξ ⊂ Λk+1Σ, seen as a point of P(Λk+1Σ) (assuming that we are at a point where the rank is equal to k+ 1). Let OGr(1) be the tautological very ample line bundle on Grk+1(Σ) (equal to the restriction ofOP(Λk+1Σ)(1)). By construction, Φ is induced by the linear system of sections

Wk(ui0, . . . , uik)∈H0(Xk,OXk(k0)⊗Lk+1), and we thus get a natural isomorphism

(12.7) OXk(k0)⊗Lk+1OGr(1) onXkrBk

where Bk ⊂ Xk is the base locus of our linear system of Wronskians. In order to avoid the indeterminacy set, we have to introduce the ideal sheafJk,Σ ⊂ OXk generated by the linear system, and take a modificationµk,Σ :Xbk,Σ → Xk in such a way thatµk,ΣJk,Σ =O

Xbk,Σ(−Fk,Σ) for some divisorFk,ΣinXbk,Σ. Then Φ is resolved into a morphism Φ◦µk,Σ :Xbk,Σ→Grk+1(Σ), and onXbk,Σ, (12.7) becomes an everywhere defined isomorphism

(12.8) µk,Σ OXk(k0)⊗Lk+1)⊗ O


In fact, we can simply take Xbk to be the normalized blow-up of Jk,Σ, i.e. the normalization of the closure Γ⊂ Xk×Grk+1(Σ) of the graph of Φ and µk,Σ :Xbk → Xk to be the composition of the normalization mapXbk →Γ with the first projection Γ→Xk; notice that this construction is completely universal, so it can be applied fonctorially, and by definition Xbk is normal (one could also apply an equivariant Hironaka desingularization procedure to replace Xbk by a non singular modification, and then turnFk,Σ into a simple normal crossing divisor, but this will not be needed here). In this context, there is a maximal universal ideal sheafJk⊃ Jk,Σachieved by linear systems Σ that generatek-jets of sections at every point. In fact, according to an idea of Ya Deng [Deng16], the bundleXk→X is turned into a locally trivial productU×Rn,k when we fix local coordinates (z1, . . . , zn) onU (cf. the end of§6.A). In this setting,Jk is the pull-back by the second projection U×Rn,k →Rn,k of an ideal sheaf defined on the fibersRn,k of Xk →X; therefore, in order to get the largest possible idealJk, we need only consider all possible Wronskian sections

Rn,k−1k,0(x0)3f[k]7→Wk(s0, . . . , sk)(f)∈ OXk(k0)Rn,k,

associated with germs of sections sj, but they clearly depend only on the k-jets of the sj’s at x0

(even though we might have to pick forf a Taylor expansion of higher order to reach all points of the fiber). We can therefore summarize this discussion by the following statement.

12.9. Proposition. Assume that L generate allk-jets of sections (e.g. take L=Ap with A very ample and p >k), and let Σ⊂H0(X, L) be a linear system that also generates k-jets of sections at any point ofX. Then we have a universal isomorphism

µk OXk(k0)⊗Lk+1)⊗ O


where µk :Xbk →Xk is the normalized blow-up of the (maximal) ideal sheaf Jk ⊂ OXk associated with orderk Wronskians, and Fk the universal divisor of Xbk resolving Jk.

12.B. Specialization to suitable hypersurfaces

LetZ be a non singular (n+ 1)-dimensional projective variety, and letAbe a very ample divisor on Z; the fundamental example is of course Z = Pn+1 and A = OPn+1(1). Our goal is to show that a sufficiently general (n-dimensional) hypersurface X = {x ∈ Z; σ(x) = 0} defined by a section σ ∈ H0(Z, Ad), d 1, is Kobayashi hyperbolic. A basic idea, inspired by some of the main past contributions, such as Brody-Green [BrGr77], Nadel [Nad89] and Shiffman-Zaidenberg [ShZa01], is to consider hypersurfaces defined by special equations, e.g. deformations of unions of hyperplane sectionsτ1· · ·τd = 0 or of Fermat-Waring hypersurfaces P

06j6Nτjd = 0, for suitable sections τj ∈ H0(Z, A). Brotbek’s main idea developed in [Brot17] is that a carefully selected hypersurface may have enough Wronskian sections to imply the ampleness of some tautological jet line bundle – a Zariski open property. Here, we takeσ be a sum of terms

(12.10) σ= X


uj, uj =ajmj, aj ∈H0(Z, Aρ), mj ∈H0(Z, Ad−ρ), n < N6k, ρ>k, where each mj is a “monomial”, i.e. a product of large powers τIδ of sections τI ∈H0(Z, A), and the factorsaj are general enough. The monomialsmj will be chosen in such a way that for suitable c∈N, 16c6N, any subfamily of c terms mj shares some common factor τIδ with qI large. For this purpose, we consider all subsetsI ⊂ {0,1, . . . , N}with cardI =c; there areB = N+1c

subsets of this type. For all suchI, we select sectionsτI ∈H0(Z, A) such thatQ

IτI = 0 is a simple normal crossing divisor inZ (with all of its components of multiplicity 1). For j = 0,1, . . . , N given, the number of subsetsI containing j is b= c−1N

. We take d=bδ+ρ, with δ>2 and ρ>k, and put

(12.11) mj =Y


τIδ∈H0(Z, A) =H0(Z, Ad−ρ).

The first step consists in checking that we can achieveX to be smooth with these constraints.

12.12. Lemma.AssumeN >c(n+ 1). Then, for a generic choice of the sectionsaj ∈H0(Z, Aρ) and τI ∈ H0(Z, A), the hypersurface X = σ−1(0) ⊂ Z defined by (12.10-12.11) is non singular.

Moreover, under the same condition forN, the intersection of Q

τI = 0 withX can be taken to be a simple normal crossing divisor in X.

Proof. As the properties considered in the Lemma are Zariski open properties in terms of the (N +B + 1)-tuple (aj, τI), it is sufficient to prove the result for a specific choice of the aj’s: we fix here aj = τjτI(j)ρ−1 where τj ∈ H0(X, A), 06 j 6N are new sections such that Q

τjQ τI = 0 is a simple normal crossing divisor, and I(j) is any subset of cardinal c containing j. Let H be the hypersurface of degree dof PN+B defined in homogeneous coordinates (zj, zI) ∈ CN+B+1 by h(z) = 0 where

h(z) = X





and consider the morphism Φ : Z → PN+B such that Φ(x) = (τj(x), τI(x)). With our choice of the aj’s, we have σ = h◦Φ. Now, when the τj and τI are general enough, the map Φ defines an embedding of Z into PN+B (for this, one needs N +B > 2 dimZ+ 1 = 2n+ 3, which is the case by our assumptions). Then, by definition, X is isomorphic to the intersection of H with Φ(Z). Changing generically the τj and τI’s means composing Φ with a generic automorphism g ∈ Aut(PN+B) = PGLN+B+1(C). As dimg◦Φ(Z) = dimZ = n+ 1, Lemma 12.12 will follow from a standard Bertini argument if we can check that Sing(H) has codimension at least n+ 2 in PN+B. In fact, this condition implies Sing(H)∩(g◦Φ(Z)) = ∅ for g generic, while g◦Φ(Z) can be chosen transverse to Reg(H). Now, a sufficient condition for smoothness is that one of the

differentialsdzj appears with a non zero factor indh(z). We infer from this and the fact thatδ >2 that Sing(H) consists of the locus defined by Q

I3jzI = 0 for allj= 0,1, . . . , N. It is the union of the linear subspaceszI0 =. . .=zIN = 0 for all possible choices of subsetsIj such thatIj 3j. Since cardIj =c, the equality S

Ij ={0,1, . . . , N} implies that there are at least d(N + 1)/ce distinct subsets Ij involved in each of these linear subspaces, and the equality can be reached. Therefore codim Sing(H) =d(N + 1)/ce >n+ 2 as soon as N > c(n+ 1). By the same argument, we can assume that the intersection ofZ with at least (n+2) distinct hyperplaneszI = 0 is empty. In order thatQ

τI = 0 defines a normal crossing divisor at a point x∈X, it is sufficient to ensure that for any familyG of coordinate hyperplanes zI = 0,I ∈ G, with cardG6n+ 1, we have a “free” index j /∈ S

I∈GI such that xI 6= 0 for all I 3j, so that dh involves a non zero term ∗dzj independent of the dzI, I ∈ G. If this fails, there must be at least (n+ 2) hyperplanes zI = 0 containing x, associated either with I ∈ G, or with other I’s covering{ S


. The corresponding bad locus is of codimension at least (n+ 2) inPN+B and can be avoided by g(Φ(Z)) for a generic choice of g∈Aut(PN+B). Then X∩T

I∈GτI−1(0) is smooth of codimension equal to cardG.

Now, to any families ˆτ , sof sections ˆτr, . . . ,τˆk∈H0(Z, A),sr, . . . , sk ∈H0(Z, Ak) and any subset J ={j0, . . . , jr−1} ⊂ {0,1, . . . , N}with cardJ =r6N+ 1, we associate a Wronskian operator of orderk

Wk,a,ˆτ ,s,J =Wk(uj0, . . . , ujr−1, srτˆrd−k, . . . , skτˆkd−k) (12.13)

=Wk(aj0mj0, . . . , ajr−1mjr−1, srˆτrd−k, . . . , skτˆkd−k).

We assume here again that the ˆτj are chosen so thatQ τIQ


τj = 0 defines a simple normal crossing divisor in Z and X. Since ujp, sjˆτjd−q ∈ H0(Z, Ad), formula (12.5) applied with L = Ad implies that

(12.14) Wk,a,ˆτ ,s,J ∈H0(Z, Ek,k0TZ⊗A(k+1)d).

However, we are going to see thatWk,a,ˆτ ,s,Jand its restrictionWk,a,ˆτ ,s,JX are divisible by monomials τατˆβ of very large degree, whereτ, resp. ˆτ, denotes the collection of sectionsτI, resp. ˆτjinH0(Z, A).

In this way, we will see that we can even obtain a negative exponent of A after simplifying τατˆβ inWk,a,ˆτ ,s,JX. This simplification process is a generalization of techniques already considered by [Siu87] and [Nad89] (and later [DeEG97]), in relation with the use of meromorphic connections of low pole order.

12.15. Lemma.Assume that δ>k and r =N + 1−c. Then the Wronskian operator Wk,a,ˆτ ,s,J, resp.Wk,a,ˆτ ,s,JX, is divisible by a monomial τατˆβ, resp. τα+γˆτβ, with

α, β, γ>0, |α|=r(d−ρ−kb), |β|= (k+ 1−r)(d−2k), |γ|=δ−k.

Proof. Wk,a,ˆτ ,s,J is obtained as a determinant whose columns are the derivatives D`(ajpmjp) and D`(sjτˆjd−k). If there were no derivations, all terms occurring in this determinant would be divisible by the monomial

τα0τˆβ0 := Y






τjd−k = Y







ˆ τjd−k

with|α0|=r(d−ρ),|β0|= (k+1−r)(d−k). However, the derivationsD`() decrease the exponents of the factors τI and ˆτj involved by ` = 0,1, . . . , k. Hence, the first r columns D`(s0ujp) are in fact divisible by a monomial in which all of thebfactorsτI,I 3jp, have their exponentδ replaced by δ−k. Likewise, we have common factors ˆτjd−2k in the (k+ 1−r) columns D`(sjτˆjd−k). This accounts for a common factor τατˆβ with

|α|=|α0| −rkb=r(d−ρ−kb), |β|= (k+ 1−r)(d−2k).

Now, we explain why one can regain some additional common factor τγ dividing the restriction Wk,a,ˆτ ,s,JX. SinceX is defined byP

uj = 0, we have identically ujr−1 =− X


uj− X



in restriction toX, whence (by the alternate property ofWk()) Wk,a,ˆτ ,s,JX =−X


Wk(uj0, . . . , ujr−2, uj, srτˆrd−k, . . . , skτˆkd−k)X.

Let us consider the sectionτI associated withI ={J, which satisfies cardI =cby our assumption cardJ = r = N + 1−c. Then τIδ appears in all monomials uj, j ∈ {J, but τI was not present in any of the monomialsujp, jp ∈ J, 0 6p 6r−1, sinceI 63 jp. This shows that Wk,a,ˆτ ,s,JX is divisible by an extra factorτIδ−k that did not occur at all in τα. Lemma 12.15 then follows from the property thatQ

τIQ ˆ

τj = 0 forms a simple normal crossing divisor inX.

12.16. Corollary. For δ > k and cardJ = r = N + 1−c, there exists a monomial ταJJ ˆτβJ dividingWk,a,ˆτ ,s,JX such that

J|+|βJ|+|γJ|= (k+ 1)(d−2k)−r(k(b−2) +ρ) +δ−k, and we have

Wfk,a,ˆτ ,s,JX := (ταJJτˆβJ)−1Wk,a,ˆτ ,s,JX ∈H0(X, Ek,k0TX ⊗A−p) where

(12.17) p=δ−k−r(k(b−2) +ρ)−2k(k+ 1).

Assuming thatp >0 in (12.17), hence in particular δ > k, the fundamental vanishing theorem implies that all entire curvesf :C→X are annihilated by these Wronskian operators. The next step is to control more precisely their base locus and to select suitable values ofN,k,c,d=bδ+ρ.

Although we will not formally use it, the next lemma is useful to realize that the base locus is related to a natural rank condition.

12.18. Lemma.The base locus in Xkreg of the above Wronskian operators Wk,a,ˆτ ,s,JX, when τ , sˆ vary, consists of jetsf[k](0)∈Xkreg such that the matrix(D`(uj◦f)(0))06`6k, j∈J is not of maximal rank (i.e., of rank<cardJ =r) ; if δ > k, this includes all jetsf[k](0) such that mj◦f(0) = 0 for some indexj∈J.

Proof. If δ > k and mj ◦f(0) = 0 for some j ∈ J, we have in fact D`(mj ◦f)(0) = 0 and D`(uj ◦f)(0) = 0 for all derivatives ` 6 k, because the exponents involved in all factors of the differentiated monomial are at least equal toδ−k > 0. Hence the rank of the matrix cannot be maximal. Now, assume thatmj◦f(0)6= 0 for all j∈J, i.e.

(12.19) x0:=f(0)∈Xr [


m−1j (0) =Xr [

I, I∩J6=∅


We take sections ˆτj so that ˆτj(x0)6= 0, and then adjust thek-jet of the sectionssr, . . . , sk in order to generate any matrix of derivatives (D`(sj(f)ˆτj(f))(0))06`6k, r6j6k (the fact that f0(0) 6= 0 is used for this!). Therefore, by expanding the determinant according to the lastk+ 1−r columns, we see that the base locus is defined by the equations

(12.20) det(D`p(ujq(f))(0))06p,q6r−1= 0, ∀(`0, . . . , `r−1), equivalent to the non maximality of the rank.

For a finer control of the base locus, we adjust the family of coefficients (12.21) a= (aj)06j6N ∈S:=H0(Z, Aρ)⊕(N+1)

in our sectionσ =P

uj =P

ajmj ∈H0(Z, Ad), and denote byXa−1(0)⊂Zthe corresponding hypersurface. By Lemma 12.12, we know that there is a Zariski open set U ⊂S such that Xa is smooth and Q

τI = 0 is a simple normal crossing divisor in Xa for all a ∈ U. We consider the Semple tower Xa,k := (Xa)k of Xa, the “universal blow-up” µa,k :Xba,k → Xa,k of the Wronskian ideal sheafJa,k such thatµa,kJa,k =O

Xba,k(−Fa,k) for some “Wronskian divisor”Fa,k inXba,k. By the universality of this construction, we can also embed Xa,k in the Semple tower Zk of Z, blow up the Wronskian ideal sheafJk ofZk to get a Wronskian divisor Fk inZbk whereµk:Zbk→Zk is the blow-up map. ThenFa,k is the restriction of Fk toXba,k⊂Zbk. Our sectionWfk,a,ˆτ ,s,JXa is the restriction of ameromorphic section defined on Z, namely

(12.22) (ταJJτˆβJ)−1Wk,a,ˆτ ,s,J = (ταJJˆτβJ)−1Wk aj0mj0, ... , ajr−1mjr−1, srˆτrd−k, ... , skτˆkd−k . It induces over the Zariski open setZ0 =ZrS

IτI−1(0) a holomorphic section (12.23) σk,a,ˆτ ,s,J ∈H0 Zbk0, µk(OZk(k0)⊗πk,0 A−p)⊗ O


(notice that the relevant factors ˆτj remain divisible on the whole variety Z). By construction, thanks to the divisibility property explained in Lemma 12.15, the restriction of this section to Xba,k0 =Xba,k∩Zbk0 extends holomorphically toXba,k, i.e.

(12.24) σk,a,ˆτ ,s,J

Xba,k ∈H0 Xba,k, µa,k(OXa,k(k0)⊗πk,0 A−p)⊗ O

Xba,k(−Fa,k) .

(Here the fact that we tookXbk,a to be normal avoids any potential issue in the division process, as Xbk,a∩µ−1k πk,0−1T


has the expected codimension = cardG for any familyG).

12.25. Lemma. Let V be a finite dimensional vector space over C, Ψ : Vk → C a non zero alternating multilinear form, and letN ∈ {1, . . . , k},r ∈ {1, . . . , N}. Then the subset M ⊂VN of vectors (v1, . . . , vN)∈VN such that

(∗) Ψ(vj1, . . . , vjr, hr+1, . . . , hk) = 0

for all J = {j1, . . . , jr} ⊂ {1, . . . , N} and all hr+1, . . . , hk ∈ V, is a closed algebraic subset of codimension>(N+ 1−r)(k+ 1−r).

Proof. A typical example is Ψ = det on a k-dimensional vector space V, then M consists of N -tuples of vectors of rank < r, and the assertion concerning the codimension is well known. In general, the algebraicity of M is obvious. We argue by induction on k, the result being trivial for k= 1 (the kernel of a non zero linear form is indeed of codimension>1). IfK is the kernel of Ψ, i.e. the subspace of vectorsv∈V such that Ψ(v, h2, . . . , hk) = 0 for all hj ∈V, then Ψ induces an alternating multilinear form Ψ on V /K, whose kernel is equal to {0}. The proof is thus reduced to the case when Ker Ψ ={0}. Notice that we must have dimV >k, otherwise Ψ would vanish.

If r = 1, condition (∗) implies that vj ∈ Ker Ψ = {0} for all j, hence codimM = dimVN > N k, as desired. Now, assumer>2, fixv1 ∈V r{0}and consider the non zero alternating multilinear form onVk−1 such that

Ψ0v1(w1, . . . , wk−1) := Ψ(v1, w1, . . . , wk−1).

If (v1, . . . , vN)∈M, then (v2, . . . , vN) belongs to the setMv01associated with (Ψ0v1, k−1, N−1, r−1).

The induction hypothesis implies that codimMv01 >(N+ 1−r)(k+ 1−r), and since the projection M →V to the first factor admits the Mv01 as its fibers, we conclude that

codimM∩((V r{0})×VN−1)>(N+ 1−r)(k+ 1−r).

By permuting the arguments, we also conclude that

codimM∩(Vp−1×(V r{0})×VN−p)>(N + 1−r)(k+ 1−r) for all p= 1, . . . , N. The union S

p(Vp−1×(V r{0})×VN−p) ⊂VN leaves out only {0} ⊂ VN whose codimension is at leastN k>(N + 1−r)(k+ 1−r), so Lemma 12.25 follows.

12.26. Proposition.Consider in U×Zbk0 the set Γ of pairs(a, ξ)such that σk,a,ˆτ ,s,J(ξ) = 0 for all choices of s, ˆτ and J ⊂ {0,1, . . . , N} with cardJ =r =N+ 1−c. Then Γ is an algebraic set of dimension

dim Γ6dimS−(c+ 1)(c+ 1 +k−N) +n+ 1 +kn.

As a consequence, if(c+ 1)(c+ 1 +k−N)> n+ 1 +kn, there exists a∈U ⊂S such that the base locus of the family of sectionsσk,a,ˆτ ,s,J in Xba,k lies over S


Proof. The idea is similar to [Brot17, Lemma 3.8], but somewhat simpler in the present context. Let us consider a pointξ ∈Zbk0 and the k-jetf[k]k(ξ)∈Zk0, so that x=f(0)∈Z0 =ZrS


Let us take the ˆτj such that ˆτj(x)6= 0. Then, we do not have to pay attention to the non vanishing factors ταJˆτβJ, and the k-jets of sections mjp and ˆτjd−k are invertible near x. Let eA be a local generator ofA nearx and eL a local generator of the invertible sheaf

L=µk(OZk(k0)⊗πk,0 A−p)⊗ O


near ξ ∈ Zbk0. Let JkOZ,x = OZ,x/mk+1Z,x be the vector space of k-jets of functions on Z at x. By definition of the Wronskian ideal and of the associated divisorFk, we have a non zero alternating multilinear form

(JkOZ,x)k+1−→Ψ C, (g0, . . . , gk)7→µkWk(g0edA, . . . , gkedA)(ξ)/(eA(x)J|+|βJ|⊗eL(ξ)).

The simultaneous vanishing of our sections atξ is equivalent to the vanishing of (12.27) Ψ aj0mj0e−dA , . . . , ajr−1mjr−1e−dA , srτˆrd−ke−dA , . . . , skτˆkd−ke−dA

for all (sr, . . . , sk). Since Ais very ample and ρ>k, the powerAρ generates k-jets at every point x∈Z, hence the morphisms

H0(Z, Aρ)→JkOZ,x, a7→amje−dA and H0(Z, Ak)→JkOZ,x, s7→sˆτjd−ke−dA

are surjective. Lemma 12.25 applied with r = N + 1−c and (k, N) replaced by (k+ 1, N + 1) implies that the codimension of families a = (a0, . . . , aN) ∈ S = H0(Z, Aρ)⊕(N+1) for which σk,a,ˆτ ,s,J(ξ) = 0 for all choices ofs, ˆτ and J is at least (c+ 1)(c+ 1 +k−N), i.e. the dimension is at most dimS−(c+ 1)(c+ 1 +k−N). When we letξ vary overZbk0 which has dimension (n+ 1) +kn and take into account the fibration (a, ξ)7→ξ, the dimension estimate of Proposition 12.26 follows.

Under the assumption

(12.28) (c+ 1)(c+ 1 +k−N)> n+ 1 +kn

we have dim Γ < dimS, hence the image of the projection Γ → S, (a, ξ) 7→ a is a constructible algebraic subset distinct fromS. This concludes the proof.

Our final goal is to completely eliminate the base locus. For x ∈ Z, we let G be the family of hyperplane sections τI = 0 that containx. We introduce the set P ={0,1, . . . , N}rS

I∈GI and the smooth intersection

ZG=Z∩ \



so that cardP =N0 >N+ 1−ccardGand dimZG=n+ 1−cardG. Ifa∈U is such thatx∈Xa, we also look at the intersection

XG,a=Xa∩ \



which is a smooth hypersurface of ZG. In that situation, we consider Wronskians Wk,a,ˆτ ,s,J as defined above, but we now take J ⊂P, cardJ =r0=N0−c.

12.29. Lemma. In the above setting, if we assume δ > k, the restriction Wk,a,ˆτ ,s,JXG,a is still divisible by a monomialταJJτˆβJ such that

J|+|βJ|+|γJ|= (k+ 1)(d−2k)−r(k(b−2) +ρ) +δ−k.

Therefore, if p is defined as in(12.17), we obtain again holomorphic sections

fWk,a,ˆτ ,s,JXG,a := (ταJJ ˆτβJ)−1Wk,a,ˆτ ,s,JXG,a ∈H0(XG,a, Ek,k0TX ⊗A−p), σk,a,ˆτ ,s,Jπ−1

k,0(XG,a)∈H0 πk,0−1(XG,a), µa,k(OXa,k(k0)⊗πk,0 A−p)⊗ O

Xba,k(−Fa,k) .

Proof. The arguments are similar to those employed in the proof of Lemma 12.15. Let f[k]∈Xa,k be a k-jet such that f(0) ∈XG,a (the k-jet need not be entirely contained in XG,a). We observe that we have onXG,a an identity

ujr−1 =− X


uj − X



because uj =Q

I3jτIδ = 0 when j ∈{P =S

I∈GI (one of the factors τI is such that I ∈ G, hence τI= 0). If we compose with a germt7→f(t) such thatf(0)∈XG,a, then

ujr−1(f) =− X


uj(f)− X


uj(f) +O(tk+1) as soon asδ > k. Hence we have an equality for all derivatives D`() and

Wk,a,ˆτ ,s,JXG,a(f[k]) =− X


Wk(uj0, . . . , ujr−2, uj, srτˆrd−k, . . . , skˆτkd−k)XG,a(f[k]).

We takeI =P rJ which has cardI = c. ThenτIδ is a common factor of all uj, j ∈P rI, that did not appear in the monomialsuj forj∈J. The rest of the proof is unchanged.

Now, we analyze the base locus of these new sections on [


µ−1a,kπk,0−1(XG,a)⊂µ−1k π−1k,0(ZG)⊂Zbk.

Asx runs in ZG and cardJ =r0 =N0−c withN0 < N+ 1, Lemma 12.25 shows that (12.28) can be replaced by the less demanding condition

(N0+ 1−r0)(k+ 2−r0) = (c+ 1)(c+ 2 +k−N0)> n+ 1−cardG+kn= dimµ−1k πk,0−1(ZG).

A proof entirely similar to that of Proposition 12.26 shows that for a generic choice of a∈U, the base locus of these sections on XbG,a,k projects onto S

I∈{GXG,a∩τI−1(0). Arguing inductively on cardG, the base locus can be shrinked step by step down to empty set (but it is in fact sufficient to stop whenXG,a∩τI−1(0) reaches dimension 0).

12.30. Corollary. Under condition (12.28) and the hypothesis p > 0 in (12.17), the following properties hold.

(a)The line bundle

L:=µa,k(OXa,k(k0)⊗πk,0 A−1)⊗ O

Xba,k(−Fa,k) is nef on Xba,k for general a∈U.

(b)Let ∆a = P

26`6kλ`Da,` be a positive rational combination of vertical divisors of the Semple tower and q ∈N, q1, an integer such that

L0 :=OXa,k(1)⊗ Oa,k(−∆a)⊗πk,0 Aq is ample on Xa,k. Then theQ-line bundle

Lε,η:=µa,k(OXa,k(k0)⊗ OXa,k(−ε∆a)⊗πk,0A−1+qε)⊗ O

Xba,k(−(1 +εη)Fa,k) is ample on Xba,k for generala∈U, someq ∈N and ε, η∈Q>0 arbitrarily small.

Proof. (a) This would be obvious if we had global sections generating Lon the whole of Xba,k, but our sections are only defined on a stratification ofXba,k. In any case, if C ⊂Xba,k is an irreducible

curve, we take a maximal familyG such thatC ⊂XG,a,k. Then, by what we have seen, for a∈U general enough, we can find global sections of L on XbG,a,k such that C is not contained in their base locus. Hence L ·C>0 and Lis nef.

(b) The existence of ∆aandqfollows from Proposition 7.19 and Corollary 7.21, which even provide universal values forλ`and q. After taking the blow upµa,k:Xba,k→Xa,k(cf. (12.8)), we infer that

L0η :=µa,kL0⊗ O

Xba,k(−ηFa,k) =µa,k OXa,k(1)⊗ OXa,k(−∆a)⊗πk,0 Aq

⊗ O

Xba,k(−ηFa,k) is ample forη >0 small. The result now follows by taking a combinationLε,η =L1−ε/k0⊗(L0η)ε.

At this point, we fix our integer parameters to meet all conditions that have been found. We must have N >c(n+ 1) by Lemma 12.12, and for such a large value of N, condition (12.28) can hold only whenc>n, so we takec=nandN =n(n+ 1). Inequality (12.28) then requiresklarge enough, k=n3+n2+ 1 being the smallest possible value. We find

b= N



n2+n n−1

=n(n2+n). . .(n2+ 2)

n! ,

hence, by Stirling’s formula,

b < n2n−1exp((2 +. . .+n)/n2)

√2πn(n/e)n < en+1/2+1/2n

√2π nn−3/2.

Finally, we divide d−k by b, get in this way d−k =bδ+λ, 06λ < b, and put ρ =λ+k >k.

We then haveδ >(d−k)/(b+ 1), r6N+ 1−n=n2+ 1, and formula (12.17) yields p >(d−k)/(b+ 1)−k−(n2+ 1)(k(b−1) +b)−2k(k+ 1), thereforep >0 is achieved as soon as

d>dn=k+ (b+ 1) (n2+ 1)(k(b−1) +b) +k(2k+ 3)

, k=n3+n2+ 1, b=

n2+n n−1

. One shows by Stirling’s asymptotic expansion for n! and elementary numerical calculations that dn 6 b(n+ 3/2) (en)2n+1/2πc for n > 4 (which is also an equivalent and a close approximation asn→ +∞), while d1 = 61, d2 = 5137, d3 = 1846490. We can now state the main result of this section.

12.31. Theorem. Let Z be a projective (n+ 1)-dimensional manifold and A a very ample line bundle onZ. Then, for a general sectionσ ∈H0(Z, Ad)andd>dn, the hypersurfaceXσ−1(0) is Kobayashi hyperbolic, and in fact, algebraically jet hyperbolic in the sense of Definition 11.11.

The bounddn for the degree can be taken to be

dn=b(n+ 3/2) (en)2n+1/2πc for n>4, and for n63, one can take d1 = 5,d2 = 5137,d3 = 1846490.

A simpler (and less refined) choice is ˜dn =b15(en)2n+2c, which is valid for all n. These bounds are only slightly better than the ones found by Ya Deng in his PhD thesis [Deng16], namely d˜n= (n+ 1)n+2(n+ 2)2n+7=O(n3n+9). A polynomial bounddn=O(nC) would already be quite interesting – whenZ=Pn+1, the expected optimal bound is a linear one.

Proof. On the “Wronskian blow-up”Xbσ,k of Xσ,k, let us consider the line bundle Lσ,ε,η :=µσ,k(OXσ,k(k0)⊗ OXσ,k(−ε∆σ)⊗πk,0 A−1+qε)⊗ O

Xbσ,k(−(1 +εη)Fσ,k)

associated intrinsically with ourk-jet constructions. By 12.30 (b), we can findσ0 ∈H0(Z, Ad) such thatXσ0−10 (0) is smooth andLmσ

0,ε,ηis an ample line bundle onXbσ0,k(m∈N). As ampleness is a Zariski open condition, we conclude thatLmσ,ε,ηremains ample for a general sectionσ∈H0(Z, Ad), i.e. for [σ] in some Zariski open set Ω⊂P(H0(Z, Ad)). Sinceµσ,k(Fσ,k) is contained in the vertical divisor of Xσ,k, we conclude by Theorem 8.8 that Xσ is Kobayashi hyperbolic for [σ] ∈ Ω. The

bound d1 = 5 (instead the insane value d1 = 61) can be obtained in an elementary way by adjunction: sections ofA can be used to embed any polarized surface (Z, A) inPN (one can always takeN = 5), and we haveKXσ =KZXσ⊗Ad, along with a surjective morphism Ω2

PN →KZ. This shows thatKZ⊗A4 is generated by sections, hence KXσ is ample for d>5.

12.32. Remark. Our bound dn is rather large, but it holds true for a property that is pos-sibly stronger than needed, namely the ampleness of the pull-back of some (twisted) jet bundle µkO

Xbk(a)⊗ O

Xbk(−Fk0). It would be interesting to investigate whether the algebraic jet hyper-bolicity could not be achieved for much lower degrees – e.g. of the magnitude of bounds obtained in Proposition 10.8 for the generic Green-Griffiths conjecture, which are roughly the square root ofdn.


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