• Aucun résultat trouvé

� Interpersonal aspects of work are key in LTC. To guarantee high‐quality LTC and address staff shortages, it is important to value human resources and improve working conditions in the sector.

� To address staff shortages, measures could target part‐time workers who want to increase their hours, unemployed and inactive former informal carers, LTC workers who want to delay their retirement and young students‐to‐be. Men in particular could be targeted.

However, for these measures to be effective, more sustainable working conditions are needed.

� As the LTC sector grows, it is increasingly important to acknowledge the specific physical risks that LTC workers face, including those relating to lifting people.

The COVID‐19 crisis has shown that LTC workers must be better prepared to work safely in potentially infectious environments. The physical demands of LTC and the risk of infection from illnesses such as

influenza/COVID‐19 tend to affect older workers, who are overrepresented in LTC, more severely.

� LTC workers have a high risk of developing mental health problems because of the high levels of emotional demands of the job and exposure to adverse social behaviour at work. With the growing LTC workforce, it is particularly important that this is addressed by policymakers. Mental health problems are associated with high costs to society. Ignoring them affects women disproportionately as more women than men are employed in the LTC sector.

� Better staffing levels can reduce the need for short‐notice work and, together with increased professionalisation, training and improved

processes, can reduce the physical and mental health challenges of LTC. More time with service users, fewer administrative tasks, greater autonomy and increased professionalism can also contribute to better services.

� Home and community‐based care services are key in enabling people with LTC needs to stay in the community. The COVID‐19 crisis may accelerate the move away from large‐scale residential LTC. However, the care user’s home as work environment is hard to regulate and control. Training (for example, in kinaesthetics), aggression management, technology and better staffing can help to improve working conditions.

� Domestic LTC work in particular needs to be better covered by regulations and collective agreements, which should be enforced, with attention given to the specific risks of care work and ensuring that travel between care users is remunerated appropriately.

� Live‐in care, where the LTC worker lives in the care receiver’s home, is associated with risks around working conditions and quality of care. Regularisation can be facilitated by attractive registration procedures.

However, if good access to a flexible range of high‐

quality LTC services is offered, live‐in care is rarely needed.

� In contrast to many other sectors, public funding plays a role in LTC. Governments can use this to improve working conditions, for instance through requirements in public procurement. Undeclared LTC work can be addressed by improving access to flexible, high‐quality LTC, with public support restricted to registered providers and declared care.

� Acknowledging LTC as a distinctive sector in data collection and collective agreements or regulations, and improved coverage of collective bargaining, can help in improving evidence for policies, creating a better working environment and enhancing service quality.


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