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PhD Thesis

Dans le document Models and Analyses for Image Synthesis (Page 76-151)

TH-01 Représentations hiérarchiques de la visibilité pour le contrôle de l’erreur en simulation de l’éclairage; Cyril Soler; Université Joseph-Fourier - Grenoble I, Dec. 1998

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Key publications

I’m including here a selection of four publications that are representative of my work. I mostly chose the ones I am the most proud of, in each of the sub-domains I referenced in this report (realtime rendering, geometry processing, image analysis, and simulation of radiative transfer) while trying to cover the full research period that is referred in this document.

Gemstones Stephane Guy PRIMA∗ Cyril Soler ARTIS∗ GRAVIR/IMAG - INRIA Abstract

We present an algorithm for rendering faceted colored gemstones in real time, using graphics hardware. Beyond the technical chal-lenge of handling the complex behavior of light in such objects, a real time high quality rendering of gemstones has direct applica-tions in the field of jewelry prototyping, which has now become a standard practice for replacing tedious (and less interactive) wax carving methods. Our solution is based on a number of controlled approximations of the physical phenomena involved when light en-ters a stone, which permit an implementation based on the most recent – yet commonly available – hardware features such as frag-ment programs, cube-mapping.

Keywords: Crystal optics, Hardware-based rendering, real time

1 Introduction

Gemstones are fascinating because they display many visually ap-pealing phenomena thanks to their ability to alter light in a number of very specific ways. Examples include brilliance from internal reflections, fire due to dispersion of light, dichroism and doubling due to birefringence, color-shifting because of a camel-shaped ab-sorbance spectrum, and darkening due to polarization. Unfortu-nately, the complexity of light interaction inside gemstones, due to their particular crystal structure, makes correct renderings of such objects very difficult to obtain.

Furthermore, our investigations among jewelry design packages show that computer aided prototyping has now become a stan-dard [Doyle 2000]. Applications need a fast algorithm for rendering gemstones to allow the user to move and appreciate the variations in color and brightness over several views of the stone. The

Dans le document Models and Analyses for Image Synthesis (Page 76-151)

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