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3.1 Derivation of novel Langevin Dynamics integrators

3.1.2 Path Integral Momentum-Position Correlator (PIMPC) algorithm

to the quantum case. As already mentioned, this framework will allow us to incorporate noisy QMC forces in the equations of motion, by using an appropriately tailored Langevin noise without breaking the FDT, as it is explained in Section3.2. Moreover, in our quantum algorithms, which make use of a Trotter break-up[94] between the harmonic and the physical modes, the quantum harmonic part is integratedexactly together with the Langevin thermo-stat for the harmonic frequencies.

We start by applying the same idea as of our classical algorithm with momentum-position correlators to the quantum-to-classical mapping Hamiltonian HP described in Eq. (2.59).

The equations of motion corresponding to HP coupled to a Langevin thermostat are those in Eq. (3.2), provided X is now interpreted as a 6N P-dimensional vector, the thermal noise η lives in the 3N P-dimensional space, and the generalized γˆ must be redefined in order to include the harmonic couplings between the beads. ˆγ is now a 6N P ×6N P matrix, which reads as

γˆ =

γ K

−I 0

, (3.9)

whereKis 3N P ×3N P matrix defined as follows:

Kih(j)(k) = ˜ωP2δih


. (3.10)

In the above definition, we have used lower indices to indicate the particle components, the upper ones (in parenthesis) indicate the bead components, while δij(i)(j) for the bead in-dices) is the usual Kronecker delta. The K matrix is diagonal in the particle sector, as the harmonic springs in the fictitious HP of Eq. (2.59) couple different replicas only for the same particle components. Cyclic conditions are implicitly applied in Eq. (3.10) to the matrix boundaries in the bead sector (i.e. (0) = (P)), as the polymers are necklaces.

As we have done in Eq. (3.5) for the classical case, we expandγˆof Eq. (3.9) in Pauli matrices,

Moreover, we require that [K,γ] = 0, which is fulfilled when the forces f are deterministic.

Indeed, γ obeys the FDT (2.32) in the extended 3N P dimensional space. For deterministic forces,γis bead independent, while for noisy forces the matrixαcould be correlated according to the force covariance hδfi(j)δfh(k)i, and γ could acquire a bead dependent contribution to fulfill the FDT. For the time being, let us assume γ to be bead independent, which implies that K and γ commute. We will see in Section 3.2 how to recover this condition even in the case of QMC forces. Then, Eq. (3.11) and [K,γ] = 0 allow one to evaluate e−ˆγδt in a closed analytic form for each (upper and lower) block component of the SDE formal solution in Eq. (3.4). The related algebra is quite tedious and we refer the reader to the Appendix D.3. The resulting integrated equations of motions lead to the following Markov chain:

pn+1 = Λ1,1pn1,2qn+Γ ˜η, (3.12) qn+1 = Λ2,1pn2,2qn+Θ˜η,˜ (3.13) with the integrated6N P-dimensional noise (Eint) and force (Fint) which are, respectively,

Eint =

The expressions forΛ, Γ and Θ matrices are quite complex, so they are given in Appendix D.3. Using this integration scheme, one is in principle able to work with large time steps for the dynamics since all the high frequency vibrations are substantially damped in this type of dynamics. Similarly to the classical case, we can compute the noise correlation matrix by using its definition:

Once again, we refer the reader to the AppendixD.3 for the analytic expression of the noise correlators in the quantum case.

After setting up the general formalism, we need to define the γ matrix in order to fully determine the numerical scheme, as we have done for the CMPC algorithms (Subsection 3.1.1). In the quantum caseγ is a3N P ×3N P matrix. Moreover, we want that [K,γ] = 0.

Let us first introduceγBOas a3N×3N matrix which is bead independent and defined as in the classical case, namely γijBOBOδij for deterministic forces, withγBO a free parameter, to be optimized. In the case of noisy forces, γBO will have off-diagonal elements, as we have anticipated for the classical algorithm. This will be explained in Subsection3.2.3. Therefore, γBOshould retain all optimal damping properties related to the physical BO forcesf(i)acting on each replica(i). We assume that the physics within each replica does not change from one bead to another, thus the optimal γBO can safely be taken as bead independent.

The additional complication of the quantum case is represented by the harmonic matrix K, coupling the beads to each other, whose eigenvalues are λk2k for k= 1, . . . , P, where

ωk= 2˜ωPsin

(k−1)π P

for k= 1, . . . , P . (3.18) The energy scale set byKcan be much larger than the one of the BO potential energy surface.

In the case the BO forcesf are set to zero, one can compute analytically the relevant autocor-relation timeτH (usingH as operator in Eq. (3.28)) of the related Langevin dynamics. It has been shown[177,178] that the optimal damping which minimizes τH is given by γharm(k) = 2ωk, for each harmonic eigenmode k.

We would likeγ to be optimal for both BO and harmonic dynamics. A way to define such a matrix is to exploit the commutator[K,γ] = 0, which implies that γand Kshare a common set of eigenvectors. Thus, we can work in a rotated frame which diagonalizes bothγBO(bead independent) andK (particle independent). In this frameγ is diagonal, with eigenvalues:

γi(k)iBOharm(k) (3.19) for the set of eigenvectors of both γBO (lower index) and K (upper index). This uniquely defines the full matrix γ, as it can be reconstructed from its eigenvectors and eigenvalues.

For noisy forces the γiBO spectrum will be non trivial, while for deterministic forces we have γiBOBO ∀i. Thus, even in the quantum case which mixes harmonic with physical modes, the only parameter left to tune is γBO, as the optimal damping for harmonic forces is fully determined by Eq. (3.18).

To summarize, we have introduced here an algorithm which is able to integrate simulta-neously both the physical molecular and the fictitious ring polymer vibration modes in a single time step δt. This could be appealing, but it turns into a disadvantage, as we will see in the tests reported in Subsection 3.1.4. Indeed, the compromise between physical and harmonic modes made for the friction in Eq. (3.19) does not seem optimal. That choice leads to overdamped dynamics with lower diffusion. Moreover, we recall that in Eq. (3.13) we made the approximation of constant BO forces f during the time step δt. This condition is hard to meet for fast vibrational modes driven by K. The resulting algorithm turns out to be less stable as a function of the number of beadsP and the time stepδt. We are going to improve it, by resorting to a Trotter breakup in order to separate the harmonic part from the BO one.