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Circle 285 on inquiry card. BYTE December 1978 29

Fu nction Program storage Tape storage Program counter Head

Sequenci ng Display I nitial izing tape Saving tape Debuggi n g design

is to represent a signed d isplacement from the current program counter, as Millen suggests in his article. I n hardware, this wou ld require adding a 6 bit adder between the address bus and the program counter, plus some temporary latches to hold the results. I n software, a store instruction must be changed to an add instruction. I n hard­

ware, the board must be modified to accom­

modate the new circuitry, and the clock re­

adj usted. I n software, under M I KBUG, the change can be made with seven keystrokes.

If this system were to be widely dis­

tributed , complete documentation would have to be written. The hardwired approach requires a circuit board layout, a schematic d iagram , parts list and written commentary.

In the software version, comments in the program serve to document the system, along with a written commentary.

The software approach allows a building block technique. The program may be easily combined with other programs. The external programs need to know only the addresses of the various blocks in the universal Turing machine program's logic. The universal Turing machine circuit would have to be mod ified to adapt it to other equipment.

The software version uses M I KBUG's load and d u mp routi nes to save the tape contents, but this would have to be a special ly con­

structed circuit for the hardwired design.

The design, implementation and testing times of the software version were two, one and two hours, respectively. I don't know the exact times required for the hardware approach, but they should be at least several times more than the software approach.

I n order to build the hardwired circuit, the experimenter must obtain al l the cir­

cuitry, a circuit board, wire, power supply, etc, which may or may not be used in future experiments. However, once you have a microcomputer to work with , no extra items

Hardware Version Software Version

2 1 02 Memory locations hexadecimal 00 thru 7 F

2 1 02 Memory locations hexadecimal 80 thru F F Two 74 1 6 1 s Memory locations hexadecimal F B thru F C Three 74 1 9 1 s, 7474 Memory locations hexadecimal FD thru F F 7404, 741 61 ' 741 54 Conditional branching

7 segment LED M I K B U G print/punch command 74 1 57 , 7400,switch M I K B U G l oad command

M I K B UG pri nt/punch command Logic probe and M I K B U G break command osci lloscope

Table 2: Correspondence chart of the functions of the two approaches and the means with which they are implemented.

30 December 1978 © BYTE Publications Inc

are needed and the computer is usable for any other projects without losing th·e ability to reload the universal Turing machine program.

This exam ple cannot be taken as a com­

plete treatment of the trade-offs of the two approaches. Each designer m ust judge the merits of an approach accord ing to the particular needs of the problem to be solved . If the universal Turing machine were to be mass-produced for tim e-critical operations, the h ardware approach woul d be best. If the design is to be used for the Sunday afternoon project of a m icrocomputer enthusiast who already has a system, the software approach would be best.•

Operating the Turing Machine 1 . Put your program i n the state stor­

age area. N ote that the add ress of each state is twice the state n u m ber.

2. Initial ize the tape storage area. You may put your tape anywhere in memory as long as you set the tape head pointer to the proper initial address. Location hexadecimal 0080 is convenient.

3. I n itial ize the program counter. Put 00 in location hexadecimal OOFB, and the first address in the Turing m achine in lo­

cation hexadecimal OOFC. This m ust be the actual memory address (twice the state number).

4. I n itial ize the mask. The mask se­

lects which bit of the byte pointed to by the head pointer to operate on. I t must be composed of seven 0 b its and a single 1 bit. 01 is a reasonable starting value.

5. I nitial ize the head pointer. This is the address of the byte in memory to be considered as the head of the tape. It must point to the tape storage area.

6. Set your M I KBUG start address to hexadecimal 0200, press G (for go), and away it goes.


1 . Millen, J, "A U niversal Turing Machine,"

December 1 976 B YTE, page 1 1 4 .

2. Ralston, A, and Meek, C (editors). Encyclo­

pedia of Compu ter Science, Petrocelli-Charter, New York, 1 976, pages 1 43 2 thru 1 437.

3. Shannon, C E, and McCarthy, J (editors).

Automata Studies, Princeton University P ress, Princeton NJ, 1 956.

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BYTE December 1978 31

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