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Module 11, Unit 4

Dans le document HEADSTART SPANISH (Page 111-126)


Taking a taxi

Sgt. Miller: Are you free?

Cab Driver: Yes, sir.

Sgt. Miller: (For) how much [willJ you take me to the Soloy Hotel?

Cab Driver: (For) four Balboas.

Sgt. Miller: That much?

Cab Driver: Yes, sir. That hotel is located very far from here. And gas is real1y expensive now.

Sgt. Miller: Won't you take me for three dol1ars?

Cab Driver: Well, OK. Do you have any luggage?

Sgt. Mi11er: 1 have on1y two sma11 suitcases.


Cogiendo un taxi Sargento Miller:


Sargento Miller:


Sargento Miller:


Sargento Miller:


Sargento Miller:

_.JIi. • _._~J. ... _ .. __ • .t... ... 11#- • •

¿Está libre?

Sr, señor.

¿Por cuánto me lleva al Hotel Soloy?

Por cuatro Balboas.


Sí, señor. Ese hotel queda muy lejos de aquí. y la gasolina está bien cara ahora.

¿No me lleva por tres d6lares?

Bueno, está bien. ¿Tiene equipaje?

Solamente tengo dos maletas pequeñas.


1. Twa kinds af taxis affer rides in Panama City. One, which travels both within the city limits and beyond, has a fixed price and usually waits at the taxi stands of major hotels and public buildings. The other circulates only within the city limits and will bargain over the fare. In sorne cases, taxi drivers charge extra for suitcases.

2. ¿Por cu4nto me lleva al Hotel Soloy? Literally, "For how much [willJ you take me to the Soloy Hotel?"

3. Remember that the Panamanians do not have their own bilIs and use U.S. dollar bilIs which they call Balboas. You can call them either Balboas or d6lares, whichever you prefer.

Dirk van der Made - GNU Free Documentation License

The lobby of Hotel Colón in Casco Viejo, Panamá City


Exercise 1. Repetition.

¿Está libre el viernes por la tarde?

¿Está libre el viernes por la noche?

¿Está libre esta noche?

¿Está libre este sábado?

¿Está libre este domingo por la tarde?

¿Está libre este fin de semana?

¿Está libre mañana por la mañana?

Exercise 2.

Are you free Friday afternoon?

Are you free Friday evening?

Are you free this evening?" OR,

"Are you free tonight?

Are you free this Saturday?

Are you free this Sunday afternoon?

Are you free this weekend?

Are you free tomorrow morning?

You hear: ¿Está libre el lunes?

You see: this Wednesday

Say: No, pero estoy libre este mi~rcoles.

this Sunday this weekend this afternoon this Friday

this evening (tonight)

Module 11 Unit 4

Exercise 3. Say in Spanish:


II 1. Are you free Monday?

2. No, 1 'm not free now.

3. Are you free this weekend?

4. l'm not free this morning, but l'm free Saturday afternoon.

5. Are you free tonight?

Exercise 4.

You hear: el Hotel Panamá

Say: Al Hotel Panamá, por favor.


You hear: la estaci6n del tren

Say: A la estaci6n del tren, por favor.

el Hotel Caribe

la estaci6n de buses el aeropuerto

el Restaurante El Dorado la estaci6n del tren el Hotel Soloy

Module II Unit 4

La Presidencia (The Presidential Palace) el Restaurante Astoria

la estaci6n del tren el Hotel Soloy

Exercise 6. Repetition.

¿Queda el Hotel Soloy

Module II

Exercise 7.

You hear: Cuatro Balboas, señor.

Say: ¿No me lleva por tres?

Exercise 8. Repetition.

Tengo una maleta.

maletas pequeñas. suitcases.

Solamente tengo una

Module II Unit 4

Exercise 9. Say in Spanish:


II 1. l have one small suitcase.

2. l have only two small suitcases.

3. I don't have any luggage.

4. l have one big suitcase.

5. l don't have any suitcases.

6. l have three suitcases, two big ones and a small one.

7. Where is the Granada Hotel (located)?

8. How much to take me to that restaurant?

9. To the bus station, please.

10. ls that street (located) very far from here?

11. Won't you take me for three fifty?

12. ls that auto shop near here?

Exercise 10. Conversation for Listening Comprehension.



Listen without looking at your text •

. -...

h • • . ' . , . •• ; - •

. , ...

. . .'


¡ • • • • • •

~ ~, . .


: ":1 ~",:::, ;.::

'~, "';'::_.; ::~ :.-'F=-':':~~~~

.: . ,., .. . r - - - I

Module II Unit 4

Pablo: Ram6n, ¿d6nde queda el Restaurante Caribe?

Ram6n: ¡Ah! Ese restaurante queda muy lejos de aquí.

Pablo: ¿y c6mo hago para llegar allí?

Ram6n: Sigue derecho por la Avenida Balboa hasta la Calle 30.


Entonces dobla a la izquierda y sigue derecho hasta el final. All! verás el restaurante.

tQu~ complicado! ¿Puedes repetirme todo eso otra vez?

Ramon: Sí, c6mo no. Sigue derecho por la Avenida Balboa •••• Oye, yo estoy libre ahora y puedo llevarte. Vamos en mi carro.

Pablo: tMagnífico! Vamos.

NOTE: Sigue: "Continue." Compare with siga.

Dobla: "Turn." Compare with doble.

Verás: "You will see." Compare with verá.

¡Qu~ complicado! "How complicated!"

eso otra vez? "Can you repeat

--~~~~~~~----~----~~~---a again?' Oye: "Listen. "

Puedo llevarte: "1 can take you."

Vamos: "Let's go."

Magnífico: literally, "Magnificent," "Great," "Teriffic."



SITUATION 1: You walk out the front door of your hotel and see a cab at the taxi stand. Ask the cabdriver if he's free.

SITUATION 2: You want to ask someone if he's free this weekend.

How do you ask that?

SITUATION 3: Before taking a taxi to the airport, you want to know the fare. Ask the taxi driver "How much to take me to the airport?"

SITUATION 4: You don't want to haggle over the fare; you simply want to tell the cabdriver "To the Caribe Hotel, please." Say this in Spanish.

SITUATION 5: A Panamanian has mentioned that downtown there is a very good restaurant that serves typical Panamanian dishes.

How would you ask where that restaurant is located?

SITUATION 6: You have been told that the El Dorado is a very good restaurant. Ask if i t ' s nearby.

SITUATION 7: You have just asked a taxi driver to take you somewhere. You think the fare of fifteen Balboas is too much.

How would you say, "Won't you take me for ten?"

SITUATION 8: How would you say to a taxi driver "1 have only one small suitcase?"

SITUATION 9: You have flagged down a taxi. After you and the driver agree on a price, he asks whether you have any suitcases.

Tell him that you don't have any luggage.


Used before destination.

to the right

Panamanian currency, city in Panama.


Module 11 female ticket seller ticket window

ticket, one-way ticket Well . . . .

Module 11

this evening, tonight this afternoon

Module 11

officer (Panamanian policeman)


Module 11

ticket for traveling small



Dans le document HEADSTART SPANISH (Page 111-126)

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