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Since model functions play an important role throughout the book a categorization of model functions is helpful. A good starting point is the most prominent model function: The straight line.

1.3.1 Linear Model Functions with One Argument



The well-known functional form of the straight line is y=f(x) =a1+a2x




labels={"x","y","Straight line"};

CIP‘Graphics‘Plot2dFunction[pureFunction,argumentRange, functionValueRange,labels]

The straight line is linear in two ways: It describes a linear relation between argu-mentxand function valueyand is itself linear in its parametersa1anda2, i.e.a1 anda2have exponent 1. A general model function which is linear in its parameters can be defined as follows:

y=f(x) =a1g1(x) +a2g2(x) +...+aLgL(x) =∑Lv=1avgv(x)

This general linear function consists ofLparametersa1toaLthat are each multiplied by a functiongv(x). The functionsgv(x) depend onxand do only have fixed and known internal parameters. Note that the general linear function does not necessarily describe a linear relation between argumentxand function valuey: This relation

may be highly non-linear, e.g. for agv(x) that is equal toex. From the point of view of the general linear function the straight line is just a special case with

L=2 ; g1(x) =x0=1 ; g2(x) =x that leads to

y=f(x) =a1+a2x

Another well-known example of this type of linear model functions are polynomials y=f(x) =a1+a2x+a3x2+...+aLxL−1=∑Lv=1avxv−1

e.g. the quadratic parabola

y=f(x) =∑3v=1avxv−1=a1+a2x+a3x2




labels={"x","y","Quadratic parabola"};

CIP‘Graphics‘Plot2dFunction[pureFunction,argumentRange, functionValueRange,labels]

Model functions that are linear in their parameters make up an important special case for curve fitting procedures to experimental data: It can be shown that they lead to optimization problems with only one global optimum which in principle may be

calculated with pencil and paper by means of analytic calculation strategies (e.g. see [Hamilton 1964], [Barlow 1989], [Bevington 2002], [Brandt 2002] or [Press 2007]).

Again, note that the term linear model function denotes a function that is lin-ear in its parameters only. It does not necessarily mean a linlin-ear dependence of the function valueyon the argumentx. This subtle difference often causes some misunderstandings in scientific practice as far as non-linear fits are concerned.

1.3.2 Non-linear Model Functions with One Argument



A model function that is not linear in its parameters is called a non-linear model function, e.g.

y=f(x) =a1ea2x

To recognize the non-linearity in parameters of the example function a power series expansion is helpful (in this case aroundx= 0 with a display up to the 4th power):

Series[Subscript[a, 1]*Exp[Subscript[a, 2]*x],{x,0,4}]


The cross terms likea1a2ora1a22and the higher powers ofa2likea22,a32,a42etc. now become directly obvious. A prominent example is the exponential decay model that describes radioactive processes of disintegration or chemical first-order kinetics:




labels={"x","y","Exponential decay"};

CIP‘Graphics‘Plot2dFunction[pureFunction,argumentRange, functionValueRange,labels]

Nature (fortunately) is not linear (otherwise living organisms would not exist) so non-linear model functions play a predominant role in science. But compared to lin-ear models non-linlin-ear model functions may cause severe problems in data analysis procedures. They lead to optimization problems with multiple optima so analytic calculation strategies are no longer applicable in general: Only iterative strategies can be followed that may disastrously fail.

So far only one dimensional model functions with one argumentxare discussed.

One dimensional model functions play the central part in curve fitting methods where the structural form of the model function is often known but not the values of its parameters (see chapter 2).

1.3.3 Linear Model Functions with Multiple Arguments



Model functions with multiple argumentsx1toxMmay be linear in their parameters and are generally written in the form (that utilizes the general linear function with one argument from above):

y=f(x1,x2,...,xM) =

Lv=1a1vg1v(x1) +...+

Lv=1aMvgMv(xM) y=f(x1,x2,...,xM) =∑Mu=1


The multidimensional analog of the straight line is the hyperplane that is derived from the general linear model function with


y=f(x1,x2,...,xM) =∑Mu=1


=∑Mu=1(au1gu1(xu) +au2gu2(xu)) y=f(x1,x2,...,xM) =∑Mu=1au1gu1(xu) +∑Mu=1au2gu2(xu)


au=au1; gu1(xu) =xu; aM+1=∑Mu=1au2;gu2(xu) =1 that leads to

y=f(x1,x2,...,xM) =∑Mu=1auxu+aM+1 A 3D plane withM=2

y=f(x1,x2) =a1x1+a2x2+a3 is visualized below:






What holds for one dimensional linear model functions still holds for their multidi-mensional analogs: Model fitting procedures to experimental data lead to optimiza-tion problems with one global optimum with analytic calculaoptimiza-tion strategies for its position.

1.3.4 Non-linear Model Functions with Multiple Arguments



Non-linear model functions with multiple argumentsx1toxM like y=f(x1,x2,...,xM) =a1sin(x1) +exp


(where exp{x}denotesex)may be viewed as curved hyper surfaces with multiple minima and maxima in comparison to linear hyperplanes. The already shown curved 3D surface may again be taken as an example:


1.9*(1.35+Exp[x]*Sin[13.0*(x-0.6)^2]*Exp[-y]* Sin[7.0*y])];





It is these kinds of curved hyper surfaces that answer the most subtle questions about nature but on the other hand they cause the worst data analysis problems.

Machine learning methods usually lead to this kind of surfaces to optimize (see chapter 4): They require iterative optimization techniques which in turn need considerable computational power to be applied with success.

1.3.5 Multiple Model Functions

In a last step multiple model functions may be collected together to generate an output vectory(the answer) for an input vectorx(the question)

y1=f1(x1,x2,...,xM) y2=f2(x1,x2,...,xM)



which may be written in an abbreviated vector notation:


Note that the output vectoryand the function vectorf are of dimensionNwhereas the input vectorxis of (maybe different) dimensionM. Model function collections of this kind play the crucial role in machine learning methods where function col-lections are constructed to describe experimental data in multiple dimensions (see chapter 4).

1.3.6 Summary

The Holy Grail of the sciences to calculate nature with output=f(input)

may now be written in mathematical detail:


Questions about nature are asked with adequately defined input vectorsxthat are submitted to model functions f to give the answer in form of an adequately defined output vectory. This is a rather general scheme: Nearly everything can be adequately coded in input/output vectors, e.g. molecules, pharmacological effects, material’s properties etc. The details of this kind of coding may be subtle and difficult and are the realm of specific areas of science like chemoinformatics or bioinformatics. The proper coding is an essential precondition to any data analysis: If the interesting parts of the world are not adequately coded then any association of them by model functions must inevitably fail.