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TR L-address

Specifies the symbolic address of the translate parameter Transmit 36 alphameric characters, A-Z and 0-9, the list. lf notgiven, the address is assumed to be in register 1. number of times specified in the NUM operandl. Trans-After $TRAN is executed, register 1 contains the address mit the characters in EBCDIC (EBCDIC adapterr onlyl"

of the translate parameter list.

N U M - d e c d i g Generate an Online Test parameter Lirt ($RFTL)

Specifies. in decimal, the number of times to transmit or re-T h e $ R F re-T L m a c r o i n s t r u c t i o n g e n e r a t e s t h e p a r a m e t e r l i s t c e i v e t h e t e s t m e s s a g e . V a l i d e n t r i e s a r e l - 9 9 ( l e a , J i n g required for online test requests (see index entry online test zeroes must not be used).

requestsl . For the format of the parameter list, see index entry online test parameter list.


$RFTL Macro lnstruction Format Specifies, in decimal. the number of addressing characters (0-7). LEN must be 0 for:

l n a m e l | $RFTL I TYPE-00/0r/06/14.NUM-decdis,

L E N - d e c d i s [.COD E - E / A ]

[ , T E R M A D . - h e x ]

name o Multipoint tributary stations (TYPE-MP in $DTFB)

requesting online test type 00.

A name given to a $R FTL macro instruction becomes the

symbolic address of the f irst byte of the generated param- LEN must be grea'ter than 0 only for multipoint tributary eter list. The name can then be used to address specific stations (TYPE-MP in $DTFB) reguesting some l:est type fields in the list if you want to change the fields. other than 00.

T Y P E _ C O D E _ E / A

Specifies, in decimal. the online test type: Specifies whether the character code of your data is EBCDIC (E) or ASCII (A). The character code you use is

00 determined by the transmission code feature of your BSCA.

Receive and acknowledge the test message the number of times specified in the NUM operand. The formatted test request must not be more than 300 characters long.

See index entry online test requests.

0 1

Transmit the test message the number of times specified in the NUM operand. The formatted test request must not be more than 300 characters long. See index'entry online test requesb.

o All non-multipoint lines (TYPE-PP,AC,MC,Ar\, or MA i n $ D T F B I

o Multipoint control stations (TYPE-CS in $DTFB)

T E R M A D - h e x

Specifies the hexadecimal representation of the addressing characters to be used, not more than 7 bytes. Thr: number of bytes required to contain the addressing characters must be equal to the number specified in the LEN operantl.

INITIATING DATA TRANSFER To initiate data transfer you must issue:

. GET reguests to receive data ($GETB macro instruc-tion), or

. PUT requests to transmit data ($pUTB macro instruc-t i o n ) .

All GET and PUT reguests are executed in move mode.

The first request causes MLMp to establish line connections according to the operands specified in the SDTFB macro instruction. An initial GET request can be canceled after it has been isued (SCANB macro instruction).

You must check for the completion of every BSC l/O operation you initiate ($CHK macro instruction). That is, you must issue gCHK after every GET request, pUT re-quest, and request for online test (see index entry online t?st) before you issue another GET request for the same line, PUT request, or request for online test. you must also issue $CHK after each $CANB macro instruction.

Movs Mode

Data is moved from the MLMp l/O buffers to your logical buffer on GET requests, and from your logical buffer to the MLMP l/O buffers on pUT requests. A single GET or PUT request does not necessarily result in the actual trans-mission of data over a telecommunications line.

Records for conversational files (CONV-Y in the SDTFB macro instructionl are transmitted one at a time. Con-sequently, each GET or PUT request causes MLMp to re_

ceive or transmit one record.

For all nonconversational files, however, a GET request causes data to be transmitted from the remote terminal only if the GET request moves to your logical buffer the last record contained in an MLMp l/O buffer. After the GET request is executed, an l/O buffer is empty and avail_

able to MLMP for receiving more data, and transmission from the remote terminal can continue.

A PUT request for a nonconversational file causes data to be transmitted to the remote terminal only if the record to be moved to an MLMP l/O buffer cannot be contained in the current l/O buffer.

lssue a GET Request ($GETB)

The $GETB macro instruction instructs Mt.Mp to move data from an MLMP l/O buffer to your logical buffer. Do not attempt to move data to or from your logical buffer after issuing a GET request until you have been posted a DTF completion code by the check routine. See index entry

$CH K macro instruction.

$GETB Macro lnstruction Format

EcE"dd*Cf-l I I l t , o r . - ! / B L K 1 |


Specifies the symbolic address of the DTF (file) for which the GET request is issued. lf not given, the address of the DTF is assumed to be in register 2.

After $GETB is executed, register 2 contains the address of the DTF for which the GET request was issued.


Specifies the symbolic address of a user roul:ine to receive control if the GET request cannot be accepted by MLMp.

You must provide the routine. The routine should check the DTF completion code to deterrnine why the GET re-quest was not accepted. See index entry completion code.

lf the REJECT operand is not specified, check for a DTF completion code of $BCREO after each GE-f request to determine whether or not the request was accepted. See index entry completion code.

You might want to print a message to signal rejected GET request. ln most cases, a request is rejected lcecause of a logic error in your program. Check your logic flow, para-meter lists, and DTF for errors. Consider using the $SNAP macro instruction to dump your program. See index entry

$SNAP macro instruction.

MLMP Programming 27


Specifies normal blocking and deblocking; that is, data received will be stripped of control characters and moved to your logical buffer (addressed by the RCAD operand in

$DTFB) one record at a time.

O P C _ B L K

Specif ies that data received will be moved to logical buffer one block at a time. Each block of data moved will include line control characters. The length of the block moved w i l l b e p l a c e d b y M L M P in $ B D R E L o f t h e D T F . F o r t h e format of the DTF, see index entry BSC DTF.

OPC-BLK is recommended for GET requests for conversa-tional files. See index entrv conversconversa-tional reply for the significance of OPC-BLK in GET requests for a conversa-tional file. OPC-BLK is also recommended for GET re-quests issued to receive variable length records that do not contain record separators. See index entry $DTFB con-siderations for more information on variable length records.

Note: lI you specify OPC-BLK, be sure your logical buffer (identified by the RCAD operand in the $DTFB macro instruction) is large enough to..contain an entire block of data plus line control characters. For a description of the RCAD operand, see index entry $DTFB macro instruction.

lssue a PUT Request ($PUTBI

The $PUTB macro instruction instructs MLMP to move data from your logical buffer to an MLMP l/O buffer. Do not attempt to move daia td'ix from your logical buffer after issuing a PUT request until you have been posted a DTF completion code by the check routine. See index entry

$CH K macro instruction.

$PUTB Macro lnstruction Format

lnamel l$pure llo.|-r-addressl [,REJECT-address]



Specifies the symbolic address of the DTF (file) for which the PUT request is issued. lf not given, the addret;s of the DTF is assumed to be in register 2.

After $PUTB is executed, register 2 contains the address of the DTF for which the PUT request was issued'


Specifies the symbolic address of a user routine to receive control if the PUT request cannot be accepted by MLMP.

You must provide the routine. The routine should check the DTF completion code to determine why the PUT re-quest was not accepted. See index entry completion code.

lf the REJECT operand is not specified, check for a DTF completion code of $BCREO after each PUT request to determine whether or not the request was accept(,d. See index entry comPletion code.

You might want to print a message to signal a rejtlcted PUT request. ln most cases. a request is rejected because of a logic error in your program. Check your logic flow, para' meter lists, and DTF for errors. Consider using the $SNAP macro instruction to dump your program. See index entry

$SNAP macro instruction.


Specifies normal blocking and deblocking. That is, data will be moved from your logical buffer (addresse'J by the RCAD operand in $DTFB) to available l/O buffers one record at a time.


Specifies that in addition to performing normal blocking operations, MLMP must make the current record the last record in the current output buffer, thereby forcing an end' of-block condition. ETB (ETX for conversational files) is transmitted at the end of this record.

See index entry convergtional reply for the significance of OPC-EOB in PUT requests for conversational files.

O P C _ E O F

Specifies that MLMP transmit EOT to indicate end-of-file.

Note: ll you specify OPC-EOF in the f irst pUT request for a file, or in a PUT request that immediately follows a GET request for the same f ile, the pUT request will be re.

jected and the $BCIGN completion code will be posted in the DTF. See index entry completion code.

O P C _ E O W

Specifies that EOT will be sent after each record in response to ACK or WACK. Each transmission consists of only one record when OPC-EOW is specified.

lf OPC-EOW is specified in pUT requests for a System/3 control station's files (TYPE-CS in the gDTFB macro instruction), tributary stations can process each record as it is received from the control station without delaying transmissions between the control station and other taries in the network. After EOT has been sent to a tribu-tary in response to ACK or WACK, other tributaries can be polled or addressed. The tributary that received EOT can also be polled or addressed again.

For more efficient use of line time, OpC-EOW is recommen.

ded when you transmit f rom a control station to a 29721 2980 terminal. You must specify OPC-EOW if you are transmitting to a 327O printer. However, EOT is not a valid response to WACK for every kind of terminal. Know the restrictions pertaining to the terminals you use before specifying OPC-EOW.

y'Vofe.' Don't specify OPC-EOW for a conversational file (CONV-Y in the $DTFB macro instructionl if you expect to receive a conversational reply. lf you do specify OpC_

EOW for a conversational file, conversational replies will be ignored and lost.

Cancela GET Request ($CANBI

The $CANB macro instruction instructs MLMp to cancel a GET operation that is in progress. $CANB enables you to override wrapped polling lists if you are a control station (TYPE-CS in the SDTFB macro instruction) and cancel initial GET requests.

lssue $GHK for erch accoptcd cancel GET nrqu$t. lf tho cfieck routine postr tho SBCEOT completiorn code, the GET requert was canceled by SCnNg. lf any other com-pletion code is port8d, it pertainr to ths GET request-gcANB has been ignored and you murt procesd according to the completion cod€ postd for the GET request.

$CHK naedn't bc isucd for r GET reguct tBfore it is canceled. Howevor, if you rre polling with $ wrapped poil.

ing list or waiting to be ddrarrd, a ryay to rdetermine

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