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Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) Algorithm

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Identification of Two-bodies model

4.2 Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) Algorithm

This section describes another identification algorithm based on Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) estimation (Yu and Wilamowski, 2011, Hammar, 2015). The LM method combines the steepest descent and the Gauss-Newton algorithms. In our context, it is used to identify the front and rear body moment of inertia.

Classically, in this estimation scheme, the objective function is usually defined as the difference between the model and the experimental responses, expressed through some kind of metric.

Let us assume that f(y,y˙(θ),y¨(θ)) is a generic response function which depends on a set of unknown parametersθ, measurement outputy and its times derivativesy,˙ y¨

f =

The sensitivities of the generic functions is described as as follow :

fθ= df

Where, the operator d(.)d(.) denotes total derivatives, and the operator (.)(.) denotes partial derivatives. yθ, y˙θ andy¨θ are state sensitivities.

4.2.1 Problem Statement

Identification methods are generally based on minimizing the difference between the measured outputs and the estimated outputs.

Let consider the following quadratic criterionJ to be minimized:

minJ(t) =1

2ε2(t) (4.13)

whereε(t) =f(t)fˆ(t)is the prediction error which represents the quadratic deviation between the generic responses function defined in equation (4.12) and the their real measurement from sensor. The LM algorithm requires the computation of the Jacobian matrix of the vector f with respect to the unknown parameter, such that:

From equation (4.14), we define the following Hessian matrix:

Jθθ= (εfθi)


jfθi (4.15)

In order to make sure that the Hessian matrixJθθ is invertible, Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm introduces an approximation to the Hessian matrix such thatHJθθ+λI where, lambda >0 is called combination coefficient andI is the identity matrix.

90 Chapter 4. Identification of Two-bodies model Figures4.6and4.11introduce the steering torqueτ, the forward speedvx, and the PTWV trajectory during the double lane change manoeuvrer.

Figure 4.6: Test manoeuvrer : double line change,vx=100 km/h in circle road, on high-friction surfaceµ=0.85 : Rider torqueτ - Longitudinal velocity - Path.

As mentioned in the previous sections, the generic response function f converges to true state when the unknown parameters are updated with the estimated values of the inertial parameters. Moreover, figures4.7 show the generic response function f = {ψ,¨ ψ,¨ δ¨} for the initial parameters. Then in Figures (4.8) after updating the inertial parameters convergence. Note that, the algorithm initialisation were willingly chosen different from the prior knowledge on the parameters to prove the ability to identify the true values and converge toward the actual generic response.

0 5 10

Figure 4.7: Generic responses (acceleration angles) estimation in initial parameters value θ0 compared to actual responses.

0 5 10

Figure 4.8: Generic responses (acceleration angles) estimation after updating parameters estimates valueθi, compared to actual responses

One can notice the significant mismatched between the actual response and the generic functions calculated from the initialisation. The results show that at the beginning when applying the initial value of parameters the model didn’t match the actual generic responses, however, by updating the values of the identified parameters by LM method, the generic responses estimation closely match the simulated generic functions.

4.2. Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) Algorithm 91 Table 4.3 summarizes the values of the identifiable inertial parameters. The lateral two-bodies model is a parameters varying system which depend on the forward speed vx, hence, some parameters of this model depend on vx. For this test, the forward speed is constant, one can easily deduce the value of the physical parameters by omitting the speed. These varying parameters are plotted in figure4.9.

0 5 10

Figure 4.9: Combined inertial parameters estimatesθˆi,θˆ6.

Furthermore, to test the effect of noises on the output vector, a Gaussian noise is added to outputs vector to realistically recreate real application scenarios. The variances for Gaussian noise is 0.05rad/s2. For a good identification, these residuals should be white, which statistically means that we have insignificant correlations for non-zero lags. Figures4.10plot the autocorrelation of the residuals error compared to that of a white noise. From the autocorrelation graphs and except at zero lag, the autocorrelation values of the residual errors lie within the autocorrelation of a white noise signal. From this, we conclude that the prediction errors are white Gaussian noise.

-600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600

Figure 4.10: Correlation graph for white noise and residual error.

The second test deals with an oncoming traffic with rapid variable speed between 12 and 35m/son handling road course including straight lines, large and narrow turns. This test is a very common scenario on real life riding situation. Figures 4.11present the steering torqueτ, the forward speedvx, and the PTWV trajectory of the track test.

Figure 4.11: Test manoeuvrer 2: oncoming variable speed, in road course withµ=0.85 : Rider torqueτ - Longitudinal velocity - Path.

92 Chapter 4. Identification of Two-bodies model Whereas, figures (4.12) and (4.13) plot the generic response functionf ={ψ,¨ ψ,¨ δ¨}, first as function of the initial parameters, and then after the convergence of the algorithm by updating with the identified inertial parameters.

Figure 4.12: Generic responses (acceleration angles) estimation in initial parameters value θ0 compared to actual responses.

0 20 40 60 80

Figure 4.13: Generic responses (acceleration angles) estimation after updating parameters estimates valueθi, compared to actual responses.

As for the first test, the parameters which depend on the forward speed are plotted in figures4.14.

0 20 40 60 80

Figure 4.14: Combined inertial parameters estimates.

The final step is to analyse the residuals generated by LM method. The result on the autocorrelation of the residuals error compared to that of the white noise are given in figures 4.15. One can remark some small difference on the autocorrelation of the residuals error in the zero lag, specially on the generic response of the roll accelerationRφ¨. However, in general the autocorrelation sequence of the residuals looks like that of the white noise process which means that the generic response are well fitted. Hence, we conclude that the prediction errors have almost the same characteristics as a white Gaussian noise.

-3000 -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 3000 Lag

-3000 -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 3000 Lag

-3000 -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 3000 Lag

Figure 4.15: Correlation graph for white noise and residual error.

4.3. Final Remarks 93 Table 4.3 presents parameters values estimates. For () parameters, the estimated convergence is shown in figures (4.9) and (4.14). Where, θ = [e44,e45,e46,e55,e56,a54,a56,a64,a65,a46] is the unknown vector of interest which represent the combined inertial parameters of motorcycle of the front and rear wheels, depending on : Ifx,y,z ={Ifx,Ify,Ifz},Irx,y,z={Irx,Iry,Irz},Crxz andiyf,x={iry,ify}.

Table 4.3: LM identification results

Initial T rue values Scenario1 Scenario2

Parameters θ0 θr θi θi

e44 1 34.7228 31.7914 28.2429

e45 2 1.9632 0.968 −4.0424

e46 0.1 0.6584 0.5 0.5

e55 113 118.0202 119.78 119.9828

a54 −170×vx −175.0479×vx ∗ ∗

e56 −1×vx −1.4622×vx ∗ ∗

a56 0.1 0.3827 0.5 0.5

a64 −1×vx −0.8685×vx ∗ ∗

a65vx 1.4622×vx ∗ ∗

a46 0.2×vx 0.6818×vx ∗ ∗

4.3 Final Remarks

This chapter deals with the identification of PTWV two bodies model. First, a methodology for iterative, cascade identification has been proposed for the estimation of unknown parameters. Equations that describe the lateral dynamic are used to form the resulting problem that is solved using a multiple-objective opti-mization algorithm adapted to the complexity of our model. In order to find the lateral dynamics we had to solve a linear gray-box problem by gradient method. The method has been successfully evaluated by simulation.

Second, we have described the design process of Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) identifier to estimate motorcycle combined inertial parameters, this approach uses sensitivity functions of generic responses developed using the Sharp motorcycle model to optimal estimation. The LM estimation improved convergence character-istics for state by updating inertial parameters, which are most apparent in the estimation of the generic responses: yaw, roll and the steering acceleration. The designed LM method, identified combined expression of inertial parameters and predicted the objective functions. The simulation results were very promising, the LM formulation is a good method to predict the response with very high accuracy. The main difficulty lies in the number of important parameters to estimate, which results in unrealized scenarios capable to excite the target modes for the identification.

Dans le document The DART-Europe E-theses Portal (Page 109-114)