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5. Bibliography

5.4. Non-lethal measures to prevent escape

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Clapperton, B Kay, and Tim D Day (2001). Cost-Effectiveness of Exclusion Fencing for Stoat and Other Pest Control Compared with Conventional Control. Department of Conservation New Zealand, Wellington.

Clevenger, Anthony P., Bryan Chruszcz, and Kari E Gunson. (2001). Highway Mitigation Fencing Reduces Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions. Wildlife Society Bulletin 29(2): 646–53.



80 Cox, Tarnya E., Peter J. Murray, G.P. Hall and Xiuhua Li. (2010). Pest Responses to Odors From Predators Fed a Diet of Target Species Conspecifics and Heterospecifics. Journal of Wildlife Management 74(8): 1737–44. http://www.bioone.org/doi/abs/10.2193/2009-410.

Cudmore, Becky et al. (2017). Ecological Risk Assessment of Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon Idella) for the Great Lakes Basin.

Cullen, R., G. A. Fairburn,and K. F D Hughey (2001). Measuring the Productivity of Threatened-Species Programs. (Ecological Economics) 39(1): 53–66.

Curton, John M. 2001. “Brailing... A Flight Restraint Technique.” AFA Watchbird 28(1): 34–35.

Dawson, Heather A, Ulrich G Reinhardt, and Jacqueline F Savino. 2006. “Use of Electric or Bubble Barriers to Limit the Movement of Eurasian Ruffe (Gymnocephalus Cernuus).” Journal of Great Lakes Research 32(1): 40–49.

Day, Tim, and Roger MacGibbon. 2007. “Multiple-Species Exclusion Fencing and Technology for Mainland Sites.”

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Gill, R M A. 1992. “A Review of Damage by Mammals in North Temperate Forests: 1. Deer.” Forestry 65(2): 145–69.

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Hidinger, Lori. 2009. “To Fence or Not to Fence.” Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 7(7):


Hile, Arla G., Zhixing Shan, Shao Zhong Zhang, and Eric Block. 2004. “Aversion of European Starlings (Sturnus Vulgaris) to Garlic Oil Treated Granules: Garlic Oil as an Avian Repellent. Garlic Oil Analysis by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy.” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 52(8):


81 Horsley, Stephen B, Susan L Stout, and David S DeCalesta. 2003. “WHITE-TAILED DEER IMPACT ON THE VEGETATION DYNAMICS OF A NORTHERN HARDWOOD FOREST.” Ecological Applications 13(1):


Jensen et al. 2010. “Escapes of Fishes from Norwegian Sea-Cage Aquaculture: Causes, Consequences and Prevention.” Aquaculture Environment Interactions 1(1): 71–83.

Klausen, B. 2014. “A Mixed-species Exhibit for African Water Birds (Including Pelicans, Flamingos, Spoonbills and Storks) at Odense Zoo, Denmark: Breeding Success, Animal Welfare and Education.”

International Zoo Yearbook 48(1): 61–68.

Korhonen, Hannu, and Paavo Niemelä. 1997. “Choices of Farm Foxes for Raised Wire Mesh Cage and Ground Pen.” Applied Animal Behaviour Science 54(2–3): 243–50.

Kotchemidova, Christina. 2008. “The Culture of the Fence: Artifacts and Meanings.” Counterblast–

The Journal of Culture and Communication 2: 1–4.

Kuiters, A T, and P A Slim. 2002. “Regeneration of Mixed Deciduous Forest in a Dutch Forest-Heathland, Following a Reduction of Ungulate Densities.” Biological Conservation 105(1): 65–74.

Long, Kirstin, and Alan Robley. 2004. Cost Effective Feral Animal Exclusion Fencing for Areas of High Conservation Value in Australia. Department of the Environment and Heritage Canberra, Australia.

Mason, J Russell. 1998. “Mammal Repellents: Options and Considerations for Development.”

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Miehls, Scott M, Nicholas S Johnson, and Pete J Hrodey. 2017. “Test of a Nonphysical Barrier Consisting of Light, Sound, and Bubble Screen to Block Upstream Movement of Sea Lampreys in an Experimental Raceway.” North American Journal of Fisheries Management 37(3): 660–66.

Murchy, Kelsie Ann. 2016. “Bioacoustic Deterrence of Invasive Bigheaded Carp.”

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Scofield, R Paul, Ross Cullen, and Maggie Wang. 2011. “Are Predator-Proof Fences the Answer to New Zealand’s Terrestrial Faunal Biodiversity Crisis?” New Zealand Journal of Ecology: 312–17.

Shivik, John A, Adrian Treves, and Peggy Callahan. 2003. “Nonlethal Techniques for Managing Predation: Primary and Secondary Repellents.” Conservation Biology 17(6): 1531–37.

Somers, Michael J. and Matthew W. Hayward. 2012. Fencing for Conservation: Restriction of Evolutionary Potential Or a Riposte to Threatening Processes?

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83 Cox, Tarnya E., Peter J. Murray, Graham P. Hall, and Xiuhua Li. (2010). Pest Responses to Odors From Predators Fed a Diet of Target Species Conspecifics and Heterospecifics. Journal of Wildlife

Management 74(8): 1737–44. http://www.bioone.org/doi/abs/10.2193/2009-410.

Cudmore, Becky et al. (2017). Ecological Risk Assessment of Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon Idella) for the Great Lakes Basin.

Cullen, R., G. A. Fairburn, and K. F D Hughey. (2001). Measuring the Productivity of Threatened-Species Programs. Ecological Economics 39(1): 53–66.

Curton, John M. (2001). Brailing. A Flight Restraint Technique. AFA Watchbird 28(1): 34–35.

Dawson, Heather A, Ulrich G Reinhardt, and Jacqueline F Savino. (2006). Use of Electric or Bubble Barriers to Limit the Movement of Eurasian Ruffe (Gymnocephalus Cernuus). Journal of Great Lakes Research 32(1): 40–49.

Day, Tim, and Roger MacGibbon. (2007). Multiple-Species Exclusion Fencing and Technology for Mainland Sites.

Devisscher, Sander et al. (2012). Beheer van de Stierkikker in Vlaanderen En Nederland.


Dollinger, Peter et al. (2013). Flugunfähigmachen von Vögeln–Für Und Wider. Der Zoologische Garten 82(5): 293–339.

Gill, R M A. (1992). A Review of Damage by Mammals in North Temperate Forests: 1. Deer. Forestry 65(2): 145–69.

Giunchi, Dimitri, Valentina Gaggini, and N. Emilio Baldaccini. (2007). Distance Sampling as an Effective Method for Monitoring Feral Pigeon (Columba Livia F. Domestica) Urban Populations.

Urban Ecosystems 10(4): 397–412.

Goddard, P. J. et al. (2001). Behavioural Responses of Red Deer to Fences of Five Different Designs.

Applied Animal Behaviour Science 73(4): 289–98.

Google shopping. (2017). hand dip net. Retrieved 1st of August, 2017, from https://www.google.co.uk/shopping using the keywords "hand dip nets".

Google shopping (2017). Squirrel Repellent. 5th of September 2017, from https://www.google.co.uk/shopping unsing the keyword "squrrel repellent.

Grandin, T. (1990). Design of Loading Facilities and Holding Pens. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 28(1–2): 187–201.

Hayward, Matthew W. and Michael J. Somers. (2012). An Introduction to Fencing for Conservation.

In Fencing for Conservation: Restriction of Evolutionary Potential Or a Riposte to Threatening Processes?, , 1–6.

Hidinger, Lori. (2009). To Fence or Not to Fence. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 7(7): 350–


Hile, Arla G., Zhixing Shan, Shao Zhong Zhang, and Eric Block. (2004). Aversion of European Starlings (Sturnus Vulgaris) to Garlic Oil Treated Granules: Garlic Oil as an Avian Repellent. Garlic Oil Analysis by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 52(8):


84 Hirsch, B.T., (2009). Seasonal variation in the diet of ring-tailed coatis (Nasua nasua) in Iguazu, Argentina. Journal of Mammalogy, 90(1), pp.136-143.

Horsley, Stephen B, Susan L Stout, and David S DeCalesta. (2003). White-Tailed Deer Impact On The Vegetation Dynamics Of A Northern Hardwood Forest. Ecological Applications 13(1): 98–118.

Jensen et al. (2010). Escapes of Fishes from Norwegian Sea-Cage Aquaculture: Causes, Consequences and Prevention. Aquaculture Environment Interactions 1(1): 71–83.

Klausen, B. (2014). A Mixed-species Exhibit for African Water Birds (Including Pelicans, Flamingos, Spoonbills and Storks) at Odense Zoo, Denmark: Breeding Success, Animal Welfare and Education.

International Zoo Yearbook 48(1): 61–68.

Korhonen, Hannu, and Paavo Niemelä. (1997). Choices of Farm Foxes for Raised Wire Mesh Cage and Ground Pen. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 54(2–3): 243–50.

Kotchemidova, Christina. (2008). The Culture of the Fence: Artifacts and Meanings. Counterblast–

The Journal of Culture and Communication 2: 1–4.

Kuiters, A T, and P A Slim. (2002). Regeneration of Mixed Deciduous Forest in a Dutch Forest-Heathland, Following a Reduction of Ungulate Densities.” Biological Conservation 105(1): 65–74.

Long, Kirstin, and Alan Robley (2004). Cost Effective Feral Animal Exclusion Fencing for Areas of High Conservation Value in Australia. Department of the Environment and Heritage Canberra, Australia.

Mason, J Russell (1998). Mammal Repellents: Options and Considerations for Development.

McCollister, Matthew F. and Frank T. van Manen (2010). Effectiveness of Wildlife Underpasses and Fencing to Reduce Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions. Journal of Wildlife Management 74(8): 1722–31.

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Miehls, Scott M, Nicholas S Johnson, and Pete J Hrodey. (2017). Test of a Nonphysical Barrier Consisting of Light, Sound, and Bubble Screen to Block Upstream Movement of Sea Lampreys in an Experimental Raceway. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 37(3): 660–66.

Murchy, Kelsie Ann. (2016). Bioacoustic Deterrence of Invasive Bigheaded Carp.

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Scofield, R Paul, Ross Cullen, and Maggie Wang. (2011). Are Predator-Proof Fences the Answer to New Zealand’s Terrestrial Faunal Biodiversity Crisis? New Zealand Journal of Ecology: 312–17.

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Primary and Secondary Repellents. Conservation Biology 17(6): 1531–37.

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Trout, R C, and H W Pepper (2006). Forest Fencing: Technical Guide. Forestry Commission.

Woodroffe, Rosie, Simon Hedges, and Sarah M Durant. (2014). Ecology. To Fence or Not to Fence.

Science (New York, N.Y.) 344(April): 46–48.

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